Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #2

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...Body Language Expert she thought revealed some kind of high conflict, around the birthday party, but also in other video clips expert says she thinks there was a high conflict between the mother and daughter, maybe anger. Body Language Expert said it, not me.
Watch it here:
Murder of Madeline Soto: Three Big Things Happening In the Case
Something seemingly innocuous really bothered me during mom’s interview. She said something to the effect of “she went to bed, and that was it.” Those last four words tell me that it wasn’t that simple, and that was not it....
I was trying to connect any odd feeling that there might've been conflict, and what you just described, @MassGuy, was what came to my mind. It sounded so final. I don't know what to make of it though.
Bit of a recap of the whole thing, which I think was fantastic:

Vinnie doesn’t think that accidental crime scene photo release is going to have any impact on this case.

As for his alleged Disney employment. Vinnie says the Disney statement doesn’t address if he ever worked there, or worked for a contractor or something (same thing several of us said).

Body language expert called out SS immediately when she saw the video initially. Said they needed to look at him closely. Deep breaths are manufactured. Out of sync with emotional affect. “Eye blocking,” he looked away. No tears. He’s pushing emotions to appear like he’s sad and worried. Vinnie is surprised he’d even appear on tv.

As for him being in the background behind JS. He was watching the environment and her. He made noise when he came in. Agitated. When she said she went to pick Maddie up at school he started stretching and cracking his knuckles. Tension is built up, he’s stressed.

She thinks the whole story from JS is fabricated. It’s disjointed. Both involved, she’s covering for him.

In the video where JS is shaking:

She’s in fight or flight. Not normal nervousness. Shivering. See that when someone is in trouble. Searching for answers. Pauses, loses thoughts. When she says she’s not sure of what she can say, it’s odd and almost like she’s talking to an attorney.

Compared behavior to Casey Anthony who used to recycle past events. So this expert thinks mom did see her daughter walk across the street near the school on a past occasion, just not that day.

She is betting her career on mother being involved in the coverup. Says that there was conflict between mother and daughter, perhaps regarding the birthday party. No emotion from mother. No remorse.

So she thinks like we do, mom involved but not the killer.
Personally when I saw him sit behind her it seemed like a level of abusive control to me, just so she knows he is watching so to say the right things or else, he cracks his knuckles as an audible queue aswell to remind her. He's a big guy at 6.2 and deep down she is probably mind controlled and terrified of him, Abused victims can act completely not how a normal reaction would be one sign is deep sympathy for their abuser and believing it is their fault what has happened not the perp .... Speaking from experience.. I could be wrong she could be guilty as hell just like him, another sign to me was she stayed at home as mentioned above with people saying I would be out there searching, I think he controls her, has probably bought her near to the.point off death many times through strangulation or torture and at them points programmed her.
The counterpoint is why dump the body in broad daylight if the murder happened that early? He would have had several hours of darkness with which to work.

So the daylight body dumping makes the most sense to me, if the murder happened later on in the morning.
It's torture trying to figure out the whys. Madeline gets home all happy from her 13th birthday party. JS said she showed them the gifts she got, I think she said them, so maybe he wasn't at the party. Then the mother says good night and that is it. It's so disturbing to try to imagine what could've happened after that. It does seem like it must've happened closer to morning. Didn't Frank say SS gets up super early?
...In any event, we know the body is in the car at 8ish, but it appears that several hours passed. He didn’t take her body very far, and he doesn’t appear to have tried to bury her...
What time did the witness report seeing the flat tire spotting? That was near where he left her body behind the roadside trees?
It wasn’t until 1-2:30pm that SS was spotted in the area MS was found, “changing his flat tire”
Thank You @grannygates! You were answering my question before I even posted.

In any event, we know the body is in the car at 8ish, but it appears that several hours passed. He didn’t take her body very far, and he doesn’t appear to have tried to bury her.
He dumps her belongings outside the home and I can't imagine why. My guess would be to stage a run away.

Then, why'd he feel the need to go towards the school? Was he trying to get his car on camera? Was he looking for a place near the school to leave her body?

Well, then he seemed to be scrambling lost with no plan. For some reason he goes back to the residence, taking a big risk because MS is deceased in the car. @MassGuy, any idea why he'd go back to the residence? For a shovel, gas money? Did he even get out of the car when he went back to the residence? Was JS sleeping in, or going into work that day? She seemed to take so much in stride, not panicking at first, waiting to call 911 and report her missing. Sorry, thinking out loud, can't figure out what I don't know yet. Just so thankful he was caught so quickly.
Didn't Frank say SS gets up super early?
This was my mistake: actually he said that
he woke up 4:30-5pm every day
But yes, this implies that he probably usually goes to sleep sometime between 4 AM and 12.00 at midday (5 to 12 hours of sleep, less or more seems relatively unlikely on a regular basis). So he is up long into the night and possibly into the morning.
Plus during one of her interviews, she was asked if Madeline would know how to get home, just after JS said she was staying home in case she came home. And the response was that JS didn't know whether Madeline would know her way home. This was off the wall to me. What 13 year old doesn't know their own address at least? This is something we teach younger children for safety reasons IMO.

ETA: And if she felt she couldn't find her way home, then why stay at home waiting and not be out searching for your child. Makes no sense to me.
This comment got me to because if my child was missing I would be thinking a lot about her finding her way home. But JS had to really think about the answer, looked to me like she hadn't even contemplated the idea
This was my mistake: actually he said that
"he woke up 4:30-5pm every day"
But yes, this implies that he probably usually goes to sleep sometime between 4 AM and 12.00 at midday (5 to 12 hours of sleep, less or more seems relatively unlikely on a regular basis). So he is up long into the night and possibly into the morning.
All my own thoughts and MOO.

Didn't Frank mention SS took Adderall? That's used for ADHD, so I don't know if he was prescribed it.
"Adderall is a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, and a brand name for a prescription drug." It helps with alertness, and has amphetamines in it, so maybe if he was taking it, he needed less sleep than average.

Wonder what time he had to report to his Disney job when he worked there? When he lived at his parent's house maybe he had a different schedule.

@Sjöberg, did you mean 4 p.m.? I would guess he wanted to be awake when MS got home from school, and probably involved her in some video gaming. Perhaps he went to sleep sometime near or after midnight, and got up at 5 a.m.?

MOO and just thoughts about this case. (He bought her and himself so many of those Tamagotchi toys. In the early stages, those toys were probably used as a bonding interest. However, who knows, maybe she was outgrowing them. He might've moved up to introducing Madeline to more sophisicated video games like the ones he liked to play. I wonder how MS's grades were in school? It crossed my mind, that if MS could grasp how to play those video games, she'd certainly know her full address... wouldn't she?)
@Sjöberg, did you mean 4 p.m.? I would guess he wanted to be awake when MS got home from school, and probably involved her in some video gaming. Perhaps he went to sleep sometime near or after midnight, and got up at 5 a.m.?
I meant that if SS usually woke up at around 4-5 p. m. (16-17) then I assumed that he must have usually gone to sleep ca 5-12 hours before waking up: ergo must have usually gone to sleep between 4 a. m. in the night/morning (12 hours of sleep) and 12.00 at mid-day (5 hours of sleep).
Something seemingly innocuous really bothered me during mom’s interview. She said something to the effect of “she went to bed, and that was it.” Those last four words tell me that it wasn’t that simple, and that was not it.

So I tend to agree with you.

The counterpoint is why dump the body in broad daylight if the murder happened that early? He would have had several hours of darkness with which to work.

So the daylight body dumping makes the most sense to me, if the murder happened later on in the morning.

In any event, we know the body is in the car at 8ish, but it appears that several hours passed. He didn’t take her body very far, and he doesn’t appear to have tried to bury her.

It sure took a long time for him to dispose of her. Which doesn’t really go to your point, but it has me thinking.
That is the exact phrase that bothered me. Time of death in cases like this are so often tied to when radio silence on social media starts. I really think he was trying to think of a way out of this, how to stage the body, how to make it look like a runaway…. The murder could have been the evening before, but then the “photo” has her in jeans…
So...this case is bothering me a lot...I've been thinking...I believe that perv SS had been obviously grooming that poor child for over a year...I think during this time, he was not having actual intercourse with her, maybe??? even the sick perv had standards...I think he had it in his head that when she turned 13, she would be a 'woman' and he would do it then. I think during the grooming, he probably stated this to that child over and over, hence, the text message or whatever on her phone about living in the woods after she turned 13!!! Then, idk where the mother was but I'm assuming she either worked a night shift or worked very early. There is no real evidence of the sicko working recently so she was probably working a lot to pay the bills. Thus also giving sicko SS plenty of time to do evil stuff. I think the morning she went missing, it was time for him to implement his sick twisted plan and make her a woman now that she was 13. She probably started struggling and possibly screaming and my thoughts are that he probably choked her to death. I think he took her stuff and tossed it and then rolled back to the apartment, placed this poor child in his car and then went to dispose. Probably popping his trunk and making it appear as if he had a flat tire while he took the body into the woods?!?. I'm not sure that I got exactly where the body was found.

Also...on a side note...i fully understand that dark circles can be hereditary BUT...did anyone else notice that on the bday photo, this poor child looks as if she had not slept in days!!! Maybe it's the camera angle, shadows or something. It just doesn't look right. I've never seen a 13 year old with horrible circles like that unless they are extremely ill...
His arrest affidavit pretty much makes it clear that he committed SA against her on her 11th birthday and this is corroborated by video/picture evidence on his phone. While the girls name is redacted, it's stated that clothing, bedding and other items in the evidence show it takes place within MS home, it gives the same Birth date as MS for the victim. If there was a grooming process first, it took place before her 11th Birthday and he was abusing her for at least 2 years prior to her 13th birthday. The affidavit also acknowledged particular markings on the genitalia of the male in images. This part is pretty well sewn up by police documentation based on hard evidence they have.
So...this case is bothering me a lot...I've been thinking...I believe that perv SS had been obviously grooming that poor child for over a year...I think during this time, he was not having actual intercourse with her, maybe??? even the sick perv had standards...I think he had it in his head that when she turned 13, she would be a 'woman' and he would do it then. I think during the grooming, he probably stated this to that child over and over, hence, the text message or whatever on her phone about living in the woods after she turned 13!!! Then, idk where the mother was but I'm assuming she either worked a night shift or worked very early. There is no real evidence of the sicko working recently so she was probably working a lot to pay the bills. Thus also giving sicko SS plenty of time to do evil stuff. I think the morning she went missing, it was time for him to implement his sick twisted plan and make her a woman now that she was 13. She probably started struggling and possibly screaming and my thoughts are that he probably choked her to death. I think he took her stuff and tossed it and then rolled back to the apartment, placed this poor child in his car and then went to dispose. Probably popping his trunk and making it appear as if he had a flat tire while he took the body into the woods?!?. I'm not sure that I got exactly where the body was found.

Also...on a side note...i fully understand that dark circles can be hereditary BUT...did anyone else notice that on the bday photo, this poor child looks as if she had not slept in days!!! Maybe it's the camera angle, shadows or something. It just doesn't look right. I've never seen a 13 year old with horrible circles like that unless they are extremely ill...

The AA has been released without that redaction, and it explicitly states that the CSAM shows vaginal and oral penetration with a penis, and also shows breasts, vagina, and anal region. It's said that these show Madeline's body, not another person's.

There's no way around it; this little girl was being raped for at least two years.

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All my own thoughts and MOO.

Didn't Frank mention SS took Adderall? That's used for ADHD, so I don't know if he was prescribed it.
"Adderall is a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, and a brand name for a prescription drug." It helps with alertness, and has amphetamines in it, so maybe if he was taking it, he needed less sleep than average.

Wonder what time he had to report to his Disney job when he worked there? When he lived at his parent's house maybe he had a different schedule.

@Sjöberg, did you mean 4 p.m.? I would guess he wanted to be awake when MS got home from school, and probably involved her in some video gaming. Perhaps he went to sleep sometime near or after midnight, and got up at 5 a.m.?

MOO and just thoughts about this case. (He bought her and himself so many of those Tamagotchi toys. In the early stages, those toys were probably used as a bonding interest. However, who knows, maybe she was outgrowing them. He might've moved up to introducing Madeline to more sophisicated video games like the ones he liked to play. I wonder how MS's grades were in school? It crossed my mind, that if MS could grasp how to play those video games, she'd certainly know her full address... wouldn't she?)
I can’t speak to all people but if you routinely take Adderall because you are diagnosed with ADHD (I do and am), you still need the same amount of sleep. It doesn't give you any sort of wake up amphetamine rush or anything - because it’s in a very low dose - it just makes you be able to control your focus better so you can focus on one thing/stop hyper-focusing on others.
Question…does anyone know what happens next with SS? It seems he appeared in court, he now has a public defender that waived appearing. How do the legal proceedings go?

I want to see SS in court and know how he will plead. I cannot imagine he’ll plead NG to the SA charges with the overwhelming evidence against him, unless he just stays silent and the judge has to enter NG by default.

Really want to see the murder charges soon. I would imagine tampering with evidence, improper disposal of a corpse and obstruction of justice charges are also incoming?
I can’t speak to all people but if you routinely take Adderall because you are diagnosed with ADHD (I do and am), you still need the same amount of sleep. It doesn't give you any sort of wake up amphetamine rush or anything - because it’s in a very low dose - it just makes you be able to control your focus better so you can focus on one thing/stop hyper-focusing on others.
Seconding this as an adult with ADHD. I do what have to gets done, then I take a nap after…lol. I take XR so it releases throughout the day and I don’t have as intense of “come down” where I’m extremely tired. For me, it’s like morning grogginess clearing up and then I’m able to just focus and stay on task. There’s no sudden onset of energy or intensity. That’s just my experience.

SS allegedly stopped taking it anyways.
So...this case is bothering me a lot...I've been thinking...I believe that perv SS had been obviously grooming that poor child for over a year...I think during this time, he was not having actual intercourse with her, maybe??? even the sick perv had standards...I think he had it in his head that when she turned 13, she would be a 'woman' and he would do it then. I think during the grooming, he probably stated this to that child over and over, hence, the text message or whatever on her phone about living in the woods after she turned 13!!! Then, idk where the mother was but I'm assuming she either worked a night shift or worked very early. There is no real evidence of the sicko working recently so she was probably working a lot to pay the bills. Thus also giving sicko SS plenty of time to do evil stuff. I think the morning she went missing, it was time for him to implement his sick twisted plan and make her a woman now that she was 13. She probably started struggling and possibly screaming and my thoughts are that he probably choked her to death. I think he took her stuff and tossed it and then rolled back to the apartment, placed this poor child in his car and then went to dispose. Probably popping his trunk and making it appear as if he had a flat tire while he took the body into the woods?!?. I'm not sure that I got exactly where the body was found.

Also...on a side note...i fully understand that dark circles can be hereditary BUT...did anyone else notice that on the bday photo, this poor child looks as if she had not slept in days!!! Maybe it's the camera angle, shadows or something. It just doesn't look right. I've never seen a 13 year old with horrible circles like that unless they are extremely ill...
Sadly he taped himself fully penetrating the child.
It's in the affidavits posted. Ugh
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