GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #8

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Anyone else think it's a little odd this is released like this? Confirming the rumour, but what if CB truly thought he was Lonzies bio dad? Could LL have lied to him? Could this be an effort to pressure CB into telling something he may know? Test his loyalty? Or am I overthinking?

I didn't overthink, just gut reaction to reading this was Whoa... HIPPA violation in releasing this? :dunno:
Oh my my my! So CB is not Lonzie's dad, and Ebron isn't his dad and the landlord (huh?) isn't either. I don't think this will affect any of the trials but... wow. Lonna, what have you been up to?

The state also collected DNA from Lonna's then-boyfriend, Ruben Ebron -- the man police consider the chief suspect in the boy's disappearance -- and the couple's landlord. According to Peterson, the DNA is conclusive on them as well. "These three males are not the father of this child. Period."
"Quite frankly what's the relevancy of that? Does it tend to prove or disprove somebody did something? Not really. Unless you could say that Mr. Barton had just found out this isn't his child, and that's why he flew into a fit of rage. But that would be a really tough thing to bring in front of a jury unless you had some evidence."

A person Named Ransom Barefoot has been claiming since this case happened that he is Lonzie's real dad. And yes his name is really Ransom Barefoot.

BBM Reckon this Ransom was the landlord? Still cornfused just a little bit?
I also wonder what the black is to the left of Lonzie, the bed?

And if you look between Lonzie's right elbow and his green Tshirt, what does that reddish look like? A person's hand?


I believe that's the orange of the print on his T-shirt.
Ransom is not the landlord.....The 'couples' landlord would be the person renting the apt (room) to them..Daniel....

Anyone else think it's a little odd this is released like this? Confirming the rumour, but what if CB truly thought he was Lonzies bio dad? Could LL have lied to him? Could this be an effort to pressure CB into telling something he may know? Test his loyalty? Or am I overthinking?

With CB being eliminated as the father...Maybe they will put more focus on him as suspect....and maybe Little Man can go home to his family that loves him...

Why would they even test who the father was? Surely that can't be standard in missing/ murdered children cases.
Why would they even test who the father was? Surely that can't be standard in missing/ murdered children cases.

I think they might do tests more often than we think, but if it turns out that the father is who everyone says it is, it's just not that newsworthy.

If it was a homicide or a kidnapping motivated by custody concerns the paternity or lack thereof might be relevant to the motive, and regardless of what happened to the child, if they have to identify human remains or a living child by DNA some day it's rather relevant that you compare it to the DNA of the real bioparents and not to some dude who presents himself as the dad but isn't.
Why would they even test who the father was? Surely that can't be standard in missing/ murdered children cases.

I believe there was another man (Ransom) claiming to be Lonzie's father and has been fighting to get the testing done to prove CB was not the father...and he was..With proof...He would get his parental rights...

I believe there was another man (Ransom) claiming to be Lonzie's father and has been fighting to get the testing done to prove CB was not the father...and he was..With proof...He would get his parental rights...


Lonzie looks like Ransom.

"Quite frankly what's the relevancy of that? Does it tend to prove or disprove somebody did something? Not really. Unless you could say that Mr. Barton had just found out this isn't his child, and that's why he flew into a fit of rage. But that would be a really tough thing to bring in front of a jury unless you had some evidence."

snipped and bolded for focus by me

none IMO, it only confirms a longstanding rumor and highlights what we already knew. LB is willing to lie when it suits her and poor little man's short life was full of chaos and never stable.

Ransom Barefoot said he’s known Lauramore since they were in school and Lonzie since he was born.

“I’ve broken down quite a few times,” he said.

The tears were hard to hold back as Barefoot spoke about Lonzie's disappearance.

“It’s on my mind every day. I haven't slept since he's gone missing,” Barefoot said.
Remember there is a custody case going on. Who Lonzie's father was could be very relevant.
I think they might do tests more often than we think, but if it turns out that the father is who everyone says it is, it's just not that newsworthy.

If it was a homicide or a kidnapping motivated by custody concerns the paternity or lack thereof might be relevant to the motive, and regardless of what happened to the child, if they have to identify human remains or a living child by DNA some day it's rather relevant that you compare it to the DNA of the real bioparents and not to some dude who presents himself as the dad but isn't.

Yes, but to determine Lonzie's paternity they must already have Lonzie's DNA. So if they find remains they will compare the DNA to that, not to the parents' DNA.

Custody issues? Surely this Ransom guy isn't fighting for custody of a missing child who is sadly probably deceased.
Why would they even test who the father was? Surely that can't be standard in missing/ murdered children cases.

Maybe LE collected DNA from everyone to compare it to evidence found in the apartment and when the news got the reports they asked a specialist about paternity. IOW the DNA may not have been analysed specifically for paternity but rather to identify various fluids found in the apartment.
DNA is for investigative purposes not custodial, IMO. Remember blood and/or body fluid was found in the apartment and on items in the apartment. Investigators need to know if it was Lonzie's or someone else living or visiting in the apartment. That's why Landlord is included. It could be his blood or fluids. Same with WRE and anyone else whose DNA is identified. If a preliminary test showed the blood/fluids to be from a male, then it makes sense to me that they tested the males in the household.

If a child's remains are found, they also need to be able to identify if those remains are Lonzie's. CB claimed to be his father and since they don't have definitive DNA for Lonzie (taken with Lonzie present in front of them) they needed Lonna's DNA and Lonzie's father's DNA to include or exclude whether the blood/body fluids found in the apartment are Lonzie's or someone else's. Now that they know CB isn't his biological father, perhaps RB will be tested to rule him in or out, so that if the blood/fluid is Lonzie's, that evidence can be used to help identify Lonzie if he is ever found.

ETA: Isn't it true that they only need the mother's DNA to identify if unknown DNA is a child of the mother but once that is known then testing the "father" would provide definitive proof? I'm thinking CB's DNA was taken to exclude him from the apartment scene but also to help identify Lonzie, LE not knowing that he isn't Lonzie's father. Does that make sense?

I doubt the custody battle had anything to do with the DNA testing. It's very interesting though. LLB was a busy lady before her incarceration.:facepalm:
Maybe LE collected DNA from everyone to compare it to evidence found in the apartment and when the news got the reports they asked a specialist about paternity. IOW the DNA may not have been analysed specifically for paternity but rather to identify various fluids found in the apartment.
You beat me to it and much more succinctly expressed. :)

maybe it was RB

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Despite the mystery surrounding the July disappearance of Lonzie Barton, one thing seemed certain: the identity of his parents. Lonna Barton was his mother, and Chris Barton was his father.

While he was a presence in Lonzie's life, DNA evidence in the case obtained by First Coast News suggests Chris is not the child's "biological" father.

"This person is not the father of that child," says Nancy Peterson, a former Florida Department of Law Enforcement specialist and DNA/forensics expert witness who reviewed the data. According to Peterson, the DNA profiles of Lonzie, his mother Lonna, and Chris Barton contravenes Chris Barton's own sworn statement, police reports, court records – and the claims of the boy's mother.

"He's definitely eliminated from being the father," she told First Coast News.

More at link...
* * * * *
Confirming that CB is not Lonzie's biological father.
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