Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #2

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Who took Maddy to her own 13th birthday party on 2/25/24. Her mother had to work and didn't attend. Did family pick her up and take her home? Or was it the mom's boyfriend?
I’ve been assuming it was SS just bc abusers love to jump at every opportunity to isolate & control their victims, but she just as easily could’ve been driven by a relative honestly. possibly whoever hosted her party or lived at that residence.All just pure speculation ofc, I don’t think we’ve gotten any info on this yet
Did Maddy sleep in her own house, her own room that night after the party? I believe Mom saw her that night because she said Maddy showed them the presents she got and she was so happy.
Yes based on what’s been reported, it seems like she did return home that night. Mom mentioned she’d told Madeline goodnight after they’d discussed her party here, starting @ 3:55, so def sounds like Mom saw her, at least briefly.
Please forgive me if this has been discussed but I don't remember.

Has it been stated where JS was that morning? Does she have to leave for work super early (which would make SS taking Maddy to school commonplace)? Not trying to imply is all so confusing.
No. That’s the issue that’s causing concern here. The last time the mother mentions seeing the daughter, is when she went to bed that night.

Then bizarrely, this guy is picking her up for school well before it was necessary to pick her up.

So we don’t know if mom was working, sleeping, or if something else was going on.
I do not want to be looking all through SS's Reddit account but before I reminded myself of that fact I did look a little. Most of it is about his hobbies which are unusual and niche but I don't think they are significant, but there are a few snippets of interest:
I think you're confusing "cannot" with "should not "... people get served whole cans of whoop *advertiser censored* for less sometimes. Such is life. More people need to go about their day with the understanding that they are not exempt from getting punched in the face for crossing some lines. Might make a slightly more polite society.
That's really not for us to decide. If the person you crossed feels it's warranted, then that is their decision. The fact is, we don't know where other peoples lines are drawn. What you may consider a small offense might just be the last straw for someone that day. Intentionally screwing over a coworker for any reason is certainly something that no one should be doing, regardless of what you are screwing them over for. "Don't be a dick"- these are words to live by.
Yes, I understand that it is a crime. That does not mean it can't and won't happen. Believe it or not, out there in the real world, there are all different types of people with different limits. Some of those people will not care about things like laws and will literally beat you down for whatever reason they deem fit. If you go through life thinking you can't possibly ever get your *advertiser censored* kicked any reason, then you really need a reality check because you have lived a very sheltered life.
Yes, it's a creepy and scary thing to talk about. But yes, it is true. I grew up in some not so very nice places and had a fairly violent life in my childhood and teenage years. It's also why I now have a boatload of PTSD. And it's also why I know these things to be true. I'm sorry if this sort of topic makes you uncomfortable. It's just the truth of the world. It's not always a nice place, and justice doesn't always come to those who deserve it.
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I have an absolute boat load of PTSD, the results of a rather interesting life in my early days, and tightly enclosed attraction queues that are packed with people and noise tend to leave me extremely on edge and ready to snap after even 20-30 minutes- I'll literally leave the queue and just not ride at that point, and for that reason, I also have a DAS that I use when I visit the parks on my days off. I have dated women as well who have mood disorders and other invisible disabilities and understand all too well the struggle that often comes with these.
- source (note: DAS is an accomodation by Disney for guests "who have difficulty tolerating extended waits in a conventional queue environment due to a disability")
Seems like the toxicity of online gaming is spilling into tabletop. We need to make it clear to the sweaty neckbeardz that this sort of toxic *advertiser censored* will not be tolerated. These communities have been around too long to let a few rotten apples ruin it. These trolls should be chased out of the hobby with pitchfork and lighted torch.
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That guy is a total turd and a miserable person! Sorry that happened. Some people think it's okay to bring others down and cause unhappiness because they themselves are unhappy and can't stand to see another person getting any joy or pleasure from something. Don't let him get to you.
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An insult doesn't justify an assault. Grow up.
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(I haven't posted about social media before so my apologies if I'm doing it incorrectly.)
But we don’t even know whether she wrote that or somebody else did...
That is why I included-- "if she even was the one to say that." Thanks for pointing it out again though. If you read my posts, you'll see, I always include MOO, and state nothing unknown as fact.

It just bothers me that SS was probably molesting MS before, and so far no one has come forth that she told. That's a large part of my post, how Madeline must've felt if he was molesting her and she didn't tell someone... so please don't discount that.

Speculations and theories are part of sleuthing, and I was actually replying to someone else having their own theory. ;)
Yes based on what’s been reported, it seems like she did return home that night. Mom mentioned she’d told Madeline goodnight after they’d discussed her party here, starting @ 3:55, so def sounds like Mom saw her, at least briefly.
Thank You so much for posting the video with the time, @em13. I wanted to listen to that again. Mom doesn't maybe mean to be misleading, but I find her a confusing person to get the details from.

It almost sounds like it was a Zoom communication between Maddy and Mom. Then, Mom says she told her Good Night and that's about it. If she said then I hugged her or tucked her in, it'd confirm more that it was a physical conversation. I know I sound paranoid believing what should be fact.

PLEASE tell me if I'm hearing this wrong, but Mom also says immediately after that how she was the one who took her to school in the morning along with her partner. AFAIK, the mother didn't take Maddy to school that morning, nor do I think she saw her that morning. Correct me if I'm wrong on that.
I’ve been assuming it was SS just bc abusers love to jump at every opportunity to isolate & control their victims, but she just as easily could’ve been driven by a relative honestly. possibly whoever hosted her party or lived at that residence.All just pure speculation ofc, I don’t think we’ve gotten any info on this yet

Yes based on what’s been reported, it seems like she did return home that night. Mom mentioned she’d told Madeline goodnight after they’d discussed her party here, starting @ 3:55, so def sounds like Mom saw her, at least briefly.
Is it possible JS did not physically see MS and maybe face timed with her from work when MS got home from bday party?
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It almost sounds like it was a Zoom communication between Maddy and Mom. Then, Mom says she told her Good Night and that's about it. If she said then I hugged her or tucked her in, it'd confirm more that it was a physical conversation. I know I sound paranoid believing what should be fact.

PLEASE tell me if I'm hearing this wrong, but Mom also says immediately after that how she was the one who took her to school in the morning along with her partner.
Similar to your thoughts about Zoom, I thought it could have been a FaceTime call. SS had been in the picture for possibly a few years and Mom may have had faith/trusted him to look after Maddie.
If SS was taking her to school early,he may have told mom that it made sense for Maddie to stay overnight with him. Also, it may not have been the first time she stayed overnight with SS if Mom had to work late hours and SS took her to school. MOO and speculation only.
Thank You so much for posting the video with the time, @em13. I wanted to listen to that again. Mom doesn't maybe mean to be misleading, but I find her a confusing person to get the details from.

It almost sounds like it was a Zoom communication between Maddy and Mom. Then, Mom says she told her Good Night and that's about it. If she said then I hugged her or tucked her in, it'd confirm more that it was a physical conversation. I know I sound paranoid believing what should be fact.

PLEASE tell me if I'm hearing this wrong, but Mom also says immediately after that how she was the one who took her to school in the morning along with her partner. AFAIK, the mother didn't take Maddy to school that morning, nor do I think she saw her that morning. Correct me if I'm wrong on that.
I'll have to re-watch tomorrow, but I seem to remember her mother saying that Maddie was excited to show her gifts, so maybe the Zoom call thing fits. But, she's also said that Maddie came straight home, changed, and went to bed, without using her phone or laptop, so if that is true, the Zoom thing doesn't fit at all. So, once again, different stories from the same person IMO. It might be me misremembering her statements (there's a LOT that's happened the past week, especially since Wednesday). I'd like to know when and how much time her mother actually physically spent time with Maddie between her actual birthday and Sunday night.
SS's response to a woman asking if she was the AH for thinking her husband was sexualizing her daughter:
YTA. Absolutely, 110%. Go back to therapy, please. Imagine how it would feel to be treated like a monster, constantly, without the benefit of the doubt, without having ever given you a reason to, simply because you had a bad experience with someone else. He shouldn't have to defend himself all the time from your accusations and misplaced suspicions. Stop projecting your father's horrible actions onto your innocent husband. They are NOT the same person. All men are NOT automatically predators and lurking monsters. JFC, we get enough of that treatment from random karens out in the world. We don't need it from the people we love and trust, whom should love and trust us too.

I think I physically felt my blood pressure rise while reading that.
Am I the only one who finds it odd that there's been radio silence from the mother since SS was arrested?

Not in this particular case, as they told her not long after the arrest that they believed her daughter was dead. And then they found her body… That’s a lot to process.

I’m looking for signs one way or the other, if you know what I mean, but that doesn’t move the needle for me.
SS's response to a woman asking if she was the AH for thinking her husband was sexualizing her daughter:


I think I physically felt my blood pressure rise while reading that.
What’s sick, is that I think his blood pressure rose when he read the original post. That hit close to home for him I think.
What’s sick, is that I think his blood pressure rose when he read the original post. That hit close to home for him I think.
Absolutely. Hit dogs holler.
Then he probably sat there and typed up that self-righteous response on the same phone he had filled with his own photos of him assaulting that little girl.
Absolutely. Hit dogs holler.
Then he probably sat there and typed up that self-righteous response on the same phone he had filled with his own photos of him assaulting that little girl.
Oh I don’t doubt that for a second. This whole post history is remarkable; we don’t usually have that kind of insight into someone like this.
Not in this particular case, as they told her not long after the arrest that they believed her daughter was dead. And then they found her body… That’s a lot to process.

I’m looking for signs one way or the other, if you know what I mean, but that doesn’t move the needle for me.

I know but one might think she would at least want to offer an "I had no idea and I'm horrified and devastated" statement. Through a lawyer, or clergy, or relative, or family friend if not in person.
One of the more common things I've seen in cases where the suspect is a pedophile, is that they take up an interest in things that will also be interesting/entertaining for kids. Toys, trends, games, gaming systems, Disney, Marvel, superhero merch, social platforms kids use, etc.

Very similar to how they usually choose a job or profession that will put them in direct contact with kids.

They are sexually degenerate predators looking for children to lure, groom and victimize.
Do you think we will eventually learn there are other victims? Hard to believe at 37 there won't be, but I guess that could be the case and this was his first real opportunity.

His obsession with all the weird toy stuff is so odd to me, very juvenile. I don't understand why he didn't get a hard side eye from his partner?
Considering this interview was done basically right at the beginning, I still think JS was in CYA mode when it came to her parenting. Everything was “we” or “Maddie definitively did this”. I’m not convinced that wasn’t secondhand information fed back to JS by SS.

I do think she talked to Maddie early that night by FaceTime, then was convinced by SS to let him do school drop off to cover up the fact that Maddie was already dead. My gut says Maddie was deceased before midnight.
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