FL - Mark Schwab facing execution for the '91 murder of Junny Rios-Martinez

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No, let me stress this. He is taking my child. I don't care what his motivation is, that act of taking my child is enough justification for me to kill him.

He would get one chance to put the child down. One chance only then game over.

I like the way you think.
The possible good of never having such human scum be a part of society again? (Even a prison society)

To answer your question ... YES! I could be on a jury and go home and feel that I made the best and only choice possible. I could be the executioner too.
In either case I would feel like I had done my part to keep society safe and not think twice about it.
LWOP is not a better option IMO.. Prison has its own society.
Fear of death is IMO a far greater deterrent then simply offering a different type of life in a different type of society.
Prisoners can experience joy and holidays and other things that can provide them happiness. Those things should be taken away and the death penalty does that.
LWOP also opens the small crack of the possibility that the prisoner can escape.

AHH the GOD discussion... It is often believed by those who believe in God that he works through men.. Or believers often tell families who have lost a loved one that "it was Gods will" ..... If those statements are believed then why is the DP and the death of these sicko's anything less then God's will?

WHY is the life of a child rapist/murderer precious?
I am sorry but all life is not equal. The life of a innocent child is wholly precious and most adults vary to some degree or another.
One cannot say that a child killer should be valued as that of a child or functioning member of society who works hard to live a decent life.

Those that judge to administer the DP or those that must follow that judgment are not the same as a killer..
The killer killed an innocent child the others are following the law.

I feel no compassion for someone about to be put to death.. Possibly they should have thought of that before they killed a child?
Why should I feel compassion for such a person? They are not deserving of compassion or any energy it would take for me to even think about it.
Death is never the ONLY choice possible when there's the option of LWOP available as well. Society is safe if these men and women are behind bars. IMO, there's no justice in more death. The only way I can put it is this, and this is the only analogy I can think of: to say "killing is wrong and as a society we won't have it" by executing men is akin to a parent telling their child "hitting is wrong and I won't have it" by spanking them.

Prison may be a different kind of society, but it's not a "good" society. It's not a life of luxury these prisoners lead. Prison takes away their freedom.

I don't believe God has given ANY one person on earth the power to say if any one other person should live or die. That's the best and only way I can say that.

All life is precious. Life is life, and all life is precious. From the moment of conception, life is life, and life is precious, IMO, and it's no one's right to take it away.

The judge/jury/executioner, they do stoop to the level of a killer when they sentence a man to death/pull the switch, IMO. They simply hide behind the law to kill, IMO.

I do feel compassion for anyone on death row. The ability to feel compassion is some of what separates us from the people who are capable of going out and killing in cold blood and raping. If well all turn into heartless barbarians who want the condemned's head on a platter, we are no different than the very ones we call "monsters."

Bottom line on my beliefs: two wrongs do not make a right. Killing someone because they have killed rights nothing. It only brings more death and misery and it makes no sense.
Death is never the ONLY choice possible when there's the option of LWOP available as well. Society is safe if these men and women are behind bars. IMO, there's no justice in more death. The only way I can put it is this, and this is the only analogy I can think of: to say "killing is wrong and as a society we won't have it" by executing men is akin to a parent telling their child "hitting is wrong and I won't have it" by spanking them.

Prison may be a different kind of society, but it's not a "good" society. It's not a life of luxury these prisoners lead. Prison takes away their freedom.

I don't believe God has given ANY one person on earth the power to say if any one other person should live or die. That's the best and only way I can say that.

All life is precious. Life is life, and all life is precious. From the moment of conception, life is life, and life is precious, IMO, and it's no one's right to take it away.

The judge/jury/executioner, they do stoop to the level of a killer when they sentence a man to death/pull the switch, IMO. They simply hide behind the law to kill, IMO.

I do feel compassion for anyone on death row. The ability to feel compassion is some of what separates us from the people who are capable of going out and killing in cold blood and raping. If well all turn into heartless barbarians who want the condemned's head on a platter, we are no different than the very ones we call "monsters."

Bottom line on my beliefs: two wrongs do not make a right. Killing someone because they have killed rights nothing. It only brings more death and misery and it makes no sense.

Prison takes away their freedom, but they are still provided with things the rest of us struggle for or do without. There are even cases of them committing crimes just to go back!

Life is precious, which is why there is such a serious consequence.

Also, there's a huge difference between taking the life of random children/adults and taking the life of their killers. The monsters are the ones who prey on people.
Prison takes away their freedom, but they are still provided with things the rest of us struggle for or do without. There are even cases of them committing crimes just to go back!

Life is precious, which is why there is such a serious consequence.

Also, there's a huge difference between taking the life of random children/adults and taking the life of their killers. The monsters are the ones who prey on people.

Excellent post.:clap::clap::clap:
A poster on another forum asked if you would allow a rabid dog in your house? I see the death penalty as getting rid of pure evil. Someone who is a real threat to society if released (and we never know who might decide to release them later if given LWOP).

In Junny's case, the perp was given two life sentences and still released. The death penalty is final and ends the chance of release in the future.

Death is never the ONLY choice possible when there's the option of LWOP available as well. Society is safe if these men and women are behind bars. IMO, there's no justice in more death. The only way I can put it is this, and this is the only analogy I can think of: to say "killing is wrong and as a society we won't have it" by executing men is akin to a parent telling their child "hitting is wrong and I won't have it" by spanking them.

Prison may be a different kind of society, but it's not a "good" society. It's not a life of luxury these prisoners lead. Prison takes away their freedom.

I don't believe God has given ANY one person on earth the power to say if any one other person should live or die. That's the best and only way I can say that.

All life is precious. Life is life, and all life is precious. From the moment of conception, life is life, and life is precious, IMO, and it's no one's right to take it away.

[B]The judge/jury/executioner, they do stoop to the level of a killer when they sentence a man to death/pull the switch, IMO. They simply hide behind the law to kill
, IMO.[/B]

I do feel compassion for anyone on death row. The ability to feel compassion is some of what separates us from the people who are capable of going out and killing in cold blood and raping. If well all turn into heartless barbarians who want the condemned's head on a platter, we are no different than the very ones we call "monsters."

Bottom line on my beliefs: two wrongs do not make a right. Killing someone because they have killed rights nothing. It only brings more death and misery and it makes no sense.

Hmmmmmm, I guess Schwab had a direct line to God then and was simply doing a godly deed when he murdered Junny. He alone as one person was Junnys judge/jury and executioner. He apparently thought he had the power to say if one other person should live or die.

I guess our soldiers around the world are murderers too, according to your opinion?
Prison takes away their freedom, but they are still provided with things the rest of us struggle for or do without. There are even cases of them committing crimes just to go back!

Life is precious, which is why there is such a serious consequence.

Also, there's a huge difference between taking the life of random children/adults and taking the life of their killers. The monsters are the ones who prey on people.
They still do without a great deal of things that FREE people have. People seem to have it in their heads that people in prison are sitting in the lap of luxury.

There is NO difference. Taking a life is taking a life, IMO.
Hmmmmmm, I guess Schwab had a direct line to God then and was simply doing a godly deed when he murdered Junny. He alone as one person was Junnys judge/jury and executioner. He apparently thought he had the power to say if one other person should live or die.

I guess our soldiers around the world are murderers too, according to your opinion?
As I said, I do not believe God has given ANY ONE PERSON the right to take another human life. Schwab did take a life, yes, which he DID NOT have the right to do. And he should have been punished, but NOT by paying with his own life. What he did DOES NOT give other people the right to do the same to him. It all goes back to my belief that TWO WRONGS do not make a right. Please do not twist my words and say he was doing a "godly deed." :rolleyes: Just because a murderer thinks they have the right to take a life, we should stoop to their level? WE should follow their example? We should be better than that as civilized people, IMO.

As for your question/remark about our soldiers, that's another debate entirely that I won't express my opinion on here. :hand:
They still do without a great deal of things that FREE people have. People seem to have it in their heads that people in prison are sitting in the lap of luxury.

There is NO difference. Taking a life is taking a life, IMO.

I'm sorry, but "do without things that free people have"??? The people who have ended up in prison do not deserve sympathy of material loss. Prisoners are incarcerated for the crimes they *chose* to commit. I have no pity for the lack of TV, shower time, or even the damn news. ***They*** placed themselves there.

There are only very few cases that I feel truly sad for and the conditions that surrounded some convicts prison term. Only a couple. That said, I have no distress for those serving the time they deserve.
I say we take LWOP off the table completely and send them right to the freaking chair, table or whatever form of DP is available in those states. There should be no reward of life for these monsters. They've taken precious innocent children and raped, tortured and in most cases murdered them. And I am supposed to feel compassion for them or let them off with LWOP??? Hell no, they need to suffer as greatly as those they have harmed. Stick the freaking needle in slowly, pull it back out, put it back in...release the drugs slowly and make those bastards suffer. Watch them squirm and cry out for mercy. :furious: The whole God didn't intend us to kill one another crap is BS, as I am pretty damned sure he did not intend for any person to rape or murder a child. And then there is the whole we need to love each other and be compassionate mentallity that is making me just want to barf. Where was the compassion for this child while asshat was ordering up his whopper and cigs?
When I first started reading and posting on this thread yesterday I was on the fence about the death penalty. I just didn't have an opinion. Reading through all of this thread and all of the different opinions expressed has given me some perspective and it has been very interesting to hear so many different viewpoints on the same subject. I think I know now that I have fallen off that fence squarely onto the side of the Death Penalty. It's posts like yours above truecrimefan (and truly)..., (more than the posts I read in favor of the death penalty,)... that have convinced me of where I stand. I just cannot find anything in common with what you are saying, it is so far from how I feel ,that I know I don't side with the anti-death penalty supporters. So I want to thank you for helping me make an informed decision and I truly hope you and yours remain safe and you never have to struggle with your opinion, because I think absolutely that opinion would change.

And this is just MO.
There was none. That's kind of the point. He played God, took a life, killed without feeling. We would like to behave differently than Schwab behaved.

Don't lump me in to the we category please, I would gladly flip that switch.
When I first started reading and posting on this thread yesterday I was on the fence about the death penalty. I just didn't have an opinion. Reading through all of this thread and all of the different opinions expressed has given me some perspective and it has been very interesting to hear so many different viewpoints on the same subject. I think I know now that I have fallen off that fence squarely onto the side of the Death Penalty. It's posts like yours above truecrimefan (and truly)..., (more than the posts I read in favor of the death penalty,)... that have convinced me of where I stand. I just cannot find anything in common with what you are saying, it is so far from how I feel ,that I know I don't side with the anti-death penalty supporters. So I want to thank you for helping me make an informed decision and I truly hope you and yours remain safe and you never have to struggle with your opinion, because I think absolutely that opinion would change.

And this is just MO.

Welcome!!! Glad to have you!
There was none. That's kind of the point. He played God, took a life, killed without feeling. We would like to behave differently than Schwab behaved.

We are, we did not kidnap him, we did not torture him, we did not sodomize him, we did not strangle him, we did not let his body rot in the sun so maggots could eat him....

nah, he was fed, given medicine to calm his nerves then sedated.
He went peacefully, unlike JUNNY who died in complete pain and fear.
There was none. That's kind of the point. He played God, took a life, killed without feeling. We would like to behave differently than Schwab behaved.
I am disappointed-
we didnt rape a child, spend time in prison, get released, then stalk the next child to brutally rape and kill----- dont go there SCM- WE are not the same-the differnce is Schwab got 3 squares a day, apeals out the *advertiser censored* and then a sedative before being "put down" WE didnt even begin to behave as he did :furious:
I'm sorry, but "do without things that free people have"??? The people who have ended up in prison do not deserve sympathy of material loss. Prisoners are incarcerated for the crimes they *chose* to commit. I have no pity for the lack of TV, shower time, or even the damn news. ***They*** placed themselves there.

There are only very few cases that I feel truly sad for and the conditions that surrounded some convicts prison term. Only a couple. That said, I have no distress for those serving the time they deserve.
Someone here said "they are still provided with things the rest of us struggle for or do without." I say the loss of FREEDOM is worse than the loss of material things. And yes, I said they do without things that free people have. But they still do not have THEIR FREEDOM, that's their punishment. I do not feel sorry for a prisoner who lacks a TV or other luxuries. He's in prison to be punished for a crime (or crimes) he committed. He's not there to lay up and watch TV, anyway. He should be forced to think every single day about the crime (or crimes) he committed. IMO.
Someone here said "they are still provided with things the rest of us struggle for or do without." I say the loss of FREEDOM is worse than the loss of material things. And yes, I said they do without things that free people have. But they still do not have THEIR FREEDOM, that's their punishment. I do not feel sorry for a prisoner who lacks a TV or other luxuries. He's in prison to be punished for a crime (or crimes) he committed. He's not there to lay up and watch TV, anyway. He should be forced to think every single day about the crime (or crimes) he committed. IMO.

Pretty much a moot point right now, ain't it????? I mean he's worm food now. LOL
When I first started reading and posting on this thread yesterday I was on the fence about the death penalty. I just didn't have an opinion. Reading through all of this thread and all of the different opinions expressed has given me some perspective and it has been very interesting to hear so many different viewpoints on the same subject. I think I know now that I have fallen off that fence squarely onto the side of the Death Penalty. It's posts like yours above truecrimefan (and truly)..., (more than the posts I read in favor of the death penalty,)... that have convinced me of where I stand. I just cannot find anything in common with what you are saying, it is so far from how I feel ,that I know I don't side with the anti-death penalty supporters. So I want to thank you for helping me make an informed decision and I truly hope you and yours remain safe and you never have to struggle with your opinion, because I think absolutely that opinion would change.

And this is just MO.
:) I'm just stating my views on the DP; if people agree with my views, they agree. If they don't, then they don't. Just as you cannot find anything in common with what I say, that's how I feel about the DP supporters - I cannot find anything in common with what they say. Nothing.

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