Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #11

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and wondering about SS' father stating SS 'inherited money'. when and from who? wasnt followed up on. maybe the grandfather (the rolex watch story) and SS received money. as of his arrest, the form he filled out, he was indigent. no money. only the car in his name was listed, $4k. his father also said the bank account SS had that he knew because he set it up for him, Chase, he had no money in it for a long time. but he had another account with Disney Partners Credit but he father said he has no idea whats in it.
It is possible SS inherited money by means of a trust meaning he doesn't control it, a trustee does, depending on the terms of such a trust he may only receive a set distribution once per quarter or per year. There could be many reasons such funds might not be considered "available" to him to use for attorneys fees. JMO IME
I agree. the only person that can confirm it is deceased. JS and SS are liars. for the subject to be brought up during this interview IMO points to texts exchanged. she volunteered that the money was found, she wasnt asked what the outcome was yet...WJ then said he was going to ask how it ended....

wondering if this information they had included a conclusion (found the money) exchange, or she just said that because it cannot be verified.
I thought it may have been put back also . If it was gone and only a few people live there the money didnt walk away on its own. so she either misplaced it for a time, and found it or maybe someone put it back? The fact that she told her teacher he stole money makes me wonder what happened.
(Why no follow up to where she found the missing money? Why do I suspect she never actually saw the missing money, just that SS sold her a bill of goods on why money no longer existed -- and she bought it.)

I thought it may have been put back also . If it was gone and only a few people live there the money didnt walk away on its own. so she either misplaced it for a time, and found it or maybe someone put it back? The fact that she told her teacher he stole money makes me wonder what happened.
I wonder if JS took the money for Botox and later replaced it. IMO, just seems to me like something JS would do -- especially after she told Investigators that she located the subject Christmas money and it was never missing.
yes! why was it so important for her to slide that info in, they did not ask her.

WJ: So was that the plan, to get her together, or was it ever discussed that he would get her alone?
JS: The plan was for us to get her together
WJ: Okay. Alright. So does he leave before you leave
JS: Uhhh.. Actually, before this, while we were still discussing—while we were having the conversation in my room, he did mention at one point, oh, while he was sitting there, that he had to reboot his phone or that he had to update his phone.
WJ: Mhm.
JS: And, I told him, "Stop avoiding it. Do it. It's an update, it'll take a while, just do it." And while he was updating his phone, he said, "I don't know what I did, but I--I just factory reset my phone."
WJ: Mhm.
JS: I said, "That's weird. I didn’t know you could do that." He said, "Yeah, a button popped up and I pressed it, and it just reset my entire phone." And I'm like, "Oh, that sucks." Um.

isnt it amazing how JS can relay every single conversation with SS without a hiccup. yet with Madeline, there are no particulars with any information concerning her whopping 30 minutes with her other than birthday money talk and 'she thinks a few trinkets', Madeline is happy and thats it. (no movie and no singing story in this interview.)
She has either rationalized the reset to the police with a false narrative or S had already reset his phone and was creating a story so that J would “witness” him resetting his phone.

If it’s the first… then this woman is evil and needs locking up.
Did we ever learn how long SS maintained employment at Disney? A $30,000 salary is a lot of dollars but only of you work the whole year. If you only work one day of it, it's not gonna pay the bills.

I can't picture him lasting more than a few days at any job. But I am especially repulsed by the thought of him working anywhere near anyone's children.

Arrested development. Arrested, corrupted, disgusting development.

Did we ever learn how long SS maintained employment at Disney? A $30,000 salary is a lot of dollars but only of you work the whole year. If you only work one day of it, it's not gonna pay the bills.

I can't picture him lasting more than a few days at any job. But I am especially repulsed by the thought of him working anywhere near anyone's children.

Arrested development. Arrested, corrupted, disgusting development.

J said he had trouble holding on to jobs because of his mental health.
Did we ever learn how long SS maintained employment at Disney? A $30,000 salary is a lot of dollars but only of you work the whole year. If you only work one day of it, it's not gonna pay the bills.

I can't picture him lasting more than a few days at any job. But I am especially repulsed by the thought of him working anywhere near anyone's children.

Arrested development. Arrested, corrupted, disgusting development.

I'd be interested to know if Disney has a secret file on him.

You can't tell me Disney doesn't keep files on all the known perverts, like the Boy Scouts did.

J said he had trouble holding on to jobs because of his mental health.
I'd say he had trouble holding on to jobs because of his SA addiction, sleeping days and committing felonies at night, paired with a mess of entitlement, laziness, dishonesty...

But other than that, he was probably a good guy.


I thought it may have been put back also . If it was gone and only a few people live there the money didnt walk away on its own. so she either misplaced it for a time, and found it or maybe someone put it back? The fact that she told her teacher he stole money makes me wonder what happened.
Maybe Madeline complained about her missing money to her grandmother who confronted JS. Or that Madeline told her mother/SS she would report it if it was not returned
What did J’s family think of her and her relationship with M, did they have concerns about her parenting? What are their testimonies like? What do they think now? Do they support her or doubt her? Their views must be so important to the police.
It is possible SS inherited money by means of a trust meaning he doesn't control it, a trustee does, depending on the terms of such a trust he may only receive a set distribution once per quarter or per year. There could be many reasons such funds might not be considered "available" to him to use for attorneys fees. JMO IME
the Application for Indigent Status, the block for TRUSTS/GIFTS is checked off as "NO". and he Checked Off this box: "I DO NOT expect to receive more assets in the near future". the only thing he checked off was the car as having any value.

Since his father didnt say and wasnt asked where this inheritance came from or how much it was, it seems he alluded to it was a lump sum of money SS received, (and probably blew thru), by mentioning SS impulsively went out and bought himself a $7,000 watch.
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I thought it may have been put back also . If it was gone and only a few people live there the money didnt walk away on its own. so she either misplaced it for a time, and found it or maybe someone put it back? The fact that she told her teacher he stole money makes me wonder what happened.
I missed that passage in a teacher interview that Madeline told her about the theft?
I missed that passage in a teacher interview that Madeline told her about the theft?
I missed the same. The first time I heard about MS's missing Christmas money that JS told the Interviewer was found was during the 4/18/24 Interview when JS appeared under subpoena.

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