FL - Mark Schwab facing execution for the '91 murder of Junny Rios-Martinez

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[QUOTE=Data05;2345018]I'm sorry, but "do without things that free people have"??? The people who have ended up in prison do not deserve sympathy of material loss. Prisoners are incarcerated for the crimes they *chose* to commit. I have no pity for the lack of TV, shower time, or even the damn news. ***They*** placed themselves there.

There are only very few cases that I feel truly sad for and the conditions that surrounded some convicts prison term. Only a couple. That said, I have no distress for those serving the time they deserve.[/QUOTE]

Awww Data05 don't you remember the great "Peanut Butter" lawsuit ? I forget what prison it was but a bunch of them got together and filed a lawsuit against the prison ( or the State?) because they couldn't get peanut butter in prison. I live in California and maybe that was a local story, i don't know. Anyway, these prisoners were filing lawsiuts over things they wanted and couldn't have in prison and it clogged up the courts. I think they passed a law against frivolous lawsiuts brought by prisoners. But they were so abusive of the system that WE had to pass a law to prevent them from doing this. I guess they just have too much time on their hands and we are paying for the lawyers so...why not? I say bring back the chain gangs.
Someone here said "they are still provided with things the rest of us struggle for or do without." I say the loss of FREEDOM is worse than the loss of material things. And yes, I said they do without things that free people have. But they still do not have THEIR FREEDOM, that's their punishment. I do not feel sorry for a prisoner who lacks a TV or other luxuries. He's in prison to be punished for a crime (or crimes) he committed. He's not there to lay up and watch TV, anyway. He should be forced to think every single day about the crime (or crimes) he committed. IMO.

Material things? I'm not talking wants, but NEEDS.
:) I'm just stating my views on the DP; if people agree with my views, they agree. If they don't, then they don't. Just as you cannot find anything in common with what I say, that's how I feel about the DP supporters - I cannot find anything in common with what they say. Nothing.

I'd rather have my tax dollars go to health care for a child than to feed and house a murderer for the rest of his long natural life. But ,like you said, thats just me.
Pretty much a moot point right now, ain't it????? I mean he's worm food now. LOL
While I don't find it funny that he's dead, it is a moot point when it comes to him. I wasn't speaking specifically about him, however, but about prisoners in general. Sorry if the "he" in my post confused you.
Prison takes away their freedom, but they are still provided with things the rest of us struggle for or do without. There are even cases of them committing crimes just to go back!

Life is precious, which is why there is such a serious consequence.

Also, there's a huge difference between taking the life of random children/adults and taking the life of their killers. The monsters are the ones who prey on people.

I saw a program the other day about a woman who shot and killed her father and they were interviewing her now 13 years later, she's serving LWOP, and she's 35 now and she had braces on her teeth! I had to look very closely because I just could not believe it. She was straightening her teeth with braces! Who is paying for the braces? My sons didn't get braces because we couldn't afford them and didn't have dental insurance for that. I suppose she'll have a whitening treatment done when she gets her braces off. Wish I could afford that.
I saw a program the other day about a woman who shot and killed her father and they were interviewing her now 13 years later, she's serving LWOP, and she's 35 now and she had braces on her teeth! I had to look very closely because I just could not believe it. She was straightening her teeth with braces! Who is paying for the braces? My sons didn't get braces because we couldn't afford them and didn't have dental insurance for that. I suppose she'll have a whitening treatment done when she gets her braces off. Wish I could afford that.
if you had any compassion for these murderers - you would understand they have needs too :bang::bang:( hope you know that was tongue in cheek)
I hear ya on the braces, wish I had the money to put into a dentists pocket- instead my tax dollars are putting braces on a murderer-
I saw a program the other day about a woman who shot and killed her father and they were interviewing her now 13 years later, she's serving LWOP, and she's 35 now and she had braces on her teeth! I had to look very closely because I just could not believe it. She was straightening her teeth with braces! Who is paying for the braces? My sons didn't get braces because we couldn't afford them and didn't have dental insurance for that. I suppose she'll have a whitening treatment done when she gets her braces off. Wish I could afford that.

Well if her father had bothered to get her braces, she might not have shot him in the first place dontchaknow.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Frankly, I find it just a little bit disgusting that anyone would even bother to give these murderers a second thought. Since people who commit murder have been released, its entirely possible that we've even posted with one or two of them. Maybe they've got buddies who are facing the needle. Who knows???
Someone here said "they are still provided with things the rest of us struggle for or do without." I say the loss of FREEDOM is worse than the loss of material things. And yes, I said they do without things that free people have. But they still do not have THEIR FREEDOM, that's their punishment. I do not feel sorry for a prisoner who lacks a TV or other luxuries. He's in prison to be punished for a crime (or crimes) he committed. He's not there to lay up and watch TV, anyway. He should be forced to think every single day about the crime (or crimes) he committed. IMO.

Here's the thing. Any person who decides to commit a crime knows that they are risking their freedom. They thought about it, chose what they "needed" to do, and then followed through with it. Got caught and are punished for it. That said, do you honestly believe that many in prison actually consider, with remorse, their guilt? From what I have seen and read many blame where they are at for outside reasons, not that they committed a crime! That, sadly, is the norm.

As far as the activity schedules in prison are, yeah they pretty much are in their cells save for showers at a certain day/time and outside time for a certain time. As far as being forced to think every day about their crime, who is making them do that? No one. This isn't grade school or a "parental" supervision time. This is prison. I do not believe that is a condition of being institutionalized. If I mistaken, please tell me.
As I said, I do not believe God has given ANY ONE PERSON the right to take another human life. Schwab did take a life, yes, which he DID NOT have the right to do. And he should have been punished, but NOT by paying with his own life. What he did DOES NOT give other people the right to do the same to him. It all goes back to my belief that TWO WRONGS do not make a right. Please do not twist my words and say he was doing a "godly deed." :rolleyes: Just because a murderer thinks they have the right to take a life, we should stoop to their level? WE should follow their example? We should be better than that as civilized people, IMO.

As for your question/remark about our soldiers, that's another debate entirely that I won't express my opinion on here. :hand:
Actually, he got ALOT better then poor junny got! If he was tortured, sodomized, beat and then murdered that would be one thing. However he was sedated, given the chance to hold his family one last time and had lethal injection, far easier then junny went through!
Here's the thing. Any person who decides to commit a crime knows that they are risking their freedom. They thought about it, chose what they "needed" to do, and then followed through with it. Got caught and are punished for it. That said, do you honestly believe that many in prison actually consider, with remorse, their guilt? From what I have seen and read many blame where they are at for outside reasons, not that they committed a crime! That, sadly, is the norm.

As far as the activity schedules in prison are, yeah they pretty much are in their cells save for showers at a certain day/time and outside time for a certain time. As far as being forced to think every day about their crime, who is making them do that? No one. This isn't grade school or a "parental" supervision time. This is prison. I do not believe that is a condition of being institutionalized. If I mistaken, please tell me.

You're exactly right. All they think about is where they can stick their weenies, what they're gonna eat and who they can con out of what next. These people don't have feelings that have to do with others. They've got 24/7 to think about who they're gonna screw next, beginning with the guards who have to deal with this garbage day in and day out.
Actually, he got ALOT better then poor junny got! If he was tortured, sodomized, beat and then murdered that would be one thing. However he was sedated, given the chance to hold his family one last time and had lethal injection, far easier then junny went through!

You know, in Texas, we don't allow them to touch anything but themselves. I wonder why this was allowed to hold his family. I think I need to write some letters to see if we can get this done away with. That's not right.
You know, in Texas, we don't allow them to touch anything but themselves. I wonder why this was allowed to hold his family. I think I need to write some letters to see if we can get this done away with. That's not right.
You are right, he had "contact" with his family during their last meeting. WTH! I only wish that junnys mom could have held her baby one last time. We are too flipping kind to these pervs! It needs to stop!:furious:
You are right, he had "contact" with his family during their last meeting. WTH! I only wish that junnys mom could have held her baby one last time. We are too flipping kind to these pervs! It needs to stop!:furious:

Well darlin, take comfort in the fact that he'll be getting his enemas from Satan from now on. The son of a will rot in hell for eternity. Kinda gives you the warm fuzzies, don't it? LOL :blowkiss:
Well darlin, take comfort in the fact that he'll be getting his enemas from Satan from now on. The son of a will rot in hell for eternity. Kinda gives you the warm fuzzies, don't it? LOL :blowkiss:
I am feeling tingly now.:blushing:
I saw a program the other day about a woman who shot and killed her father and they were interviewing her now 13 years later, she's serving LWOP, and she's 35 now and she had braces on her teeth! I had to look very closely because I just could not believe it. She was straightening her teeth with braces! Who is paying for the braces? My sons didn't get braces because we couldn't afford them and didn't have dental insurance for that. I suppose she'll have a whitening treatment done when she gets her braces off. Wish I could afford that.

Free shelter, food, medical, etc. Apparently, even educations, cable, air conditioning and other things hard working and law abiding people don't get without a struggle...if at all.
When I first started reading and posting on this thread yesterday I was on the fence about the death penalty. I just didn't have an opinion. Reading through all of this thread and all of the different opinions expressed has given me some perspective and it has been very interesting to hear so many different viewpoints on the same subject. I think I know now that I have fallen off that fence squarely onto the side of the Death Penalty. It's posts like yours above truecrimefan (and truly)..., (more than the posts I read in favor of the death penalty,)... that have convinced me of where I stand. I just cannot find anything in common with what you are saying, it is so far from how I feel ,that I know I don't side with the anti-death penalty supporters. So I want to thank you for helping me make an informed decision and I truly hope you and yours remain safe and you never have to struggle with your opinion, because I think absolutely that opinion would change.

And this is just MO.

Good for you, Trixie! One of the great things about WS is the variety of viewpoints here. If you are truly interested in the subject, you should check out the DP thread in the Parking Lot - I imagine just about everything that could be said about the subject has been said somewhere there.
Free shelter, food, medical, etc. Apparently, even educations, cable, air conditioning and other things hard working and law abiding people don't get without a struggle...if at all.

And don't forget Diamond, that they've got friends who put their photos on the lonely hearts websites for prisoners so that they can get love letters and pen pals too. People can send them money for their accounts, etc. Nothing like life for free.
Here's the thing. Any person who decides to commit a crime knows that they are risking their freedom. They thought about it, chose what they "needed" to do, and then followed through with it. Got caught and are punished for it. That said, do you honestly believe that many in prison actually consider, with remorse, their guilt? From what I have seen and read many blame where they are at for outside reasons, not that they committed a crime! That, sadly, is the norm.

As far as the activity schedules in prison are, yeah they pretty much are in their cells save for showers at a certain day/time and outside time for a certain time. As far as being forced to think every day about their crime, who is making them do that? No one. This isn't grade school or a "parental" supervision time. This is prison. I do not believe that is a condition of being institutionalized. If I mistaken, please tell me.
People are aware that if they commit a crime they will go to prison. I believe that some, perhaps not all, but some are sorry for their crimes. But their remorse should not get them out of jail. Nor should their crime (or lack of remorse) send them to the death chamber. I believe that if you take a life, you WILL think about it, you can't help but, and when you're in prison with time on your hands, whether you're remorseful or not, your crime will cross your mind.
I am disappointed-
we didnt rape a child, spend time in prison, get released, then stalk the next child to brutally rape and kill----- dont go there SCM- WE are not the same-the differnce is Schwab got 3 squares a day, apeals out the *advertiser censored* and then a sedative before being "put down" WE didnt even begin to behave as he did :furious:

Believe me, I am very happy that the majority of our choices are different than Schwab's!

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