FL FL - Miami Beach, WhtMale UP6736, 30-40, 6'9" & 335 lbs, drowned, Dec'09

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I realize stats do not match up but timeline and resemblance does (Missing November 2009). I am unable to locate information to see if Jeffrey Andrew Ensley was ever found.

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I would submit if it's possible.
its not likely as Jeffrey is not listed on NamUs or the California Missing Persons site. No updated articles and OSP did not list a case # which they are more prone to do now when putting out a public plea or statement.

I will call OSP and Sonoma LE to see if there were any further developments or if Mr. Ensley was located.
Another possibility is that the decedent was known to have drowned (fallen off a boat or a pier, for instance) but the body wasn't recovered at the time, so presumed dead and not reported missing. Happens a lot with sailors, fishing crews, long-distance swimmers, among others. It might be worth digging through the south Florida newspapers at the time to see whether there was an accident like that.
Another possibility is that the decedent was known to have drowned (fallen off a boat or a pier, for instance) but the body wasn't recovered at the time, so presumed dead and not reported missing. Happens a lot with sailors, fishing crews, long-distance swimmers, among others. It might be worth digging through the south Florida newspapers at the time to see whether there was an accident like that.
I was just going to say the same. Look for boating accidents where not everyone was recovered for sure.

If the timeline was a months different, I would think of William Bleakly.
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I'd imagine he must be a tourist/fell off a cruise ship or something like that?

This guy fascinates me. A guy that big has to be known... you'd think... hope he is identified.

I tried to do some international searches but the databases all seem to be scattered, outdated, or too hard to find with my limited language skills
I'd imagine he must be a tourist/fell off a cruise ship or something like that?

This guy fascinates me. A guy that big has to be known... you'd think... hope he is identified.

I tried to do some international searches but the databases all seem to be scattered, outdated, or too hard to find with my limited language skills
By 2009 cruise ships were blanketed with cameras. No way.
By 2009 cruise ships were blanketed with cameras. No way.
They are indeed covered in cameras. However, they also seek to keep bad publicity to minimal amounts. It is not uncommon for people to die and disappear from cruises. It is handled very discretely. We rarely hear about it in the news unless family makes a a fuss. It is worth exploring.
They are indeed covered in cameras. However, they also seek to keep bad publicity to minimal amounts. It is not uncommon for people to die and disappear from cruises. It is handled very discretely. We rarely hear about it in the news unless family makes a a fuss. It is worth exploring.
I can tell you that if somebody fell off a cruise ship, the cruise line would know. They would have stopped the boat and called in local and federal assets to assist in a search. This would have made the local news in Miami. No was this guy fell off a cruise ship.

A family member of mine was an executive at a major cruise line.
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I can tell you that if somebody fell off a cruise ship, the cruise line would know. They would have stopped the boat and called in local and federal assets to assist in a search. This would have made the local news in Miami. No was this guy fell off a ship.

A family member of mine was an executive at a major cruise line.

Thanks for your insight, ruling that out I suppose it could have been a private boat, or no boat at all.
Thanks for your insight, ruling that out I suppose it could have been a private boat, or no boat at all.
Yeah, I actually think he either drowned off the beach or fell off a boat. We just had a doctor fall off his boat over on the west coast. Boat was found, he wasn't and is presumed dead.

People fall off freighters too. I had a friend who found a guy in the ocean off Ft. Lauderdale.

Story from link:
COLLINS: A cargo worker is alive and well this morning after an amazing rescue at sea. 28-year-old Gurjit Singh spent more than 12 hours floating in the Atlantic after falling overboard from his ship. A local fisherman, Mike Genoun, found him yesterday, six miles off the coast of Florida, and pulled him from the water. Captain Mike joining us now from the deck of his boat, "The Big Red," in Lighthouse Point, Florida.

Captain, good morning. Thanks for being here. MIKE GENOUN, RESCUED MAN AT SEA: Good morning.

COLLINS: I know that you were out fishing for mahi-mahi yesterday. You are a sports fisherman. But you realized that the Coast Guard was searching for something in the water. You didn't know what it was until you say you came upon something that you thought maybe was a log at first.

GENOUN: We did. We headed out early in the morning, and we did know the Coast Guard was looking for someone or something. There was a Coast Guard helicopter searching the area, low to the water. And at around 10:00 we stumbled across what we initially thought was a log, which started waving its arms. So we knew for sure that it was someone in the water.

COLLINS: What kind of shape was he in? How did you assess his condition as you came upon him?

GENOUN: He was really -- I'll tell you, Heidi, he was really in poor shape. He was hypothermic. He was definitely in shock. He was freezing. He was barely moving at all. As soon as we saw him we immediately contacted the Coast Guard, we maneuvered into position, safely brought him aboard. We immediately administered some initial First Aid, provided him some water, tried to keep him warm. But he was barely moving at all. He couldn't speak, couldn't say a sound, couldn't move any of his extremities.

And I'm sure he was thrilled that he was on a boat and out of the water. But he was definitely in shock, and I don't know if he was in the water for a few more hours, who knows what might have happened.

COLLINS: Right. And great that you were able to provide him with that basic care there, First Aid care. And I think we just saw a little bit of video of the life jacket that he was wearing. Do you have that this morning? What -- it was covered with tar?

GENOUN: It is. He was very, very difficult to spot. He was a petite guy with dark hair, and he had a dark complexion, dark shirt and he was wearing a life jacket, as you can see, is completely covered in tar which made it even more difficult to spot him in the water. Had he been wearing a bright orange jacket or maybe even this jacket on the opposite side, I think that it would have been much easier for someone to pinpoint him.

We were probably only 30 or 40 feet away from him and we could barely see him. The water was a little choppy. And again he was submerged. So it was difficult to spot.

COLLINS: Well, I know that you sped in your boat because the Coast Guard thought maybe he wasn't in very good condition to move him onto their boat to the shore. Quickly, what are you hearing about his condition today?

GENOUN: Well, what I heard yesterday afternoon is that he was doing better. And that's really all I heard. He didn't look too good when we initially brought him on board. The Coast Guard did administer some -- you know, again, continued to administer First Aid. We took him back to shore, where initial rescue guys, or I should say additional rescue guys helped him out and eventually got him off the boat. He was kind of in and out of consciousness then. But I did hear late yesterday afternoon that he was doing better. So I'm happy to hear that.

COLLINS: All right. Well, maybe you will meet him one day. Captain Mike Genoun...

GENOUN: I hope so. I hope so."

COLLINS: ... certainly appreciate your time this morning and your story. Good job out there on the seas. And now back to Bill in Columbus, Ohio, once again this morning.
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I can tell you that if somebody fell off a cruise ship, the cruise line would know. They would have stopped the boat and called in local and federal assets to assist in a search. This would have made the local news in Miami. No was this guy fell off a cruise ship.

A family member of mine was an executive at a major cruise line.
Absolutely, I have a close friend who has worked in management as well. Cruise director/management on board. I am not saying they would not "know" if someone went overboard at all. Based on the circumstances, these incidents don't always make "front page" news. Especially if in international waters or if someone is from another country. Perhaps, suicide? That isn't public fodder in many countries. The news isn't a reliable source for every single person who falls off a cruise ship. gets lost at sea, falls off a tanker ship, etc. Cruise companies don't "broadcast" that people are overboard to the news. Yes the report to the appropriate sources for search purposes. It would be bad tourism marketing if they announced everywhere.

And often, if someone is lost at sea, after an initial search, they are presumed dead. Sometimes the dots aren't connected if a body washes up somewhere. That has happened in the past.

Here is an example of someone who actually has a decent missing person writeup from another country. A lot of countries don't have massive databases like we do. Especially if presumed dead.

From January 2000 through May 2022, 278 people, including passengers and crew on major cruise line ships, went overboard. Some of the passengers who went overboard were rescued, but most died. If COVID hadn’t shut down the cruise industry for much of 2020 and 2021, it’s likely that the overboard stats would be grimmer.

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His height has been amended to 6’9”! That’s even more unusual.

The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

That seems so large, unless he came from certain Scandinavian countries or is an ex-sport player is the USA. What is the possibility this is incorrect? 69 inches entered as foot/inches. Do we have more photos? Because 275-300 on a 6'98 could make him pretty slim/not overweight looking. The body does relax a bit after death so height could be a bit off. It is like he is an ex-college player of something, maybe a bookie or visiting Florida for something sport related? How does this guy go missing?
I took the "hairless" to mean he had shaved his legs.IDK... which led me to think (based on his size) he could be a bodybuilder or a world strongest man competitor..

With hairless, could he just have baldness on his legs due to slacks rubbing. This happens a bit.

MY BAD! I was so busy looking for missing males that height that I didn't even notice the Fleur de lis tattll mentioned!! :crazy:

You live and learn.
The fleur de lis can be N.O. Saints, Franco-american, Lilies, Purity, Nobility...Do we have an actual picture of it?
I didn’t see this guy mentioned. I’m gonna suggest him here because it was suggested a few times he might have been a sports guy + fell of a boat. He’s a big guy but not as big as our Uid. Biggest problem is the timing: january 2009 and where he vanished. I don’t know if, for example, he catched on on some driftwood for a couple of days, he would have drifted in the right direction.

William Ward Bleakley

Absolutely, I have a close friend who has worked in management as well. Cruise director/management on board. I am not saying they would not "know" if someone went overboard at all. Based on the circumstances, these incidents don't always make "front page" news. Especially if in international waters or if someone is from another country. Perhaps, suicide? That isn't public fodder in many countries. The news isn't a reliable source for every single person who falls off a cruise ship. gets lost at sea, falls off a tanker ship, etc. Cruise companies don't "broadcast" that people are overboard to the news. Yes the report to the appropriate sources for search purposes. It would be bad tourism marketing if they announced everywhere.

And often, if someone is lost at sea, after an initial search, they are presumed dead. Sometimes the dots aren't connected if a body washes up somewhere. That has happened in the past.

Here is an example of someone who actually has a decent missing person writeup from another country. A lot of countries don't have massive databases like we do. Especially if presumed dead.

From January 2000 through May 2022, 278 people, including passengers and crew on major cruise line ships, went overboard. Some of the passengers who went overboard were rescued, but most died. If COVID hadn’t shut down the cruise industry for much of 2020 and 2021, it’s likely that the overboard stats would be grimmer.

I have a feeling if this guy fell overboard from a ship we would know exactly who he is. He would be one of the 278 people in your post. Think about it, the cruise lines are based in Miami. By your own admission the cruise lines report those who have fallen overboard to the authorities. The dots would have been connected for sure.
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I didn’t see this guy mentioned. I’m gonna suggest him here because it was suggested a few times he might have been a sports guy + fell of a boat. He’s a big guy but not as big as our Uid. Biggest problem is the timing: january 2009 and where he vanished. I don’t know if, for example, he catched on on some driftwood for a couple of days, he would have drifted in the right direction.

William Ward Bleakley

Good find, although I'm not sure this could be him. No fleur de lit tattoo mentioned, but that could be an "unknown" at the MP site. I'm also wondering if he would have worn just a black short, being on a fishing ship, but maybe he was sleeping when the boat accident happened.
I didn’t see this guy mentioned. I’m gonna suggest him here because it was suggested a few times he might have been a sports guy + fell of a boat. He’s a big guy but not as big as our Uid. Biggest problem is the timing: january 2009 and where he vanished. I don’t know if, for example, he catched on on some driftwood for a couple of days, he would have drifted in the right direction.

William Ward Bleakley

It would take more than a couple of days for someone on a piece of driftwood to float from the Gulf to the Atlantic. Also, he disappeared in January and our guy was found in December, so recently deceased the people who found him attempted CPR. No mention of extensive sunburn or decay on the UID. Also he looks nothing like the recon of the UID. It ain't him.
It would take more than a couple of days for someone on a piece of driftwood to float from the Gulf to the Atlantic. No mention of extensive sunburn on the UID. Also he looks nothing like the recon of the UID. It ain't him.
Good points. I didn't think of it, but it sounds plausible.

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