FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse Nightclub, Orlando 12 June 2016 #5

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[h=2]The plague of fake news is getting worse[/h]

Orlando Releases Pulse Nightclub Shooter’s Calls With Police
“What am I to do here when my people are getting killed over there?” the shooter asked a police negotiator.

10/31/2016 05:37 pm ET
Michael McLaughlin
Reporter, The Huffington Post


“City officials in Orlando, Florida, on Monday released recordings of mass shooter Omar Mateen’s conversations with police during his standoff at a gay nightclub in June.”​
Orlando Releases Pulse Nightclub Shooter’s Calls With Police
“What am I to do here when my people are getting killed over there?” the shooter asked a police negotiator.

10/31/2016 05:37 pm ET
Michael McLaughlin
Reporter, The Huffington Post

“City officials in Orlando, Florida, on Monday released recordings of mass shooter Omar Mateen’s conversations with police during his standoff at a gay nightclub in June.”​

Only my opinions:

Yeh, this is a sophisticated terrorist.

I have had conversations like that in my office guys. He is agitated, paranoid, pressured in speech, the long breaks in silence indicates IMO there is too much going on his head at that moment and info is not processing.

The first sentence about who he is (the pledge of allegiance) sounds as if he is reading the sentence off his cell phone or a sheet of paper. Most terrorists know who they are doing what they are doing it for.

They get into a loop, he repeats and repeats the angle of stop bombing. Obviously not rational whatsoever in that he obviously has a real belief that a cop in Orlando FL can stop the bombing over there. This is in the context of like a bank robber - give me some money.That in and of itself is just out there. Not based in anything remotely connected to any reality in any manner.'

I have never heard a real terrorist give a command - the typical stance is this is for what you are doing in my country (revenge) not a request to cancel a war that has been going on for decades.

What, was the cop was gonna say ok we have stopped the war, now what.

"ItIt'shat they used in France - we all know they were in bullet proof gear, someone oriented would have replied I am in bullet proof vest - not what they used in France. Its incongruent - that is what someone in severe mental distress thinking patterns are.

The real quick utterance of bombs outside sounded impulsive after a paranoid thought of oh-oh they may be distracting like me like in the movies and are moving in now.

What is his name (don't recall first answer) then when asked again he comes back with something grandiose warrier or something.

It seems as if he had a fascination with Boston throughout his life and it is like him mentioning them adds something to the situation.

I expected a negotiator to be calm and soothing, at times the negotiator got more agitated than the obviously unstable individual on the end. I found the long pauses interesting, he was just not in touch with what he was doing thinking feeling - scattered.

His responses were utterances, that is how they speak when very "activated" impulsive short clipped responses.

The background was noisy added stressors. You talk slow and calm when they are in that state, you don't argue with them, it escalates them

The I am wearing a wedding vest is completely psychotic and just totally dissociated with the reality of what had just transpired.

He planted ideas (cop) are there more bombs in cars, other shooters, all along in media that was played that HE stated that - the cop entered that info into the call not him.

Ordering someone while in that agitated state is not helpful - it escalates.

It struck me as the cop was used to talking to very drunk suicidal tearfull (not suicide by cop) folks who had a hostage.

Yeh this was a terrorist, not a man unraveling mentally - come on. moo
Orlando Gunman’s Wife Breaks Silence: ‘I Was Unaware’

Things finally seemed to be going better for Noor Salman and her husband, Omar Mateen. He had just been accepted into a police training program and had showered her with jewelry to celebrate. He had given her permission to visit her family in California and handed her spending money for the trip. And he had stopped hitting her.

So when Mr. Mateen told her that he would not be home for dinner the afternoon of June 11, she asked him not to go. It was Saturday — and she hoped it would be a family night. But he told her he had to see a friend, kissing her and hugging their 3-year-old son as he left.

Mr. Mateen never returned home. Instead, he drove two hours from the family’s home in Fort Pierce, Fla., to a nightclub in Orlando, where he killed 49 people and wounded dozens more before the police fatally shot him, ending one of the worst terrorist attacks in the United States since 2001...


I don't know that acceptance letter makes no sense at all. They are gonna years later reverse a score on a test? What would a reson be for any agency in any context to do such thing. Maybe an offer to retake an exam possibly? But to flat out go from fail to pass from a test years earlier?

If back then you did not know the material, according to them, years later despite how memory works now your gonna "say" come on in for a job ............................
I agree, it doesn't make alot of sense. Looking for more info:


Basic Abilities Test (BAT)
If you took the I/O Solutions (IOS) Basic Abilities Test (BAT) for law enforcement officers and did not pass, changes to the pass/fail threshold, may mean you are now eligible to enter a law enforcement basic recruit training program.

A change to the Law Enforcement BAT was approved by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission. Scores at or above 70% are now passing for applicants who took the BAT between June 1, 2010 and February 1, 2016.

If you took the IOS Law Enforcement BAT and received a score of 70% to 78%, you are now eligible to enter a law enforcement basic recruit training program. Results have already been changed in the Automated Training Management System and your test can be used for admission into a law enforcement basic recruit training program. Contact the law enforcement academy of your choice. The modified results will be valid through February 2, 2020.​

Edit to add I/OS Test Prep 2010:

From the NY Times article:

“Salman, whose parents immigrated to the United States from the West Bank in 1985, was immediately a person of interest. F.B.I. agents questioned her for hours, eliciting from her that she had been with her husband when he bought ammunition and scouted the club. Some agents came to believe that she was not being truthful.”​

Not being truthful based on what? Where is the evidence?
I agree, it doesn't make alot of sense. Looking for more info:

Basic Abilities Test (BAT)
If you took the I/O Solutions (IOS) Basic Abilities Test (BAT) for law enforcement officers and did not pass, changes to the pass/fail threshold, may mean you are now eligible to enter a law enforcement basic recruit training program.

A change to the Law Enforcement BAT was approved by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission. Scores at or above 70% are now passing for applicants who took the BAT between June 1, 2010 and February 1, 2016.

If you took the IOS Law Enforcement BAT and received a score of 70% to 78%, you are now eligible to enter a law enforcement basic recruit training program. Results have already been changed in the Automated Training Management System and your test can be used for admission into a law enforcement basic recruit training program. Contact the law enforcement academy of your choice. The modified results will be valid through February 2, 2020.​

Edit to add I/OS Test Prep 2010:


Boy oh boy is that not a pathetic statement as it relates to LE recruitment.

So if I sat for my license to practice 6 years ago AND Failed , 6 years later I can proceed?

I don't care if we are talking about quarter pounder stacking order -----6 years ago is a pretty long time

Sh%t I can't remember where I put my car keys 4 hours ago !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And lets move forward and backward at the same time. We know what he did. Lets say he followed up with the offer -- and became a cop on June 8, and did not do Pulse - we NOW know how unstable he was that's messed up IMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From the NY Times article:
“Salman, whose parents immigrated to the United States from the West Bank in 1985, was immediately a person of interest. F.B.I. agents questioned her for hours, eliciting from her that she had been with her husband when he bought ammunition and scouted the club. Some agents came to believe that she was not being truthful.”​

Not being truthful based on what? Where is the evidence?

I am with you -- all that rage that she was not arrested in the first month of the story made no sense at all to me.

Her husband plays with guns for a living - what on earth made it so astounding to the media that she was with him when he bought a gun fake cops buy guns all the time - kinda did not make me think oh god she is on it! She is married to a security person that walks around with gun !!

And all that they were there at Disney checking it out - that struck me as just silly, they went there cause its Disney, cause he is gay and it was gay days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This big spy mission just was silly IMO

If someone wants to bomb the Pentagon they might do some surveying - what exactly was there to check out at Disney? Was Minnie Mouse armed?

media media

If ya think about it there millions of wives murderers who don't-know there husbands are murderers .

ha or gay for that matter! there were tons of men with wives and 2.5 kids running around gay bars in any city I went to!! And I always felt sorry for them -- having to live such a big lie , for so long, for feeling such shame and anguish for who they are - its sad at the end of the day.

I had a fine coming out in general (Father had some minor issues initially)! But the rest of the gang (and I mean everyone aunts uncles grandparents nieces nephews had no issues whatsoever.

My partner and I attended family functions as lovers and a validated union there was never any of this roommate stuff - in fact it was maternal gmo, at graduation, that brought up the man who bought me out and basically said David is not just his friend!! HA

40 years ago --- pretty cool huh!

Educated family systems can be huge in this arena!!
From the NY Times article:

“Salman, whose parents immigrated to the United States from the West Bank in 1985, was immediately a person of interest. F.B.I. agents questioned her for hours, eliciting from her that she had been with her husband when he bought ammunition and scouted the club. Some agents came to believe that she was not being truthful.”​

Not being truthful based on what? Where is the evidence?

They must have known immediately she was one of his victims.
My goodness engaging in a dash of ruminating here - would you want to see a therapist that failed his boards six years earlier and was grand fathered in years later WOW that is just stunning to me

We all have been "burned" by the gay text - this is so absurd (actually, I wish this were a fake news story!) cause if it ain't that is mortifying.

I am serious , (not really!) I would not want a "uncertain" Whopper maker making me a Whopper!

That is funny!

Hey what can I say I crack myself up if no one else!

Stuff just flies through my head!!

I wonder how many failed cop tests can now be cops! Good lord we got enough problems as it is in this arena

Orlando buying Pulse nightclub, site of worst U.S. mass shooting
November 8, 2016

The city of Orlando, Florida, has announced plans to purchase the Pulse nightclub and eventually convert the site of the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history into a memorial.

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer told the Orlando Sentinel Monday that the city has reached a deal to buy the gay nightclub for $2.25 million.

here are a bunch (65) of stills.

I know I have not seen 20 body cams ---anyone know where they all are in one place?? TIA


would some of you go to pic 64 and tell me what you think of the cops facial expression??

It bothered me?

Its at 210 here


All 911 calls ordered released today - they are working on it


ok this might be todays full release , I will never forget, for as long as I live,(link below) the first time I heard at like 5:22 - 5:26 the cop starting with "Holy, Sh##, laugh and then you can hear him several seconds later ( (harder to hear)) how excited he gets---- like wow isnt this awesome and laughing

I might be being too senstive,but his tone of voice enraged me at the time and it retriggered right now


It has always been confusing to me. In the first 48 hours when tv folks started doing animations they all have him going in the front door intially.

But in this video a cop says it DID start outside. But you cant get into patio (IIRC) without entering main door

First time I saw the dance lights still going - creepy.

I have also learned if you want to try and hear what they are saying dont look at video - I think its a brain processing deal but if your eyes are not " noticing" anything visually that matters it is easier to "hear" and understand what they are saying to each other and on the radios.

This one is not new, it was the drag show that night. , if you like you tip em whie they are on stage, then they throw the tips down on the stage until they are done with the number. The MC of most shows are super over the top and dramatic and camply

think Joel Gray in "cabaret" and your there!
here are a bunch (65) of stills.

I know I have not seen 20 body cams ---anyone know where they all are in one place?? TIA


would some of you go to pic 64 and tell me what you think of the cops facial expression??

It bothered me?

Its at 210 here


All 911 calls ordered released today - they are working on it


ok this might be todays full release , I will never forget, for as long as I live,(link below) the first time I heard at like 5:22 - 5:26 the cop starting with "Holy, Sh##, laugh and then you can hear him several seconds later ( (harder to hear)) how excited he gets---- like wow isnt this awesome and laughing

I might be being too senstive,but his tone of voice enraged me at the time and it retriggered right now


It has always been confusing to me. In the first 48 hours when tv folks started doing animations they all have him going in the front door intially.

But in this video a cop says it DID start outside. But you cant get into patio (IIRC) without entering main door

First time I saw the dance lights still going - creepy.

I have also learned if you want to try and hear what they are saying dont look at video - I think its a brain processing deal but if your eyes are not " noticing" anything visually that matters it is easier to "hear" and understand what they are saying to each other and on the radios.

This one is not new, it was the drag show that night. , if you like you tip em whie they are on stage, then they throw the tips down on the stage until they are done with the number. The MC of most shows are super over the top and dramatic and camply

think Joel Gray in "cabaret" and your there!

CARIIS, you are right,
It is easier to hear ( and not be sickened) if one listens without watching the video, although cannot do it again because i actually feel queasy.
Understandable that you or anyone might feel upset at what sounds like a touch of laughter, but i honestly think that the "laugh" was an expression of suppressed shock and fear at the sights and sounds of what must have been he**

He rightfully, was probably afraid and "expressed" it the only " acceptable " way for a LE in that actively dangerous situation.
imo, speculation.
CARIIS, you are right,
It is easier to hear ( and not be sickened) if one listens without watching the video, although cannot do it again because i actually feel queasy.
Understandable that you or anyone might feel upset at what sounds like a touch of laughter, but i honestly think that the "laugh" was an expression of suppressed shock and fear at the sights and sounds of what must have been he**
Poor guy, try "coming down " after a work shift involving abject horror.
He probably and rightfully, was probably afraid and showed it the only " acceptable " way for a LE in that actively dangerous situation.
imo, speculation.

TY that helped me
My interpretation after listening to the video and paying particular attention to the Holy S##t is that first of all, it is being uttered by the "DJ on the main floor" who I think escaped to that upper office and is in that portion of the video being rescued by and ushered by the police through the club where he is seeing the carnage for the first time. Hence, "Holy S##t!" followed by an utterance that is NOT laughter, but almost a sound of crying out in disbelief.

It is NOT in my opinion a policeman laughing.

And, another comment, the policeman who said it started outside was guessing, in my opinion. The body he saw could have originally been inside, got shot, ran outside and collapsed. I don't put any weight at all on what he said.

Those are my opinions. - I.B.
My interpretation after listening to the video and paying particular attention to the Holy S##t is that first of all, it is being uttered by the "DJ on the main floor" who I think escaped to that upper office and is in that portion of the video being rescued by and ushered by the police through the club where he is seeing the carnage for the first time. Hence, "Holy S##t!" followed by an utterance that is NOT laughter, but almost a sound of crying out in disbelief.

It is NOT in my opinion a policeman laughing.

And, another comment, the policeman who said it started outside was guessing, in my opinion. The body he saw could have originally been inside, got shot, ran outside and collapsed. I don't put any weight at all on what he said.

Those are my opinions. - I.B.

That makes me feel better - it really bothered me the first time I heard it!
Newly released Pulse 911 calls reveal terror, panic during, after shooting

These are new today. I haven't listened yet.


“By 3:20 a.m. on June 12, officers had figured out the gunman in Orlando's Pulse nightclub was Omar Mateen and were dialing his cellphone repeatedly. Most of the time, he didn't pick up.

When a negotiator who called himself "Officer Andy" dialed and redialed, he and another police officer talked about the killer.

"He sounds sober as the day is long and not stressed at all, so I think he's committed; I just don't think he's ready," the unidentified employee said.

In a recording six minutes later, while still trying to reach Mateen, a city employee said, "He sounds like he's stoned, to be perfectly honest."”​
Newly released Pulse 911 calls reveal terror, panic during, after shooting

These are new today. I haven't listened yet.

“By 3:20 a.m. on June 12, officers had figured out the gunman in Orlando's Pulse nightclub was Omar Mateen and were dialing his cellphone repeatedly. Most of the time, he didn't pick up.

When a negotiator who called himself "Officer Andy" dialed and redialed, he and another police officer talked about the killer.

"He sounds sober as the day is long and not stressed at all, so I think he's committed; I just don't think he's ready," the unidentified employee said.

In a recording six minutes later, while still trying to reach Mateen, a city employee said, "He sounds like he's stoned, to be perfectly honest."”​

The first one is just heartbreaking.............

Doesn't it just remain just unbelievable and devastating?

I went to YT to see if I can find any more of those released today and I saw this ----almost puked --actually had to reread cause I thought I got a word or two wrong

sick world

Orlando Pulse 911 Calls...Anyone Would Think They Are Listening To A Call In Comedy Show (LMFAO)

Assho##----- Di** Your sicker than him


Hey mods, I wish YT had you guys ! There is no reason for that to be on there. None. That is not censorship , just human decency, and common sense and respect and insulting and wounding and scary and not ok

mo truly bothered me when I reread it the second time WTF??

I worked with sick people and have heard some stuff - this is sociopath stuff

Yeh . This was all faked . I was there a couple of weeks after wards and yeh that big truck that said something like biochemical cleanup or something, and I saw two guys in bio suits and another one in regular clothes yeh it was all a joke two weeks later they are still "playing " this all out

All these false flag people - who the heck can even "think up" what transpired here that night

on in background 603 calls that night --total.

Just unreal..................................
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