FL FL - Miami Beach, WhtMale UP6736, 30-40, 6'9" & 335 lbs, drowned, Dec'09

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DNA Solves
I actually found two articles about this guy from Canada who looks like the UID from Florida... the heights are off, but you can't always rely on that. The height of the UID, 6'9" is correct because it was measured by the coroner, but heights of missing people are often guestimates and sometimes wrong. Anyways... after YEARS of looking for this guy, I found a guy from Canada who looks more like the UID than anyone NAMUS has him as ruled out... I emailed the information to the RCMP and to Miami. I heard back from the RCMP, and they are forwarding the info to the "agency in charge". Have heard nothing yet from Miami. The faces are so similar they really need to look at this UID compared to the guy from Montreal who went missing in February 2009. The UID was found drowned on Christmas Eve 2009 (12/24/2009). Was he despondent that he was alone on Christmas Eve and just wandered into the ocean? The guy missing from Montreal allegedly had mental health issues. Who knows??? I am going off of how similar they look compared to anything else I have seen over the past YEARS.. Pictures below.

Excited to hear the response! The resemblance is uncanny.
I still believe the flour-de-lis tattoo indicated either a French exiled Canadian origin, also all along the East Coast of the US, and, as you can see by my avatar, Louisiana & Mobile AL as well. Or did I miss something? Probably.
As I write this I am lying on Miami Beach, near 16th street where this Doe was pulled from the surf. As my SO and I left our hotel room earlier, I left my wallet in the room at her suggestion so I did not lose it. Also, I see that there are tractors pulling machines that are scooping up trash from the beach. If this Doe had left anything in a bag while he waded, it would be gone quickly. That may be why he had no ID at all and none was found nearby.
He could have been staying at any one of dozens of hotels in the Art Deco district (my guess) or further away.
It is still hard to believe that nobody has recognized this man!

Yes, I mean he is not particular built like a man you easily would look over....The height wouldn't have changed...maybe he gained a lot of weight...from the last time people who know and love him until the day he was found....but then again, my best friend took on a lot of kilo's during covid time but I would recognize her always....
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Did my own MP search and came up the same as you guys, I have no one who actually fits this guy's crazy parameters o_O
still, I thought I'd share what I found, and you guys sound off in any of the following men could have potential...

Travis Jeremy Wilson - probably the best possibility I have, facial-wise, but was only ("only") 6'2" and 230lbs. Disappeared in 2007. Schizophrenic and bipolar. Was experiencing central balding and had 'missing back teeth'. Any info on the state of the UIDs teeth??

David Allen - this dude was making my sensors go up...round chubby face...6'4"...almost 300 pounds...and then of course he has to have gone missing from Alaska of all places!! But, of course, it's not like no one's ever left Alaska before and I'm guessing it might be easy to travel without leaving a record if just moving within the USA in 2005?? He was also bipolar w/ paranoid delusions.
Given the location as a major tourist destination, this fellow might have been from anywhere. Perhaps it was a suicide....we know from other cases that people intending to commit suicide often travel long distances, and go to great lengths to obscure their identity.
I'd be surprised is this was suicide, but ofc they never released COD so I don't know for sure. Suicide via intentional drowning is not very popular in the USA + is hard to carry out, and where he was found (behind the Delano Hotel) faces the ocean so it's not near any bridges. That area of Miami Beach is also well-traveled so I doubt he'd choose to try to commit suicide there.

His attire does lead me to believe he was going for an early morning walk or jog near the water and maybe had planned to go swimming or go for a wade later. I'd love to know COD though! Clearly he had planned to go in the water w/ his trunks on, so is it likely that he drowned while swimming normally? Definitely possible. Perhaps he slipped while running and hit his head, falling in the water? Or suffered a medical event? I understand the rationale of wearing shoes while swimming (I've worn sandals, never sneakers though) but I think if this was a planned swim he would have taken his socks off - no one wants wet socks!
Another one -
William Asa Jenkins, 48 y/o (but imo looks younger), 6'3", 240lbs, last seen in 2008 in Virginia. Very little info available in his case. Despite the 4-6" difference I might submit on the facial match alone.
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
View attachment 328303

Definitely submit this. The noses are so similar, and the eyebrows are even more similar. It's unusual to have eyebrows that far apart and of that shape, and both William and our big guy have that. Shape of the chin, space between nose and lips, shape of the lips... pretty much all spot on. If this isn't William, he's got a doppelganger!
Another one -
William Asa Jenkins, 48 y/o (but imo looks younger), 6'3", 240lbs, last seen in 2008 in Virginia. Very little info available in his case. Despite the 4-6" difference I might submit on the facial match alone.
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
View attachment 328303

WJ is also on Charley Project, but it doesn't really have more information beyond that he "may be in need of medical attention for unspecified reasons." There are no other photos there...
William Asa Jenkins – The Charley Project
Definitely submit this. The noses are so similar, and the eyebrows are even more similar. It's unusual to have eyebrows that far apart and of that shape, and both William and our big guy have that. Shape of the chin, space between nose and lips, shape of the lips... pretty much all spot on. If this isn't William, he's got a doppelganger!
submitted a few days ago! it seems theres so many guys who look exactly like this UID, i rlly thought the Canadian guy just ruled out was going to be him! Even if another doppelganger, this will be William's first rule out.
and yea, I found his namus, his CharleyProject page, and his submission on Virginia PDs missing persons board. It seems like that ID pic is the only one out there publicy :(
Another one -
William Asa Jenkins, 48 y/o (but imo looks younger), 6'3", 240lbs, last seen in 2008 in Virginia. Very little info available in his case. Despite the 4-6" difference I might submit on the facial match alone.
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
View attachment 328303
Great suggestion. However I'm not convinced he's truly still missing. NamUs and Charley Project give slightly different ages. It's a pretty common name (WJ) but a less common middle name. A WAJ from Chesapeake was listed as a surviving relative in a 2018 obituary. Also a WAJ with the same age as was given in NamUs seems to have more recently been in GA. (ETA according to online directories).
Great suggestion. However I'm not convinced he's truly still missing. NamUs and Charley Project give slightly different ages. It's a pretty common name (WJ) but a less common middle name. A WAJ from Chesapeake was listed as a surviving relative in a 2018 obituary. Also a WAJ with the same age as was given in NamUs seems to have more recently been in GA. (ETA according to online directories).
I really don't know! You may be right. Before I submitted and did check- he's still on Virginia State PD's website, which appears to be consistently updated (there's already 3 or 4 MPs from 2022 on there), but I guess it's possible that they still forget to remove older cases.
So frustrating when these people only appear in the gov reports and there's no MSM articles, no nothing!

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