GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #6

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And in another article, Chris Barton said:

He defended his wife, who was living with Ebron in Jacksonville and has a large, vertical ‘Ruben’ tattoo on her side.

Barton said she has had the tattoo for a couple of months but has been meeting with Barton since their son disappeared July 24. He also spoke to her Monday.
Beforehand, he said his wife would have told him about any medical issues with Lonzie, such as the vomiting and discharge but that she had not.

“She would have shared that information,” he said.

He defended her, although he said he knew Ebron was not supposed to be around her following a drug arrest in Baker County.

“I can tell you she didn’t do nothing to hurt that baby,” he said.

Which contradicts Wanda Ebron's statement implying that Lonna got the tattoo after Ebron was arrested. Seems like no one involved in Lonzie's life is interested in the truth. Selfish, selfish people. Poor Lonzie. :(

Arrested WHICH TIME the key . ;)

From what I have read and believe it was before Lonzie went missing.. And he was arrested again :moo:
when kids Lonzie's age are teething, they are so crabby, whiney and have loose bowels. I have heard of parents/caregivers giving them drugs to get them to sleep to avoid being bothered. (I had a child in my daycare that was Lonzie's age and a recovering drug addict; She screamed all the time. So dang sad.)

JSO reported "Lonzie was lethargic" - I suspect he was drugged and possibly more often than not.

And yes, he could very well have lost his balance under those circumstances.

Remember the "lazy day ... watching movies" comment? they all lived in ONE room. I hope the girl was drug tested by JSO.

I know it is hard for us to imagine a person drugging their child; it happens more often than we think. These are irresponsible parents not wanting to be bothered with the inconvenience of a child. I don't get why they have them in the first place, guess they want "someone to love them." JMO

That's possible, but he also could have had a depressed skull fracture (fld leak from ears, lethargy and vomiting, bruise to back of head). I'm sure there are also many other differential diagnoses for his condition but I'm willing to bet trauma on little Lonzie. JMO. If he's found, I'm sure they'll try to say it was accidental ala little Caylee Anthony, but I don't buy it. All involved know the ins and outs of the legal system and would know that they wouldn't likely be charged in the event of an accidental death. Or perhaps they would have been charged with negligence leading to death, but that's a whole lot better than murder. JMO though.
That's possible, but he also could have had a depressed skull fracture (fld leak from ears, lethargy and vomiting, bruise to back of head). I'm sure there are also many other differential diagnoses for his condition but I'm willing to bet trauma on little Lonzie. JMO. If he's found, I'm sure they'll try to say it was accidental ala little Caylee Anthony, but I don't buy it. All involved know the ins and outs of the legal system and would know that they wouldn't likely be charged in the event of an accidental death. Or perhaps they would have been charged with negligence leading to death, but that's a whole lot better than murder. JMO though.

I agree.
The thing, to me, that points to trauma vs. illness is that missing. He vanished within hours of having a bruise and fluid leaking from ears.
Several posters have been looking through the Baker County records and the only custody issue found has been that of Lonna's older son - nothing pertaining to Lonzie or the 5 year old girl. Lonna's mom didn't have custody - Lonna just left her kids - at least the 5 year old - with her mother a lot. It also means that Lonna could take them back whenever she wanted and the grandmother couldn't really do anything about it. Considering the judge in the recent custody hearing had positive things to say about Lonna's mother taking the 5 year old, I don't think anyone is going to charge her with negligence.


ETA: I just saw your latest post. Yeah, that is weird that CB didn't know where they were if they were with Lonna's mom. hmmm. I'm suspicious of the friends' motives more than the grandma's motives at this point, though.

What would the friends' motives be? Money? Limelight?
What would the friends' motives be? Money? Limelight?

Yeah, I didn't mean that they were involved. I do have to side eye anyone who inserts themselves so... enthusiastically into a case. I think it could be for either money or limelight; probably the limelight more, IMO. They just seem really eager to show how entwined they were in CB & LB lives. I don't know. It just seems odd to me.

ETA: Of course it could be that they just want to help. Why were they so eager to throw their friend under the bus? I would have a hard time believing all the accusations against one of my best friends, someone who I worked with and had known for 'half my life.' Maybe that's why I question this.
Yeah, I didn't mean that they were involved. I do have to side eye anyone who inserts themselves so... enthusiastically into a case. I think it could be for either money or limelight; probably the limelight more, IMO. They just seem really eager to show how entwined they were in CB & LB lives. I don't know. It just seems odd to me.

ETA: Of course it could be that they just want to help. Why were they so eager to throw their friend under the bus? I would have a hard time believing all the accusations against one of my best friends, someone who I worked with and had known for 'half my life.' Maybe that's why I question this.
I think it was because they saw/heard how callous and unfeeling she was behaving behind closed doors, and wanted to bring it to light.
My take on why she was driving. A. When your the master, you get chauffeured. B. It was raining & he had her get the car & bring it closer to him so he wouldn't get wet.

My thinking is that she was driving because if they got pulled over or something he could deny who he is. Remember, he was supposed to be on a 7pm -7am curfew. He would have a harder time denying who he is as the driver. So in my opinion, he only drove when she wasnt available to drive him. And I think its more of a CYA thing than a law abiding citizen thing.
If she had custody, she should be charged with negligence.

It very likely was an informal arrangement (and had been going on for a significant portion of the little girl's life IIRC from the article about the custody hearing).
I think it was because they saw/heard how callous and unfeeling she was behaving behind closed doors, and wanted to bring it to light.

Then why not call her on it? Why record it illegally and give it to the media? Wouldn't you give your friend the benefit of the doubt? I'm just trying to think of what I would do if one of my oldest friends started acting very differently. Maybe the girl feels guilty for getting LB the job at Wackos. I don't know. Its just all weird, although I guess everything about this case is odd.

Speaking of many girls there had "RUBEN" tattoos?! Sheesh.
What if we were to look at this from a different perspective. A lot of what I'm reading here implies that LB was sleeping around, playing some men and that she knows what RE did which implies he killed the child.

We also have this recording LB's friend made, which also implies RE's guilt. It was turned over to police and subsequently made its way to the media. Isn't the recording just a wee bit too convenient?

I'm looking at her history in terms of relationships, she as some of you have said "plays" men. She manipulates in order to control, get her way and do what she wants. In my opinion that is what she's done with the police and this case which the police are aware of. We then have to wonder why she would protect the man she has in not so many words said killed her son? Before we all rush to the conclusion that she suffers from victim mentality hear me out or should I say read this and chew on it for a bit.

I believe it was LB who administered the fatal blow to her own son and not RE. RE is an easy target for everyone to point the finger at because of his past and current legal issues. His past makes it easy for LB to manipulate and control him. I don't believe they are so much lying to protect the other, they are lying to protect themselves from the other and RE knows if he were to tell the truth and police confront LB with it, she'll lie, play being another victim of RE's thus gaining control again. Besides we are driven by our own personal belief system, we find it difficult to believe a mother would harm her own child. It's easier to believe a man with a criminal past did it. Hence if RE told the truth, because of his past would anyone believe him, really?

Sure RE knows what happened and helped cover it up, still the same I believe LB is the person who killed her very own child. We women do things sometimes in an effort to control the direction of the relationships we are in. Sad but true, women who manipulate men like LB does pick men like RE. She picked him the same way an abusive man would pick his victim. It's all power and control.

At this point if the police can't get him trusting them and the system, they will not get him talking. He's the key if they want the truth.

At any rate this is just all my opinion of the case.

Hi and welcome.
I appreciate your perspective it is an interesting angle. i have entertained the thought bit of LL being the mastermind behind this tragedy but I feel the signs just don't point that way. Yes a stripper can be manipulative, a junkie lies, a "man chaser" seeks attention. But I don't find these as the same skill set as controlling a man on the level of taking the fall on manslaughter charges or murder.

Dont forget this wasn't a blind crime. There is a very eloquent 5 year old that can tell you who she fears in a household. Not the mention friends and foes alike that are coming out of the woodwork to tell the tales. If LL OR WRE were physically abusive it's going to come out.
I don't think WRE is going to sit in jail hoping he comes out on top of her truly innocent. I think he's waiting hoping the evidence fades away and gets convoluted like Caylees case.
I can entertain that it was gross negligence. With a really sad excuse of a cover up. But I can't get on board YET with LL physically abusing her son and leaving her new boyfriend to clean up.
There is no doubt that Lonna used her looks to get what she wanted from men. I am no fan of hers. As a matter of fact, I have been critical of her & her cooperation with law enforcement. It's not because she has used her looks but because of her lack of concern for Lonzie, unenthusiastic cooperation with & LE & her support for WRE. I even suggested early on that Lonzie could have died before she was dropped of @ WACKO's. That being said, I don't think she directly caused his death. I don't think she manipulated WRE at all. I think she was completely consumed with him. Some woman like bad boys & the badder the better. I think it will be a long time, if ever, before she turns on him.
I think DP is trying to be helpful because he cared about Lonzie. I hope he finds him. He is certainly trying and that's more than we can say for Lonzie's mom or CB. Many people are disgusted with the adults in Lonzie's life. I don't doubt that DP and his wife are also. So they were friends; they aren't anymore.
Police: 'Area of concern' found in Lonzie Barton search

Police: 'Area of concern' found in Lonzie Barton search
Yep I hope so too. Could easily be someones dog or pet though? Although the statues of Angels holding babies is a bit suss.

poor Lonzie...
Just put photo of statue up but as its from facebook and had comments I deleted it. Its on the find lonzie site though.
Shelby Danielsen (@NewsShelby):

JSO Sgt. Perkins says "the chance of it being criminal is very remote ... But everything can be something" @FCN2go

Live update from Cuba Hunter Park @ 6:30 where JSO says private search party MAY have found something related to Lonzie Barton @FCN2go

Members of the private search party came back to park this morning, want police to expand their search here @FCN2go

Some search members say they searched here last night bc it's close to Wacko's, where Lonna Barton works @FCN2go
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