FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #14

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Heartbreaking, those poor children :(

Over the last several months I have had to take numerous trips out of town and my lil ones miss me starting from the moment I leave. My heart breaks for those children......

All though they may have all the other family members, no one and I mean no one can love a child as a mother does.... No offense to any fathers out there but without a doubt A Mothers Love is a special bond.
Over the last several months I have had to take numerous trips out of town and my lil ones miss me starting from the moment I leave. My heart breaks for those children......

All though they may have all the other family members, no one and I mean no one can love a child as a mother does.... No offense to any fathers out there but without a doubt A Mothers Love is a special bond.

I totally agree!

My mom & i shared very little bond even tho in the same house....im still at 43 yrs old still hurting from the lack of it. I have a double bond with my son because of it......i smother him.....lol & he loves it and hates it at the same time. Children are the best & i could never imagine my life without mine! My son has said to me many times when i go, (pass on) he is right behind me. I sure hope he changes his mind on that one and am sure he will when he has a family of his own, but that bond is like no other!

My heart breaks for michelle and her children & family!!!

I just dont understand this world.....

I'm kinda starting out at chapter 14 here, so if I repeat something someone else has said, then perhaps its worth looking at. If not, then perhaps it will contribute.

At this point, I'll just suggest where I think somebody needs to look for Michelle, then, later, I'll put together my synopsis, if necessary.

After using Google Earth, looking for logical logistics, I came up with 2 places, aside from the obvious. If they have not been searched, please, someone in FL check them. I'm on the other side of the country. I have called crimeline with one of them, but have not seen any searches being done in these areas:

A) This is my number one pick: 28.458031,-81.370086 (map would only allow me to use this L/L so bare with me please). Read on.
First, there is more than one 'Bay Lake,' but only one is next to the beaten path, between E. Lancaster Rd and W Sand Lake Rd (or, narrowing it down even more- between Glenrose Rd, which becomes Nela Ave at the tracks, and Sand Lake Rd. This is a direct shot to Belle Isle (the cell phone), and very close to where the Hummer was found. From the tracks, west, and to the residential area.
I would like to see someone, especially with a dog who likes to find bones, to check around Bay Lake, and the little E.T. looking body of water below it, and especially the wooded area, within there.
Don't forget to look up. her necklace could be hanging on a tree. One never knows what lurks in the mind of a lunatic.

2) My 'long shot' pick is a monumental task at best, but should be searched as best as is possible: 28.458031,-81.370086
This is in the 'Christmas' area. Perhaps someone wanted (this to be) her 'home for the holidays.' Again, who knows what lurks in the mind of a lunatic? Wouldn't finding her be the nicest gift? Perhaps, just perhaps, this area could be her 'deliverance of justice.'
I wasn't even looking for or in this area. I didn't even know it existed, until I was 'sent' there by, dare I say, perhaps a 'Higher Power,' while checking into the Daytona/Cocoa Beach theories, as though I was 'lead' there...

Okay, now that I sound like a real nut, thoughts? Comments?

Someone, please, grab your dogs and your friends and check these areas. But first, arm yourself with preparedness. Below, you will find some info that may be helpful.

Since I have seen some concern with alligators, here are some basic facts:

Found only in southern states.
Because alligators are "cold blooded" they use food mainly for growth, repair and reproduction.
They can probably go for a year or so without eating if they had to. Some references state 2 years or more.
During the winter they are not known to eat at all.
They do not usually prey on humans.
If the meal is too large (bulky), they will trap their prey under something until it has 'reduced.'
They can use their tales to quickly lunge 5 feet or so.
RUN STRAIGHT AWAY. Do not 'zig zag.' They travel extremely quickly, but only for short distances, so your best recourse is a straight line.
Also note, mothers are protective of their young.
Young will stay with mother till about 2 years of age.
Nesting occurs in or about July/Aug.
Gestation is approx 70 days and most will have hatched by Sept
Crocodiles are a whole different story. If you have concerns about crocodiles, please do your own research on the subject.

Keep your dog on a leash. It keeps you and your dog safer, and will help you see if, where, and when your dog hits on something.

Don't go alone.

You should also be prepared as to death, decomposition, ambient conditions, and stages of infestation, as the 'bugs' you encounter may be telling you that you are on the track of something.

Research the last 30 days of the areas weather for clues as to what possible stages of life cycle you can expect to encounter.

TABLE 1--Variables affecting decay rate o f human body.
Variable Effect on Decay Rate ~
Temperature 5
Access by insects 5
Burial and depth 5
Carnivores/rodents 4
Trauma (penetrating/crushing) 4
Humidity/aridity 4
Rainfall 3
Body size and weight 3
Embalming 3
Clothing 2
Surface placed on i
Soil pH unknown
"Subjective criteria raling based on a five-point scale, 5 being
the most influential.

Since 'conditions' have a significant affect on what you can expect to find, doing your own 'research' with facts in hand, will offer you more preparedness then I can. Take a moment to gather this data to assist your search.

Here is a link, without photos, to basic facts and research on D & D. Look up pics of the insects you anticipate you will expect to find.

I hope at least some of the information you find here will be helpful to this case, and others.
I'm kinda starting out at chapter 14 here, so if I repeat something someone else has said, then perhaps its worth looking at. If not, then perhaps it will contribute.

At this point, I'll just suggest where I think somebody needs to look for Michelle, then, later, I'll put together my synopsis, if necessary.

Okay, now that I sound like a real nut, thoughts? Comments?


Respectfully snipped for space


What a wonderful, organized, well thought post! The amount of effort, planning & care that you have put into this is appreciated greatly!

Looking forward to your synopsis and other posts!

Thank you, Dewey.

I am actually an old web sleuther who has taken some years off from the public eye, but it is in my blood, so I find I am never really too far away from 'working a case.'

I used to run a website on unsolved violent crimes and missing persons called: HOTT or Hot On The Trail, (can be found in the way back machine). It became too much for just one person, so I had to let it go, sometimes working 72+ hours without sleep.

I have recently inquired as to whether the host still has the site archived and whether I can pick back up where I left off, but I haven't received a reply as of yet.
Thank you all for your warm welcome.
Here is a link to my old site. None of it works anymore, and the 'style' has been removed, but it gives you an idea of just how much work I used to do, and perhaps why I am so detailed.:blushing:

A) This is my number one pick: 28.458031,-81.370086 (map would only allow me to use this L/L so bare with me please). Read on.
First, there is more than one 'Bay Lake,' but only one is next to the beaten path, between E. Lancaster Rd and W Sand Lake Rd (or, narrowing it down even more- between Glenrose Rd, which becomes Nela Ave at the tracks, and Sand Lake Rd. This is a direct shot to Belle Isle (the cell phone), and very close to where the Hummer was found. From the tracks, west, and to the residential area. ...

I would like to see someone, especially with a dog who likes to find bones, to check around Bay Lake, and the little E.T. looking body of water below it, and especially the wooded area, within there

2) My 'long shot' pick is a monumental task at best, but should be searched as best as is possible: 28.458031,-81.370086
This is in the 'Christmas' area.

Hi Pias and welcome! :)

Please note that latitude/longitude numbers for both sites are the same. I'm guessing they should be different, so please double check. I would love to see what you refer to as the Christmas area.

I liked your reference to the little ET looking body of water. I couldn't imagine what you were talking about until I checked Google Earth and sure enough below Bay Lake is a little ET looking body of water! :)

Welcome to the board and the Michelle Parker case. We so much want to find her.
Good catch truthsleuth!

Please check Christmas, FL in Google Maps. It is along HWY 50 between my first point of interest, and Cocoa Beach/Daytona.

Using peoples photos of the area from within GM, it seems a vast area of potential dumping grounds. Too vast, really, but also, seems to resonate with me, if I were a lunatic, that is.
Dont forget Toddlers and Tiaras....that show is the worst.

You got that right!


Nejame said Parker was caught on video arriving at Smith's apartment at 3:18 p.m. to drop off their twins on Nov. 17. Nejame said a witness can verify that by 4:30 p.m. that same day, Smith arrived at his parents' house with the kids in tow. He it's an impossible timeline for murder.

I was going back over the questions list/timeline and I found this article listed in my notes. From what DS II's attorney said in this article, it appears that there may be a witness that isn't related to DS II (a neighbor -?). Given Nejame's certainty about what he is stating, I think that he must be confident that he can back up DS Jr's alibi from 4:30pm until 10:30pm (when the Hummer was first spotted at the condo complex on Walden).

It's also making me question whether or not DS Jr's family had any involvement at all. If Nejame was not certain of his information, why would he say anything to the media? I wonder if DS Jr's neighbor's video camera caught anyone else arriving at his condo before or shortly after Michelle. Or, maybe not. He likely knew that camera was there, so....

If DS II has a solid alibi for that time frame (a big if), how in the heck did he get rid of the Hummer? He had to have help. If law enforcement has his phone records, then maybe some of the people that they have spoken with were people that he talked to that day/night.

The raid of Dale Sr.s house is a big clue of who LE feels helped Dale.

Why would he be enraged 5 months later? If anything, he should've been angry when it happened but from what I understand they were both over it and moved on. We know that Michelle felt humiliated appearing on the show as per her mom. Judge Milian called them both idiots. It was his choice to go on PC. He knew how the Judge ruled. He knew what was said about him in court. Why would he tell his friends to watch and then murder Michelle on the same day it aired? Actually, if we go with the timeline, it would've been only minutes after it aired. Really? Is he that stupid?

What else enraged him? It is far too coincidental that she goes missing within a half hour after the show was aired. *I believe he was still angry about the show or maybe he got over it and saw the way it was edited and it was like salt in the wound.*

Also the comments Michelle made as she was being interviewed about the verdict probably set him off. Did he know about that interaction. Her tome about her being done with Dale could have lit a fuse. Who knows?

Or "what if" he used Facebook to cover what he was about to do. Hey everyone watch PC today. DVR it if you can't watch it. *Who writes that kind of stuff? It's not like he was on a game show. It was a public humiliation. Neither of them looked good from that experience. He seems to be a manipulator and it appears to me he uses Facebook to divert attention. Perfect way to do so by making it publicly known that you are excited about it airing. That could cover up his plan of killing her. The more I think about it, this was premeditated.

I totally agree. They both looked immature in the show. Michelle knew it, thats why she didnt watch or tell anyone it was going to be on.

I posted a few posts back about rumors supporting that someone else may have done it...but the problem is that MSM is stuck on Dale and wont give us anything we can chew on here

To me, it's quite clear he was enraged by the show. He didn't probably realize, when it was being taped, how he and the judge sounded. He probably didn't realize quite how she was making fun of his star wars thing. Also, he didn't know until it aired that a photo of him in full regalia was posted, to further underscore the judge's apparent disdain for his hobby. And, he hadn't probably heard Michelle's comments about being done with him for good until it aired, her tone, etc.

Further, you have to know this kind of guy to understand that he would not have cared if Michelle was also yelled at or felt humiliated. Unless he was not, in any way, humiliation of Michelle would fail to mitigate his rage. For a guy like him (hothead, arrogant, abusive), the only thing that matters is how he looks. No doubt he felt shamed. He did not expect that because he asked everyone to watch. In his mind, Michelle caused that shame.
From the official facebook page: Posts made directly from the family

All homes directly involved have been searched including our own family. Multiple warrants have been written and followed through on. People are being subpoenaed and questioned. Police have our families full faith and are doing EVERYTHING within their power. The lie detector test is a tricky one due to fact that they are recognized in US courts. But that doesn't mean someone can't agree to take one and share the results in their own behalf.

Email for personal questions (FindMichelleParker@yahoo.com) <~ so they dont get bombarded, can we get nobodynoz to send over our list please?


I wonder why they are saying that the lie detector tests ARE recognized in US Courts; normally they are not!
The only finger I hope to point is the one leading to Michelle. The rest is up to God.
123 and Einyroo, both who know Dale, stated that he loves attention:



Also known:

1) This was his second time on the People's Court! Must have liked the forum...
2) He was advertising this second appearance to friends on his FB page the day before it aired (Nov. 16)
3) Michelle wasn't proud of it and wasn't telling anyone, according to her family.

Maybe she showed up and he excitedly said, "Hey, did you see the show," and maybe it was Michelle who reminded him that he didn't exactly win and that he looked like a chump.

I am continually amazed at the number of people who are eager to embarass themselves on national television. I think especially of the show COPS. Working in the media field I know for a fact that every person whose face is shown on that show, no matter how incredibly stupid they look, have had to have signed a media agreement allowing the station to air the footage. That's how they're able to show people who are "innocoent until proven guilty" without being sued, a.k.a. "possibly innocent but incredibly stupid." I can imagine these "stars" calling family and friends and telling them to make sure they watch COPS on "insert date" because they're on the show! Wow, how exciting! The fact that they're on for baterry or possession or soliciting or DUI, hey, who cares, they're still FAMOUS! :floorlaugh:

I wonder why they are saying that the lie detector tests ARE recognized in US Courts; normally they are not!

I think maybe a typo? or just said the wrong thing....not what was meant to say?

I thought it was generally common knowledge that LD tests werent recognized by the courts and someone working with LE on a case would be informed of that.


Why would he be enraged 5 months later? If anything, he should've been angry when it happened but from what I understand they were both over it and moved on. We know that Michelle felt humiliated appearing on the show as per her mom. Judge Milian called them both idiots. It was his choice to go on PC. He knew how the Judge ruled. He knew what was said about him in court. Why would he tell his friends to watch and then murder Michelle on the same day it aired? Actually, if we go with the timeline, it would've been only minutes after it aired. Really? Is he that stupid?

The participants don't actually get to see the shows until they air, correct? And these things get cut to shreds. So he might not have realized just how stupid and foolish he came off in the program. That could spark the anger all over again.
To me, it's quite clear he was enraged by the show. He didn't probably realize, when it was being taped, how he and the judge sounded. He probably didn't realize quite how she was making fun of his star wars thing. Also, he didn't know until it aired that a photo of him in full regalia was posted, to further underscore the judge's apparent disdain for his hobby. And, he hadn't probably heard Michelle's comments about being done with him for good until it aired, her tone, etc..

Snipped for space. Respectfully disagree that he was enraged, and this actually represents a change in my thinking in the last day. Based on his FB post and comments on tijhs board from people who knew him. I think he was proud of his appearance, and I think he was proud of being in his Star Wars and Captain America costumes, Hot Body contests, and all the rest.

Michelle didn't share his opinion about the show and maybe that helped set him off. But do agree with the "Done with him" thing, I think that might have set him off too.
I wonder if any of these homes were forensically tested not just searched? And all vehicles/boats? That is bothering me big time. It just doesn't seem like it. In the Laci Peterson case, his truck was put on a flatbed & taken in for testing. IIRC, some of the forensic evidence was found in his warehouse for his business?

I don't post often, but I'm with you fully Cerebellum. Is DSs father's business going to be searched? How about the lake properties? The dumpsters at DS's employer. Were dumpsters searched at the condo & the apt complex where Hummer found? How easy it would be to dump keys, gloves, change of clothes, boots, decal, etc in a dumpster one is familiar with. Criminals are stupid!

How about wells in the area? Are there any septic tanks on these properties?

I just want MP to be found. Not a year later, but soon!
Dale and kids go to his parents house, then Dale and Dad leave. Somehwere in there, DS drives the Hummer and drops it off before returning back to his parent place. (Dad picks DS up after DS dumps hummer)

TELEMAG~ I'd like to hear your theory. Im not being rude, I genuinely want to hear it. There have been *rumors* that witnesses have stated that Michelle's hummer was seen in that neighborhood (where hummer was dumped) several times before.
Actually I recall it being a man who has some sort of blog spoke with the witnesses personally, but since it isnt MSM, I will call it rumor.

Im not spreading rumors or starting rumors, just stating that there are some rumblings that could support other theories, but these rumblings arent being picked up by MSM so its hard to discuss or follow those.

Hey there, I certainly don't mind. We all have our theories and I respect them all. Unfortunately I don't have one. I have never said that I think Dale is innocent as he very well could have done this. My problem is with the timeline and obviously there is a lot of info out there that we do not know. I don't think that this was preplanned and if it was wow just WOW! Middle of the day with the kids coming over, I find that almost impossible to believe. IS it true that now we may have someone to verify that Dale did show up at his parents at 4:30? If this turns out to be true then I would say this puts Dale in the clear.

Nejame said Parker was caught on video arriving at Smith's apartment at 3:18 p.m. to drop off their twins on Nov. 17. Nejame said a witness can verify that by 4:30 p.m. that same day, Smith arrived at his parents' house with the kids in tow. He it's an impossible timeline for murder.

I was going back over the questions list/timeline and I found this article listed in my notes. From what DS II's attorney said in this article, it appears that there may be a witness that isn't related to DS II (a neighbor -?). Given Nejame's certainty about what he is stating, I think that he must be confident that he can back up DS Jr's alibi from 4:30pm until 10:30pm (when the Hummer was first spotted at the condo complex on Walden).

It's also making me question whether or not DS Jr's family had any involvement at all. If Nejame was not certain of his information, why would he say anything to the media? I wonder if DS Jr's neighbor's video camera caught anyone else arriving at his condo before or shortly after Michelle. Or, maybe not. He likely knew that camera was there, so....

If DS II has a solid alibi for that time frame (a big if), how in the heck did he get rid of the Hummer? He had to have help. If law enforcement has his phone records, then maybe some of the people that they have spoken with were people that he talked to that day/night.

I can easily believe he drove to his folk's house with the kids at 4:30. But I am not sure i buy the alibi for the 4:30 until 10:30 claim. First, we have the call from Yvonne to Dale, where mom answers and says Dale will call her back later. To me that sounds like dale was not there at that time.

I think he dropped off the kids and then returned quickly to his condo, backed the Hummer out of his garage, and went to the dump site.
Snipped for space. Respectfully disagree that he was enraged, and this actually represents a change in my thinking in the last day. Based on his FB post and comments on tijhs board from people who knew him. I think he was proud of his appearance, and I think he was proud of being in his Star Wars and Captain America costumes, Hot Body contests, and all the rest.

Michelle didn't share his opinion about the show and maybe that helped set him off. But do agree with the "Done with him" thing, I think that might have set him off too.

Sounds like this guy is not bright enough to get mad about people making fun of him for being a Star Wars buff. Also as I have said before he has got to be used to it by now. I can believe that him and Michelle got into a fight that ended badly, but again the timeline is what I am confused about.
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