FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse nightclub, Orlando, 12 June 2016 #2

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Find something in the new testament at least. I know of no Christians today who use the old testament as a way of life. And still yet, I do not see anything saying to murder or to lie...those would be against Gods commandments. Those are generally what the Christians try to live by IMO

I don't need to find anything in the bible. I know what I see every day.
Find something in the new testament at least. I know of no Christians today who use the old testament as a way of life. And still yet, I do not see anything saying to murder or to lie...those would be against Gods commandments. Those are generally what the Christians try to live by IMO

Romans is not NT?
Spell checked -- we are safe! I took pictures , I hope I can figure out how to get them here.

I awoke this morning with both trepidation and ambivalence. I had a burning desire to go down "there". My main want was to see to see media in an international story.

It made sense to me after some pondering. My initial career choice was to do television news. While getting my BA in that arena, it became clear that in order to break into television news, one has to start in small market which means a small city.

This was 30 some years ago. I came out like 5 years earlier, and, here in Orlando experienced homophobia. Would, where I ended up even have a gay bar? If some citizen of that small town drove by and saw the reporter on the news going in a gay bar, would I be fired solely for that?

I went to my professors, and the answer was probably. I was at an existential moment. Was I wiling to give up who I am, for who knows how long, for a career in broadcasting?

My answer was no and started all over in mental health.

I could not help but ponder the ironies here. My career change was a result of homophobia, decades ago, and today I want to see media, that are here because of homophobia. How far have we really come?

I decided to go the hotel that was being utilized for this first. I figured parking would be easier. I am horrible with directions and was quite proud of my self that my Map Qwest had gotten me there .

When I pulled in, however, I was relieved to see a lone camera woman in the parking lot, and was able to ask some questions. I wanted to know how far, walking would be to the bar. Reasonable distance. It is hot and humid today.

While talking to her, another woman approached us and was asking about the place where family were gathering. I overheard the camera woman tell her that it was even closer than the bar.

She also stated that she would not film inside the hotel. That registered to me. I went in and there was nothing really going on. I saw some press eating in a small dining room . I thought about asking the front desk where the conference room in the hotel was. I did not, after the camera woman's comment about not violating them, ask.

While walking, I noticed that ORMC (main hospital for the tragedy) was one block over. Both Carol Costello and Erin Burnett has broadcast from there earlier today.

As I got closer I did start to pass more folks with PRESS badges around their neck, and an increase in TV vans. There was a media presence, much smaller than what I would encounter shortly. There was a minimal LE presence.

I headed over to the next stop. On my way over , I saw a profound difference in the quantity of press vans. I also passed a cluster of like 10 people coming down the sidewalk approaching me. As I got closer they were wearing T-shirts with logos like "We Are One" and Blessed, and I knew that they were a part of the tragedy as well.

I passed a hybrid car charger on one of the meters. I do not know why I want to share that - but it was neat. I explored it a bit!

As I turned the corner I once again praised myself in that I certainly was not lost.

The media hoards were astounding. I also noticed that there was one huge "pocket" of media, and then smaller clusters of media spread about. I saw some lone cameramen and reporters.

I thought that might be smart actually, not caught up in the hoards as it related to heat, and lights that were burning.

I also pondered if that might not be lonely, and in covering this might not be a good idea.

I am not shy, and carefully navigated the endless cables strewn all over the place. I attempted to "listen" as I passed the main hoard of journalists. It was very somber and quiet. There was on young tech kid who had on upbeat music, which I found offensive.

I decided (so hot) that I had better drive , in AC closer to the club. More and more media vans were strewn around about, the closer I got. On grass. Over curbs. Sideways. Backwards.

I then saw a shower of white satellite dishes aiming for the bright sky. I am no particularly religious, but I could not help but noticing that they all were aiming for the heavens.

It almost, looked like, from afar, a pavilion you would see at Disney.

I started seeing LE with the blue and red lights atop of there cars on. That confused me, it is daylight. The closer I got the more press badges I saw passing me, the more cop cars I saw, and more tripods standing alone in isolation.

Then I was close. Crime tape , along my walk, had been discarded, all over the place, in random places. Then I saw the main media camp. Utterly breathtaking. It was like LE made space, via crime tape, to give them their needed space.

I checked out the situation, in terms of walking through them to get a closer to the main road of the atrocity. I noticed a lot of them (tech people) did not have anything around their neck, so I figured I would be fine going in front of them, behind the crime tape, to get closer.

All was well. My heart was pounding as I realized that I was there, on the main road. It was restricted by crime tape across the entire 4 lanes, and LE was all over.

As I was taking it in, the amount of satellite dishes was numbing. Utterly numbing. There were tents and tents of journalists, I noticed that there were tables of food and drinks in some sections of each tent.

I was enbolded , and decided to move closer, to grasp the enormity of it all. I had done it a couple of times with no problem! This next foray did have a cop standing in the middle of the road, but the crime tape was not across the whole street.

I also knew that I would not be arrested, and that worst that could happen was he would prohibit me from getting to the next "point of view".

I started going up that road. Then I hear this obnoxious, what amounted to a loud grunt, and knew it was the cop in the road. He was rude, and demanded that I come here. He had the cop body language, arms all puffed out, legs a bit apart.

As I got closer he rudely asked me if I regularly cross police lines. I explained to him that the road was not taped off . He pointed me back to where I came from. Just rude.

I attempted to talk to him by asking him how long he had been there and how tired he was. Rude, he was.

Hey one of four ain't bad! I decided to try another angle and was successful. On that walk, I saw the 7-11 where the video was shot by the folks the night before. It was the video where in the background you can hear them saying "they are shooting at each other".

It was not , the video from the guy on the roof that showed the barrage of gunfire by LE, when the perp came out of the hole in the building SWAT made to rescue the hostages.

I made it onto the road. It took me some time to catch on. It looked as if there were a bunch of cars,on a highway, that you would see at a red light.

Slowly I realized that every one of these cars were empty.

It was a "parking" lot, on the 4 lane road that the bar was on. The parking lot went all the way back to the main barricade. It was long. That stunned me. It was unmarked LE cars. 100's.

It was an experience. Walking back through that cluster of media to head back to the car, I heard a member of the media on her cell phone talking to someone about cleaning a bathroom. I found that, also, somewhat offensive.

On the walk back to the car, was I glad I had the experience? Yes I was . There was a catharsis to it. Some you know what has been going as far as my mother goes, and I concluded that a therapeutic experience might have some benefit there as well.

As I got closer to home, I passed a fire station that had a sign in front of it that said" Pray For Orlando" and tears flowed...........................
I believe they would claim anything that is painful to us as Americans, so that has me nonplussed.

Okay, well then, I don't know what to tell you. The shooter, the shooter's father and a terrorist org have all stated this was terrorism. Not sure why people are looking for a reason or excuse to remove terrorism from its source, but terrorism by any other name is still terrorism
Wait... so in some cases it is, "well ISIS hasn't claimed responsibility yet so it can't be them." In this case it is, "ISIS can't believed because they will claim responsibility for anything that hurts Americans." Say what?
That is not true and it's also an incredibly inflammatory statement to make.

But....is it as inflammatory as inviting a speaker from Iran to your Mosque in Sanford Florida in March of 2016...to preach to your members about the mercifulness of killing Gays? What's the message there to your young people? What's the noble purpose? How does this fit in with a religion of peace?

if you can explain, I am truly willing to listen. Why do ten Muslim countries still have the death penalty for homosexuality? We have our odious Christians but in 2016, their hate is not the law of the land.

Do you not find THIS offensive?
Why does it have to be about Islam at all? It's always okay to bash a religion as long as it's not Christian?

I never said anything of the sort. I don't find it "always okay" to bash ANY religion. The shooter was Muslim. Throwing Christians under the bus doesn't make that fact not so. We have plenty of threads about radicalized homegrown Christian groups and shooters. I don't think anyone is denying it happens. It's just not the subject of THIS thread.
Wait... so in some cases it is, "well ISIS hasn't claimed responsibility yet so it can't be them." In this case it is, "ISIS can't believed because they will claim responsibility for anything that hurts Americans." Say what?

I know, I am sick to death of hearing that the suspect has no ties to isis, I don't care who they have ties to or are affiliated with it's all for the same reason. It's islamic terrorist. jmo
i never said anything of the sort. The shooter was muslim. Throwing christians under the bus doesn't make that fact not so. We have plenty of threads about radicalized homegrown christian groups and shooters. I don't think anyone is denying it happens. It's just not the subject of this thread.

thank you!
Not that this will mean a darn thing to the "this can't be terrorism" crowd but the father has since retracted his statement about the gay kiss.

He now says this was strictly an act of terrorism. Many folks suspected from the start that the father blamed this on "seeing men kiss" so his family would not be scrutinized for terrorist ties.
No one's believed dear ole' dad from the get go why believe him now? His son was an extremist, gay hating, terrorist nutjob. What's he going to say to change that? He called gays a slur name in his last speech to the press. I'll not put it here though. Why believe him now if one didn't believe him earlier? B/c this story sounds better?
and in other news..........when I got up the morning the top trending story on facebook was how Meg Ryan looked at the Tony awards last night.
How did our society get here? SMDH

If it's any consolation FB employees pick the trending topics not actual FB posters. Fb has always been Islamic Extremists friendly. They won't shut down ISIS pages, I even received a beheading video threatening me to shut up or else. FB and LE did NOTHING.
It's not isolated to America - Europe, Australia...this is a worldwide problem and it needs to be addressed as such.

Yes, the world is at war with Islamic extremists. That is why for the life of me, I cant understand how our leader seems so uninterested when it happens here. Since we live here it is the attacks here that is of most concern to us. Somehow the government seems to lump in as another mass shooting when it is far different. It still boggles my mind that our President refused to call the terrorist attack at Fort Hood what it really was. FGS! All of the evidence was there that Hasan did this to murder as many infidels as he possibly could but it was dismissed and called workplace violence. How dismissive of all those who died and the many who were wounded.

The same thing happened when another Muslim attacked two of his female co-workers because he had gotten into a heated argument about ISIS and the Quran. So he comes back and severs the head of one female and is attacking the other one when the Manager there stopped him because he had his firearm with him on the job. I think that one was also labeled incorrectly as workplace violence. When anyone during the attacks against others yells their allegiance to their Muslim god or to ISIS it should always be called extremist terrorism carried out by fanatical Muslims. Just like if a Christian fanatic did the same they should be labeled a terrorist with fanatical Christian views. Yet, if the terrorist is a Muslim extremist then in our country we seem to have to tiptoe around the true problem we, and the world are facing. Paris does no such thing. They are upfront and out with it quickly telling their people they have had another terrorist attack by Islamic terrorists. I have never understood why it seems so hard for our leader to stand strong against the radical Muslim terrorist that wants to murder us all.

There may be many unsolved cases here that may have actually been done by lone-wolf Muslim extremist. I know of a few unsolved cases where the victim was decapitated which is something these religious fanatics often do to their victim.

I think there are more Muslim extremists here than we may think. While this one is dead I feel there are others right here already plotting and planning to hit us again.
:grophug: CARIIS, thank you for sharing your observations and personal feelings.. very impactful

Rather interesting he says there was more than one shooter
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thank you! I had seen a shared post on Facebook that was of a screenshot where someone spoke about their friend/cousin (can't recall) who took 12 bullets, but made it, and said that the news is not reporting that there were 2 others shooting in there who are now 'on the loose' or something of the sort. I decided to come here and check what had been posted since I last looked earlier this morning to see if there were any MSM references to this.

That's pretty fatalistic. I prefer not to be so fatalistic. I think we can stop allowing Islamic terrorists and Islamic terrorism into the US, and I think we must do so.
Not fatalistic, realistic. We have stopped a good deal of terror threats I'm sure, but, b/c it doesn't bleed, it doesn't lead, so we don't hear about those. But we cannot stop every single one of them of any type of terrorism. There's always going to be someone who slips through the cracks b/c human beings are fallible.
Thou shall not kill
Thou shall not bear false witness
Thou shall not steal

etc etc etc.

Pretty much every civilized society has those rules. The Bible was not the foundation for our laws or government, though most of the founding fathers (am I allowed to use that term? might be seen as a microaggression) were Christian.

Roman law and British common law provided the legal foundation.
If it's any consolation FB employees pick the trending topics not actual FB posters. Fb has always been Islamic Extremists friendly. They won't shut down ISIS pages, I even received a beheading video threatening me to shut up or else. FB and LE did NOTHING.

Facebook is very biased. I am glad they got called on it too for cooking the top trending stories. I have seen many death threats against others on FB and I have alerted FB only to be told the posts didn't break their policies and guidelines. If death threats don't break their policy guidelines then anything goes on there as long as it is to do with ISIS and other liberal biases they have.
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