Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #7

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Im just going to put this out here. I think "someone" dressed her and ss took her for a car ride to kill time and m was seen on video in the same green sweater that mom said she saw m in that morning. I think "someone" strangulated m because they needed to get rid of something else along with the child. Jmoo Please dont ban me, please.

I've always thought that when JS said she saw Maddie getting dressed at 8, she wasn't lying.

It's just that Maddie wasn't dressing herself; someone else was.
Think about it more fully. Josh said that in an interview after the fact came out that SS had the images on his phone and was suspected of murdering MS. He was responding to questions about meeting Jen, and had just shared what SS told him about their sex life. He was saying that after SS's arrest. Josh wasn't in their life on any steady basis.

One can not go file reports without anything, but a a vague feeling. There were plenty of other people around on a regular basis that didn't seem to report it or stop it from continuing. I have plenty of questions about what the other people around them suspected.
Well actually, I respectfully disagree with you here. If you suspect someone is abusing or neglecting a child then you have a duty to report it. The law in Florida says if one has “reasonable cause to suspect…” they should file a report. of the Florida,knowledge or suspicion to the

Reasonable is a subjective term. What is reasonable to you in this case? To me, anyone who knew or suspected sexual abuse should have filed a report. Making a report is not an act of malice or harassment if you are trying to ensure the safety and well being of the child in question. I would not ever want to discourage someone from making a report even if CPs or police couldn’t prove it or it turned out to be unfounded.

In this case, some of the callers to Grey Hughes should have filed reports long before MS was missing or found dead. There were people who expressed concerns about his drug use, his prior history of CSAM and inappropriate behaviors (eg video the roommate’s girlfriend) etc. If any of those callers with those concerns knew he was now living with / involved with a woman who lived with her minor child they should have called it in well before Ms was found dead.
This could be covered in schools in an assembly or just a classroom chat if it isn’t already. I wonder if this was done at her school? Did she know she could access these things on her own now?

I am not in Florida but in public schools in northern California, there has never been such a lesson these days in schools for us in our Elementary or Middle. (Health ed= covers the basic birds bees and lessons on gender identity/instruction on gender is a construct, but NO education for my children about SA, talking to an adult about it, the way I remember.)

I don't think this is discussed with as much importance anymore in school assemblies, etc. It's a scary topic and school districts are likely quite wary of it..

Eta: SS is talking waaaaaay too much about being on Ativan, being on tranquilizers to keep himself stable... for his anxiety. He was having "panic attacks" and "rolling crying". OVERsharing. This, plus the transport guy talking about giving medicines to his kid (random topic, you'd think- but NO this was on purpose)... and the Sheriff transport guy describing putting medicine in juice.. to see if SS would react..... I have huge suspicions that Maddie may have been drugged.
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I've always thought that when JS said she saw Maddie getting dressed at 8, she wasn't lying.

It's just that Maddie wasn't dressing herself; someone else was.
Well this could not be true regardless because SS told the cops
It's really difficult for me to believe that Maddie never disclosed to anyone, considering her nightmare started at the age of eight.
maybe it started earlier and we just don’t know it. It is entirely possible that SS wasn’t the first or only vile child predator in her life. We don’t know who else JS may have brought into their life’s over the years or how attentive she may have been to ensuring her daughter’s safety and well being.
I don't want the enabler to get the death penalty.

I want the enabler to live every sorry day of their remaining life in the knowledge that they are scorned by most members of society. I don't want them to ever feel that they can hold up their head in any kind of decent company.

They relinquished their precious and beautiful child to a predator.

Shame on them.
I don’t think someone who provides access of their own child to predator has the mental capacity to fully understand or take any responsibility for the abuse their child sustained.
I don’t think someone who provides access of their own child to predator has the mental capacity to fully understand or take any responsibility for the abuse their child sustained.

Well, a simple google search will yield numerous examples of people who have been guilty of attempting to or succeeding in trafficking their own child, and diminished mental capacity hasn't been even offered up as a defense in any case I've read about, much less been successful.
One more example of SS being disgusting. I hope one or both of the detectives cares for elderly relatives. Such a sickening way to try and "bond" and joke around with the detectives.
yes pretty disgusting. its all about HIM, whining he hasnt eaten.

this: the detective refers to JS as his wife. he doesnt correct them. that was interesting.

gosh so many red flags, but him not knowing where he was last nite.....whew

Q did you and your wife.... when you guys were looking for... where did you guys look?
A: me and her stayed local it was all the rest of the family that mobilized and was beating the bushes
Q did you guys drive together or separate
A uh I don't think we drove anywhere when we were looking
Q you didn't drive anywhere?
A: not that I recall....
Q did you guys go anywhere last night (was that media? call came in)
A (about the call that came in....he says maybe I think Fox 35 or something)...... I don't recall you have to ask her if we went anywhere... I don't recall I was so zonked out on Adavan at that point I was a wreck I dont think....
Q and this would have been when?
A uh, I don't recall us going anywhere last night but I honestly at that point my brain was mush and I was on so many tranquilizers to keep me stable.....

wondering if LE has evidence he or both of them went somewhere...he is claiming he doesnt know, ask 'her' (JS).....WOW
Even if he'd told her to keep it a secret, I can't believe a child of eight would have displayed no signs of upset.
This is a myth used to discredit both victims and mothers. We been around and around on this already on this thread. No one is able to say that a child of eight would have displayed signs of upset and therefore a parent would know what signs of upset are, and what they meant, specifically.
Many of us were never told to keep it a secret or threatened. We kept it and hid it well.

And in reply to another post/myth. No, it is not hard to believe she didn't tell anyone, it is easy to believe.
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JS's anxiety -- probably exacerbated because she knew of the abuse for years (or if she didn't directly know, her gut "knew" something was wrong, very wrong).


Agree. When your boyfriend is a soulless monster, a big part of you would know it, even if you pretended things were fine.

I wonder about the doctor who prescribed the drugs SS talks about taking for his own alleged anxiety. The whole thing needs investigating, IMO.
yes pretty disgusting. its all about HIM, whining he hasnt eaten.

this: the detective refers to JS as his wife. he doesnt correct them. that was interesting.

gosh so many red flags, but him not knowing where he was last nite.....whew

Q did you and your wife.... when you guys were looking for... where did you guys look?
A: me and her stayed local it was all the rest of the family that mobilized and was beating the bushes
Q did you guys drive together or separate
A uh I don't think we drove anywhere when we were looking
Q you didn't drive anywhere?
A: not that I recall....
Q did you guys go anywhere last night (was that media? call came in)
A (about the call that came in....he says maybe I think Fox 35 or something)...... I don't recall you have to ask her if we went anywhere... I don't recall I was so zonked out on Adavan at that point I was a wreck I dont think....
Q and this would have been when?
A uh, I don't recall us going anywhere last night but I honestly at that point my brain was mush and I was on so many tranquilizers to keep me stable.....

wondering if LE has evidence he or both of them went somewhere...he is claiming he doesnt know, ask 'her' (JS).....WOW
MS is missing, they go home and pop pills while everyone is out looking for her.
He is such a a pathetic, whiny, attention seeking, narcissistic, human. I bet he really showed himself that night.

I gave JS the benefit of doubt with the "we" crap in the beginning. I was wrong!!! JS repeatedly chose SS over her child.

I have a feeling, SS is a handful in jail, uncontrollable crying, anxiety, bet the inmates are loving this. Wonder if his anxiety is his excuse for not attending his court appearances. He may have finangled his way into a nice cushiony hospital stay.

No doubt, JS it's tucked away due to her severe anxiety. There's still plenty of time to charge her. She can't hide forever.

Moo ...
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What is this anxiety all about?
JS, SS gulping pills like candies :oops:

For Goodness' sake!
These people are really testing my patience!!!

What a loser the accused seems to be!
What was he doing for a living exactly?
Except moving between parents' and lover's homes and playing games.

They seem both not right in their heads.

This poor girl :(
I hope Justice will be swift on her behalf.

What a pity bio Dad was not given custody.
As mother was obviously not fit to raise a child and seems to "lose contact with reality".


I only skim this thread,
as this case plays havoc with my blood pressure :mad:
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snipped by me for focus:

she had reached 13 years of age, Maddie would have been able to utilize psychiatric and medical services without the consent of a parent or guardian

at 13 Maddie could have reached out to the crisis intervention services and psychiatric and counseling services without the risks of her confidentiality being breached or mother or stepfather finding out.
Motive. Esp if she rebuffed him or threatened him . . . strong motive.
Groomed at a young age with her own mother being supportive of SS taking on the role of a "stepfather". If she told her mother? Logically, you'd think she did tell her mother at some point, and why the heck was the abuse still going on?!! Was she groomed for so long she thought it was normal or accepted it?
Perhaps she thought that was just what families do. She was sleeping with her mother. A new person joins the family and the bed. It's just what families do, perhaps Maddie thought. My guess is that even with classes at school dealing with sexual abuse, she may not have gotten it at first, but was slowly waking up and realizing.

MS was 13 and could anonymously go for counseling. SS was a control freak.

She was 13 and "a woman". Standing up for herself became deadly -- in my opinion as one possible scenario.
It's no wonder LE was all over SS from the start. Hurrying out the door because -- what? -- had to factor in time for McDonald's? Which adds about FIVE MINUTES to a day. Then driving around for an hour because they made such good time they had time to kill? So he thought he'd drive back to the house to get the clicker so that, when he returned to the house later, he'd already have it?

And the Ativan? Why was he so distraught? To the point he couldn't function? Couldn't recall what he'd done just the evening before? That's when adults pull it together, hope beyond hope that their missing child is merely lost and will be found at any minute. Well, unbleached you're the one who killed her and hope beyond all hope she isn't found.

She forgot her phone... because she had ADHD. "Both her mother and I have ADHD so...." like she inherited it from the both of them? Loved her like she was his own. VOMIT.

I don't know how those detective could remain calm, accept his answers like they made sense, to keep him talking... incredible though that that did. He incriminate himself at every turn.

What is this anxiety all about?
JS, SS gulping pills like candies :oops:

For Goodness' sake!
These people are really testing my patience!!!

As mother was obviously not fit to raise a child and seems to "lose contact with reality".


I only skim this thread,
as this case plays havoc with my blood pressure :mad:
blood pressure and sleeping -- I need to stop reading this before bedtime.
The more i think about it, the more i feel it does not make sense.

Why would you ask your boyfriend and your daughter to go sleep together into another room. What effort does it take to all sleep together. I really don't get it. Even more if she took something for her anxiety or to help her sleep.

It's no wonder LE was all over SS from the start. Hurrying out the door because -- what? -- had to factor in time for McDonald's? Which adds about FIVE MINUTES to a day. Then driving around for an hour because they made such good time they had time to kill? So he thought he'd drive back to the house to get the clicker so that, when he returned to the house later, he'd already have it?

And the Ativan? Why was he so distraught? To the point he couldn't function? Couldn't recall what he'd done just the evening before? That's when adults pull it together, hope beyond hope that their missing child is merely lost and will be found at any minute. Well, unbleached you're the one who killed her and hope beyond all hope she isn't found.

She forgot her phone... because she had ADHD. "Both her mother and I have ADHD so...." like she inherited it from the both of them? Loved her like she was his own. VOMIT.

I don't know how those detective could remain calm, accept his answers like they made sense, to keep him talking... incredible though that that did. He incriminate himself at every turn.

What I can't quite get over, he returned for the clicker, and still didn't pick up their phones they forgot.

I have to hand it to the two detectives, they did an outstanding job. How they kept a straight face is a true testament.

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I wonder if SS was drugging JS and that was what was causing her anxiety to worsen? Some people have different reactions to medication that may calm one person but cause anxiety in another… I don’t know what to believe in regards to JS, still on the fence about my thoughts on her.
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