FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #14

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if you check out this video it shows his truck bed is covered already... IMO a tarp wouldn't even be needed to hide something


Thank you for that footage! Anyone figured out what the decal in his rear window might be? I couldn't get a good enough look.

The fact that DS drew attention to the fact that he would be on People's Court the following day makes me wonder if his FB friends commented about his appearance on the show some time between the time it aired and 10:30 pm, and if he responded back. DS strikes me as a classic narcissist who feeds off the attention of others. If he has FB access via his phone, I wonder if he is the type who responds to FB wall posts immediately. If so, it would be a huge red flag if it turns out that he didn't respond right away to comments about his appearance on the show, especially since he was encouraging his FB friends to watch the show.

bolded by me

*resumes lurking*

I so agree with you about how I would expect him to react if there he felt he was portrayed in a negative light.

A big shout out to all of you lurkers . . . . . let us know what has been on your mind and what you feel should be further investigated, struck you as strange, picqued your curiousity, theories, etc. How might we all help to find Michelle?
Thank you for this post that IMO truly has put into words a scenario that I find very believable..if not even highly likely.. How you described the PC episode is so very dead on with it all coming down to how one perceives the event in the present time as it is occurring and most importantly for this case how that individual perceives that exact same event months later in watching it in it's tv world of "editing"(to make it look the most dramatic for tv) as it's broadcast literally around the world.. This is it!!! IMO it is this that was the trigger most likely!!

Just as I explained in an earlier post I felt like Judge Marilyn played cutesy with Dale and her wanting to see his photos in costume.. And that while I could see that she very likely was mocking and outright laughing at him in his face.. I think at that present time while taping PC that the mocking and demeaning just flew right over Dale's head and he totally saw it as the judge being friendly with him.. Just another sign to him that he was the victor over Michelle and thought the judge bought his bs hook, line, and sinker...

Now fast forward couple months down the road you've got Dale who overall felt like he fared best out of he and Michelle on the PC and fondly recalls how he and the judge were friendly..and blah..bla..blah.. Just an overall positive and as we know he had links posted and previews posted on his FB page in the days and weeks leading up to the episode airing.. He was encouraging folks to watch.. Again IMO I believe his overall perception was positive of the PC taping(it does not make sense to be posting and previewing this episode on your FB page if you felt it was negative or made u look bad.. IMO he wouldn't have done these things if he felt he loomed the tiniest bit "bad" or a "loser")..he promoted the airing of their PC.. He was excited to see it air.. IMO nothing speaks louder than that as proof positive his "original perception" for how the PC taping went was positive in his favor..

So, it airs literally within less than an hour before MICHELLE arrives with the twins at his condo.. And when he watches the episode and the way in which it was edited(and we all know how the reality type shows "edit" they want to make it look the most "Jerry Springer-ish" IYKWIM).. but IMO most importantly his perception drastically changed once seeing Judge Marilyn's now quite obvious outright making fun of him to his face!!! I mean they go back to this exchange over the costumes numerous times!!! And while it happened originally he felt as tho it was a very friendly exchange, but now upon seeing it and the way it was edited now the exchange was totally opposite and obvious that she was laughing at him in his face on national television.. THAT IMO WOULD IGNITE A RAGE IN THIS MAN WITHOUT A DOUBT IN MY MIND!!!!

And then the camera cuts over and shows Michelle smiling or appearing to snicker as well.. Well.. In Dale's mind it now almost appears as if these two women were teaming up and openly mocking and laughing at him!!.. This would only further fuel the explosive rage that had already begun!!!.. And in his thinking back at how he actually had originally perceived it as so positive(not to mention on his FB promoting the episode and for folks to watch it.. Add more accelerant) That only causes humiliation at how stupid he mustve looked and then what?? Well.. You can just dump heaping more amounts of accelerant.. That humiliation just further fuels the now extremely alarming rage that this man is fully engulfed within.. I mean he sits down to watch this show and have a good laugh and feel good about himself and his being blindsided with negative, humiliating, anger that within that airing had totally and completely consumed this man!!! This IMO makes sense to me and IMO would have taken him from zero to sixty in record time for being whipped into a full fledged angry frenzy..

This IMO could very likely be what was waiting for MICHELLE when we saw her pulling down his road at 3:18:20pm on 11/17 with their PC episode having aired 2:00-2:30pm.. The woman that in his sick mind was the cause for this all consuming anger, humiliation, and explosive emotional overload that he was blindsided by.. There she is right there in his presence in less than hour from his being ignited with a litany of negative emotions.. Only doused with heaping amounts of accelerant from the point of the ignition..

I'll only say this.. I do in my mind believe it was quick.. I believe that when all of those emotions were unleashed on one tiny, unexpecting woman out of nowhere.. Well.. She never even saw it coming and never even had half a chance.. I do pray I'm right in that it would mean there was no suffering, no terror, no fear.. Only time will tell and I pray that they find her soon not only for closure for her precious loved ones who are suffering mightily..but just as importantly to ensure that justice is served promptly and appropriately on whoever is responsible for harming her..

All jmo!

Looks like we are thinking the same thing about how it went down! All my firsthand knowledge of dale leads me to this conclusion. He is all about appearances and what people think of him. I think he was not prepared for the edited version of the show and felt like a jackass. he was embarrassed because he told people to watch...maybe even had someone over to watch it with him. Michelle showed up, and he was already mad. Maybe she said something that ticked him off ("See I told you people made fun of you for dressing up!") and that was all it took. I believe it was fast and unplanned.

Someone asked earlier about what he could have hidden the body in to transport...I have seen members of his 501st group at Disney World carrying their costumes in huge costume bags, plenty big enough for her body to fit in. I am sure with the numerous costumes that Dale has, he has several costume bags around his condo.
Sounds like this guy is not bright enough to get mad about people making fun of him for being a Star Wars buff. Also as I have said before he has got to be used to it by now. I can believe that him and Michelle got into a fight that ended badly, but again the timeline is what I am confused about.

I keep seeing post about this but I don't see it, I don't think people around Orlando would make fun of him for being a Star Wars fan.

Stars Wars is big in Central FL if not the rest of country. Maybe it is just because Central FL is so theme park based. Even my 19 yr old son who is not really all that into it has four Star Wars ship models and a several hundred dollar light saber.

Just for example:

Next year there is a big 4 day Star Wars convention in August at the Orlando Convention Center that they are already selling tickets for.

Then every year for well over a decade now there has been a month long of special Star Wars weekends at Disney's Hollywood Studios in May/June where the actors appear. And yes, many visitors go to Disney in costume on these weekends. I have never been there when it is going on but know people who have. The turn out must be good or Disney would not continue this 4-5 straight weekends celebration every year for all this time.

So personality I don't think it is all that weird of DS....JMO
IMO, on the PC, he appeared confused, overwhelmed and flustered. The blank look on his face when Michelle began her version of the story, and each time the camera cut away to Dale, his facial expression showed, in my opinion, someone who did not expect to have his version of events disputed. Which is odd, considering he was in court and it would be obvious to anyone that the judge would hear both sides. He just seemed blindsided, even though the case was decided, again IMO, fairly. Also, when he was leaving, the whole searching his phone tactic, seemed like a way to play for time to gather his thoughts. Or maybe he was trying to delay the after interview bc he was embarrassed...He just seemed so confused (and really not very bright) and I can easily see how this would translate to rage upon viewing the episodes's airing.

It seems weird that he would even post about the airing to his friends, considering his behavior on the show. Maybe he was able to fool himself into thinking it showed him in a good light? Or perhaps he is the type of person who can quickly forget anything that does not fit into his image of himself?

Do they heavily edit those shows, or is the entire time in front of the judge recorded and played during the episode? It also appeared to me to end rather quickly and abruptly, like something was missing. Perhaps that something is what made DS angry...

Wonder if OPD has requested the uncut version of the show's taping that shows all of MP and DS interaction that day? I think it would be a good idea if they haven't.

(PS: I would like to see it too)

For me he's the last one that reportedly saw her alive, which is enough justification for me. I think he's guilty but the timing is so stupid to do something, right after the tv show aired? That's why I don't think it was planned for that moment anyway.

I agree with one of your posts previously a page back or so...about him not realizing how he looked. I suspect someone, like his Dad may have called him and said "Do you realize they made a fool of you???" That would have set him off, no doubt. If he was on edge then anything she said could have triggered his reaction.

I don't know who helped him but I think someone did.

Also, if he is that angry of a person and has had problems with domestic abuse/violence I have to wonder about his relationship with his parents and what he's seen over the years.

I have a big question. How did he afford all these things? Condos aren't cheap and neither are Hummers!

JMO...But...DS Sr. may just have the same anger issues as his son (in fact, where did they come from anyway?), and may feel almost as (if not AS) angry as his son when he sees the show and how the son "of his loins" was degraded..."How dare they treat MY son that way!"

So Michelle becomes the target for two raging males sharing possibly same raging genes.

In this scenario, Dale Sr. has motive, too!
True but he still needs someone to help him or he drove his truck back to get the hummer all with no one seeing him. Then he had to walk back to get his truck at his condo so he could go back to his parents. I'm really trying hard to put Dale in this.

He could have driven his red truck to his folks and left it there with his twins.
Then he drives one of his folks cars or trucks back to his street. It would not be noticed as easily. Her Hummer was likely inside his garage, maybe with her bound and gagged inside. He just needed to take off the cling-on decals,
drive it out of the garage and dump it where it was found. He could have taken a bus back or he could have had a bike in the hummer and rode it home. Or he got picked up by a friend.
searching his phone
He indicated he was looking for a text from Michelle saying she still cared and was just a little confused.

Perhaps an analysis of the P.C. should be addressed here.

Lets start with a rough course on body language. In this case, lets focus on the eyes.

Below is data retrieved from the www with a link to it that follows:

How To Read Eye Directions

Without going too deep into neuroscience, let’s look at how a person’s eye directions can tell you what they are actually thinking.

You have probably heard that there are two main parts to the brain:

- the right side: the emotional side, and

- the left side: the logical side.

When we look right or left for a period of time, one side of our brain gets activated more than the other.

This is predictable for right-handed people: When a right-handed person

- looks to the right, their left logical brain is dominant

- looks to the left, their right emotional brain is dominant.

How can you use this?

When dealing with a right-handed person, you’re more likely to make the person feel relaxed and comfortable if you activate their logical side. That is: if you place yourself to their right.


Because doing the opposite activates their emotional brain… which is home to their emotional and stressful memories. Doing this makes it much more likely they’ll feel nervous, anxious, and uncomfortable.

What if the person is left-handed?

Well, there’s no predictable rule in this case unfortunately. I’m currently researching the best way to deal with this and will let you know when I find something that works.

But there’s more to know about eye direction.

The field of NLP also observed that, depending on the conversation’s context, the position of someone’s eyes can give you clues of where her words are “coming from”.

Here is a simple way to illustrate this:

Body Language: Visual Cues click the link for a little visual

Put simply…

- Looking to their right or up and to their right:

–>Using their imagination – watch out for exaggeration of the truth or for complete lies.

- Looking down and to their right, or to their left, or up and to their left:

–>Using their memory – they are being honest and truthful.

- Looking down and to their left:

–>Deep in thought.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is some controversy about this model.

--------------------------- END QUOTE---------------------------------

Body Language coupled with the following statements may glean some insight. Follow along with the video, pause and replay as necessary, to translate their body language for yourself.

During post interview with m:
'vindictive towards me."

During post interview with d:
While the rest of his thoughts tumble out effortlessly, he begins to stumble and becomes animated during the following statement:
"...oh ya. We have to be together fer- for the rest of our lives, you know, aand (a stretched out 'and') as far as I'm concerned- it's done. You know, she's the one, you know.. she sent me this text message last night, saying she still cares- and she's just a little confused, you know... so now... now she's changing her story again. She's bi-polar."

--------------------- Possible Triggers-------------------------

Possible trigger points after airing (including statements that would/may have been unknown to either, prior to airing):

"some people like the excitement of the fighting" said by people on street
"thrill" said by Harvey

"You don't punish them in order to punish her- that's crazy!" said by judge

"This fatal attraction relationship here, a... Is there still anything left to it?" said by Kurt
"No. It's over" said by M

D's pre-occupation with his phone, distance from the post interview, and courtroom noises, could have prevented d from hearing the post interview comments made by m and/or Kurt. Likewise, M may not have heard post interview comments made by d/ or Kurt,

Neither would have any idea, of course, about what had been said, during the trial, outside of the courthouse.

It is these details, IMO, that may have been at possible contention as to which straw it was that may have broke the camels back.

At the same time, none of this could mean anything.

I make no accusations or assumptions. I merely seek the truth and offer up possibilities.

Can any truth be found here? It cannot be said with any certainty, or the case would already be solved, but it MUST be reviewed.
I am confused why people are making fun of him for Star Wars stuff, but then I had the embarrassing realization that I am a nerd and dressing up in Star Wars stuff sometimes seems like fun rather than a sign that someone is a freak.

This case frustrates me because it seems like something should have indicated where she is right now. Why is it so hard to find a body? Somewhat rhetorical, of course. I am also assuming that she is probably gone :(
Exactly. It may not have been clear when he taped the show how the judge was mocking him. And where did she get the photo that was posted on the show? Obviously, the producers got it from Michelle. That probably angered him as well.

There he was, encouraging all of his friends to watch this spectacle and when they do, he looks like a fool.

I've got to say that reality shows can be really horrible. The producers are in it for ratings. It doesn't matter who is damaged, humiliated or whether an imbalanced or dangerous person is made to look stupid. There is a complete lack of accountability.

Yes, if Dale is the culprit here, he made the decision himself to commit murder. But I am kind of sick of the trolling for ratings, humanity be damned, that takes place on some of these shows.

The Duggars, Kate Plus Eight, Hoarders, Dancemoms etc., these kind of shows exploit children, exploit people with serious problems, and do not consider how someone who is not quite right in the head might be affected. The judge/producers in this episode were unprofessional, IMO. They took great glee in mocking a guy who one party claimed is a violent person. Where is the accountability? I think I hear Nero fiddling.

Rant off.

This is simple to me. They did it to create pressure and because they got everything out of him that they could and had no hope of more. That's the only strategy or tactic I can see at play here. Calling Dale the primary suspect when they really are looking at someone else would be unconscionable and I flat can't see that happening.

I don't blame TPC for this. He agreed to go on and had been on before. (BTW, Does anyone have documentation of his being on before?) The show is entertainment and Judge Milian making fun of him is funny because it is a funny subject. To me it's like American Idol. After the first season you should know what you're in for. If he had gone on JJ she would have been less kind, JMO. 99.999% of the people who go on these shows aren't hostile to each other afterward, as far as I know.

Anyway, I think that if she did in fact supply the pictures of him in his garb and he did miss the part, while filming, that she was done with him then I think his anger probably took over and he did something quick and quiet and had his father or some other friend help him with it.

You got that right!

The raid of Dale Sr.s house is a big clue of who LE feels helped Dale.

To me, it's quite clear he was enraged by the show. He didn't probably realize, when it was being taped, how he and the judge sounded. He probably didn't realize quite how she was making fun of his star wars thing. Also, he didn't know until it aired that a photo of him in full regalia was posted, to further underscore the judge's apparent disdain for his hobby. And, he hadn't probably heard Michelle's comments about being done with him for good until it aired, her tone, etc.

Further, you have to know this kind of guy to understand that he would not have cared if Michelle was also yelled at or felt humiliated. Unless he was not, in any way, humiliation of Michelle would fail to mitigate his rage. For a guy like him (hothead, arrogant, abusive), the only thing that matters is how he looks. No doubt he felt shamed. He did not expect that because he asked everyone to watch. In his mind, Michelle caused that shame.


I don't think it was disdain as much as her thinking it's ludicrous for adults to act that out. As someone posted earlier people who do that probably grow a thick skin about that, my guess is that his beating her, the cops being called in, his not seeing his kids and all of the other dirty laundry that was aired was far more likely to set him off. JMO
One thing I've continually wondered myself..is why it's so hard to believe that Dale would either lock the kids in a house or in a room by themselves. People get arrested every day for leaving their kids in the car while they do errands...and I'm sure people do the same at home...I would never dream of it myself, but I'm sure it's happened. If he did this during the time frame he would have had to harm Michelle (which, IMO he did) then it's not that long to leave them alone. 3:18 she arrives, unloads the kids and gets them settled, then Dale supposedly as at his parents at 4:30 with the kids. That eliminates the question of who was with the kids...maybe it was nobody!

Good point!
It's not like there isn't any other case out there that has a parent locking children in home for extended periods of time! (JB to poor Sky and MM, anyone?)
Thank you for that footage! Anyone figured out what the decal in his rear window might be? I couldn't get a good enough look.

I so agree with you about how I would expect him to react if there he felt he was portrayed in a negative light.

A big shout out to all of you lurkers . . . . . let us know what has been on your mind and what you feel should be further investigated, struck you as strange, picqued your curiousity, theories, etc. How might we all help to find Michelle?

Front square white on front right window looks like a toll road transponder, but you probably have that figured out. Back left decal...wild guess... Rolling Stones mouth with tongue hanging out, but it would have to have a light colored circle around it, and I don't think that is in the signature Rolling Stones logo.:waitasec:

I tried, anyway.:crazy:

Thanks, Lurkers! You have some great ideas!
Did it change anything for you?

Well, if Michelle was not missing right now and I would have seen this the day it aired I certainly would not believe that Dale was the bad guy and she was the victim. I can not only see him getting violent but her also.
Have there been any new searches this week that anyone knows of? I find it rather interesting that they got info from her phone but we aren't hearing about any new searches.
Front square white on front right window looks like a toll road transponder, but you probably have that figured out. Back left decal...wild guess... Rolling Stones mouth with tongue hanging out, but it would have to have a light colored circle around it, and I don't think that is in the signature Rolling Stones logo.:waitasec:

I tried, anyway.:crazy:

Thanks, Lurkers! You have some great ideas!

Pretty Certain that's a marines decal.

This one specifically?

Dishonorably discharged and he displays the Marines insignia. :banghead:

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he still referred to himself as a Marine back when I knew him...left out the discharged part! :nono:
Have there been any new searches this week that anyone knows of? I find it rather interesting that they got info from her phone but we aren't hearing about any new searches.

I guess none that we or the media know of. I'm kind of surprised. I imagined after having time to go through her cell phone and GPS data there would be a lot more. I'm praying there are and we just haven't been told yet due to holding things close for the investigation.
The Consequences of a Dishonorable Discharge in the Military
By Joshua Benjamin, eHow Contributor

Dishonorable discharge from the military is a serious matter with far-reaching consequences. Being dishonorably discharged from any branch of the armed forces is the rough equivalent of being convicted of a felony in civilian courts. A dishonorable discharge can be handed down only by the decision of a military court martial process, and even then only for serious infractions or reprehensible actions such as sexual assault, desertion or murder. Typically, these types of infractions result in additional sentencing--such as jail time or similar punishments--being meted out alongside the dishonorable discharge. A soldier who has been dishonorably discharged will also face a large variety of additional consequences once he returns to civilian life.

Loss of Military BenefitsA soldier who has been dishonorably discharged from the military forfeits his right to any benefits he might have had access to upon his return to civilian life. This can include the loss of medical insurance, GI bills and college pay. In addition, the soldier loses the right to the status of "veteran" in accordance with United States Code, which defines a veteran as any member of the active armed forces who has not been given a dishonorable discharge. This also prevents the dischargee from gaining any nonmilitary veterans benefits, such as preferential consideration on university entrance exams and job applications. Any form of government aid is withheld from a soldier who was dishonorably discharged.

Loss of Certain Freedoms
In addition to losing his veterans benefits, the dishonorable dischargee will be unable to apply for unemployment benefits upon entering into civilian life. More than likely the dischargee will also lose the ability to apply for bank loans and will be barred from serving in any level of government service--especially those of the armed forces. If the soldier was discharged because of a felony conviction, he also loses the right to vote and the ability to hold public office, and will be unable to sit on a jury for an extended period of time. The dischargee is also barred from purchasing or owning any sort of firearm under Title 18 of the United States Code.

Dishonorable discharges are rarely meted out as stand-alone punishments. Because the soldier must do something truly reprehensible in the eyes of the military before she is considered for a dishonorable discharge, additional punishments will usually accompany the discharge. These consequences are many and varied, and are decided by the presiding officer at the general court-martial once the guilt of the soldier has been determined--the proceedings essentially mirror those of civilian courts, only all the participants are active military personnel.

The Unquantifiable
Because a soldier who has been dishonorably discharged is essentially a convicted felon, he faces the same difficulties that a felon might in his daily life. Finding a job will be difficult, any relationships he had will suffer, and possibly his own psyche will be greatly damaged by the event. Beyond what has been listed in the preceding sections, there can be any number of consequences unique to each individual. Suffice it to say that a dishonorable discharge is not something to be taken lightly and will affect nearly every facet of a soldier's life.

Read more: The Consequences of a Dishonorable Discharge in the Military | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_6139124_consequences-dishonorable-discharge-military.html#ixzz1gehxisHv
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