FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse Nightclub, Orlando 12 June 2016 #6

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How the Noor Salman jury will decide her guilt or innocence

"ORLANDO, Fla. - The 12 jurors who will decide the fate of the Pulse gunman's widow have rules to follow that will help them fairly decide, based on what they have seen and heard during her trial, to acquit or convict Noor Salman....

Here is what the jury will be instructed before they begin deliberating.

The jury cannot factor in that Salman did not testify into its decision.

The charges brought by the U.S. government have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, which is a very high bar. If they have any doubt in what the government alleges the jurors must return a verdict in Salman’s favor.

The jury panel must consider all direct and circumstantial evidence.

Jurors need to consider the credibility of all the witnesses who testified for and against the defendant.

The jury must consider several factors when evaluating Salman’s statement to the FBI, including whether they believe she made the statement, how much weight to give it and the circumstances under which it was given.

After evaluating all of the above, the jury must then apply what it has learned through witnesses, experts and evidence to consider the charges against Salman.

Count one is the aiding and abetting the attempted provision and provision of material support to a foreign terrorist organization. If the jury finds Salman guilty of this charge, the government must have proven the following:

Mateen attempted to provide to ISIS personal and services, which the government says was the attack on Pulse nightclub.

That Salman knowingly provided Mateen material support, through words, actions and encouragement and resources even without evidence that she committed the actual shooting. She is criminally responsible of another person if they have aided and abetted that person.

Count two is obstruction of justice. The government alleges that seven statement’s Salman made to the FBI were an attempt to prevent its investigation into the Pulse attack. To prove this charge, the government needs to show that the crime happened at the venue, or place, it alleges.

The jury needs to look at all the evidence the government used to show those statements were knowingly false and decide if the prosecution was successful. This will, again, depend on how much weight the jury gives Salman’s written statement to the FBI...."

Pulse club gunman’s father was FBI informant


The government has revealed only now that the Pulse nightclub shooter’s father was an FBI informant for 11 years before the attack, lawyers for his widow said Monday.

They said prosecutors also told them in an email Saturday that the government found evidence on the day of the attack that Omar Mateen’s father, Seddique Mateen, had been sending money to Afghanistan and Turkey, and that he had been accused of raising money to fund violence against the government of Pakistan.
Given the evidence the prosecution has presented, they really have no case. This looks more like a witch hunt rather than a trial in pursuit of justice.
Given the evidence the prosecution has presented, they really have no case. This looks more like a witch hunt rather than a trial in pursuit of justice.

I agree with you Ironhorse and I'm local too. Watching this case from the beginning I've always suspected LE needed
to ameliorate the crime and she was the convenient scapegoat. LE and especially FBI get very upset after a crime, if they can't blame and catch someone to punish. Their egos make them do it.
Well, this explains why there was such a hard push on the "closeted homosexual who hated himself" angle in the beginning.

Haven't seen it reported, but Mateen actually asked the security guard inside Pulse, "Where are All the Girls?"
Gal Tziperman Lotan Retweeted
Jeff Weiner@JeffWeinerOS
18h18 hours ago
Jeff Weiner Retweeted Orlando Sentinel
Here's our just-recorded video recap of the #SalmanTrial so far and the case against #NoorSalman, ahead of closing arguments tomorrow.
Orlando Sentinel@orlandosentinel
Follow Follow @orlandosentinel
Watch live: A look at the Noor Salman trial so far, with @tzigal @KMTorralva @JeffWeinerOS https://thesent.nl/2GARpB8
12:21 PM - 27 Mar 2018

Given the evidence the prosecution has presented, they really have no case. This looks more like a witch hunt rather than a trial in pursuit of justice.

Great point, Ironhorse. I agree with you!
Haven't seen it reported, but Mateen actually asked the security guard inside Pulse, "Where are All the Girls?"

How do you know this? Sorry, I’m catching up on the thread. Was it court testimony?
Hadas Brown@HadasBrownWESH
4h4 hours ago
TODAY: #SalmanTrial jury deliberations begin, to decide whether she helped her husband plan the #Pulse terror attack.
Jurors must reach a UNANIMOUS verdict on both counts #NoorSalman faces.
I'm live with the latest in the case on @WESH at 6/6:30

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
1h1 hour ago
I'm going into court now.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
29m29 minutes ago
Prosecutor Sara Sweeney said Disney Springs was Mateen’s intended target, not Pulse.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
28m28 minutes ago
This has been indicated in testimony but this was the first time the prosecution explicitly acknowledged.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
28m28 minutes ago
“The target of that terrorist attack was not the Pulse nightclub... The target is his attack was Disney (Springs,” Sweeney said.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
28m28 minutes ago
But, Sweeney said, it doesn’t matter whether Salman knew he changed his target. “She doesn’t have to know that his initial target didn’t work out.”
Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
27m27 minutes ago
Sweeney re-played video of Mateen at Disney Springs where there was heavy police presence. Sweeney honed in on Mateen looking over his shoulder as a sign he knew he couldn’t succeed in his attack there.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
22m22 minutes ago
Sweeney also pointed to the trip Mateen and Salman took on June 8, 2016, to Disney Springs as an example of Salman knowing of his plan to commit a terrorist attack.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
20m20 minutes ago
Opening arguments are still going on and @tzigal is there for all of it. I just wanted to run out and update y'all on this development. Going back in.

Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
2m2 minutes ago
"This case is about what the defendant new, and what she did."
That's how prosecutor Sarah Sweeney began her closing argument against Noor Salman to the jury. #SalmanTrial


Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
1m1 minute ago
Sweeney told jurors Salman's crimes aren't equal to her husband's -- but that her actions, and her support, "encouraged" and helped him carry out his attack.
"The defendant did not pull the trigger at Pulse nightclub, but she served as a green light," Sweeney said. #SalmanTrial

Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
18m18 minutes ago
Sweeney is detailing a web of lies she said Salman spun when investigators first came to her Fort Pierce home after 4 a.m. as the attack was happening at Pulse.
Sweeney emphasized--a massive investigation was just beginning to see if Mateen had any co-conspirators. #SalmanTrial

Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
13m13 minutes ago
She says Salman “knowingly engaged in misleading conduct.”
She’s accused of initially lying about:
- Mateen’s Facebook and Internet activity.
- He was moderate, not a radical.
- She was unaware he was planning violence.
- He only had one gun--for work; not a rifle. #SalmanTrial

Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
10m10 minutes ago
Again this text message, sent from Salman to Mateen the night of the attack, was shown: "If your mom calls, tell her Nemo invited you out and Noor wants to stay in."
Sweeney argued: "She knew he wasn't at dinner..... There would be no need to send this message..." #SalmanTrial
Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
8m8 minutes ago
Sweeney is trying to combat the argument that Salman's written statements to the FBI are false confessions by reminding jurors she was not a suspect in any crime, but a witness, when she gave them -- and that investigators couldn't have known the content in them. #SalmanTrial

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
4m4 minutes ago
Sweeney just pointed to pictures from the search of the vehicle Mateen drove to Pulse showing a baby stroller and doll. Mateen planned to get his long gun into Disney Springs in the stroller with the doll, Sweeney said.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
4m4 minutes ago
The stroller was for a small child such as an infant, not a 3-year-old like his son, Sweeney said.

Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
49s50 seconds ago
Sweeney: "His target was Disney and his wife knew that."
Sweeney argues that Mateen changing his plan doesn't change that his wife knew an attack was imminent. #SalmanTrial

Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
5m5 minutes ago
She says investigators couldn't have known beforehand about visiting Disney Springs, Mateen's intended target, or the money they spent in the days leading up to the attack: $26,000 in credit card purchases, according prosecutors, and all chronicled in the statements. #SalmanTrial
Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
4m4 minutes ago
Sweeney to jury: "She acknowledged she knew he was going to commit an attack. He'd done what he said he was going to do." #SalmanTrial

Gal Tziperman Lotan@tzigal
2m2 minutes ago
Assistant U.S. Attorney Sara Sweeney told jurors in closings that the case against Noor Salman “is about what the defendant knew and what she did.”

Gal Tziperman Lotan@tzigal
28s28 seconds ago
Sweeney pointed to things in Salman's FBI statements that were corroborated -- a trip to City Place in Palm Beach, trip to Disney Springs, extravagant spending. "The fact that these things are ultimately corroborated shows you that the defendant did not give a false confession."

Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
57s57 seconds ago
One thing from this closing argument I do not believe we've heard before: Omar Mateen allegedly bought a baby stroller and a doll right before the attack.
It's assumed he bought the stroller and doll so he could wheel his gun into Disney Springs. #SalmanTrial
Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
3m3 minutes ago
We're on a break so I'm going to explain what the prosecution has to prove.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
9m9 minutes ago
For the obstruction of justice: That Salman knowingly engaged in misleading conduct AND acted with intent to hinder, delay or prevent communication of information to people involved in the investigation.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
7m7 minutes ago
For the aiding and abetting: That Mateen provided or attempted to provide material support to ISIS, that Salman knowingly aided and that she knows what a terrorist organization is.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
6m6 minutes ago
The jury will decide whether Mateen did or did not succeed in providing material support to ISIS.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
5m5 minutes ago
The difference: Whether Mateen attacked at the direction and control of ISIS.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
5m5 minutes ago
If he did, the material support would be himself as a soldier and a service which was the attack ISIS leaders called for.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
4m4 minutes ago
If he did not attack at the direction and control, then he attempted to by pledging allegiance to ISIS.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
55s56 seconds ago
Things the prosecution does NOT need to prove: “She does not have to be his equal in the attack and in fact she is not,” Sweeney said.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
45s46 seconds ago
“She doesn’t have to know that his initial target didn’t work out,” Sweeney said.

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
13m13 minutes ago
That Salman had the same motivation as Mateen. “We do not have to demonstrate to you (Salman) is an extremist,” Sweeney said.
Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
24m24 minutes ago
Prosecutor Sarah Sweeney wrapped up the goverment's closing by telling the jury they think they've proven she aided and abetted her husband and obstructed justice, but it will be fore them to decide. #SalmanTrial
Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
29m29 minutes ago
"The government just admitted it failed."
That's what defense attorney Linda Moreno told the jury in her closing argument.
Both Moreno and attorney Charles Swift are handling the defense's closing. #SalmanTrial

Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
28m28 minutes ago
Moreno called the government's argument Mateen intended to target Disney a "new theory" several times.
However, in fact it was the defense who first pointed out, in a motion, Mateen went to Disney Springs before Pulse.
Video of him there was also shown in court. #SalmanTrial

Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
25m25 minutes ago
Moreno also emphasized Salman's cooperation with authorities: "She never hid. She never fled." She also pointed out she never asked for a lawyer during the full day of questioning that followed the attack. #SalmanTrial

Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
24m24 minutes ago
Regarding the statements to FBI, Moreno says, "We say those were not her words."
"They want you to believe she's cunning, diabolical. No one says that of Noor." #SalmanTrial

Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
22m22 minutes ago
Defense attorney Charles Swift is taking a deeper dive into the statements for the jury.
He posited a metaphor to the jury, saying the statements for the case are like finding in a worm in an otherwise tasty apple -- once you find the worm, you throw the rest out. #SalmanTrial

Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
20m20 minutes ago
All the while, Swift too is hammering away at the prosecution's "new theory" about the intended targeting being Disney.
"We didn't open with Disney, but now it's Disney," he said.
and, "Suddenly it went from gay to Disney," he said later. #SalmanTrial

Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
15m15 minutes ago
Swift rejected the prosecution's assertion Salman thought she cased the club her husband attacked--possibly confusing Pulse for House of Blues or another venue, arguing she wouldn't mistake anything at Disney Springs, saying, "Noor Salman likes Disney." #SalmanTrial
Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
10m10 minutes ago
Swift to jurors: "Magically we put in Disney and they want you to accept that."
"How's that apple?" he asked. #SalmanTrial

Gal Tziperman Lotan@tzigal
1m1 minute ago
Defense attorneys repeatedly questioned why Omar Mateen would tell his wife what he was planning. "Why would he tell her?" Charles Swift said. "I cannot think of an earthly reason for it. I cannot think of one. What could she help him with?"

Gal Tziperman Lotan@tzigal
2m2 minutes ago
"The last thing he told her was a lie, because she didn't know what he was going to do," Swift told jurors.

Gal Tziperman Lotan@tzigal
4m4 minutes ago
"That doesn't make it less tragic. Not in any way, shape, or form. It's a horrible, random, senseless killing by a monster. But it wasn't pre-planned," Swift said. "And if he didn't know, she couldn't know."

Krista M. Torralva@KMTorralva
18m18 minutes ago
"Use your common sense," was repeated by defense lawyers Linda Moreno and Charles Swift.

Matt Lupoli@mattlupoli
55s55 seconds ago
The defense team made a point to argue they kept all of the promises they made during opening statements of the trial.
Next, the government will have the chance to give a rebuttal before the jury this afternoon. #SalmanTrial
Gal Tziperman Lotan@tzigal
3m3 minutes ago
Salman waived to her family in the gallery when she walked into the courtroom this morning. Her uncle Al Salman made eye contact and waived back -- she smiled at him, then her eyes lost focus and stared away.

Gal Tziperman Lotan@tzigal
1m1 minute ago
The jury now has a break for lunch. They'll be back about 12:50 p.m. to hear a rebuttal from prosecutor Sara Sweeney, which is expected to take about 45 minutes. Then Judge Paul Byron will instruct them on the law and send them back to deliberate.

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