FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #14

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You guys were doing some awesome sleuthing last night. Loved getting here and catching up on Michelle's case. Running out to do some r/l stuff. Back later. Praying today is the day they find Michelle. Praying for her family and her three beautiful children.

There is a scripture that states: Let righteousness and justice flow like a river. I am praying that river flows and drowns this perp.

Im not sure this would work out in this type of situation.....i mean, can you imagine the attention one of his character suits would / could draw? If he used that for a coffin or to move the body in, i would think it to be way to risky should someone see it (character suit) and come over and start awing over it should they be a fan and then want to touch it or have a friendly conversation about it, even if they were a stranger. My opinion only of course but i just cant see how that would work out well in the daylight.

In the dark maybe it would work tho.........



It was a really good idea...but I am thinking no. Too visibly different and would draw attention.
Can someone provide a link to an MSM article stating the condo complex had 2 cameras. An entrance and an exit one. Thanks!

I don't believe this has been made known to the public. I believe a fellow sleuther visited dales's complex and observed the camera. Most complexes do have video surveillance so it is highly likely there IS footage of each vehicle that came and went that day. IMO another piece of evidence that implicates Dale and one LE will not release to the public for obvious reasons...
I don't believe this has been made known to the public. I believe a fellow sleuther visited dales's complex and observed the camera. Most complexes do have video surveillance so it is highly likely there IS footage of each vehicle that came and went that day. IMO another piece of evidence that implicates Dale and one LE will not release to the public for obvious reasons...

I haven't seen a link either. But I'm going based on what was posted yesterday. I don't know it to be a fact, but so far AlwaysWright has provided information/pics that I have believed to be genuine. And below was the response that was given about the camera. So I guess we'll have to wait and see:

When she was talking to me about the video of the gate she pointed directly at the entrance/exit. I did take photos of the gate and there is a stand for a video camera along with signage in the complex that the area is under surveilance. I am outward bound to xmas vacation and running short on time but I will post these videos as soon as time allows. Sorry

as far as gossip, my father always taught me to respect and listen to my elders they have been around the block a few times. I bet her and her dog take a daily walk in this complex.
Eye witnesses are often mistaken, so I'm not sure how credible these reports are. However, if it turns out to be true, then I would say that DS was going through Michelle's calendar and found someone listed at this complex, and that's why her vehicle was left there.

I don't know why she would be taking on clients in this neighbourhood, if it's known as a high crime area, why risk it? but I suppose anything is possible. Personally, I think it's a long shot.

ETA: I see someone else just posted the same thing

If you were trying to put the hummer where it would be expected to be found, why remove the stickers? The fear of attention going from point A to point B? That would be pretty paranoid. Of course, one's paranoia would probably be in overdrive at a time like that :waitasec:

A better reason to plant the vehicle there might be because it IS in the bad part of town, so whom ever parked it there could have felt it might help throw LE off their trail.

While pondering other possibilities, if we KNOW the stickers were missing by the time the hummer left DII's, then it kinda tosses any other suspect out for me.

Quoting News 6: Nearly an hour and a half later, Parker's Hummer left the neighborhood on South Goldenrod Road. The sticker appears to have been removed.
Keep in mind regarding Dave's website re: his written words/pictures as he has this posted on his webpage.

LEGAL NOTICE ©David B. Knechel. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this site can be reproduced in it's entirety or in part without expressed written permission by the owner/administrator of this site in accordance with the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. §512(c)(3)

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If you were trying to put the hummer where it would be expected to be found, why remove the stickers? The fear of attention going from point A to point B? That would be pretty paranoid. Of course, one's paranoia would probably be in overdrive at a time like that :waitasec:

A better reason to plant the vehicle there might be because it IS in the bad part of town, so whom ever parked it there could have felt it might help throw LE off their trail.

While pondering other possibilities, if we KNOW the stickers were missing by the time the hummer left DII's, then it kinda tosses any other suspect out for me.

Quoting News 6: Nearly an hour and a half later, Parker's Hummer left the neighborhood on South Goldenrod Road. The sticker appears to have been removed.

Yes think of time. Michelle gets to Dale's place at 3:18. He either kills her or ties up and gags her. If Dale gets at his parents at 4:30 as described it takes 30 minutes to get there so he must have left by 4pm at latest. From 3:18-4:00 anything could have happened, but his 4:30 arrival at his parents seems to indicate he just dropped kids off to go do what he needed to do.

If he drops of kids at parents and heads back immediately to condo to dispose of hummer and body. That could be around 5pm. Right around the hour and a half timeframe reported by Channel 6. Hmmm this is starting to be pieced together!
I haven't really seen anyone suggest that the perp could have been on foot while crossing bridge to toss phone. With the walkway barriers it makes it like a double barrier and would seem to me it would be difficult or chancy tossing the phone out of a moving car since the phone could accidentally land on the walk... unless the perp didn't care where it landed thinking to them self: ' if it goes in the water- good. If it lands on the walk- fine. Either it will break, or somebody will see it and say oooo a G4!!, and walk off with it. Either way, I'm clear. If it goes in the water it will ruin it- so it's all good.'

I think the perp being on foot at this time is another possibility we should ponder- and if the perp WAS on foot, then walking from the hummer to the bridge, all the time looking for additional evidence, then somebody could potentially find something between those 2 points.

If you were the perp, what would YOU want to ditch first after ditching the vehicle? While I have seen in early reports that m's purse and keys were found in the hummer, it seems I missed where it was stated the keys were missing. (will someone please provide us again with the info that says indeed the keys were NOT in the hummer).

I'm guessing you could be searching her phone if it wasnt password protected or if you knew the code, as you walked from the hummer and over the bridge, giving you the time you would need to see what is on it/delete things/ type things.

What seems to be missing from this neighborhood is surveillance video, thus, why someone might pick that neighborhood to dump the SUV. Perhaps using the logic that I'm less liable to get caught on one here cuz lots of crimes go down here. Perhaps even using references from prior crimes in the area that have stated things like 'lack of surveillance video has made this case difficult to solve..." kind of thing. Since I dont watch FL news, I really dont KNOW that this has happened, I am merely tossing it out there as an idea. Perhaps someone from FL could elaborate on THEIR knowledge about recent news that had made that statement. Again- this is just a theory and not a fact.
"If" LE had a video of DS exiting the complex driving Michelle's hummer - would that be enough to arrest him? Or, would they continue to follow other avenues for clues and build a stronger case?

It seems to me that if they had proof that of him leaving in the vehicle, minus the decals that they would have arrested him right away, but then again, I'm not familiar with the legal aspects of these types of cases.
All quotes RSBBM

Patty, I see what you are saying about him being the only suspect. So I understand why you want to figure out how he could have done this alone, since an accomplice wasn't brought up by LE. (BTW, I'm the one who threw in the bike scenario, so I still feel he could have pulled it off alone if he had to, though I don't think he did.)

But why do you think the twins had to be with him? Just curious, especially since DS admitted that he went to his parent's house, not long after he said MP left his condo. And we've heard that the family was told DS wasn't available when his mother answered their call. So he could have just left the twins there and gone to take care of business. Why would they have to be with him?

Are you going by the time frame that he and his father give, saying DS came over and stayed the entire time? As in the 72 minutes that his lawyer referred to? Because I do agree that there's no way DS could have done everything alone in THAT short period of time. But if he left his parents house at any time after he first arrived, then anything is possible, accomplice or not. Because then you're talking several hours to do what he had to do, before people really started looking for MP.

I am with you on this. If this was random, I don't think the abductor/carjacker/sex offender would have worked so hard at disposing of MP, the Hummer, and her phone. I just don't see it.

I appreciate people who are looking for other possibilities, because if not, we'd having nothing to discuss. LOL But the only reason I changed my mind over time, is because we don't have a whole lot to go by. And now that I hear there was a camera at the entrance/exit of the condo, I feel LE HAS to have something that shows DS is involved, otherwise they wouldn't have named him the prime suspect.

Regardless of how many black Hummers were in the complex, MP's had to have come out at some point. And there has to be footage of how many times DS left and came back, and with whom.


Do we know the time that the family called Dale's parent's home and asked if Dale was there?

Do we know what time Dale was back at the condo based on his FB message indicating that LE had searched his home on 11/17?

For all I know, the family called Dale's parents home while Dale was back at his condo when LE searched his condo on 11/17.

We are still trying to get information regarding LE being at Dale's condo on 11/17 to see if this matches Dale's FB comment.

The media never reported anything about LE being at Dale's condo on 11/17 because the media was NOT informed of Michelle's disappearance until 11/18. I posted this info threads ago when I contacted WFTV regarding the 11/17 search and they told me that they didn't know because of not knowing until 11/18 that Michelle was missing.

Fact Finder aka Tony Pipitone was going to check with LE regarding the 11/17 search, however, he never stopped back to let us know before he took his break from reporting.

Until the above is resolved, then I am stuck with the twins where with Dale when all these tasks were done by Dale alone, of which, I still can't make it fit!
This statement does not trump "Fair Use". You can quote, link, and discuss for commentary, criticism, news reporting, etc.

All I did was post what is indicated on his website, as is with any other MSM website, etc., that has it posted.

I believe I stated that earlier, you can link to his website, and discuss his commentary.
I have no idea why LE has named DS Jr the prime suspect?

However the only thing that makes him the prime suspect in my mind is he was the last person known to see her alive and he had motive. Anything else is pure speculation... DS Jr no doubt has an air tight alibi for his whereabouts at 4:30pm. That means he would have had to immobilize MP, dispose of her, dump her phone, remove the rear window decal and ditch her vehicle all in the matter of an hour and ten minutes. Maybe not impossible but it would be rather difficult to accomplish all of that in such a short time span.

This gives me reason to believe either he had help or and as difficult as this is to believe by some. There is a strong chance MP disappearance was a result of someone else entirely and completely independent and unbeknown to DS Jr.

But I do believe if MP left DS Jr's house of her own free will then whatever occurred had to take place along Lee Vista Blvd heading towards the 417. Or it took place along Goldenrod headed towards the 408. If she had made it any further north chances are good her phone & vehicle would have been found in another part of town or elsewhere in the State. She had no reason to be anywhere else but on her way home as her family has stated several times.
I also find it hard to believe that Dale did this all by himself. But, if Dale did this at all, then the alibi provided by his father is blown to bits, because he couldn't have done it all (IMO) and still arrive at his parent's home by 4:30. So, reason only follows that if the father provided a false alive, then perhaps he aided Dale in the crime itself. But, again, this is only IF Dale committed the crime.

I just haven't found anything that points to an abductor theory. And I have tried. It looks like a personal crime to me.

This is the drum I have been beating since the first day. Family and lovers stick together. We just had an arrest Wednesday of a man how killed his dad, and buried him in his back yard in my town. His gf was there, and provided false info to LE when the son reported him missing back in Oct. They stuck together until the victim's brother pushed it and had LE investage the matter. She caved and the son was arrested for murdering his dad. So I do feel Dale Sr gave his son an alibi and Dale jr had help. "Just saying"
I read that LE took dII computers. What about his phone? If it is stated that he fb'd after LE searched his condo and took his computers, how exactly did he fb? It would have had to have been his phone, wouldn't it?? Why wouldn't LE take that too? I'm a bit confused on this matter... Input anybody?
I just had a thought about pre planning; what if Dale left his truck some place near by where the Hummer was left at Walden Circle, but he did it earlier in the day and walked home, before the crime and walked back. He had a van, and a truck. So why couldn't he have left a van or truck for a ride back after getting rid of the hummer?

If he did this, I don't feel it was a unplanned event. I think people think about stuff lots of times if they hate someone. Maybe play it out in their heads, and act on it. But sometimes it is in a heat of the moment and they are more likely to get caught because they didn't figure out all the details in advance.
I read that LE took dII computers. What about his phone? If it is stated that he fb'd after LE searched his condo and took his computers, how exactly did he fb? It would have had to have been his phone, wouldn't it?? Why wouldn't LE take that too? I'm a bit confused on this matter... Input anybody?

IF LE took his computer, it would have been on 11/18, so Dale had access to his computer and/or phone to post to his Facebook on 11/17.

LE would have to get a search warrant in order to take his computer, and that would have come through on 11/18. IMO. Apparently Dale voluntarily surrendered his computer.

Even IF LE took his electronics, any computer or phone would be available to Dale to post his FB comment on 11/17.
IF LE took his computer, it would have been on 11/18, so Dale had access to his computer and/or phone to post to his Facebook on 11/17.

LE would have to get a search warrant in order to take his computer, and that would have come through on 11/18. IMO.

Even IF LE took his electronics, any computer or phone would be available to Dale to post his FB comment on 11/17.


If you look at the FB comment on 11/17 you can tell it's from a computer. If it were a cell then it would have a little pic of a cell phone under the post. So, IMO he was somewhere with a internet connection to a computer.
I also wonder if his condo has a fireplace where he could have burned the decal, then cleaned the fireplace? or flushed it down the toilet may be more likely... ya, that might ve the ticket alright... down the toilet... hmmm...

Next, if m was dead when put in a vehicle for transport, and one of the vehicles were owned by any of the families or relatives, dogs would have gotten a hit. If dogs would have gotten a hit, then a vehicle would have been impounded for processing. Therefore, isn't it more likely that she was transported alive and THEN taken care of OUTSIDE of the vehicle? But then again, why wouldn't she just jump out if she was already feeling threatened? Perhaps because when you are dressed like a tin man its not easy to move? I'm just asking everyone to consider how this could have went down. Ducttaped? Stun gunned? Drugged? Banged over her head and rendered unconscious? Head banging would be risky cuz it could cause bleeding, so that one is my least probable choice of the above listed options. I think she had to be alive during transport, but not bleeding.

What is your theory considering these possibilities?
I read that LE took dII computers. What about his phone? If it is stated that he fb'd after LE searched his condo and took his computers, how exactly did he fb? It would have had to have been his phone, wouldn't it?? Why wouldn't LE take that too? I'm a bit confused on this matter... Input anybody?

A link was provided up-thread where Michelle's mother stated Dale Jr. provided LE with his computers and I heard NeJame say same thing on a talk show. I seriously doubt this wouldn't have been on the night of the 17th when he posted the "man oh man Michelle is missing, LE were just here" FB post.

Also, the fact that he surrendered his computers to police before being named Prime Suspect pretty much shoots down the theory posted up-thread that he made up the fact that LE searched his place on 11/17.C'mon, knowing that cops would be reading that post later? Why would he say that if it weren't true? Answer for me is, it it is true. They probably, as has been surmised earlier, didn't do a true "search" that night but a fast look around. And all of that "boo hoo I'm so upset about Michelle" on FB was just posturing.
IF LE took his computer, it would have been on 11/18, so Dale had access to his computer and/or phone to post to his Facebook on 11/17.

LE would have to get a search warrant in order to take his computer, and that would have come through on 11/18. IMO..

Both Yvvonne Stweart and Nejame have stated on MSM that DS Jr. voluntarily surrendered his computers before being named a Prime Suspect.
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