Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #5

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25:15. If you rewind about 10-15 sec before, you can hear her say Investigators were careful not to say she was definitively deceased at 7:35, because she was only partially visible due to camera angles.

Was MS in the front seat at 7:35 possibly already deceased, then at 8:19 in the back seat? (That's the way I'm hearing it from the above video.)

There's three cameras mounted on the pole at back gate. A plate reader caught the vehicle near school at 8:10 a.m., and in 9 minutes SS is driving back to the complex, into the back gate of the complex. They're saying on the video that the cameras would be able to see into the back seat.

1710962844176.png MS only partially seen in front seat at 7:35 a.m. (time stamp 25:15)
1710962881429.png at 13:58 starts talking about back gate. Then 14:08 time stamp he says "This dead body in back seat".
Court TV says the back gate is actually closer to the Soto residence. The front gate has a guard on duty. The back gate doesn't have a guard on a regular basis. The whole complex has cameras galore throughout. The back gate has three cameras on that post that can get a view of cars approaching, at cars coming in and going out.

23:00-28:40 time stamp mentions MS's birthday party held at a family member's house. SS supposedly was at the birthday party.

THE MYSTERY-- Not for sure, but MS was very likely already dead even at 7:35 a.m. Even though SS was at the birthday party, there's question where he spent the night as somehow he has to "pick up MS the next morning to take her to school". He does so an hour earlier than he should, she maybe already dead then, and he dumps MS's backpack in the dumpster at 7:35 a.m.
  • Did MS spend the night at her own home? Did JS actually see her or just talk to her about the gifts?
  • Who drove MS home from the party? If SS was at the party, did he take MS home? Did he spend the night there? Why then would he have to "pick her up".
  • WTH happened to result in MS being dead early that morning the day after her birthday party?????
This post is all MOO, thoughts, and observations. All I can say is it's really a mystery without further confirmed information. :( What happened to Madeline?
Ok I found a copy of it and it says "patterned underwear, shirts, blankets and sheets"...The copy I am looking at has the rest of the language blacked out, but I know the copy shared here on Websleuths discusses the part where there was LE with SS and his phone and LE at the Soto condo.

Edited: crossposted--Thank you!!
Were you talking about this section?

I purposely only copied that much as the rest says stuff that may have been blacked out in other images of the affidavit that we've seen, but y'all know what those are of without including it here.

A little further it says:
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THE MYSTERY-- Not for sure, but MS was very likely already dead even at 7:35 a.m. Even though SS was at the birthday party, there's question where he spent the night as somehow he has to "pick up MS the next morning to take her to school". He does so an hour earlier than he should, she maybe already dead then, and he dumps MS's backpack in the dumpster at 7:35 a.m.
  • Did MS spend the night at her own home? Did JS actually see her or just talk to her about the gifts?
  • Who drove MS home from the party? If SS was at the party, did he take MS home? Did he spend the night there? Why then would he have to "pick her up".
  • WTH happened to result in MS being dead early that morning the day after her birthday party?????
This post is all MOO, thoughts, and observations. All I can say is it's really a mystery without further confirmed information. :( What happened to Madeline?

I don't see SS disposing of her things before she was dead. I can't think of any reasons to do so, unless it was premeditated murder that he was about to commit. I'm in the camp that she was already deceased by 7:35am which is why he felt the need to dispose of her things at that time. He was in 'clean-up' mode, body disposal would be next. I also think that's why he was seen driving past the school, likely on his way to wherever he was going to dispose of her, something spooked him and he instead returned to the house. Shortly after he went out to run "errands" which IMO, that errand was to dispose of her body.

I'm also wondering if the flat tire is why she was left where she was. It wasn't exactly the best hiding spot IMO. You'd think he'd want more plant coverage and further from the road. You'd think. I don't exactly see him as being the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Red flags were waving to me when JS says she asked SS to "pick Maddie up and take her to school". You don't ask someone to "pick someone up and take them somewhere" If they lived in the same house. You'd say "can you take her to school", not "pick her up". Unless either SS didn't sleep at the house that night, but that would be odd for JS to ask him to come over and take her to school (~90 mins before it started), or Maddie herself didn't come home that night and she needed to be "picked up from somewhere".

While I could be wrong about this... I'd think LE wouldn't word it as "moving the body" if they were talking about getting a body in a car from the house. Sure, it's been physically moved because you can't teleport a body... but why say that about something so obvious (there's a body in the car so therefore it must have been moved there). It just sounds to me like he moved it from somewhere other than her house due to LE's wording of that.
Quote: It just sounds to me like he moved it from somewhere other than her house due to LE's wording of that.

yes, it seems that way to me based on the second press conference, stating although she wasnt found yet, Sheriff M stated 'we are confident she is dead'....based on evidence she was never dropped off at school, her laptop and bag were disposed of at 7:35am and she was visible in his vehicle upon his 'return' to the complex at 8:19am, "we believe she was already dead at that time'.
Call me slow but I'm still learning how to navigate this site, reply/respond to comments, read messages in order....and with this case it seems that there are tidbits coming in here and there, so I'm just trying to keep up and not end up down rabbit holes of speculation. I read stuff here, watch stuff on YouTube....

It's like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. People inserting their own narratives of what MIGHT have happened only add to the confusion. I admit that I too keep trying to piece it together, based on info that is reported, but I still just don't know the actual facts yet.

I THINK that what is plausible, is that MAYBE at the end of the birthday party at grandma's house, Maddie didn't want to go home because Stephan would have been the one to take her home since he was at the party too, and mom was working, so she didn't want to be with him at the condo. Maybe she said she wanted to spend the night with grandma but didn't say why, so the family let her. If so, then Stephan left the party without her. Probably pissed.

I'd then assume that he went back to the condo for the night (assuming he was staying there since he had his own room and it's reported that he lived there). So then maybe Jenn would unwittingly have asked him that night if he'd pick her up from grandma's in the morning and take her to school since she (Jenn) was working. He picked her up early from grandma's house, was possibly upset with her that she didn't want to come home with him the night before, after the party. Something happened in that early morning time frame (not sure how/what/when), and then he had to go to the condo to get her backpack and laptop to make it look like she went to school (she was already unalive by then). POSSIBLY, Jenn was home and already asleep? and she heard him and assumed it was them heading off to take Maddie to school.

After he picked up Maddie early that morning from grandma's, he went to the condo, got the backpack and laptop, and he then threw them in the dumpster on his way out to pretend he was taking Maddie to school. (I THINK he maybe believed the items wouldn't be found because maybe it was trash day). Maddie was seen in the car early in the morning, though it's reported she was already passed away at that point...he just needed to run in for those items incase Jenn woke up because she'd be wondering why those items were still there if Maddie was at school.

It's also POSSIBLE that when Jenn got home in the morning before Stephan left to go get Maddie from grandma's, maybe he gave her something to knock her out because he already had something in mind to do. That could potentially explain Jenn's inconsistencies....she was confused, time was unclear, and her sense of guilt...she seemed looped out in one of her interviews and her pupils were dilated. I personally believe he had often 'drugged' her to keep her docile.

The details about what was going on between early morning and when he took Maddie's body to the location she was found are still unclear. If Jenn was sleeping during the day, and was assuming he had taken her to school and not worried yet, gave him some time to figure out what to do but as the day was winding down and Jenn would be up soon....MAYBE he had to hurry up and dispose of Maddie's body before Jenn would know anything.

As for the recent reports of items found in his room and Jenn should have known...that is a bit absurd. If he had his own room and they were no longer a couple, I doubt she'd be rummaging through his room. MAYBE he had a lock on his door. MAYBE he just kept the door shut and she respected his privacy. Like a roommate. Her father also had a room on that level. She MAYBE wouldn't have suspected anything since her father was so nearby. I don't yet know the truth about SS clothing items found in Maddie's room.

MAYBE Jenn felt safe and didn't think anything nefarious was happening because her dad lived there too. Maybe she didn't notice red flags because she worked nights, slept days, was under the influence of prescription meds, and MAYBE Stephan was giving her his Lunesta to knock her out.

Anyway, I'm just guessing and obviously don't know the facts yet. I'm still not going to pass judgement on Jenn, unless or until different info comes to light. I know she is in deep, profound, unimaginable grief and pain right now and I'd rather believe she was also a victim and support her, than blame and shame her when she's suffering immensely. If I have to eat my words later, so be it. I'd rather do that than accuse her of horrific things now and have to apologize later, after the fact when even more damage is done. Everyone seems to be hating on her without proof of anything, just pure speculations and rumors. That too can be incredibly, awfully painful. I prefer to extend compassion first and foremost, I can always judge later when I know more as fact. None of us know her side fully yet and guessing at it is totally unfair and cruel.
Do we know how JS communicated to SS her ask for taking MS to school? Phone call? Text? Passing in the hallway?

It does sound like either SS or MS was somewhere else, that SS would have to come back to the house to get MS or SS had to leave the house to retrieve MS from a different house.

What time do we imagine JS would make that request? 7 am?

Just exactly what was SS's plan? He was very deliberate if not altogether successful. Capturing MS on camera, on purpose. Even if macabre and ill-conceived, it shows consciousness of guilt and a method to his madness. Alibi building.

I THINK that what is plausible, is that MAYBE at the end of the birthday party at grandma's house, Maddie didn't want to go home because Stephan would have been the one to take her home since he was at the party too, and mom was working, so she didn't want to be with him at the condo. Maybe she said she wanted to spend the night with grandma but didn't say why, so the family let her. If so, then Stephan left the party without her. Probably pissed.
RSBM. This is my line of thinking as well. We also know that Grandma's house was actually closer to the school (they were using her address to enroll MS). So maybe that's what JS meant when she says she asked SS to "pick her up for school." Pick her up from Grandma's.

I'm don't have any working theory on what happened from there. Only that SS was upset that he didn't have access to MS the night before like he thought he would. Of course this would all have to work out with the video evidence of MS in his car. Also the fact that JS says she saw her getting ready for school at 8AM. Which is either a total lie or misremembered...since I believe MS was dead by the time he dumped the backpack & laptop.
welcome @Phoenix11:11

Quite possibly it went down as you you speculate. As you say, all we have right now is speculation to fill in those gaps where things aren't adding up. I am sure as this case progresses more info about the where when and how will come out and things will begin to make more sense.
as far as the clothing described in the affidavit, I believe Madeline's clothing was found in her room and Stephan's found in his. The reason the clothing and bedding is being described in the affidavit has nothing to do with it being found "out of place" and everything to do with it being identifiable as belonging to the victim and the perpetrator of the abuse seen in the videos. JMO
as far as the clothing described in the affidavit, I believe Madeline's clothing was found in her room and Stephan's found in his. The reason the clothing and bedding is being described in the affidavit has nothing to do with it being found "out of place" and everything to do with it being identifiable as belonging to the victim and the perpetrator of the abuse seen in the videos. JMO
Filmed in both places. Ugh. Your interpretation of the AA makes sense. It's just awful. All of it.
as far as the clothing described in the affidavit, I believe Madeline's clothing was found in her room and Stephan's found in his. The reason the clothing and bedding is being described in the affidavit has nothing to do with it being found "out of place" and everything to do with it being identifiable as belonging to the victim and the perpetrator of the abuse seen in the videos. JMO
That makes more sense so deleting my post! :D
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