FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #14

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most obvious.. That being that it is literally 3 very, short, little miles that he's left to walk back home to daddy's Rose Blvd home after having completed his very short list of tasks necessary to dispose of the main items of importance to him..the body, the phone, the Hummer, and lastly don't forget those dang keys that he'd still have had as he rolled up into that parking space on Walden Circle and abandoned the Decal-LESS Hummer.. The keys were not left behind but rather were the final item disposed of as Dale took that nice 3mile walk back to daddy's house..

And as I'd posted about long ago I still believe the keys having been the very last item disposed of that they are in area(or were disposed of in something that was in that area.. Like trash can, dumpster,etc).. Or body of water, canal, swampy marsh.. But definitely in an area between Walden Circle and Rose Blvd.. And IMO all were disposed of separately and different areas all together.. Keys between Hummer and dads house.. Body at disposal site(IMO not gonna be far out of his comfort zone).. Phone disposed of off Nela Bridge at some point while en route to or from any of these named places.. And finally the Hummer as we know located on Walden Circle..

And just as we all can see with our own two eyes in looking on a map at those places/locations just listed of importance.. Well., there is a very very clear pattern that those dots each connect one to the other.. All roads lead to the Smith's who just so happened to be the last person Michelle saw, who just so happens to have a violent/volatile past with, who just so happened to have that volatile relationship aired for the world to see on that very day on PC..

All roads lead to Dale and in order for it to be anything else then Dale is being framed and it's one helluva spectacular frame job!!

He wouldn't have needed a ride at any point throughout his completing all tasks involving disposing of items from the crime.. In fact the only ride necessary would be a ride involving the kids(to and from Dale's.. Or actually just from if they didn't return with Dale back to the condo that night)..

All jmo..

I agree with the comfort zone. It's hard to keep an eye on progress when it is outside of your usual circle. Perhaps we should map his usual circle, puting that circle around/on the map...

I also agree a serial killer or other perp, unless they knew her, wouldn't have known to leave things where they were put, leading right back to dII to 'frame him.' Not an impossible coinsidence, but not all that likely either, and as many of us have said already, if the sticker was already gone when the hummer left dIIs, then that kinda seals whodunit.

I also agree vehicle access in such a short distance was the least of his worries right about then. He could have easily had those keys stashed somewhere to pick up the next day and move towards Titusville as well. Perhaps he would worry less about that being found and also would decide that getting THAT item completely off the beaten track would be the best option because, as everyone keeps pointing out, there is just too much area to search, and taking the keys outside of the comfort zone might actually make him feel more comfortable that they'll never find them.
Not following you. None of the new info leads away from Dale and in fact could further confirm his involvement - hiding vehicle in known place of her previous appointments.

Where is the factual data that states we KNOW she had clients where the hummer was found??? As far as I know, that was just an offered theory... to say that the men the blogger spoke with were speaking gospel truth just doesn't bode with me. Perhaps those men should go in and take a LDT???

Just sayin I dont buy it... Consider perhaps, but nobody has sold me on that yet...
I'm sorry if this has been answered, but wasnt there a 3rd person subpoened? Is DS in a new relationship?

Could DS have had a stalker? Maybe someone watched the show and the lo and behold, was enraged when they saw Michelle leave his condo? (longshot)

I assume they would have a foreign DNA in her vehicle somewhere
Okay, i noticed that someone didn't agree that a costume could have 'contained' m. Well, your probably right! But, if I was trying to keep bodily fluids contained, i, for one, will not toss out that possibility when a guy has to use what he has on hand. If his costumes were completely accounted for then of course it would throw that theory out the window, but the question, for me, still remains. Were all of his costumes and accessories accounted for? Had any costume been rented around Halloween? Was every accessory returned?

Obviously these thoughts are long shots, but bets have been one on long shots too! Laugh if u will, I don't really care. What I DO care about is finding m, cuz I know that even if the courts convicted somebody, I would STILL want to find my daughter.

If you kill out of spur of the moment rage, you also haven't had time to prepare... How clear would you be thinking in trying to devise a plan at that point that you can complete before someone reports it, knowing she's going to be missed by the time she would be going to work if not sooner since she wouldnt have gotten back to her 11 yo?

On a side note about not having contacted the 11 yo- if you, as the perp, bothered to respond to txt question 'where are you?' or 'what are you up to?', why wouldnt you also txt the 11 yo to say you'd be late?' If you were thinking clearly, then clearly I would, if for no other reason but to buy more time! To me this shows the state of a mind in panic who hasnt had time to think it all out.
I have never strayed from "how could Dale manage this all alone?" I have read all the theories, but yet, I have yet to find a way for Dale to do this alone. I can easily put someone else in the picture, but I haven't because basically he is the only prime suspect.

Dale had the twins, Michelle, a HUGE Hummer, his pick-up truck, the white van, and there appears to be another vehicle in the driveway. This is a lot of vehicles to maneuver around that afternoon to back the Hummer into the garage IF it actually could fit in the garage to remove the stickers.

I have to keep in mind the twins are with him, and all of these tasks would have to be accomplished with the twins.

Either way I go, Dale had to manage two vehicles by himself with the twins and I just can't make it work no matter how hard I try.

Yup, I read about Dale riding a bike back from where the Hummer was found, or taking a bus or a taxi, but then again, I still have the twins with him as he does all of this.

I have read the theories that the twins were watching TV, or asleep, or whatever, however, the twins would have had to be with Dale, when he disposed of Michelle and still dealing with two vehicles and the twins.

Now if we can make it fit with the twins being with Dale the entire time, when he did all these tasks as well as driving two vehicles, I am all ears and eyes ready to read it! :crazy:

Sorry, I don't see any reason he HAD to have the twins WITH him the whole time... you would have to be a responsible parent to think you would have to have the kids WITH you the whole time. What killer is responsible? If you were responsible, you wouldnt be killing...
Sorry, I don't see any reason he HAD to have the twins WITH him the whole time... you would have to be a responsible parent to think you would have to have the kids WITH you the whole time. What killer is responsible? If you were responsible, you wouldnt be killing...

I feel the same way, but Patty is looking for a way he could have done this himself.
:ufo:I thought I would clarify my nutty 'coffin' comment, as what I really meant to say was potential transportation device. Also, by bodily fluids I would mean you no longer have bladder/blah control and relieve yourself upon dying. This makes a mess. It doesn't seem this 'mess' was detected by LE as there has been no arrest. I am also not saying it could have be disposed WITH her, but just in the middle... but yes, it would give you one more thing to get rid of.

I really do not think it is what DID happen. I just wanted to offer up ideas to stimulate OTHER plausible ideas.
Both Yvvonne Stweart and Nejame have stated on MSM that DS Jr. voluntarily surrendered his computers before being named a Prime Suspect.

Thank you for that info as I forgot about him voluntarily surrendering his computer, of which, must of been on 11/18.
Another thing is you can bet they have used luminol on the hummer and haven't said they found any blood in/on it...
Time frame is very easy if Dale had help or a cover story so I don't get how that helps him. The time frame can fit any number of ways:

Theory 1: Within first 10 mins of Michelle arriving Dale kills her. He moves her vehicle into his garage. He takes his vehicle and kids to parent's house. He gets ride back to condo takes vehicle and body to dispose of. Gets picked up where hummer was dumped.

Theory 2: has accomplice from beginning. He kills Michelle. Accomplice takes vehicle while dale takes Michelle's phone and the children to parents. Phone acts as decoy and ability to chek in on Michelle's families concerns. Accomplice dumps body and vehicle.

Theory 3: dale kills Michelle. Calls dad for help. Dad takes hummer and Michelle. Dale takes kids and phone. Dale picks dad up somewhere

I could keep going. The timeframe isn't an issue. I don't believe he acted alone so any of these are possibilities along with many others...

If everything is trying to be fit into a time frame ending @ 4:30, sure some of it could be accomplished, but having the twins and unless someone was already there, IMO it makes it difficult. Calling someone to help would require waiting on them to get there from where ever during a very high traffic time of day. If the timeline includes the next day when he was supposedly working, then I think anything is possible.
When MP first went missing, who was the first person to mention a carjacking? I am not sure anyone can answer that, but I am wondering....
I just wonder if Dale Jr. planted that seed or someone else.
Sorry, I don't see any reason he HAD to have the twins WITH him the whole time... you would have to be a responsible parent to think you would have to have the kids WITH you the whole time. What killer is responsible? If you were responsible, you wouldnt be killing...

I would think that any responsible parent wouldn't kill the mother of their children once the mother drops off her children with their father either, however, it does happen.

I am back to still working on how Dale did this alone, while the children are with him.
I still don't think it's even a possibility. I have access to Storm Trooper "armor" and you couldn't even bludgeon someone with it. It'd be like hitting someone over the head with a nerf bat or empty milk jug. I wouldn't use it as a coffin either, first that's pretty incriminating, second, that stuff is expensive!, which leads back to number one. This isn't a halloween costume, it has to be fitted to the person and you just can't order it either, you have to be in the 501st. I mean there could be an ebay black market but they try to keep tight controls on it.

I was only suggesting 'what do we know about this past halloween which didn't occur so long ago before this disappearance? What I am more interested in is accessories that may have came with them or been bought afterwards to add to them. A stun gun or real working cuffs (m's police outfit) could have come in handy at a time like this...

On top of that, I am only trying to bring up possibilities that others are not to widen our thinking and perhaps triggering other theories as you laugh at this one.

Like I said, I really don't care what anybody think of me, I just care we find m.
I was under the impression that LE has not released whether cadaver dogs have hit ANYWHERE, not even to the family. It is possible that they have had multiple hits, but have not released that info. Last I heard of this topic from the family or LE, was BP on NG, stating that they would not tell him if they did hit but, wouldn't say that they didn't hit either. The only thing LE could confirm was that cadaver dogs were used. If this info has been updated, let me know. Has anyone specifically said either that the dogs did or didn't hit at Dale's, in any vehicle, at all??
When MP first went missing, who was the first person to mention a carjacking? I am not sure anyone can answer that, but I am wondering....
I just wonder if Dale Jr. planted that seed or someone else.

I believe it was YS that mentioned the carjacking or at least someone within her family.

Dale has never spoken a word publicly; ETA, only the family relaying what Dale said.
just trying to picture how hard it would be to stuff a dead body in a star wars suit. And how long would that take?

true enough. it would be difficult, but difficult does not equal impossible. it isn't likely, its just possible, thats all.

Perhaps it is the comment in court about 'lucky girl' that makes me think of this scenario and how it could have possibly triggered d.

The caring about what people think of him is kind of a double edged sword for me too.

Yes, he likes attention. That is quite apparent with his participation in hot body contests, but at the same time he dresses up in SW costumes and obviously there are people out there that are going to find that goofy, and those too are peoples opinions. I would say his ego was big enough that he impressed who he cared to, and didn't care about the rest.
So according to the map it takes about 23 minutes to get from Dale jr's condo to Sr's home. That means if he took the kids to the Sr home he would have to take them in the hummer or his truck because of car seats for the kids. Most likey the truck because the hummer has to have decals removed. Also I don't think Michelle would be in the truck dead or in the hummer on that ride. I think she would be still at the condo while he took the kids to his dad. He would have to ride back put a body in the hummer, gather her stuff and then start getting rid of a body, a phone and a hummer. He then has to get to the dads and wait for that call. He knew on the 17th she was missing, but LE didn't go over until the 18th, it is possible he got a ride back to his condo with the twins, via his dad or mother.
Under the trooper armor you wear a um lol leotard? So you'd have to dress them in that then attach the armor. :waitasec:

Thank you for that insight. I don't dress in costumes, so I haven't a clue, just offering possibilities. Some aren't going to fit, some might.

A closed mind overlooks them. I think this is why there are some of us out here that try to offer up other suspect ideas... to examine ALL possibilities and even near impossibilities...

But when not 'caught up' in laughing at an idea, it can trigger OTHER thoughts in each of our minds that might allow us to think of something new that we hadn't thought of before. It's all relative in one way or another.

I don't really hold a lot of water to that possibility in the least. In fact, it's right down ridiculous! But so is murder.
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