FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #14

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All kidding aside I totally agree. At times I feel for lack of a better word "dirty" for trying to think that way.

OT, but lots of people write grizzly and disturbing fiction, but unless they have family members or exes missing, it doesn't really say anything particular about them, IMO...
The only "proof" we have is the family saying he's not left alone. Imo, waiting till 6:50 to call your grandma cause mom isn't home says it didn't strike him as odd she wasn't home till then and that sometimes this happened.

I know there are a lot of posts regarding this, I just happened to grab this one. Does it matter if this child is left alone once in a while? My dad was usually home when I got home from school at that age. Sometimes he had to work overtime and I didn't know what time he would be back. I was also babysitting other kids at age 12. Some kids are perfectly content being alone for a while. It depends on the kid.
Did I miss the link to released cell logs? And I don't know if she had an appt. Or not. I was speaking to past occurances.

We have been told by the family that the only calls or texts AFTER 3:15 was the reply to the brothers text. So if there was a series of calls or texts about a spray tan appt, then we would have been told about it, imo.

So she did not have an appt. set up. And that nullifies the excuse that she would not be able to return her son's call because she was in the middle of a spray tan appt. imo

Past occurrences do not matter that much imo, because we are trying to figure out what happened on this afternoon, and why she did not check in with her son. I stand by my belief that IF she were able to, she would have answered or returned his call. He was home alone. Single working moms always respond to kids home alone, imo.
So now we have another possible motive - there are plenty!

If Dale wasn't involved what is your theory?

I have yet to hear one that is even a remote possibility.

I had two theories but now, I think there are three:

1) Dale did, how I do not know and can't get the timeline working.

2)Michelle parked the hummer, threw away her phone, and left town.

3)Serial Killer. Lots of unexplained missing women in that area. If her hummer did indeed come into the drop area prior, she could have caught his eye and she works at job not really known to keep the creeps away aka bartending.
As some of you may have guessed by my posts, I'm thinking she wasn't killed at the condo, she was incapacitated. Based on what I read saying dII had no visible marks makes me think it happened quickly. No arrest yet makes me think no signs of a struggle and no blood. So in essence, what I keep looking for are answers to how could this be worked out?

As someone commented, you dont need a costume to have cuffs or a stun gun, I totally agree! But, it does make it more likely that these items could be handy, as handy as visquene and ducttape or a cabinet your working on.

So why I would bring this up is that I cant help but wonder, even if someone wasn't in crime fighter/star wars costumes, did he own any of these items, and were they found. Really, that is all it boils down to.

That, and thinking outside of the box. Bringing up new possibilities that, dare I say again, gets others to go 'awww no way, BUT, it gives me another better idea! What if...'

Stimulate the mind and you never know what you'll find.
I know there are a lot of posts regarding this, I just happened to grab this one. Does it matter if this child is left alone once in a while? My dad was usually home when I got home from school at that age. Sometimes he had to work overtime and I didn't know what time he would be back. I was also babysitting other kids at age 12. Some kids are perfectly content being alone for a while. It depends on the kid.

I see nothing wrong with it. I'm not trying to suggest she's a bad mom or anything like that. I'm just afraid that her family may be trying to cover up that the boy is sometimes alone because some people might judge them poorly and in doing so are screwing with the actual timeline. :twocents:
I had two theories but now, I think there are three:

1) Dale did, how I do not know and can't get the timeline working.

2)Michelle parked the hummer, threw away her phone, and left town.

3)Serial Killer. Lots of unexplained missing women in that area. If her hummer did indeed come into the drop area prior, she could have caught his eye and she works at job not really known to keep the creeps away aka bartending.
I don't get it. We have plenty of theories for how He COULD have done it within the time frame. I can think of at least 5 possibilities.

And #2: no motive or shred of evidence this could be the case.

#3: i agree and his initials start with DS;)

As described multiple times there is plenty of evidence this was orchestrated by someone who knew Michelle. There is no randomness to her disappearance so how do you connect the dots?
I see nothing wrong with it. I'm not trying to suggest she's a bad mom or anything like that. I'm just afraid that her family may be trying to cover up that the boy is sometimes alone because some people might judge them poorly and in doing so are screwing with the actual timeline. :twocents:

I don't see how it would mess up the timeline. We know that he called his grandma at 6:50. IMO :twocents:
I see nothing wrong with it. I'm not trying to suggest she's a bad mom or anything like that. I'm just afraid that her family may be trying to cover up that the boy is sometimes alone because some people might judge them poorly and in doing so are screwing with the actual timeline. :twocents:

it wouldn't be a first (trying to cover something up so people will judge less harshly, and screwing up a timeline). The truth is always best, no matter what that truth is, but sometimes, no matter how bad the situation is, it is hard to tell it.

Also, Like that person who posted earlier about the perp in the garage and she panicked knowing full well she should have called 911, but called her husband instead, in a state of panic, no matter which end you are on, you don't always make the logical choices. Logically, we all know the truth is best, but sometimes we think sideways instead of forward. Sometimes we make bad judgement calls. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy.

For example, in this case, m's weight is not listed on her posters, as if m's vanity is more important. It isn't often you see a missing persons poster without a full description, including moles, scars, etc.. also not mentioned in her posters.
Exactly. And they would have ben very tired. I think they may have even been asleep in Mom's car when they arrived at the condo. It was late afternoon, and they had been at daycare. They would have been exhausted. Maybe eh asked her to help him carry them upstairs to bed and then he blindsided her on the way down the stairs.

Yep-didn't know how normal that was, but my nephews always fall asleep on the car ride home and then we basically carry them still asleep to their cribs/beds and chunk them in for nap-time.

I think the cellphone records are particularly damaging if she was VERY active up until dropping the kids off and then nothing except for one uncharacteristic text. That tells me that something happened around the time she is dropping off the kids.
I see nothing wrong with it. I'm not trying to suggest she's a bad mom or anything like that. I'm just afraid that her family may be trying to cover up that the boy is sometimes alone because some people might judge them poorly and in doing so are screwing with the actual timeline. :twocents:

Just because he is sometimes alone after school, that does not mean she would not call or text and check in with him. Why would she not do that if she was just driving around alone in her car at that time?
Just catching up and I noticed that there is some question about whether there were video cameras on the gates to capture the comings and goings of vehicles in and out of the complex that day.

There are two entrance/exit gates and from the appearance of them on google maps, I don't really see where a video camera would be placed. There is no high post for them but these pictures are dated so perhaps posts have been installed. It would make no sense for them to be low to the ground. In fact I believe our poster who went to the location indicated that they saw a post but I don't believe they mentioned that they saw an actual camera on it. I'm sorry I can't remember who posted that they had read early on that the camera may have been removed to be fixed. Possible. On both gates?

First gate off S Goldenrod


Second gate off S Goldenrod


I honestly can't see DS2 not being arrested if LE have video that her and her vehicle never left the area intact after entering. Or if they have video of other suspicious vehicle behaviour going in and out of the gates that dispute his alibi.

Re: gate cams- cameras installed low to the ground capture license plates. Our complex had them high on poles and also @ bumper height to capture license plates.
Since the topic of alternate theories has come up, I want to ask if anyone else has noticed the comments that have disappeared off of various websites about Michelle and/or the Hummer being spotted in the Walden Circle neighborhood several times prior to the day she went missing?

I didn't think much of it in the beginning, but now it is just weird. I've seen the comments disappear from news sites and the family FB site. I know that the family was adamant about tips going to the right place, which is perfectly understandable. But, why did the comments disappear from the news sites too?

I was reading at another message board (not a member, but it came up in a search) and other people were mentioning this same thing, but it was a very brief thing that came up back on 11/26 and was directly related to the family FB page. There was a screen shot of one comment and it was one that I hadn't seen previously. The site was Scared Monkey's. I won't link because I had never even heard of the site before last night and know nothing about it.

Then, I found an article that said that neighbors thought that they had seen Parker at an area nightclub the day that she disappeared. I'm not sure which neighbors (Walden Circle or Rose Blvd) since this article is about the search at Dale Sr's house.


I kick myself for not making screen shots of the comments when they were originally posted because now I just sound like a conspiracy nut!
I've missed a day of posts. Can someone direct me to a link that states DS2 was unhappy w/ the way MP was raising the twins as duvalst has stated? Thank you very much!
Quick question about cadaver dogs, and you'll be able to tell from this question that I don't watch or read about court cases. Is the evidence admissible in court?

Of course, as soon as I posted the above, I said, "Nobodynoz, remember Google is your friend." :p So I found this PDF: http://www.policek9.com/Fleck/Cadaver Dogs.pdf
Just because he is sometimes alone after school, that does not mean she would not call or text and check in with him. Why would she not do that if she was just driving around alone in her car at that time?

And also think about that exciting new romance. She was flirting with NM and gets in the car and doesn't respond to any of his texts? Not even a "can't wait to see u for dinner"? After dropping off the kids?

If you were having a text conversation with someone wouldn't you finish it the second you were free?

No text response until "where are you" comes in? I feel like we are beating a dead horse here but Michelle arrives at 3:18 and leaves 10 minutes later according to Dale (3:30) and doesn't call or text anyone until she is asked where she is? No scenario adds up other than her being incapacitated soon after arriving at Dales...
I haven't really seen anyone suggest that the perp could have been on foot while crossing bridge to toss phone. With the walkway barriers it makes it like a double barrier and would seem to me it would be difficult or chancy tossing the phone out of a moving car since the phone could accidentally land on the walk... unless the perp didn't care where it landed thinking to them self: ' if it goes in the water- good. If it lands on the walk- fine. Either it will break, or somebody will see it and say oooo a G4!!, and walk off with it. Either way, I'm clear. If it goes in the water it will ruin it- so it's all good.'

I think the perp being on foot at this time is another possibility we should ponder- and if the perp WAS on foot, then walking from the hummer to the bridge, all the time looking for additional evidence, then somebody could potentially find something between those 2 points.

If you were the perp, what would YOU want to ditch first after ditching the vehicle? While I have seen in early reports that m's purse and keys were found in the hummer, it seems I missed where it was stated the keys were missing. (will someone please provide us again with the info that says indeed the keys were NOT in the hummer).

I'm guessing you could be searching her phone if it wasnt password protected or if you knew the code, as you walked from the hummer and over the bridge, giving you the time you would need to see what is on it/delete things/ type things.

What seems to be missing from this neighborhood is surveillance video, thus, why someone might pick that neighborhood to dump the SUV. Perhaps using the logic that I'm less liable to get caught on one here cuz lots of crimes go down here. Perhaps even using references from prior crimes in the area that have stated things like 'lack of surveillance video has made this case difficult to solve..." kind of thing. Since I dont watch FL news, I really dont KNOW that this has happened, I am merely tossing it out there as an idea. Perhaps someone from FL could elaborate on THEIR knowledge about recent news that had made that statement. Again- this is just a theory and not a fact.

I dint know if this was responded to, yet, but I live walking distance from the Nela bridge and although there is a walkway on one side of the bridge, it is very narrow, as is the bridge itself. That is the way I take when I am headed East, going back through the back of my neighborhood and drivers have to navigate slow when passing because it is so narrow. They rebuilt the bridge about a year after I moved here (somewhere around late 06, I believe) and they didn't widen it at all. Probably to keep traffic from speeding in the neighborhood.
Regarding the children. A poster mentioned early on that the children could have fallen asleep in the vehicle during the drive to DS2's after a busy day at day care. I know LE have spoken with them but it's unlikely they got much information from them. Perhaps MP left them in the vehicle asleep when she showed up and went to the door to ask DS2 to help get them out and bring them into the house. Something may have happened while the children were still strapped into their car seats, sleeping, in the H3.

If the H3 was seen at S Goldenrod and Lee Vista around 4pm, maybe DS2 drove it over to his parents with the children still asleep inside. Maybe the decals were removed there and the coverup went into play. We just don't know but I sure hope LE do.

There was video early on of LE at DS2's condo in the dark. That has to be when they were there on the 17th unless they didn't serve the warrant on the 18th until after dark...if there was a warrant. DS2 was in the garage with some LE officers and his truck was in there too. I'll try to find the link. I wonder why there is no footage of an actual search? :waitasec:
And also think about that exciting new romance. She was flirting with NM and gets in the car and doesn't respond to any of his texts? Not even a "can't wait to see u for dinner"? After dropping off the kids?

If you were having a text conversation with someone wouldn't you finish it the second you were free?

No text response until "where are you" comes in? I feel like we are beating a dead horse here but Michelle arrives at 3:18 and leaves 10 minutes later according to Dale (3:30) and doesn't call or text anyone until she is asked where she is? No scenario adds up other than her being incapacitated soon after arriving at Dales...

My son and daughter and their friends are on their cells at all times. They are like appendages now. And someone said the same about Michelle. That she loved to send long wordy texts full of smilies. That is like my daughter. The only time there is a break in her texting friends is if she is asleep or in the shower. So I do think that the texts and calls stopping right when she entered dales condo complex is very telling. I cannot believe that she drove away, went shopping or visiting friends at that Walden Circle area, without continuing her phone convos and texts. If she went to visit someone there would have been evidence on her phone. My kids announce their arrival whenever they go visit someone. " They text: I'm here." and wait for the person to say " Come on up.' It is kind of like the new social ettiquitte, imo.
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