FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #17

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Well...I'm disheartened to hear that today's search was called off and instead were handing out flyers.. I sincerely hope that means LE are working to get that warrant and execute it for the area in question..

their continuing to hide, hinder, and obstruct the case and are IMO desperately reading all over this WWW looking out to see if there's even the slightest of hints that anyone, esp. any searching are getting near the areas they KNOW EVIDENCE IS..

I know for Michelle's fam and friends this would be no issue and a length they'd be glad to go for if it were to help lead them to Michelle.. I just hope those volunteer searchers will be understanding if this possibly were something they were asked to do(as in travel to a meeting area and then find out where the actual target search was and be willing to possibly drive some amt of distance to get there as well)..

willing to go above and beyond to continue to hide, hinder or obstruct finding Michelle.. Without a shadow of a doubt there are many who are monitoring the WWW(including here in this thread)..

precautions that can/should be taken to atleast attempt to keep this type invaluable info(the specific target search areas) from being discussed and posted on areas of the WWW that the perps and any involved in protecting the perps can have access to, read, find out..

As I said all it takes is mere hours maybe even mere minutes ahead is all they have to be in order to keep hiding hindering and obstructing Michelle's being found!!!


Respectfully snipped

I agree 100%. The when and where of searches should not go into any public space from here on out. IMO

Hopefully, one of you there can contact the family and Moreschi, if he is still in charge, and work out a plan to work together. Maybe email info. Pick a team you feel good about and work together. When you pick the team, pay attention to the distracters and the ones who distort and repeat incorrect info. Remember who you are dealing with and be cautious.

If I were there, I would go through the forums and find people who were rational, careful and on track. I'd figure out how to make it possible for us to connect off of the forum. I'd meet them (and recruit others I trusted) and see who passes the "Do they make the hair on the back of my neck stand up" test.

A SOCIOPATH DOES NOT GIVE OFF THE TELLS THAT NORMALS DO; THEY LIE CONVINCINGLY. Serial killers don't frighten their victims, until it is too late.

I have some places to consider searching and some sleuths I would exclude, if you are interested. Let me know off site, as soon as I figure out how to do that.
I know this is not the popular opinion, but I've always believed the phone was planted there by someone who wanted it to be found. Like you said, if you wanted to destroy a phone I think it would be quite easy for anyone to do. If you wanted to make sure it landed IN the water and not in the bushes along side the water, that too would be pretty easy.

Totally agree.

Hi Telemag, if you check back at some point: as I understand it, LE said that they didn't find the phone from a tip. In other words, chances are that they decided to search under Nela Bridge themselves and happened to pick the right place to search.


Thanks for the response. Although I could be wrong I'm almost 100% sure I read LE found it from a tip. I remember reading this in an online news article.
I have had to be away from the thread all week and I think I have separation anxiety. Glad to be able to finally catch up, I see you all have been hard at work!

I find it sad the search had to be cancelled for lack of a warrant, that in and of itself is very telling to me. If I owned a property that the family of a missing person wanted to search I would certainly give the go ahead, without a 2nd thought. I hope someone is able to keep an eye on the area assuring that no evidence be moved. Clearly, the time needed to get a warrant could allow enough time for a body or evidence to be moved. Very concerning, IMO.

Also, I know the majority of people searching have pure intentions but I do have concerns that someone close to DS Sr. or Jr. will arrive to search simply to get close to the investigation and relay information back to the suspect. Are ID's being taken at all these searches and lists made with everyones names?
I've been trying to match up the black SUV seen leaving in the neighbor's surveillance video at 17:17 with Michelle's Hummer. I've tried superimposing images of a 2007 H3 shot from similar angles over the image on the surveillance video and it just doesn't fit. Not even close, really. Please note that I am not a photoshop expert, just a hobbyist, so if anyone else wants to give it a go, please do. I would love to be proven wrong.
I know nothing about superimposing and very little about how to photoshop, but just for grins i went to look at the photo you were talking about. The channel 6 photo thats titled "Neighborhood Surveillance Shows Hummer" correct?

It got me to wondering about the 4 photos in that pic. The order in which they were taken.

I'm assuming the following:

First off, that all 4 photos were taken fairly close together, since we can't see the time stamp on all of them. And that the white van is the same one in all pics.

First photo would the one on the lower right. Dark SUV entering the pic .. no vehicles in driveways. No sun in the foreground

Second photo would be the one on the lower left. Little black car is now parked in driveway and a white van is entering the pic. Sun on left side covering tip of grass.

Third would be upper right. Little black car is still there. White van has returned from the other direction and now parked. Direction of the dark vehicle on the other side of the van is hard to discern. Sun on left side is now covering about a quarter of that patch of grass. The timestamp looks like it might say 16:40, but I can't tell.

Last photo of the four would be the upper left one .. timestamped 17:17 (5:17 pm). Little black car and white van are still parked. A red/orange car has arrived and parked in another driveway. Dark SUV is exiting the pic. No sun.

I always assumed the 4 photos were taken very close together, but now I'm not so sure. Have y'all discussed this before and come to any conclusions?
My best guess for the red/orange vehicle in the condo drive is an Outlander or a RAV4.

Not many SUVs have a rear 3rd window that faces the same direction as the one in the picture appears to. The 2 above do. Does anyone know of any other models that have the same tilt to it's 3rd window? Also, notice where the door crack is located, and the proximatey of the third window to the rear wheel.
I know nothing about superimposing and very little about how to photoshop, but just for grins i went to look at the photo you were talking about. The channel 6 photo thats titled "Neighborhood Surveillance Shows Hummer" correct?

It got me to wondering about the 4 photos in that pic. The order in which they were taken.

I'm assuming the following:

First off, that all 4 photos were taken fairly close together, since we can't see the time stamp on all of them. And that the white van is the same one in all pics.

First photo would the one on the lower right. Dark SUV entering the pic .. no vehicles in driveways. No sun in the foreground

Second photo would be the one on the lower left. Little black car is now parked in driveway and a white van is entering the pic. Sun on left side covering tip of grass.

Third would be upper right. Little black car is still there. White van has returned from the other direction and now parked. Direction of the dark vehicle on the other side of the van is hard to discern. Sun on left side is now covering about a quarter of that patch of grass. The timestamp looks like it might say 16:40, but I can't tell.

Last photo of the four would be the upper left one .. timestamped 17:17 (5:17 pm). Little black car and white van are still parked. A red/orange car has arrived and parked in another driveway. Dark SUV is exiting the pic. No sun.

I always assumed the 4 photos were taken very close together, but now I'm not so sure. Have y'all discussed this before and come to any conclusions?

Awesome post!! I totally agree with your sequencing of the photos... :seeya:
Audie...in this thread Lark 2 put the pix in chronological order...might help you out.
FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #16 - Page 14 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

please note, though, that the top left pic in the post is actually DSII driving his truck and texting on a different day after the 17th.
Thanks, I remember that post, but didn't know the pics were in order. I see there is another pic shown by channel 6. Just after the third one in my post. The 16:40 one. Maybe 1 second later. I can see that it is leaving and is probably an H3. The pic i was describing, you couldn't tell.

After comparing the two vehicles leaving, imo, the 17:17 vehicle is not a hummer.

Thanks again, andalso!
Going back to what we know about Dale Jr. and that afternoon.

He said Michelle arrived at 4:00 (really was 3:18pm)
He said Michelle stayed about 10 minutes
He arrived at Parents by 4:30 (alledged witness)
He didnt take Yvonnes calls
He wasnt at Parents home when Yvonne called
DS1 said he was with DS2. (away from home doing what..Pot stuff?)
He talked to LE at the condo before the 11:08 facebook post.
He worked the next day at Titusville.

He refused a poly....
His and His family's actions showed lack of concern (MOO)
He was named a POI

LE knew the location of the 4:26 Waterford Text ...and Dale saying Michelle was there at 4PM and if the text location was 25 minutes away....then it put Michelle back at his condo at the time she went missing making him a POI.

Then we have Michelles phone going toward Belle Isle Oakridge...and we Have Dale going that direction (at about the same time?).... to me if he pinged the same towers as Michelles phone that would make him a POI..

So when the 3:18 video came about looks like it would clear him a little?

But if that did happen that would be a really stupid thing to do...
leaving a trail like that IF THIS DID HAPPEN
Saying she left at 4PM then Texting Waterford @4:26 at a location your own phone is pinging and that location puts her missing at a time she was at the condo and having her phone in the area of where your going to your parents with your phone.

Most that sells pot would/should know by now how cells work and the Smiths seem street smart and not niave, so why have or make this trail?

Just thinking over DS2 arrest and how this business may affect the way they act...given the situation.

LE has DS2 as the prime suspect Im sure for a good reason....Im still trying to think it through....and put the pieces together....
Thanks for the response. Although I could be wrong I'm almost 100% sure I read LE found it from a tip. I remember reading this in an online news article.

Yes, I know. At first, we thought it was a tip, and it was discussed that maybe the tip came from one of the people who were subpoenaed right around the time the phone was found. As I remember, there was a fair amount of discussion here about it.

And then at a later point, there was a report (or reports plural) of LE stating that locating the cell phone did NOT result from a tip. Of course, by then, everyone had been thinking it was a tip for long enough that, meme-like, it endures.

I'm trying to remember who it was here who brought us the news that it wasn't a tip after all. Sparky? Maybe Pat? I just don't remember. I didn't keep any link to the newest information, so I can't demonstrate it. Thus, the answer to that question still remains unverified.
Sometimes the simplest answer really is the right answer. If we accept what MSM and LE has stated as fact about the Hummer, then here is the timeline:

DS Jr's neighbor has a camera that points one way and is able to capture traffic coming and leaving from one direction. There is another way out of the condo complex where DS Jr lives and vehicles can come and leave out of camera range. The camera is visible and residents had to have known about it.

3:18 p.m.: Neighbor's camera catches Michelle arriving to drop off kids.

4:40 p.m.: The neighbor's black Hummer is caught on camera leaving. MSM states that LE has a statement from neighbor confirming this.

5:17 p.m.: A black vehicle, possibly a Hummer, is caught on camera leaving. MSM stated that LE never said they have video evidence of M's Hummer leaving. To some on these boards, the 5:17 vehicle doesn't even look like a Hummer.

SIMPLEST DEDUCTION: DS JR. knew there was a camera pointing one direction. He's not stupid. He went the other way and avoided detection. Thus, no-one knows when the Hummer left, who was driving, etc., unless there are eye-witnesses at the scene. And there might be - but LE isn't releasing that.

Also, if someone was going to drop him off to pick up the Hummer, they'd probably park on the side-street closest to his door and avoid the camera detection, not idle in a neighbor's driveway which IS in camera range. This is basic.

Michelle was a texter. She texted her boyfriend N at 3:15 p.m. He didn't hear from her after that point, and neither did her family, except at 4:26 p.m. when Michelle answered her brother by saying she was at "Waterford," a shopping area. LE has said the phone didn't ping in that area. THEY NEVER SAID WHERE IT DID PING, and anyone deciding otherwise is just guessing.

Released later: Her phone DID ping in the Oakridge and Belle Isle area, very close to where it was found. NO TIME GIVEN. Also known: a phone will ping when a text goes in or out and a call goes out. So we can assume that her phone recorded a bunch of other pings, unless it was turned off and turned back on and turned back off in sequence to avoid detection. It didn't have to be on the whole time. And a phone doesn't ping when it's turned off, and doesn't ping a location marker from the act of turning it off.

Her phone left a ping trail. We know very little about it and LE ain't sayin. Attempts to link the Oakridge ping to her Hummer are pure conjecture and IMO, not suported by facts.

Facts are facts. Every case has some known facts. If we started by accepting some of those, then the deducations and suppositions and suggestions that come out of those discussions will be on solid ground.

MOO, based on a lot of reading and re-reading....
Sometimes the simplest answer really is the right answer. If we accept what MSM and LE has stated as fact about the Hummer, then here is the timeline:

DS Jr's neighbor has a camera that points one way and is able to capture traffic coming and leaving from one direction. There is another way out of the condo complex where DS Jr lives and vehicles can come and leave out of camera range. The camera is visible and residents had to have known about it.

3:18 p.m.: Neighbor's camera catches Michelle arriving to drop off kids.

4:40 p.m.: The neighbor's black Hummer is caught on camera leaving. MSM states that LE has a statement from neighbor confirming this.

5:17 p.m.: A black vehicle, possibly a Hummer, is caught on camera leaving. MSM stated that LE never said they have video evidence of M's Hummer leaving. To some on these boards, the 5:17 vehicle doesn't even look like a Hummer.

SIMPLEST DEDUCTION: DS JR. knew there was a camera pointing one direction. He's not stupid. He went the other way and avoided detection. Thus, no-one knows when the Hummer left, who was driving, etc., unless there are eye-witnesses at the scene. And there might be - but LE isn't releasing that.

Also, if someone was going to drop him off to pick up the Hummer, they'd probably park on the side-street closest to his door and avoid the camera detection, not idle in a neighbor's driveway which IS in camera range. This is basic.

Michelle was a texter. She texted her boyfriend N at 3:15 p.m. He didn't hear from her after that point, and neither did her family, except at 4:26 p.m. when Michelle answered her brother by saying she was at "Waterford," a shopping area. LE has said the phone didn't ping in that area. THEY NEVER SAID WHERE IT DID PING, and anyone deciding otherwise is just guessing.

Released later: Her phone DID ping in the Oakridge and Belle Isle area, very close to where it was found. NO TIME GIVEN. Also known: a phone will ping when a text goes in or out and a call goes out. So we can assume that her phone recorded a bunch of other pings, unless it was turned off and turned back on and turned back off in sequence to avoid detection. It didn't have to be on the whole time. And a phone doesn't ping when it's turned off, and doesn't ping a location marker from the act of turning it off.

Her phone left a ping trail. We know very little about it and LE ain't sayin. Attempts to link the Oakridge ping to her Hummer are pure conjecture and IMO, not suported by facts.

Facts are facts. Every case has some known facts. If we started by accepting some of those, then the deducations and suppositions and suggestions that come out of those discussions will be on solid ground.

MOO, based on a lot of reading and re-reading....


All great points, and I agree. The one thing that bugs me about the idea of Dale knowing about the surveillance camera has been his statement to Michelle's family that she arrived at about 4 PM. Of course, simple deduction, again, could be that he forgot, but since it was around 6 sometime late afternoon or evening on 11/17/11 that he talked to Michelle's family, would that mean he remembered earlier when driving his car or the Hummer away from the condo, but then forgot about it recording the Hummer's incoming time when he said 4 PM. He would have had to forget to get his story right about that simple fact, even while he was remembering to not have anything recorded on that camera.

So I'm still of the opinion that he either didn't know about the camera, or he forgot about it completely the whole time. So there may very well be some evidence from that camera that we just don't know about. In fact, I would say that is a simple deduction!

If her phone were ATT then there are seemingly a lot of towers in Orlando that seem close together. Some less than 2 miles apart. Her cell tower records should show where the phone was traveling with just the timestamps and cellid. Also the consolidated.db file located on IPone 4 would also contain a similar record including the cellid.

This link shows what would be contained in the consolidated.db


All great points, and I agree. The one thing that bugs me about the idea of Dale knowing about the surveillance camera has been his statement to Michelle's family that she arrived at about 4 PM. Of course, simple deduction, again, could be that he forgot, but since it was around 6 that he talked to Michelle's family, would that mean he remembered earlier when driving his car or the Hummer away from the condo, but then forgot about it recording the Hummer's incoming time when he said 4 PM. He would have had to forget to get his story right about that simple fact, even while he was remembering to not have anything recorded on that camera.

So I'm still of the opinion that he either didn't know about the camera, or he forgot about it completely the whole time. So there may very well be some evidence from that camera that we just don't know about. In fact, I would say that is a simple deduction!


I think he knew about it and said 4 p.m. anyway to fit his actions and that is where LE is going to bust him for lying to them. In fact, right now, that might be all they have, sort of like CA.

He could control what he did, but not what she did. So my thoughts are, yes, she was caught coming in an 3:18 p.m. He couldn't control that and he said 4 p.m. to fit his actions because in the end, better to be convicted of lying than murder. This bought time and support - her family was his strongest supporter for two weeks.

I think, though, that if there was actual video evidence of him leaving driving her Hummer, or someone else driving her Hummer, then DS Jr. or whoever else was driving it would be in jail at this point, because Michelle's gone, and not of her own volition.
Did anyone see the NEW TIP they said on CNN early this morning? I was half asleep but they said there was a new clue'' about Michelle or something. Anyone else hear that? It was supposedly from LE. I thought I would find it here but I will go search for it now.


"Family members say police told them there are clues in Palm Bay that could lead to a break in the case."
The other day I posted I read on the support page that one of the supporters posted they couldn't understand Michelle going missing now. If it had been 3 mos ago they could understand it. (paraphasing) Anyways, that post went poof.

Rereading Fact Finders posts (Tony Pipitone) he says

Fact Finder Fact Finder is offline
Investigative Reporter Tony Pipitone

Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 15
Neighbors says DS and the kids were seen regularly around the condo on S. Goldenrod, even after MP left last summer, until MP disappeared.

I do not know if the truck was searched.

FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #4 - Page 4 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

If you go back 3 mos from the time Michelle went missing in Nov., that puts it about the middle of Aug.

What happened 3 mos ago between Dale and Michelle for this poster to post on FB and for the neighbor to say "even after Michelle left last summer"

If I'm reading this correctly and I think I am...It looks like sometime last summer Michelle left the twins with Dale.

Why and where did she go?
Did anyone see the NEW TIP they said on CNN early this morning? I was half asleep but they said there was a new clue'' about Michelle or something. Anyone else hear that? It was supposedly from LE. I thought I would find it here but I will go search for it now.


"Family members say police told them there are clues in Palm Bay that could lead to a break in the case."

Thanks for this post, Katy! So LE wants to search the area with dogs first? That is encouraging.

DS Jr. is a cabinet installer and had a job in Titusville the day after Michelle went missing, and as many here have noted, even though the mother of his kids went missing and a frantic search was on, he just HAD to go to work. IMO and as others have noted, very suspicious.

I wonder if he stopped at that Lowe's to pick up cabinets or materials before heading out to the work site? Maybe he had Michelle in the van as has been suggested here by mutiple posters urging a search of the Titusville area, and that is where he left her?

I hope and pray that Michelle's family get closure with this latest search and that you-know-who ends up where he belongs.
The other day I posted I read on the support page that one of the supporters posted they couldn't understand Michelle going missing now. If it had been 3 mos ago they could understand it. (paraphasing) Anyways, that post went poof.

Rereading Fact Finders posts (Tony Pipitone) he says

Fact Finder Fact Finder is offline
Investigative Reporter Tony Pipitone

Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 15
Neighbors says DS and the kids were seen regularly around the condo on S. Goldenrod, even after MP left last summer, until MP disappeared.

I do not know if the truck was searched.

FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #4 - Page 4 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

If you go back 3 mos from the time Michelle went missing in Nov., that puts it about the middle of Aug.

What happened 3 mos ago between Dale and Michelle for this poster to post on FB and for the neighbor to say "even after Michelle left last summer"

If I'm reading this correctly and I think I am...It looks like sometime last summer Michelle left the twins with Dale.

Why and where did she go?

When did they film the court TV? IIRC it was about 3 months ago. Did she leave him, like move out of the condo in the summer and take the kids? Is that what they meant to say?
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