FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #14

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Hey there, I certainly don't mind. We all have our theories and I respect them all. Unfortunately I don't have one. I have never said that I think Dale is innocent as he very well could have done this. My problem is with the timeline and obviously there is a lot of info out there that we do not know. I don't think that this was preplanned and if it was wow just WOW! Middle of the day with the kids coming over, I find that almost impossible to believe. IS it true that now we may have someone to verify that Dale did show up at his parents at 4:30? If this turns out to be true then I would say this puts Dale in the clear.

How does that put him in the clear? He could have had Michele bound and gagged in his truck bed under a tarp.
To believe someone else did this, you must believe

1) Michelle left Dale's place alive (we have no evidence of this)We have no proof she didn't leave alive

2) Dale was mistaken on his time when Michelle arrived. He said 4pm, it was really 3:18. He knew she had to be home for her son. This was the routine. per MP's sister, she said he said 4:00 but if we go by his lawyer statement Dale is saying after 3:00

3) This "other person" traveled the same path that Dale did on the 17th. Michelle's phone pings were a direct path from Dale's house to his dad's. It is my understanding hundreds of cars travel this roads everyday. This isn't an unusual path for anyone in the area to travel.

4) The random "waterford" text was not sent by Dale who claimed Michelle was going shopping by which his statement gives credibility to the text. We don't have proof that MP didn't send it nor proof another person sent it.

5) Dale just happened to miss all the calls from Michelle's family. Dale really was at his parents the whole time from 4:30-10:30 though his mom said he wasn't there. Why would Dale miss all these calls unless he was avoiding communication. He called back AFTER he had time to do whatever he needed to do. From what I gather, they didn't start calling and looking for MP till after 6:50 almost 7, we know really of only one call that Dale's mom answered. No reason has been given to why he couldn't answer the phone. He could have been outside in the yard or in the crapper.

From the official facebook page: Posts made directly from the family

All homes directly involved have been searched including our own family. Multiple warrants have been written and followed through on. People are being subpoenaed and questioned. Police have our families full faith and are doing EVERYTHING within their power. The lie detector test is a tricky one due to fact that they are recognized in US courts. But that doesn't mean someone can't agree to take one and share the results in their own behalf.

Email for personal questions (FindMichelleParker@yahoo.com) <~ so they dont get bombarded, can we get nobodynoz to send over our list please?

Imo it sounds if they are confirming the only reason Dale was named prime suspect is because of the poly. LE even stated naming him was over the poly and as an investigative strategy. I certainly hope they are not overlooking tips or other theories.
What does bait mean in this context?

I think it means that if you skirt around a topic that is not supposed to be discussed, but you talk about it a little and then hint that you know more, it is kind of 'baiting' others to discuss it too.
Someone asked on the previous page about LDT being admissable in court in the US. Yes they are IF both parties agree.
What do we know about cadaver dogs as it relates to the Hummer?

IF the Hummer was used in the commission of a crime, botanical evidence, tire tracks, soil samples could help hone in on Michelle's location.

That said, if anyone does go check ANY site, try to avoid destroying tire tracks. Park away from 'the convenient locations,' and step around the tire tracks.

If you find anything, regardless of whether YOU think is of value, DO NOT TOUCH IT! This includes prodding of plastic bags, etc...

Use you cell phone to photograph and GPS what you have found, remain in the area and notify LE.
Thank you all for your warm welcome.
Here is a link to my old site. None of it works anymore, and the 'style' has been removed, but it gives you an idea of just how much work I used to do, and perhaps why I am so detailed.:blushing:


We can certainly use a new, good sleuther!!!!

So where was the Hummer at?

At his house still? Like someone above said, he could have dropped off the kids and then gone back to dispose of Michelle and the Hummer. Or, he had daddy help while his mother watched the kids (and possibly fielded calls).

I believe someone did see him at 4:30 p.m. going to his dad's. But we have no one but his family saying he stayed there the whole time. Something caused LE to search his father's home in such an incredible fashion.
I believe that DS has a money motive in disappearing MP. If he couldn't have her and the twins 24/7 he didn't want to pay her child support.

Maybe DS's father was at the condo when MP arrived? Keep the kids busy. DS says, Hey, MP I found some things of yours in the back of the closet. There's a box in the garage. Do you want to take a look & see if you want to take it? Follows her into the garage & snaps her neck. Very quick. No mess. His USMC training probably taught him how to take out a person quickly & quietly.
Swamp Mama – you rock! I knew you would have the answers :)

UFCMommy – I hope you are right, I want Michelle to be found, no matter where she is. The thought of her just disappearing without a trace, will be so hard on her family.

Thanks. Mr. Swamp is turning out to be quite the source of useful information whether it is cadaver dogs on water (from another case) or alligators and their eating habits.

I also hope UFCMommy is right. I hope that with all my heart.
IMO, on the PC, he appeared confused, overwhelmed and flustered. The blank look on his face when Michelle began her version of the story, and each time the camera cut away to Dale, his facial expression showed, in my opinion, someone who did not expect to have his version of events disputed. Which is odd, considering he was in court and it would be obvious to anyone that the judge would hear both sides. He just seemed blindsided, even though the case was decided, again IMO, fairly. Also, when he was leaving, the whole searching his phone tactic, seemed like a way to play for time to gather his thoughts. Or maybe he was trying to delay the after interview bc he was embarrassed...He just seemed so confused (and really not very bright) and I can easily see how this would translate to rage upon viewing the episodes's airing.

It seems weird that he would even post about the airing to his friends, considering his behavior on the show. Maybe he was able to fool himself into thinking it showed him in a good light? Or perhaps he is the type of person who can quickly forget anything that does not fit into his image of himself?

Do they heavily edit those shows, or is the entire time in front of the judge recorded and played during the episode? It also appeared to me to end rather quickly and abruptly, like something was missing. Perhaps that something is what made DS angry...
Stewart said losing custody of the children after less than a day was particularly hard on the twin’s half-brother *advertiser censored******, Parker’s son from a previous relationship.

“*advertiser censored***** is only 11 years old, and he cried so hard yesterday when I told him the judge said I had to take them back,” Stewart told Guthrie.
“He’s just like, ‘Why?’ and I’m like, ‘Well, because right now that’s where they need to go, and if I don’t do it, I can’t keep looking for Michelle, honey, so I have to keep looking.’"


Okay... I will fully admit that this is a huge sore spot of mine because I have gone through he!! to make sure my kids see their paternal family.

At Thanksgiving I found out that my niece didn't want to go to a paternal family function, because she wanted to spend time with MY kids.

I offered to go with my niece and her father, who is my double ex (he is divorced from my ex sister in law) to a family function.
With my 2 kids. 4 hours round trip, change our plans, bring our own food, so that she would be more comfortable and willing to go.

This was a "normal" thing for me to offer because it was best, gave stability and comfort, for the child who is on her third "Daddy". :twocents:

PLEASE someone tell me that Dale is doing everything in his power to make sure those twins see their brother and maternal family.
There is no excuse for people not doing everything in their power to ensure their kids see family. If they have nothing to hide.
]I believe that DS has a money motive in disappearing MP. If he couldn't have her and the twins 24/7 he didn't want to pay her child support.
Maybe DS's father was at the condo when MP arrived? Keep the kids busy. DS says, Hey, MP I found some things of yours in the back of the closet. There's a box in the garage. Do you want to take a look & see if you want to take it? Follows her into the garage & snaps her neck. Very quick. No mess. His USMC training probably taught him how to take out a person quickly & quietly.

BBM, I wonder how long it will be before he tries to claim social security benefits for the kids. Hmmm

We can certainly use a new, good sleuther!!!!

At his house still? Like someone above said, he could have dropped off the kids and then gone back to dispose of Michelle and the Hummer. Or, he had daddy help while his mother watched the kids (and possibly fielded calls).

I believe someone did see him at 4:30 p.m. going to his dad's. But we have no one but his family saying he stayed there the whole time. Something caused LE to search his father's home in such an incredible fashion.

Hi Mom hi Dad. Hey I just killed Michelle can you give me a ride back to the Hummer so I can dispose of her body and the car? So he either has a body in his truck or she's at his house in the Hummer?
BBM, I wonder how long it will be before he tries to claim social security benefits for the kids. Hmmm

Does DS still have a job? It is possible that he didn't reveal his previous criminal record to his employer & they let him go.

DS is going to start having some serious money issues soon. Atty, mortgage, two car payments (F150 & Hummer), Medical insurance for twins, etc.

Also, some mental health issues. He's staying home full time with two toddlers. This isn't an easy task. He's not working according to him. He's not moving about town freely, as the media is probably wanting his statement. Plus, LE keeping tabs on his movements. hmmm does DS have the skills to cope with all this stress? Is he a flight risk? Is a risk to his children?
123 and Einyroo, both who know Dale, stated that he loves attention:



Also known:

1) This was his second time on the People's Court! Must have liked the forum...
2) He was advertising this second appearance to friends on his FB page the day before it aired (Nov. 16)
3) Michelle wasn't proud of it and wasn't telling anyone, according to her family.

Maybe she showed up and he excitedly said, "Hey, did you see the show," and maybe it was Michelle who reminded him that he didn't exactly win and that he looked like a chump.

I am continually amazed at the number of people who are eager to embarass themselves on national television. I think especially of the show COPS. Working in the media field I know for a fact that every person whose face is shown on that show, no matter how incredibly stupid they look, have had to have signed a media agreement allowing the station to air the footage. That's how they're able to show people who are "innocoent until proven guilty" without being sued, a.k.a. "possibly innocent but incredibly stupid." I can imagine these "stars" calling family and friends and telling them to make sure they watch COPS on "insert date" because they're on the show! Wow, how exciting! The fact that they're on for baterry or possession or soliciting or DUI, hey, who cares, they're still FAMOUS! :floorlaugh:

The fact that DS drew attention to the fact that he would be on People's Court the following day makes me wonder if his FB friends commented about his appearance on the show some time between the time it aired and 10:30 pm, and if he responded back. DS strikes me as a classic narcissist who feeds off the attention of others. If he has FB access via his phone, I wonder if he is the type who responds to FB wall posts immediately. If so, it would be a huge red flag if it turns out that he didn't respond right away to comments about his appearance on the show, especially since he was encouraging his FB friends to watch the show.

bolded by me

*resumes lurking*
IMO, on the PC, he appeared confused, overwhelmed and flustered. The blank look on his face when Michelle began her version of the story, and each time the camera cut away to Dale, his facial expression showed, in my opinion, someone who did not expect to have his version of events disputed. Which is odd, considering he was in court and it would be obvious to anyone that the judge would hear both sides. He just seemed blindsided, even though the case was decided, again IMO, fairly. Also, when he was leaving, the whole searching his phone tactic, seemed like a way to play for time to gather his thoughts. Or maybe he was trying to delay the after interview bc he was embarrassed...He just seemed so confused (and really not very bright) and I can easily see how this would translate to rage upon viewing the episodes's airing.

It seems weird that he would even post about the airing to his friends, considering his behavior on the show. Maybe he was able to fool himself into thinking it showed him in a good light? Or perhaps he is the type of person who can quickly forget anything that does not fit into his image of himself?

Do they heavily edit those shows, or is the entire time in front of the judge recorded and played during the episode? It also appeared to me to end rather quickly and abruptly, like something was missing. Perhaps that something is what made DS angry...

IMO DS just doesn't get it. His blank looks reminds me of a man I once knew who's mind was so warped that he couldn't relate to others. DS probably doesn't understand a lot of the vocabulary. Just a lack of ability to relate or be reflective. There are times when it seems DS tries to behave as others with empathy do, but he just doesn't get it. Or, he hasn't observed others long enough to learn how to behave normally.
Maybe behind his garage door. Or maybe someone else drove it and umped it for him while he went to his folks house.

I was just going to ask if the Hummer and the F150 fit in his garage?
IMO, on the PC, he appeared confused, overwhelmed and flustered. The blank look on his face when Michelle began her version of the story, and each time the camera cut away to Dale, his facial expression showed, in my opinion, someone who did not expect to have his version of events disputed. Which is odd, considering he was in court and it would be obvious to anyone that the judge would hear both sides. He just seemed blindsided, even though the case was decided, again IMO, fairly. Also, when he was leaving, the whole searching his phone tactic, seemed like a way to play for time to gather his thoughts. Or maybe he was trying to delay the after interview bc he was embarrassed...He just seemed so confused (and really not very bright) and I can easily see how this would translate to rage upon viewing the episodes's airing.

It seems weird that he would even post about the airing to his friends, considering his behavior on the show. Maybe he was able to fool himself into thinking it showed him in a good light? Or perhaps he is the type of person who can quickly forget anything that does not fit into his image of himself?

Do they heavily edit those shows, or is the entire time in front of the judge recorded and played during the episode? It also appeared to me to end rather quickly and abruptly, like something was missing. Perhaps that something is what made DS angry...


There is a lot, a whole lot, of heavy editing in the shows. So I think that he was telling all of his friends to watch and tape it because he expected it to be as awesome as he remembered it to be. And I think he was probably pizzed when he saw the final edit. Especially since he had bragged about it on FB, telling everyone to watch it and all that.
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