FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #14

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I seem to be fixated on alligators lately - I’m now trying to figure out if there is a chance that they would not be interested (or much less so than usual) in feeding due to the temperature. I base this on the following info:

“When it gets cold in the winter, alligators slow down. Below 70 degrees F or so they stop feeding, and when it gets much colder, alligators dig out a den in the bank of a pond or river and go dormant until it warms up again”

What has the temperature been like since Nov 17th in the Orlando area? Is there a chance that a body might still be intact?
Why would he be enraged 5 months later? If anything, he should've been angry when it happened but from what I understand they were both over it and moved on. We know that Michelle felt humiliated appearing on the show as per her mom. Judge Milian called them both idiots. It was his choice to go on PC. He knew how the Judge ruled. He knew what was said about him in court. Why would he tell his friends to watch and then murder Michelle on the same day it aired? Actually, if we go with the timeline, it would've been only minutes after it aired. Really? Is he that stupid?

I respectfully don't think it has anything to do with intelligence or stupidity. It has more to do with a person that in unable to control his rage...especially with respect to someone he was in an addictive, abusive relationship with. They do not 'think' - they just react. JMO
Respectfully snipped & BBM

I can see why anyone would be stuck on DS2, but at the same time i have fishy feeling & thoughts about the current BF NM.



Yessss!! I had made some comments/questions about him in the beginning...still do.

I don't want to really touch this topic, NM has NOTHING to do with this and is probably not to be discussed, right??? But, noooo, not trying to bait anyone, and nooo, I have no knowledge, proof, etc. except from my own looking around and some of his comments.
Just as I said early on, though, and hope I can say this...DS "supposedly" was the "last" person to see MP.
BUT, NM was, for all intents and purposes, "SUPPOSED" to be the last one - other than the people in her work setting - because of their dinner date.
AGAIN....I'm making the assumption MP was planning on dinner, THEN going to work.
ANYONE could have sent the "Waterford" text....

PLEASE, mods, don't get mad on me. :(

NW Bank w/ Special Guest Otter (so weird to find this)

Thank you for the great pics!

My very first thought in seeing this otter went to Michelle's keys and wondering if they could be tossed in the same area as the phone. I know it's a stretch but otters are attracted to shiny objects.
I seem to be fixated on alligators lately - I’m now trying to figure out if there is a chance that they would not be interested (or much less so than usual) in feeding due to the temperature. I base this on the following info:

“When it gets cold in the winter, alligators slow down. Below 70 degrees F or so they stop feeding, and when it gets much colder, alligators dig out a den in the bank of a pond or river and go dormant until it warms up again”

What has the temperature been like since Nov 17th in the Orlando area? Is there a chance that a body might still be intact?

Here is a summary of the temps in Orlando so far this month

The highs have always got over 70 on every day so far. That's the same temps we are having her in Louisiana and our alligators are still out and basking in the sun when it is out and actively eating. He saw some out just today when he was out in the woods.

I asked Mr. Swamp about all our alligators and he told me that they are still eating and active. It will take a longer cold spell to send them into hiding. But Florida, like Louisiana has mild weather throughout the winter so our alligators don't hibernate as much.
I seem to be fixated on alligators lately - I’m now trying to figure out if there is a chance that they would not be interested (or much less so than usual) in feeding due to the temperature. I base this on the following info:

“When it gets cold in the winter, alligators slow down. Below 70 degrees F or so they stop feeding, and when it gets much colder, alligators dig out a den in the bank of a pond or river and go dormant until it warms up again”

What has the temperature been like since Nov 17th in the Orlando area? Is there a chance that a body might still be intact?

It's been warm here. In fact, it was quite warm the day she disappeared. I remember thinking how odd it was for her to be wearing a hoodie that day because I would have been roasting in a sweatshirt.

But...IMO the whole alligator thing is rather overblown in people's minds. I saw it in the CA case, too. If you look at the Chris George case here in this area, his body was found in a lake long, long after he disappeared. He hadn't been eaten by alligators. Nadia Bloom got lost for three days on the shores of Lake Jessup, the most densely alligator populated lake in the state, and she never saw even one alligator. While anything is possible, of course, I think the whole "alligators will eat her" idea is a pretty remote possibility.

Thank you for the great pics!

My very first thought in seeing this otter went to Michelle's keys and wondering if they could be tossed in the same area as the phone. I know it's a stretch but otters are attracted to shiny objects.

BBM: This is what I love about the collective effort of our WS group.
That is one RANDOM fact that I would never have otherwise known....and I find very interesting. Thank you!
Is the land that Dale Sr. owns on the map, I didn't see it but I could have missed it? I think it was on Mission? Could someone provide me that address please. TIA
Yessss!! I had made some comments/questions about him in the beginning...still do.

I don't want to really touch this topic, NM has NOTHING to do with this and is probably not to be discussed, right??? But, noooo, not trying to bait anyone, and nooo, I have no knowledge, proof, etc. except from my own looking around and some of his comments.Just as I said early on, though, and hope I can say this...DS "supposedly" was the "last" person to see MP.
BUT, NM was, for all intents and purposes, "SUPPOSED" to be the last one - other than the people in her work setting - because of their dinner date.
AGAIN....I'm making the assumption MP was planning on dinner, THEN going to work.
ANYONE could have sent the "Waterford" text....

PLEASE, mods, don't get mad on me. :(

BBM I agree with you MyTinkieGirl, and am in the same boat as your bolded statement above.

Im not trying to bait either, and glad you said that because i never thought i would be viewed as baiting, not saying i am being accused, just saying it never entered my mind and maybe should have.

Of all the factual evidence, which is little, i truely believe and see why all thoughts are focused on DS2, but my mind always goes to the areas it doesnt need 2 most of the time, and i just cant get some thoughts and feelings to go away concerning the current BF. I dont live in FL and dont know him, but just have thoughts and feelings that keep recurring about him & its bothersome & strange.

I am correct when i say "we arent supposed to be sleuthing NM", Right?


I've been wondering what the plans were for the twins on this particular visitation... or maybe it wasn't a visitation....possibly he was just keeping them while she worked. Either way, I'm curious as to when MP planned on picking them up. On the way home from her shift at the barn? Were they going to spend the night? If so, what were DS plans for them when he went to work the next day? I'm curious because if it was a planned visitation, why during the middle of the week when he had to work the next day? I guess I'm getting at, was it a planned work day or did he suddenly just have to go in.... some cabinet emergency or something ;)~~ Did the twins even spend the night with him after MP droped them off, if not why not?
Swamp Mama – you rock! I knew you would have the answers :)

UFCMommy – I hope you are right, I want Michelle to be found, no matter where she is. The thought of her just disappearing without a trace, will be so hard on her family.

Thank you for the great pics!

My very first thought in seeing this otter went to Michelle's keys and wondering if they could be tossed in the same area as the phone. I know it's a stretch but otters are attracted to shiny objects.

Until named a suspect, I don't think we are allowed to slueth the otter, I say this because we almost got a TO for sluething the kitten in the Baby Lisa case. :waitasec:
Until named a suspect, I don't think we are allowed to slueth the otter, I say this because we almost got a TO for sluething the kitten in the Baby Lisa case. :waitasec:

Ok then, i think that clears up the question of sleuthing NM for me.


BBM I agree with you MyTinkieGirl, and am in the same boat as your bolded statement above.

Im not trying to bait either, and glad you said that because i never thought i would be viewed as baiting, not saying i am being accused, just saying it never entered my mind and maybe should have.

Of all the factual evidence, which is little, i truely believe and see why all thoughts are focused on DS2, but my mind always goes to the areas it doesnt need 2 most of the time, and i just cant get some thoughts and feelings to go away concerning the current BF. I dont live in FL and dont know him, but just have thoughts and feelings that keep recurring about him & its bothersome & strange.

I am correct when i say "we arent supposed to be sleuthing NM", Right?



What does bait mean in this context?
From the official facebook page: Posts made directly from the family

All homes directly involved have been searched including our own family. Multiple warrants have been written and followed through on. People are being subpoenaed and questioned. Police have our families full faith and are doing EVERYTHING within their power. The lie detector test is a tricky one due to fact that they are recognized in US courts. But that doesn't mean someone can't agree to take one and share the results in their own behalf.

Email for personal questions (FindMichelleParker@yahoo.com) <~ so they dont get bombarded, can we get nobodynoz to send over our list please?
What does bait mean in this context?

i think it means to try to get others to argue about what you have posted. Thats my guess. Or maybe its trying to get others to agree with you, IDK. :innocent:


“They saw a picture of their mommy…and they went, ‘There’s mommy! She’s at work,’ “ Stewart said. “We went, ‘Yup, yeah, baby, she’s at work.’"

“A" is only 11 years old, and he cried so hard yesterday when I told him the judge said I had to take them back,” Stewart told Guthrie. “He’s just like, ‘Why?’ and I’m like, ‘Well, because right now that’s where they need to go, and if I don’t do it, I can’t keep looking for Michelle, honey, so I have to keep looking.’"

He misses his little brother and sister so much. He's not only lost his mom, he's basically lost them too for now :(

Heartbreaking, those poor children :(
From the official facebook page: Posts made directly from the family

All homes directly involved have been searched including our own family. Multiple warrants have been written and followed through on. People are being subpoenaed and questioned. Police have our families full faith and are doing EVERYTHING within their power. The lie detector test is a tricky one due to fact that they are recognized in US courts. But that doesn't mean someone can't agree to take one and share the results in their own behalf.

Email for personal questions (FindMichelleParker@yahoo.com)

I wonder if any of these homes were forensically tested not just searched? And all vehicles/boats? That is bothering me big time. It just doesn't seem like it. In the Laci Peterson case, his truck was put on a flatbed & taken in for testing. IIRC, some of the forensic evidence was found in his warehouse for his business?
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