FL - Michelle Mishcon, 53, & John Stevens, 59, brutally murdered, Tequesta, 15 Aug 2016 - #2

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Yes, most of my post was about prison regs. I was explaining if he was ever released from hosp, and he made the decision to go off his meds, knowing what he is capable of if he were to have a breakdown, THEN, if he was to commit another crime, he should get the same treatment as other people get who break the law. The second time, he should not get off with a mental breakdown sentence to the hosp. He should get locked up with other criminals and not be given special treatment.
Even if it is necessary for him to return to the hosp, his sentence should read something like "six months in a psych hosp, followed by 25 yrs in state prison, to be served in real time, no good behavior early release.

There should never be another time....never given the chance to hurt anyone again. The 6 mos is fine but then life WOP....no chance for hurting someone because all this time, his meds have been regulated and given to him by medical staff and then to set him free to start getting, paying for and taking his own meds himself....to scary and untrustworthy IMO. No perfect answer.
You're right, no perfect answer. And I was using the 25yrs as an example.
I am still not ready to jump on the insanity train for this young man.
He talked with police at crime scene. Once at hospital I would bet money dad lawyered him up fast.
Remember we thought he may die from what he ingested. That turned out to be something other than what they wanted us to believe.
Point I am making, lawyer gets hired, they know his only defense would be mental. So dad and whoever (their sons life is now up for grabs as Florida has death penalty) go in and tells him look, this is how you have got to act, we have to prove you insane. And he does. And they medicate him accordingly.
This is all speculation on my part. A possibility, if you will. MOO. Thoughts?
Well, you raise some good questions,Flatbrush. I guess this could all be a setup, but I feel like a good psych doc could see thru a plan like you suggested. However, you can't fool ALL of the people ALL of the time.
And, I think it would become increasingly difficult to keep up the charades in an instution. Too many medical personnel who would be on the alert for a change in behavior or speech.
It really made me mad when we heard for weeks about his continuing decline in health, and that seemed to be just alot of BS, trying to drum up some sympathy for poor little Austin! If he really IS suffering from mental illness or instability, he needs to be institutionalised. If it's all a farce, then he needs to own up to what he did, and accept the consequences of his actions. I don't care if he is 19 or 60, if he isn't suffering from a breakdown, then by all means he should be punished to the maximum extent the law allows.
Just my opinion, but we need to let go of "insanity" as a society - we need to be looking at mental illness as a huge, huge mitigating factor in so many of these.

Its not all or nothing- it's a culmination of stuff, stressors, decline, voices, judgement, impulsivity, feelings of rage, confusion, distorted thinking on and on

imo the notion of knowing right from wrong is so outdated

was this kid , imo , hearing command hallucinations that night - totally -

in his brain, he was being told to kill and eat only mo

In that setting he has no choice but to eat his meds- they keep them slobbering on a couch in some corner and our society says whew, fixed.

They overmedicate them for staffing reasons, they put them in a coma and society is fine its pathetic .

He will not hurt anyone again, he wil be on horse tranquilizers the rest of his life here.

Just moo
But that's in prison. What if he goes into a psyche hospital for a few years and is deemed stable. No one will know he's off the meds until it's too late. Another family suffers a loss again?

I do not know - may look it up later -- but let him go to a psyc hospital -- no one is releasing him

crime to gruesome - but he does not, only mo, need to be "punished" for being mentally ill

All the way around a tragic event - he is sick - its not his "fault" ------any of us gonna beat up on a human suffering with cancer.

Mental is physical- its neurotransmitters not firing
He appears to me to be suffering from schizophrenia. Auditory hallucinations as well religious delusions appear to be some of his symptoms. Its unfortunate that no one close to him sought out help. Pyschosis surely can't be confused with quirkiness or acting weird can it ? moo.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
He appears to me to be suffering from schizophrenia. Auditory hallucinations as well religious delusions appear to be some of his symptoms. Its unfortunate that no one close to him sought out help. Pyschosis surely can't be confused with quirkiness or acting weird can it ? moo.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

He sure seemed lucid when he was arrested and kept telling LE they were wasting their time on drug testing, as he hadn't taken anything. He was being truthful.
He sure seemed lucid when he was arrested and kept telling LE they were wasting their time on drug testing, as he hadn't taken anything. He was being truthful.

He also realized what he did was wrong, based on him yelling "f-ing kill me" and "I deserve to die".

"Records show he also yelled “[expletive] kill me, [expletive] kill me. Shoot me now, I deserve to die."

To me the only question now is does he spend he rest of his miserable life in a prison or a hospital for the criminally insane.

There should never be another chance for him to attack anyone. MOO

RIP John and Michelle

ETA: Remember the interview with Dr. Phil that did not air? I'm guessing he was too lucid in the interview and his attorneys demanded it not become public.

He also realized what he did was wrong, based on him yelling "f-ing kill me" and "I deserve to die".

"Records show he also yelled “[expletive] kill me, [expletive] kill me. Shoot me now, I deserve to die."

To me the only question now is does he spend he rest of his miserable life in a prison or a hospital for the criminally insane.

There should never be another chance for him to attack anyone. MOO

RIP John and Michelle

ETA: Remember the interview with Dr. Phil that did not air? I'm guessing he was too lucid in the interview and his attorneys demanded it not become public.

They typically "clear up" when in a structured environment-- Cleared up meaning placed in a coma tose state -- Never heard another word out of James Holmes either.

IMO that does not translate back to the night of the attack and his cognitive functioning in the weeks before the tragedy

I think he will get committed, and IMO that is appropriate, he is a sick young man.

That schzophrneia runs in the family is a further testment to how his life has turned out.

The genetic compnent for schizophrnia has been cofirmed, for quite some time, and if ya think about it makes sense.

There ought to be no idfference between tendency for cancer, high blood pressure to run in families etcetc

Menatal illiness is IMO just that - a disease.

Soceity is now going to spend millions of dollars on a trial.

Massive Study Reveals Schizophrenia's Genetic Roots

It would be interesting to read his jail records.

I am trying to see if they are online.

A better sluether than I might be able to fidure out how to get them

some of the buzz words are :

Martin county corrections confinement housing reviews

status change review

He also realized what he did was wrong, based on him yelling "f-ing kill me" and "I deserve to die".

"Records show he also yelled “[expletive] kill me, [expletive] kill me. Shoot me now, I deserve to die."

To me the only question now is does he spend he rest of his miserable life in a prison or a hospital for the criminally insane.

There should never be another chance for him to attack anyone. MOO

RIP John and Michelle

ETA: Remember the interview with Dr. Phil that did not air? I'm guessing he was too lucid in the interview and his attorneys demanded it not become public.

Imo prison 100%.
Imo prison 100%.

IMHO he will wind up in prison. I'm ok with that as long as he is never allowed out.

If it weren't for the apparent mental issues, I'd be screaming for the death penalty.
If they will employ more than one seasoned, shrink, ie, maybe a couple who specialize in schizophrenia, we can get an educated bit of info to form opinions on that will hopefully make some sense of this mess, it would be beneficial to everybody interested in following this case.
I do believe he did have a complete breakdown, however short-lived it was. Now, the big question is WHY, and had it come on full strength in a matter of a few weeks, or had it been building for months? I think it could have been building slowly, and when his thinking had clearly become cloudy, did the way he was treated agitate the break for it to come sooner, and more violent? If his increased agitation was the final straw that could be why there was so much violence. Had things been different at home, maybe the breakdown would have been a lot less violent.
One thing I hope comes out of this horror--that the next family that observes someone showing symptoms calls for help.

Much better to call 911 for a mental evaluation (Baker Act) than for a horrific act that can't be undone.
Would the breakdown cause the super human strength/lack of pain processing? Or would the past steroid use cause that?

He also realized what he did was wrong, based on him yelling "f-ing kill me" and "I deserve to die".

"Records show he also yelled “[expletive] kill me, [expletive] kill me. Shoot me now, I deserve to die."

To me the only question now is does he spend he rest of his miserable life in a prison or a hospital for the criminally insane.

There should never be another chance for him to attack anyone. MOO

RIP John and Michelle

ETA: Remember the interview with Dr. Phil that did not air? I'm guessing he was too lucid in the interview and his attorneys demanded it not become public.

Just realized this post looked like I was screaming at my fellow sleuthers. Apologies to all. That was not my intention.
I think the increase in strength could be one of the side effects of the breakdown. Sudden adrenaline release, fight or flight syndrome.
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