FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #14

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Questions I seldom see being asked and addressed:
Did MP have a secret admirerer?
Did she attend Zumba classes or a gym where someone other than DSII could have stalked her and learned her daily / weekly routine?
Does DS!! have a current SO that could have been jealous of MP?
Was there ever anyone in MP's past that had an unhealthy obsession with MP?

If we try to make all evidence point to DSII and not look at other possibilities, even if to "logically and w/o doubt rule them out, I suspect we may be trying to force round pegs into square holes no matter how much it takes.
Questions I seldom see being asked and addressed:
Did MP have a secret admirerer?
Did she attend Zumba classes or a gym where someone other than DSII could have stalked her and learned her daily / weekly routine?
Does DS!! have a current SO that could have been jealous of MP?
Was there ever anyone in MP's past that had an unhealthy obsession with MP?

If we try to make all evidence point to DSII and not look at other possibilities, even if to "logically and w/o doubt rule them out, I suspect we may be trying to force round pegs into square holes no matter how much it takes.

I have these same questions and thoughts.

Have to run again. Have a nice night everyone. Hope somebody finds something that can crack this case right quick.
If law enforcement has video of Michelle's hummer leaving DS Jr's condo complex without the decals, then they should have more than enough information to prove that his alibi is bogus. One way or the other, he had to make multiple trips in and out of the complex because he wasn't able to drive two vehicles at the same time. If someone else came to help him, then that person is also on video arriving and leaving. In my opinion, the cell phone records and the video should be enough to arrest him or at the very least serve search warrants on the condo. Do we know if they have done that already?

If you click on the link above and then click on the stormtrooper link in the body of text...it takes you to his 501st profile. Last profile update November 22, 2011. That is interesting to me as the mother of his children is missing, he is the prime suspect....yet he is thinking about his 501st profile. Just interesting. Priorities and all.

That may have been the day that he set his profiles to private because of people sleuthing and contacting him, JMO.
Respectfully snipped by me...

Thanks so much Gitana! I knew you'd know this! I was actually referring to the penalty phase, when a character witness could be called in either for the Defense or for the Prosecution. Or isn't that what they're called in that instance? I don't know how to say it as I'm not a legal eagle like you are, but after a person is found guilty, before the sentencing is handed down people can speak as to their character, how the crime affected them or how good vs bad the perp is. That's when the sentence is determined as in the years to serve, right? Or am I off? I seriously don't know the exact term but I thought that was also considered a character witness.

I just get scared bc what about if Dale really is the person responsible? Now we have some posts referencing an investigator speaking with somebody about the case. When Yuri was on here, thank God he didn't go in depth or he'd have been thrown off the case, but he had to refrain from posting in detail about Casey. Then look at what happened to Judge Stan Strickland - thrown off the case for posting to the guy whose site I shared earlier but the posts were removed (I didn't realize he's not allowed to be posted here anymore).

Again, thank you!

Hey, Jersey! Glad to see you.

So, I wouldn't worry about people who knew Dale somewhat and got a hinky or off feeling from him. Such a person would not be called in penalty phase either. It's just not relevant information to either guilt or penalty phase. It is interesting and relevant here and could be to investigators who may look at a person twice if they hear people directing them to look at a person who makes them feel strange. But none of that would be admissible at trial.

As far as an investigator talking to people, I would only worry if they were divulging actual facts. Talking informally to someone about generalities or things that have already been released to the media is not the same as having on-going dialogue in a public forum, or revealing specific facts.

But sometimes investigators do actually reveal facts in such a manner as part of a tactic. It should not hurt the integrity of a case, IMO.
To my knowledge there have been no media updates, no LE updates, no family updates all this week. I wonder what this means?
Lol I just threw out the first kind of snake that came to my mind. I do remember something about the burmese python multiplying in astronomical numbers since Katrins...something about some warehouses near the gulf in FL & a zoo in LA releasing them in the Everglades. Was that just rumor or true? Thanks for all the info you just gave. We think of FL and automatically see water so think of alligators, man I forgot all about the snakes ... let alone spiders. Ewww!

And don't forget sharks at the beach! lol.

I haven't heard anything about it being related to Katrina- but it's possible that happened. We DO have a big problem in south florida (slowly moving it's way more and more north) with the Burmese pythons - over decades, people take them in as pets , they get too big, no one wants them anymore and they release them into the wild. Our environment here is so warm for so much of the year that they thrive in the wild, instead of dying off. They've actually started a large snake hunting "season" to help with the problem. I haven't heard of the large ones making their way up this far yet though . Were you thinking along the lines of a large snake digesting a body?
Looking at the wonderful map with all the points of interest, finds my first area of interest between the two red phones- Bay Lake and the ET looking lake... Why isn't anyone conducting a search there???? OOOO I soooo wish I lived in FL right about now... I just have this feeling something is there... or maybe even- someone...

I know until that area is searched, or the case is solve, I'm gonna be obsessing over it... I'm darn near ready to buy a ticket!

I just wanted to apologize to the map maker for not giving proper credit. I'm so sorry, but forgot which post I found it in. I'll have to try to do a better job (like the maker of this map) at collecting info! You did a beautiful job!! Please step forward and take your KUDOS! cuz I just can't find that darned post again:pullhair::anguish::banghead:
Further to a prior question to anybody that may know Michelle, did Dale watch the twins everytime she worked at night or did they stay with their grandparents? Did Dale have visitation whenever Michelle worked or were the days set? The reason I'm asking is bc as a bartender you'd wanna work the busiest days and those days can be predicted depending on the venue for certain nights. So, would Dale's visitation coincide with her working shift or are the days set in stone? I'm wondering how Dale could be home middle of the afternoon for Michelle to drop the twins off to him. Furthermore, being a bartender is it safe to say she closed the bar if she had to be in to start her shift by 6 or 7? If that's the case, wouldn't the children spend the night with their father? The reason I'm so confused about this is bc Michelle had 3 jobs, one of them being a bartender where she works nights. I'm trying to find out if Dale had the children as much as she did and if so why was he paying support? He couldn't have had them as much, right? Or he wouldn't be paying support...right? If he didn't have them on the nights that she worked then why? Would that be bc of a judge's orders, bc Dale didn't wanna play daddy more, or could it be bc Michelle didn't want him to have the kids as much? I'm asking bc I don't understand if a judge is the one that determined this how the kids couldn't be able to spend time with their dad whenever their mother is working (if Dale is available) and instead they'd have to be with somebody else. The father should have the same rights as the mother...unless he's been determined to be a risk to the children. So, yeah, I'm confused...

IDK and I may be wrong but I thought that I heard that he was behind in child support. I will go look at the links to see. Was there an issue of child support??? Could this be a point of contention between them?
IDK and I may be wrong but I thought that I heard that he was behind in child support. I will go look at the links to see. Was there an issue of child support??? Could this be a point of contention between them?

Child support issues scare me in many of these "domestic" crimes...I do think that some men believe that it is "cheaper" to have full custody and raise the children on their own than pay money to their ex-wives for years...not to excuse this line of thought AT ALL, but my husband works with some men who have child support amounts that are so incredibly high they cannot afford to keep an apartment, and as grown men have had to move back in with their parents to meet them. Then they are told that they do not have a suitable place for their children to visit unless they have their own home with a certain number of rooms. Some states do a less than ideal job, IMO, in determining the amount to be paid. If a man is twisted and tending toward violence or rage toward his ex...this could add to his "triggers"...JMOJMOJMO
FWIW, I decided to take a look at MN twitter account to see if he is tweeting. Apparently someone asked him about the Facebook page started and here is what MN responded.

MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
@True_Thoughts Page was started without our knowledge or involvement. Heard about it first time yesterday. Not involving us in any way.
14 Dec Favorite Undo Retweet Reply


Just for clarification, which Facebook page? The friends and supporters page or the one that the PI allegedly linked to his site?

Also, this is kind of OT....I understand that social media's impact on our society is growing and I love the fact that reporters, etc have twitter accounts to update the public on breaking news, but...I think MN's is unprofessional. There is just something so off-putting about an officer of the court using Internet gargon and improper grammar, nevermind him speaking AT ALL about any pending case or investigation on a public platform. I may be a bit old-fashioned (which would be odd considering I'm not that old!), but it just seems so off-putting...sorry for the rant! Jmho...
Further to a prior question to anybody that may know Michelle, did Dale watch the twins everytime she worked at night or did they stay with their grandparents? Did Dale have visitation whenever Michelle worked or were the days set? The reason I'm asking is bc as a bartender you'd wanna work the busiest days and those days can be predicted depending on the venue for certain nights. So, would Dale's visitation coincide with her working shift or are the days set in stone? I'm wondering how Dale could be home middle of the afternoon for Michelle to drop the twins off to him. Furthermore, being a bartender is it safe to say she closed the bar if she had to be in to start her shift by 6 or 7? If that's the case, wouldn't the children spend the night with their father? The reason I'm so confused about this is bc Michelle had 3 jobs, one of them being a bartender where she works nights. I'm trying to find out if Dale had the children as much as she did and if so why was he paying support? He couldn't have had them as much, right? Or he wouldn't be paying support...right? If he didn't have them on the nights that she worked then why? Would that be bc of a judge's orders, bc Dale didn't wanna play daddy more, or could it be bc Michelle didn't want him to have the kids as much? I'm asking bc I don't understand if a judge is the one that determined this how the kids couldn't be able to spend time with their dad whenever their mother is working (if Dale is available) and instead they'd have to be with somebody else. The father should have the same rights as the mother...unless he's been determined to be a risk to the children. So, yeah, I'm confused...

I think her mother and sister regularly watched the twins while she was working at night. IIRC.
To my knowledge there have been no media updates, no LE updates, no family updates all this week. I wonder what this means?

I would suspect authorities are getting close and not leaking details of the case. IMO There was a ton discovered last week but lips were sealed. Why?
The family was asked to come to a location - Why?

Michelle's family has slowed down searches after last week. Why? I believe some critical evidence was found last week and now they are going through the formality of lining up evidence to make their case. The discovery of the cell phone and some other information broke Michelle's mom. If you add up all the pieces, I think LE has something BIG!

All they need is a small DNA evidence that a crime was committed and they have more than enough evidence IMO to arrest Dale. Based on some of the new evidence presented (just in this forum), it appears LE may have enough to arrest Dale. I believe an arrest is imminent. Dale best enjoy his last few days as a free man IMO.
I would suspect authorities are getting close and not leaking details of the case. IMO There was a ton discovered last week but lips were sealed. Why?
The family was asked to come to a location - Why?

Michelle's family has slowed down searches after last week. Why? I believe some critical evidence was found last week and now they are going through the formality of lining up evidence to make their case. The discovery of the cell phone and some other information broke Michelle's mom. If you add up all the pieces, I think LE has something BIG!

All they need is a small DNA evidence that a crime was committed and they have more than enough evidence IMO to arrest Dale. Based on some of the new evidence presented (just in this forum), it appears LE may have enough to arrest Dale. I believe an arrest is imminent. Dale best enjoy his last few days as a free man IMO.

I agree with you! I think the lack of information and searches right now speaks volumes about what they do have and where this is leading. I further think that LE and the family now believe some harm has come to Michelle and the final pieces are being put into place before jumping any guns. Slow and methodical . . . . confirmatory and replicatable evidence is what is going to solve this case.

It seems frustrating right now that no one seems to be able to help but I firmly believe that pieces of the puzzle are being found and put into place. IOW Michelle could be found soon so that the missing pieces can help her family begin to heal and Michelle will receive justice.
Wow... can't believe that after being 3 to 4 days behind on this thread for the past week or so that I'm finally up to real time with everyone else. And I mean I have read EVERY single post, I'm OCD like that (afraid I'll miss something important if I don't), with the exception of that infamous thread #12.

Anyhoo... just wanted to say KUDOS to all the great sleuthers here that keep the rest of us up to date and in the know.

I pray for Michelle and her family/friends daily and I want so badly for her to be found and brought home!!!!
I would suspect authorities are getting close and not leaking details of the case. IMO There was a ton discovered last week but lips were sealed. Why?
The family was asked to come to a location - Why?

Michelle's family has slowed down searches after last week. Why? I believe some critical evidence was found last week and now they are going through the formality of lining up evidence to make their case. The discovery of the cell phone and some other information broke Michelle's mom. If you add up all the pieces, I think LE has something BIG!

All they need is a small DNA evidence that a crime was committed and they have more than enough evidence IMO to arrest Dale. Based on some of the new evidence presented (just in this forum), it appears LE may have enough to arrest Dale. I believe an arrest is imminent. Dale best enjoy his last few days as a free man IMO.

I hope you're right. To me it's probably one or the other. They got it/him and are just waiting for tests to come back or they got nothing. Still...Michelle has not been found. I really was hoping that phone would lead them directly to her. Maybe I just got my hopes up too much?
Just for clarification, which Facebook page? The friends and supporters page or the one that the PI allegedly linked to his site?

Also, this is kind of OT....I understand that social media's impact on our society is growing and I love the fact that reporters, etc have twitter accounts to update the public on breaking news, but...I think MN's is unprofessional. There is just something so off-putting about an officer of the court using Internet gargon and improper grammar, nevermind him speaking AT ALL about any pending case or investigation on a public platform. I may be a bit old-fashioned (which would be odd considering I'm not that old!), but it just seems so off-putting...sorry for the rant! Jmho...

Yup the Friends and Supporters Facebook page based on the tweet MJ responded to:

True_Thoughts Thoughts Of Truth
@KerryNBC Friends & Supporters started the Facebook page for Dale Smith. No one knows for sure if Dale is asking for $$$$. @MarkNeJame

If you click on MN's tweet, you will see that he responded to the tweet True_Thoughts sent to @KerryNBC and @MMarkNeJame

I have to assume that words are very limited when tweeting, so grammar is out the window when tweeting.
Regarding the parenting plan(AKA custody schedule for the children between the two parents).. I was under the impression that Dale did not have the children anywhere near equal amount of time that they were with their mother.. For two reasons, one because he was ordered to pay support for the twins to Michelle(if they were equally parenting the likelihood would be that there was no support paid.. UNLESS Dales employment + any other financial benefits he may be receiving if the total amount were signifigantly more that what Michelle's income from working 3 jobs was.. Well even if they were parenting 50/50 he still would be paying support to equal out both incomes).. <- this is the more recent way that custody support amount Is determined so that the children have a stable financial support while being in both parents custody..

The other reason I was under the impression that Dale did not have them a great or good deal of the time is due to several statements of concern made by Michelle's immediate family.. They have said multiple times that the twins were NOT accustomed to being with their father, in his care for any great length of time and that Michelle had them in her custody for the most part..

As I said that was just my personal impression from what I've observed combined with what I know about how custody arrangements, support, and schedules work..

One other tidbit regarding the custody and the arrangements made for when Michelle worked evening/late night shifts bartending were the children always to go to Dale's on those night's? And if not why not??

What I know is that the law in my state is that bio parents have first dibs always and that trumps all(with the exception being that should the parent be found in anyway unfit or in contempt for with holding the children).. Except for that issue bio parents trump all, ALWAYS.. meaning that regarding the specific question of the twins going to Dale on every night that Michelle worked.. In my state that would be his legal right to have them..

How that works is that if even it is not the parents "scheduled" parenting time but yet the parent whose scheduled parenting time it is makes/has other plans(and that could be for both personal plans or due to having to work).. In the event that the parent whose parenting time it is chooses or is required to go to work or just that they wanna "hit the town with pals", either way the dibs for who watches the children during that period of time(work hours or amount of time spent out with friends) automatically goes to the other parent who it is not their actual scheduled parenting time with the children..

Now all that is to say that it is in no way mandatory that the other parent MUST WATCH, TAKE CARE OF, PARENT THE CHILDREN DURING THIS TIME(whether they cannot due to work or that they just don't want to).. They do no have to, but however they are offered that option, FIRST and their personal choice whether they want to parent the kids for that time period or say no, I cant or don't want to.. Therefor allowing the parent whose actual "scheduled" parenting time that is to make other arrangements for who the children will stay with(ie. Grandma, aunt, babysitter)..

For this case that would mean that Dale would have every right to have had those children every single, one of those shifts that Michelle worked.. But whether he took advantage of that right is another story entirely.. And from the family's comments I'm just not under the impression that there was any where near equal amounts of parenting going on of these precious twins..

Looking at the wonderful map with all the points of interest, finds my first area of interest between the two red phones- Bay Lake and the ET looking lake... Why isn't anyone conducting a search there???? OOOO I soooo wish I lived in FL right about now... I just have this feeling something is there... or maybe even- someone...

I know until that area is searched, or the case is solve, I'm gonna be obsessing over it... I'm darn near ready to buy a ticket!

This is interesting. If you look at the very top right had side there's a purple line. That is where Nela Ave meets Orange Ave, But if you go straight across to Glenrose there is a dirt rd that runs by the rr tracks. Further down is a very large concrete pad, woods and then the lake. Someone could go virtually unnoticed driving down that dirt rd.

Someone commented on how MP seemed vindictive on the PC episode. While IMO, it didn't paint either one of them in a flattering light, vindictive is DS2 vocalizing on a nationally aired program that MP had cosmetic surgery, further more that she wanted to have it re-done. Really? Completely irrelevant and not something for public discussion on a TV show.

On a personal note,
While I am completely aware that each person has their own behavior to be responsible for, I also realize that there are people out there that encourage fighting in their own relationships. I know this from experience. I had a short relationship with someone that loved drama so much that he would do his best to get me to argue/yell and actually was successful a time or two. This is why the relationship ended; I am not a fighter, never before have been. I don't like to yell; if I have a disagreement with my significant other, I discuss it rationally, like an adult and solve the problem, if it's possible. But for some reason, that person in my past was able to bait me into arguing and fighting. He was older and manipulative and although I was never like that before - or since, I regretfully was involved like that for a very short time. I know I partially blame him for enabling that behavior, I am most ashamed of myself for allowing my personality to be altered by someone - anyone like that. So while MP may very well have been someone who habitually chose partners that would fight or be verbally abusive (or even physically), keep in mind that for every person that is involved in a relationship like that, there is ALWAYS a first time, always a first person that introduces them into that. And it doesn't always get recognized until it is embedded in their habits.
This is interesting. If you look at the very top right had side there's a purple line. That is where Nela Ave meets Orange Ave, But if you go straight across to Glenrose there is a dirt rd that runs by the rr tracks. Further down is a very large concrete pad, woods and then the lake. Someone could go virtually unnoticed driving down that dirt rd.


That is close to the end of my street; earlier this year, a woman went missing and the official story is that she took her own life. That is where her body was found. http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2011-02-10/news/os-search-missing-woman-michelle-dubo20110209_1_suicide-note-missing-belle-isle-body During the day, I do see traffic coming and going but there are a lot of businesses around there. While it is entirely possible that a body could be placed there, there are also a lot of transients that occupy those woods. I think that she would have been found if she were here. I think the reason that the suicide went here is that it was close to her home, but not close enough that children (hers or someone else's) would find her. But then, she didn't have the [advantage] of someone trying to hide her body...so anything is possible.

Also, my father and sister went walking around that lake to spot a [small] alligator that was in the retention pond on their street. They didn't see anything out of the ordinary and that's something my Dad is very good at; he is a 30+ year Land Surveyor and he is pretty perceptive when it comes to the outdoors; he notices almost anything out of the ordinary. He is always finding stuff on jobs; arrowheads, deer bones, paths that someone (or in our case, something) has been walking...
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