FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #14

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I find it a bit odd that a lady out walking her dog would be privvy to more information than what the family has been told, or the media. For all we know, this person could just be playing it up that she knows more than she really does. I'm not saying she didn't tell you that, but what proof did she offer up that it is indeed fact?

I believe Michelle's family knows this, if true. I think they are following LE's advice pretty closely as to what to discuss, admit to and what not to.

I remember how they insisted Michelle got to the house at 4:00 or so and that the time stamp was wrong. I believe they did that so Dale would not know how close LE is and possibly relax a bit.

Thanks for taking time to get inside info, Always Wright! :woohoo: We appreciate it. But please be careful when you're out there sleuthing. You never know how someone will react, if they see a stranger scoping out their property and taking pics. :)

Respectfully snipped and BBM

From the day I heard about the news recanting thier story about the hummer being seen leaving on tape, I felt LE did have footage of it, and knew the exact time it left the area. And I believe that the news either had the real footage as well, or LE was afraid that they did, so they quickly intervened and had the story/headline/footage recanted, to not compromise the investigation.

I agree. I thought the same thing. They don't want to tip Dale off as to how close they are.

Thank you for explaining bc in your original post it didn't convey that.

Welcome to WS by the way. I post sporadically, as time allots, but I find myself lurking almost every night bc for some reason I keep thinking of other disappearances that in my mind I can't let go of.

In some of your past comments you've stated how he made you feel, as in afraid or hinky, then advised you do think he could have something to do with this etc. The only thing that worries me is that IF Dale ends up being charged for Michelle's disappearance, you could have been called in as a character witness for the prosecution...but now you couldn't be called bc of how in-depth you've gotten in posting about Dale. Now they wouldn't be able to use a single thing you've told them bc it's already tainted by telling the online community. Many MANY many of us LOVE Yuri Melich and he had to stop posting or would have gotten thrown off the case against Casey Anthony - and he wasn't even posting specifics. If anything, he was just investigating.

Just to let you know, character witnesses cannot be called by the prosecution unless the defense makes "character" an issue by calling witnesses as to the good character of Dale, during trial. That is quite rare, because it allows the prosecution to call tons of witnesses to refute their characterization.

Further, if they did, someone who had a bad "feeling" about someone would not have what is considered relevant testimony. Instead, it would be people who specifically heard or saw certain things, that point to Dale's character or conduct. For example, they heard him bragging about hitting someone, saw him get into a fight, threaten someone, etc.
I agree with you. I do not believe you can even put that size photo(s) on a Facebook wall. I looked at mine, my son's and friends and just don't see that it is possible. Normally there is a row of little pictures on the FB wall under the profile of school, work, etc., etc.

Photos I take of my woodworking and woodturning to post on another forum I have to resize, yet I can upload the same photos before resizing to FB and FB automatically resizes them. actually, I uploaded some photos here of two of my schnauzers (which I need to resize soon) and if you look at them they blow right off the screen on WS the same photos are on FB in a much smaller version that I didn't resize. I hope this helps.
He just emailed me back a response to the date query with, "Nope, no date."

So he's basically admitting that it's a doctored screenshot that he either made or grabbed from some other internet posting? :waitasec:
If law enforcement has video of Michelle's hummer leaving DS Jr's condo complex without the decals, then they should have more than enough information to prove that his alibi is bogus. One way or the other, he had to make multiple trips in and out of the complex because he wasn't able to drive two vehicles at the same time. If someone else came to help him, then that person is also on video arriving and leaving. In my opinion, the cell phone records and the video should be enough to arrest him or at the very least serve search warrants on the condo. Do we know if they have done that already?

Maybe they have video of DS Sr coming into the complex with Dale in the dad's truck, after DS Jr. dropped the kids off with mom and left his truck there (and probably his cell phone too). Perhaps they were coming back in to get the Hummer and Michelle. LE sure busted into his house with guns blazing for a reason, even using cadavar dogs.

Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in that questioning of DS Sr.
Photos I take of my woodworking and woodturning to post on another forum I have to resize, yet I can upload the same photos before resizing to FB and FB automatically resizes them. actually, I uploaded some photos here of two of my schnauzers (which I need to resize soon) and if you look at them they blow right off the screen on WS the same photos are on FB in a much smaller version that I didn't resize. I hope this helps.

That's what I said, the row of little photos on FB are small, and don't see any photos on FB wall (only) that are as large as what that website shows.

I realize if I click on any of the little row on pictures on FB wall, they become larger, but to see them on the wall, they are a row of little photos.

That website is showing the photos really big on DS FB, and that is not how they show up normally.

Going to that link, and then clicking on THIS one, takes us to a photo of DII in his hard plastic suit that I want to add, always makes me wonder if some part of his costumes were not used in the commission of this crime, but I'll get into that later I suppose...

For now, I just want to point out the observation that he is not only pointing a weapon, no doubt a toy, i realize this, BUT, look at the background...

I sure would like to know when and where that was taken...

I want to restate that I am not judge jury and executioner, and we do not know who is responsible for M's disappearance. That doesn't stop one of us from pondering the multitude of possibilities... Asking questions sometimes helps to arrive at truths, and THIS is EVERYONE'S goal here... to find the truth and perhaps provide LE with our 'discoveries.'
Omg just thought of something, the lakes in the area - wonder their sodium levels? What's their feeder system? If by natural springs, where? If by other main sources, where's the original mouth vs basin? A body rises quicker in salt water before sinking again. Besides alligators, Florida has become inundated with large snakes due to Katrina & a zoo (or refuge of sorts) being washed out during that time. If I remember right the zoo was in Louisiana or something? That's only one example, there are many others I'm sure, but either way poisonous snakes were released into the Everglades. What is the snake life like in Orange County? Have any mombas been discovered lately?

Well, I haven't heard of any mambas being found here.... but we do have a TON of other poisonous snakes. Water moccasins, rattlers etc. I think i've confused myself - trying to make sure I answer your questions fully - so forgive me if I don't , lol.

Florida has had snakes as long as i have lived here (25 years) that isn't a new occurrence - though people releasing their pet snakes (large constrictors) down south has caused an epidemic of huge snakes being seen roaming wild in the Miami / ever glades areas. I have never seen a large one up this far, but I have seen a TON of poisonous snakes. They're all over here-I assume if there is a body of water (ditch, pond, lake etc) that I should be paying attention to snakes and alligators. It's just second nature around here.
Going to that link, and then clicking on THIS one, takes us to a photo of DII in his hard plastic suit that I want to add, always makes me wonder if some part of his costumes were not used in the commission of this crime, but I'll get into that later I suppose...

For now, I just want to point out the observation that he is not only pointing a weapon, no doubt a toy, i realize this, BUT, look at the background...

I sure would like to know when and where that was taken...

I want to restate that I am not judge jury and executioner, and we do not know who is responsible for M's disappearance. That doesn't stop one of us from pondering the multitude of possibilities... Asking questions sometimes helps to arrive at truths, and THIS is EVERYONE'S goal here... to find the truth and perhaps provide LE with our 'discoveries.'

If you click on the link above and then click on the stormtrooper link in the body of text...it takes you to his 501st profile. Last profile update November 22, 2011. That is interesting to me as the mother of his children is missing, he is the prime suspect....yet he is thinking about his 501st profile. Just interesting. Priorities and all.
Well, I haven't heard of any mambas being found here.... but we do have a TON of other poisonous snakes. Water moccasins, rattlers etc. I think i've confused myself - trying to make sure I answer your questions fully - so forgive me if I don't , lol.

Florida has had snakes as long as i have lived here (25 years) that isn't a new occurrence - though people releasing their pet snakes (large constrictors) down south has caused an epidemic of huge snakes being seen roaming wild in the Miami / ever glades areas. I have never seen a large one up this far, but I have seen a TON of poisonous snakes. They're all over here-I assume if there is a body of water (ditch, pond, lake etc) that I should be paying attention to snakes and alligators. It's just second nature around here.

Lol I just threw out the first kind of snake that came to my mind. I do remember something about the burmese python multiplying in astronomical numbers since Katrins...something about some warehouses near the gulf in FL & a zoo in LA releasing them in the Everglades. Was that just rumor or true? Thanks for all the info you just gave. We think of FL and automatically see water so think of alligators, man I forgot all about the snakes ... let alone spiders. Ewww!
If you click on the link above and then click on the stormtrooper link in the body of text...it takes you to his 501st profile. Last profile update November 22, 2011. That is interesting to me as the mother of his children is missing, he is the prime suspect....yet he is thinking about his 501st profile. Just interesting. Priorities and all.

Thanks for this Stilettos. Is he the only one that can access that profile?
Just to let you know, character witnesses cannot be called by the prosecution unless the defense makes "character" an issue by calling witnesses as to the good character of Dale, during trial. That is quite rare, because it allows the prosecution to call tons of witnesses to refute their characterization.

Further, if they did, someone who had a bad "feeling" about someone would not have what is considered relevant testimony. Instead, it would be people who specifically heard or saw certain things, that point to Dale's character or conduct. For example, they heard him bragging about hitting someone, saw him get into a fight, threaten someone, etc.

Respectfully snipped by me...

Thanks so much Gitana! I knew you'd know this! I was actually referring to the penalty phase, when a character witness could be called in either for the Defense or for the Prosecution. Or isn't that what they're called in that instance? I don't know how to say it as I'm not a legal eagle like you are, but after a person is found guilty, before the sentencing is handed down people can speak as to their character, how the crime affected them or how good vs bad the perp is. That's when the sentence is determined as in the years to serve, right? Or am I off? I seriously don't know the exact term but I thought that was also considered a character witness.

I just get scared bc what about if Dale really is the person responsible? Now we have some posts referencing an investigator speaking with somebody about the case. When Yuri was on here, thank God he didn't go in depth or he'd have been thrown off the case, but he had to refrain from posting in detail about Casey. Then look at what happened to Judge Stan Strickland - thrown off the case for posting to the guy whose site I shared earlier but the posts were removed (I didn't realize he's not allowed to be posted here anymore).

Again, thank you!
Originally Posted by Pias
I want to restate that I am not judge jury and executioner, and we do not know who is responsible for M's disappearance. That doesn't stop one of us from pondering the multitude of possibilities... Asking questions sometimes helps to arrive at truths, and THIS is EVERYONE'S goal here... to find the truth and perhaps provide LE with our 'discoveries.'

Respectfully snipped by me.. This is the whole enchilada right here..(lol. Is it obvious I'm a little hungry?).. But seriously this is what it's all about here and that goes for all of us across the board.. The one's discussing Dale and possibilities are not judge, jury, or executioner.. No matter what the fact is that we're all here for Michelle to be found and judgement to be brought for those involved in harming her.. It's all relevant to the case and EVERYONE's opinions and views are important and IMO necessary..
Going to that link, and then clicking on THIS one, takes us to a photo of DII in his hard plastic suit that I want to add, always makes me wonder if some part of his costumes were not used in the commission of this crime, but I'll get into that later I suppose...

For now, I just want to point out the observation that he is not only pointing a weapon, no doubt a toy, i realize this, BUT, look at the background...

I sure would like to know when and where that was taken...

I want to restate that I am not judge jury and executioner, and we do not know who is responsible for M's disappearance. That doesn't stop one of us from pondering the multitude of possibilities... Asking questions sometimes helps to arrive at truths, and THIS is EVERYONE'S goal here... to find the truth and perhaps provide LE with our 'discoveries.'

There were a TON of pictures in his Photobucket account.
Thanks for this Stilettos. Is he the only one that can access that profile?

One would think so...unless he gave his nic and password to another. I know of no reason mods or admins on any site would be posting on someone's profile. So until I hear otherwise, I am assuming that Jr is the one who updated his profile.
One would think so...unless he gave his nic and password to another. I know of no reason mods or admins on any site would be posting on someone's profile. So until I hear otherwise, I am assuming that Jr is the one who updated his profile.

Me too...just like the fact that he spells their "thier" (which is actually a common mistake) - but it's such a coincidence that it's spelled the same way on his fb support page lol.
Me too...just like the fact that he spells their "thier" (which is actually a common mistake) - but it's such a coincidence that it's spelled the same way on his fb support page lol.

That was a great catch by good eyes!!:rocker:
Whew!! Now that I am finally caught up with the posts, i guess now is a good time to bring up the costumes.

I'm not going to go find the post, but someone suggested dII could have used a costume bag to conceal m, which I hadn't thought of, but these things I did:

Were all of dII's costumes and accessories accounted for? How about m's? She is shown in a police womans outfit somewhere. When did she wear that? Did she own it? Was it rented? What accessories did her outfit come with? Like real handcuffs, for instance???

I sure would like to know which woods those are behind dII in that photo I questioned earlier that seems to lead to the date 11/22/11...

Do you remember how lindsay lohan played the court one time with her gestures and fingernails?? or something like that... anyway, what I am saying is... is this a blatant photo of a laugh in your face kind of thing????

What is accounted for and what is not, and even samples that could be taken from this costume (soil/fauna/water/dna/etc...) leave me to wonder how much investigating was done into these items by LE??

It keeps coming to mind for me, for some reason, that, in the end, some part of some costume will end up coming into play...

I got even more questions regarding this subject, but this is a good starting point...
Further to a prior question to anybody that may know Michelle, did Dale watch the twins everytime she worked at night or did they stay with their grandparents? Did Dale have visitation whenever Michelle worked or were the days set? The reason I'm asking is bc as a bartender you'd wanna work the busiest days and those days can be predicted depending on the venue for certain nights. So, would Dale's visitation coincide with her working shift or are the days set in stone? I'm wondering how Dale could be home middle of the afternoon for Michelle to drop the twins off to him. Furthermore, being a bartender is it safe to say she closed the bar if she had to be in to start her shift by 6 or 7? If that's the case, wouldn't the children spend the night with their father? The reason I'm so confused about this is bc Michelle had 3 jobs, one of them being a bartender where she works nights. I'm trying to find out if Dale had the children as much as she did and if so why was he paying support? He couldn't have had them as much, right? Or he wouldn't be paying support...right? If he didn't have them on the nights that she worked then why? Would that be bc of a judge's orders, bc Dale didn't wanna play daddy more, or could it be bc Michelle didn't want him to have the kids as much? I'm asking bc I don't understand if a judge is the one that determined this how the kids couldn't be able to spend time with their dad whenever their mother is working (if Dale is available) and instead they'd have to be with somebody else. The father should have the same rights as the mother...unless he's been determined to be a risk to the children. So, yeah, I'm confused...
I just realized who he reminds me of...Owen Wilson...

I feel funny making that comparison bc I love Owen Wilson! He's sooo funny!
FWIW, I decided to take a look at MN twitter account to see if he is tweeting. Apparently someone asked him about the Facebook page started and here is what MN responded.

MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
@True_Thoughts Page was started without our knowledge or involvement. Heard about it first time yesterday. Not involving us in any way.
14 Dec Favorite Undo Retweet Reply

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