FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse nightclub, Orlando, 12 June 2016 #2

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I dont think its about not wanting to believe him, it is about location.

It's no coincidence that the attack took place where it did and when it did," Grayson said. "It might be that we've seen the commission of an awful hate crime."

The Joker went to a movie theatre where Batman was playing

Elliot went up and down the street where everyone was having fun and with b/g friends

Roof went to a black church

Planned parenthood guy went to a clinic

disgruntled employ go to their workplace

Dude went to where congressman was speaking

Columbine went to their source of rejection

The guy who had issues with Military went to recruitment offices

Fort Hood Dr had issues with how the base was doing thing

The drive up here has to have some sigfigance IMO

Does anyone know if the two men kissing were "kissing" in Orlando, or in bar here, or where from here -you know what I mean.

Answered my question!

A law enforcement official told NBC News there is no indication that Omar Mateen was in touch with terrorists overseas and nothing to indicate this was a directed attack. Also, several officials say, there's no sign that anyone else was involved in the attack, either in helping Mateen or egging him on.
The father said his son got angry when he saw two men kissing in Miami a couple of months ago and thought that might be related to the shooting.

I had not heard this number - 11 LE folks stormed the building


He picked one of the most popular gay bars in Orlando (correct me if I'm wrong). On a Saturday night when it would most likely be near capacity. You are right CARIIS, if he was wanting to make a statement just to ISIS, he could have done that in his own hometown at a local festival, movie theater, etc... But, I looked, and there's almost nil gay bars in Ft Pierce. This was a hatred toward gays, and he tossed a bone to ISIS.
Jews were singled out for the ethnicity, not for praising violence. There is nothing laudable about using social media to praise the killing of innocents. We are not talking about armies here. We are talking about the much loved children...husbands and wives of people who are hideously killed to...promote a religious theology. If you post in FB or Twitter that you are a sympathizer of Isis, this is a far cry from "supporting Jews" vs. the Nazis. It does not make us Nazis. It makes us intolerant of people as vicious, as deadly as the Nazis.

They were arrested for being sympathizers. That is the slope
If someone from the WBC went on a murdering rampage I think they would be labeled a radicalized Christian nut job. Why is this facet even being debated? He himself made the proclamation that he was a radicalized Islamist, so let's take that at face value. There is no Muslim shaming or bashing by simply labeling him for what he himself claimed to be, which was someone who directly sympathized with the goals of ISIL. ETA: And truthfully, does it matter what any other mass murderer was affiliated with since we are discussing this particular murderer, and the affiliations he had within his specific views?
Terrorists in France couldn't buy guns there, but it didn't stop them. Won't stop them here either, just make it easier.
I hate that no one in that club wasn't a concealed carrier.

There are certain places you cannot carry. One of them is bars. Or establishments where alcohol is dispensed.

I wonder how many people had their hand gun in the car!!!
Tens of thousands of people are pouring into our country and some of them could be like this guy and we are allowing this. We are suppose to be kept safe and that is not happening.

He was an American born citizen. So was the guy in LA, who tried to do the same thing, at a gay parade there, but was thankfully caught.
I do think the apple didn't fall to far from the tree. I hope they are looking closely at his father. He seems a bit radical himself. I would not be one bit surprised to find out he knew what his son was fixing to do and supported it.
They were arrested for being sympathizers. That is the slope

But it's not that slippery honestly. Wanting to join a group of murderers, who advocate for crime and killing? Not ok. Want to join a group that is hateful, but not actually acting on violence? Go for it. Go join WBC all day long. They may be hateful, and support a narrow agenda, but they aren't advocating murder.
Could I donate from Kentucky? I am AB negative.

I think it would be nice to donate regardless of whether your donation makes it to Orlando or not. Blood is needed everywhere. And yes, I do believe blood is sent to other states that need it. :)
If someone from the WBC went on a murdering rampage I think they would be labeled a radicalized Christian nut job. Why is this facet even being debated? He himself made the proclamation that he was a radicalized Islamist, so let's take that at face value.

When Dylann Roof shot up that black church and left a manifesto saying it was racially motivated violence, along with a couple of his favorite race related websites did ANYONE say "No way, this couldn't be motivated by white racism, there must be other reasons".

Nobody said that! Everyone accepted the reason given at face value because it reaffirms what they were already TAUGHT TO BELIEVE.

Yet in this case many will never believe the obvious motive even though it was clearly stated. They simply do not want to believe it, they were taught that believing it would make them a bad person, so they will never ever believe it or accept it.
There have been a lot of anti-government people who have read the Turner Diaries.

He did not murder 169 innocent people based on any Catholic belief he had. He did it because he was furious and a hate filled man who hated the federal government on how they carried out Ruby Ridge and Waco.

Trying to catch up here. What's the connection between Oklahoma and Orlando? I've missed a few pages.
There have been a lot of anti-government people who have read the Turner Diaries.

He did not murder 169 innocent people based on any Catholic belief he had. He did it because he was furious and a hate filled man who hated the federal government on how they carried out Ruby Ridge and Waco.

I am an American, Baptist, gun owner, conservative who did not like how the gov't handled Ruby Ridge and Waco, but luckily I'm not a killer or terriorist . I am glad TM got the DP for his crimes.
You know what's really sad, how many more names we are going to learn. How many families are going to be torn apart. Such unnecessary cruelty in a world where it's already complicated enough. And here we are, again, stuck trying to figure out how to keep people from hurting others with no clear plan, no easy fix, no easy answers.
But it's not that slippery honestly. Wanting to join a group of murderers, who advocate for crime and killing? Not ok. Want to join a group that is hateful, but not actually acting on violence? Go for it. Go join WBC all day long. They may be hateful, and support a narrow agenda, but they aren't advocating murder.

There are all kinds of groups that it is legal to belong to. Read on the Southern Poverty Law Center about hate groups. It is perfectly legal to be a member of Posse Comitus or Christian Identify or KKK.
He picked one of the most popular gay bars in Orlando (correct me if I'm wrong). On a Saturday night when it would most likely be near capacity. You are right CARIIS, if he was wanting to make a statement just to ISIS, he could have done that in his own hometown at a local festival, movie theater, etc... But, I looked, and there's almost nil gay bars in Ft Pierce. This was a hatred toward gays, and he tossed a bone to ISIS.

With the pledge of allegiance to ISIS I would say he was filled with Hate and fulfilled what ISIS believes about homosexuals.


Gunman's father posts video to Facebook

Omar Mateen's father, Seddique Mateen, released a video statement on Facebook about his son.

In the footage, he said his son was a “very good boy” who lived a “dignified life and respected his parents.”

“I don’t know what made him [do this], I have no idea, I had no idea that he felt resentful in his heart and had gone to the gay [he uses the derogatory word hamjensbazi] club and killed men and women there.

“I am very sad and I’ve announced this to the American people as well. Why did he do this act during this holy month of Ramadan. On the topic of being hamjensbazi, punishment and the things that they do, God will give the punishment. This is not the issue for a follower of God and he [Omar] that did this has greatly saddened me. I wanted you to know this. God give all youth complete health to keep the real path of the holy religion of Islam in mind.”

He's grown up with it then. Just looked up that word and I guess he either thought no one would use Google, or, most likely, he didn't care.
You know what's really sad, how many more names we are going to learn. How many families are going to be torn apart. Such unnecessary cruelty in a world where it's already complicated enough. And here we are, again, stuck trying to figure out how to keep people from hurting others with no clear plan, no easy fix, no easy answers.

There are plenty of answers. We do not want to do them. For instance, we could soend money on parenting classes, schools,that are safe and have small class sizes. We can institute the curriculum from ACES HIGH. Just a few things that would make people more whole and less filled with rage. I will leave out what we can do with foreign relations
We have the US Constitution with the Fourth Ammendment that does not allow citizens to be harassed by the govt. we can certainly proceed for an ammendment change. Then when liberals are in power, we can put all of the people who hold racist, sexist thoughts into prison. Then when Conservatives are in power, they can put all of the LGBQT people in prison as well as welfare people.

Most homophobic, racists people never join a group or proclaim allegiance to a group calling for the murder of said peoples. Hate is one thing. Murder/violence is another. I don't know how to state that anymore clearly. If there was a group of people actively seeking to murder others and calling for members to do just that, I would say arrest every member.
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