FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #17

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I don't know how smart killing someone is, but he's most likely a bit on the crafty side, IMO. I think i'm gonna go with not too bright on the smart scale, if he really killed Michelle.

I would think he would want to go the next day for sure. Early even and even though he had completed most or all of what he set out to do the night before.

It was most possibly dark, lest the headlights, and perhaps a flashlight.

Regardless, he would probably want to check on his handy work, and tidy up any loose ends. And probably giving things another check over after work, too.

I believe he would have had to have subdued her and she was alive at least until she was taken to her final location because there doesn't seem to be cadaver hits on any vehicle that we are aware of.

I think he did everything quickly because he showed no signs of a struggle, seemingly quickly subduing her, and there didn't seem to be any cadaver hits on him from time spent making body contact with her as in moving her body, and transferring the scent back into any vehicle that we know of.

I guess it could be possible he had access on jobs to tyvex, gloves, dust cups, etc.. which would basically supply him some temporary and disposable clothing. He also could have had or put an extra pair of socks and shoes in his truck, and left a pair behind.

He was shown in a photo in this forum, demonstrating how to break a neck. That's quick.

Someone has stated that the ground is sandy and it would take only a few minutes to kick enough sand over someone to cover them. He also easily could have gotten a shovel while at his dad's dropping off the kids, and just ditched it somewhere after he was done with it along with the other stuff he could have wanted to get rid of.

Either way, I still think he (could have) did each step quickly, from start to finish, and probably would have wanted to.

On the other hand, maybe he didn't do it all in one night, or at all.

I just wanted to see if it were possible to do everything on 11/17 and just how much he could do by himself.

Also DS2 saying that he hasn't slept in two nights... If that is true and he didnt sleep at ALL the night before work then why would you even get up and go to work

If the reason was you were so distraught over Michelle missing that you got no sleep...I'd think you couldn't function the next day either.

think about it....I' d be in panic mode..
I'd llike to see that cabinet job..:crazy:

His actions speak to me ....just wish he would verbally talk more:floorlaugh:

But where would he hide her the first night? He had to know LE would be out looking for her. She couldn't be at his home or his parents home because he would be afraid that LE would come knockin. So where would she be until the long drive to Palm Bay the next morning? Maybe his workplace? { But that seems risky too.]

Thinking of a place where no smell would emit....since we think there was no cadaver smell in a car or truck....

But maybe there is but after Caylee...LE still needs more than dog evidence IDK

But what if he put her into something air tight that night....
55 gallon drums like drew peterson had.... hey was there cadaver smell at his house or car? I dont recall but Im thinking not any made the media....

Would putting her in a freezer do it... a small square one and just dump the old appliance out the next day with other construction junk.

If he was dumping Michelle the next day....I would not want so see her face..I'd have her prepared for disposal in a container etc.

Think is the part that is hard to think about...
Dale saying that Michelle need her tax return money to get her *advertiser censored* redone was kinda funny....

Normally you would not bring that up but he seem to feel it was important.... To us it was funny but deep down it didnt see it that way...

Maybe it irks him that she needed that done and someone else was with her.
Seems like they fought over infidelity a lot and who she dated during a break up period started the whole fight at Hard Rock....

After watching the show again...maybe he wanted Michelle to still pay her half to him anyway and no plans to reconcile so wheres his money and a argument ended badly.

Sex and money seem to cause a lot of fighting JMO:innocent:

I think Dale's comment about Michelle's boob job was just another way to undermine and denigrate her like the abuser that he is.

Her boob job is irrelevant.

Someone else (not you) mentioned that she was "snarky" . This woman was abused physically and emotionally by someone that she loved and it escalated tragically, as it usually does, when she found the strength to remove herself from the situation and get out of the relationship. Michelle most likely paid with her life as women are in the most danger when the leave their abuser. If I were continually humiliated in public, hit, and threatened I would be more than snarky. And I don't blame her one bit for throwing his stupid engagement ring over a balcony. He treated her like an animal.

If I were that judge I would have ruled that he might want to learn how to respect and treat women, thrown him in substance abuse and anger management classes, and told him to pay for his own ring after he caught up with his child support payments.

Dale repeatedly hit her, threatened her (in front of her children), left her in another state without a way home (more than once) she filed a restraining order which was not granted and she has now disappeared. I don't know when our society is going to take domestic violence seriously. She was afraid for her life and the courts did not listen. If they had, her custody terms and transfer of the children would have been different and she may still be here today.

It infuriates me.

This anger in my post is not directed at you at all, just directed at conversation pertaining to her boob job, snarkiness, and any other statement that puts blame or sheds a poor light on the victim.

Domestic Violence is the number one cause of injury of women between the ages of 18 and 45. There is a war on women going on out there and it is serious. The female people's court judge aggravated me to no end with the way that she treated and spoke to Michelle on that show. It made me sick when she said " you are addicted to each other" and "why did you drink with him?" Blame the victim much? Michelle is not responsible for the abuse he heaped on her, and she is not responsible for his substance abuse or behavior while drunk. As if, Michelle had ANY control on his behavior at all. She didn't. She only had control of herself and her actions, and once she hit her limit she left him.

Where is she?
My questions

Did Dale have anything to do with Michelle's disappearance?

Has it been confirmed Michelle is dead?

Why would cadaver dogs be brought in to search since Michelle is classified as missing?

Did LE really take dogs to search in Palm Bay?

Did LE get a search warrant to search the Private Property in Palm Bay?

How easy/hard is it to get a search warrant in another county on a weekend day?

Did Dale take Michelle to Palm Bay on a job he was actually working on?
My questions

Did Dale have anything to do with Michelle's disappearance?

I believe 100% that he had everything to do with it.

Why would cadaver dogs be brought in to search since Michelle is classified as missing?

They did this with Caylee as well, all while LE stated they were still looking for a live child and missing person. I think statistically after 72 hours the outlook on a missing person still being alive is very grim. I am sure that the police are searching for her body but hoping she is alive. But what are the odds of that really? A mother would move a mountain to get home to her children if she could, and the history of chronic abuse in the relationship, coupled with Dale's history of violence paint a very sad portrait for Michelle. It is my opinion that they are looking for a body so that they can finally arrest Dale and charge him in Michelle's disappearance. A body makes all of that so much easier and concrete due to due process.

Did Dale take Michelle to Palm Bay on a job he was actually working on?

I find it really bizarre that he "went to work" the day after the mother of his children and his ex-fiancee went missing. Who in the world would be in the state of mind to go to work during such a crisis? A guilty person trying to get rid of a body or a guilty person making sure a body already dumped is well hidden might.

Respectfully snipped and BBM.
My questions

1) Did Dale have anything to do with Michelle's disappearance?

2) Has it been confirmed Michelle is dead?

3) Why would cadaver dogs be brought in to search since Michelle is classified as missing?

4) Did LE really take dogs to search in Palm Bay?

5) Did LE get a search warrant to search the Private Property in Palm Bay?

6) How easy/hard is it to get a search warrant in another county on a weekend day?

7) Did Dale take Michelle to Palm Bay on a job he was actually working on?

Sparky, I hope you don't mind my adding the numbers, I just wanted to shorten up my reponse.

All of this is MOO

1) LE enforcement believes Dale is involved and they believe he is responsible, otherwise they would not label him the "Primary Suspect." That means that they believe, and have some evidence to show that he had the motive, opportunity and means. They may never have all the details, but they have at least one substantiated scenario backed up by the evidence they have.

2) No. Until a vital organ of Michelle's is found, she cannot be confirmed dead, unless there were "direct evidence" like a witness.

3) All "missing persons" cases are treated as potential homicides and investigated by that department because the chain of evidence is so critical to getting a conviction and not all LE is trained to do that. Many "missing" cases become "murder" cases so it is better to be sure that the evidence is tight enough to make a conviction.

4) Don't know about the dogs going to Palm Bay.

5) Don't know about the search warrant.

6) Search warrants (at least in California) have to be signed by a judge. In a very small county (I don't know about Brevard) a judge is always on call; in a larger county a judge is always working and will stop whatever he is doing to look at the request for a search warrant. LE has to have "probable cause" which means that LE has to convince the judge that something material will be found at the sight and they have to tell the judge what it is they are looking for. When I trespassed with others to find my friend, LE had not found what they needed when they went on the original warrant and the judge refused to grant another.

7) Don't know. IMHO MOO MOO Dale would keep Michelle alive until he found a permanent place for her. The reason I think that is because everyone in your area has heard so much about the Anthony case and the dogs, that to do otherwise would be foolish. JMO JMO but clean up is a tricky issue.
Also DS2 saying that he hasn't slept in two nights... If that is true and he didnt sleep at ALL the night before work then why would you even get up and go to work

If the reason was you were so distraught over Michelle missing that you got no sleep...I'd think you couldn't function the next day either.

think about it....I' d be in panic mode.
I'd llike to see that cabinet job..:crazy:

His actions speak to me ....just wish he would verbally talk more:floorlaugh:



I thought about it and I think you are normal and DS2 (a maybe another player in this) is CRAZY


Based on the murderers I have known, murder is an ugly extention of prejudice; the perp sees the victim as a lesser type of human and an obstacle to some greater good s/he desires. For a man to abuse a woman he has to see her as less than and as the cause of his uncomfortable feelings or circumstances. One of the most common statements I have heard from abusers is "she had it coming." Normals can't think like that. Normals feel guilty when they hurt another, sociopaths don't. They think they have the right to do whatever it is they want to do. I think MOO MOO MOO Dale thinks he had a right to do whatever he did to remove her from his life and looked at it as a necessary chore. He might have even enjoyed it.
I have a couple of questions based on this wonderful map:

1) Where did you find that great pot leaf and was it hard to get onto the map?

2) What is “Dale’s Alternate Work Location” and how was it found?

3) How do we know the Neighbor said he did not see any signs of the Hummer?

4) How close to the actual search site for the “11/21 Search Wedgefield Area” is the marker?

5) Has anyone located the site of the search done by LE on 11/18 on a map. I looked 1-2 miles south and didn’t find anything that looked like the news.....north however.....?

I have a couple of questions based on this wonderful map:

1) Where did you find that great pot leaf and was it hard to get onto the map?

I think it was some sci fi website :floorlaugh: and once I got the hang of adding icons it was very easy!

2) What is “Dale’s Alternate Work Location” and how was it found?

Also, Texas L'il, can we add Dale's place of employment to the regular map as it is right off W. Sandlake Road? 2900 Titan Row, and another division (home services) on 8210 Presidents Drive????

Both have bodies of water around them so maybe we can also add them to the potential search areas?

3) How do we know the Neighbor said he did not see any signs of the Hummer?

Trying to find my source for this one but I believe it was one of the news videos. :waitasec:

4) How close to the actual search site for the “11/21 Search Wedgefield Area” is the marker?

It's just the general vicinity per reports in the media and/or Michelle's FB.

5) Has anyone located the site of the search done by LE on 11/18 on a map. I looked 1-2 miles south and didn’t find anything that looked like the news.....north however.....?

When I first made the map I tried to find this information too as I thought the early search areas might prove significant. I wasn't successful either.


I wish I had included the news links on the early map symbols. This is something I've started recently and/or referenced back to some other source.
On local news tonight, dale smith is asking judge to stop having money deducted from his check for child support. Apparently it goes directly into. Ichelles account and he needs that money $800/month
I think Dale's comment about Michelle's boob job was just another way to undermine and denigrate her like the abuser that he is.

Her boob job is irrelevant.

Someone else (not you) mentioned that she was "snarky" . This woman was abused physically and emotionally by someone that she loved and it escalated tragically, as it usually does, when she found the strength to remove herself from the situation and get out of the relationship. Michelle most likely paid with her life as women are in the most danger when the leave their abuser. If I were continually humiliated in public, hit, and threatened I would be more than snarky. And I don't blame her one bit for throwing his stupid engagement ring over a balcony. He treated her like an animal.

If I were that judge I would have ruled that he might want to learn how to respect and treat women, thrown him in substance abuse and anger management classes, and told him to pay for his own ring after he caught up with his child support payments.

Dale repeatedly hit her, threatened her (in front of her children), left her in another state without a way home (more than once) she filed a restraining order which was not granted and she has now disappeared. I don't know when our society is going to take domestic violence seriously. She was afraid for her life and the courts did not listen. If they had, her custody terms and transfer of the children would have been different and she may still be here today.

It infuriates me.

This anger in my post is not directed at you at all, just directed at conversation pertaining to her boob job, snarkiness, and any other statement that puts blame or sheds a poor light on the victim.

Domestic Violence is the number one cause of injury of women between the ages of 18 and 45. There is a war on women going on out there and it is serious. The female people's court judge aggravated me to no end with the way that she treated and spoke to Michelle on that show. It made me sick when she said " you are addicted to each other" and "why did you drink with him?" Blame the victim much? Michelle is not responsible for the abuse he heaped on her, and she is not responsible for his substance abuse or behavior while drunk. As if, Michelle had ANY control on his behavior at all. She didn't. She only had control of herself and her actions, and once she hit her limit she left him.

Where is she?

When you list everything that happen to Michelle and the information about the restaining order....and all

What are the odds that the abuser who has hurt Michelle before..
aganist the odds that a carjacker would hurt the victim.....

Just for comparsion Im going try and look that up

I knew from my research on 27 of every 49000 carjacking end in death
Now how many abused women are killed by their partner the Abuser....
Im going to look that number up....OK it's one third....
33.00% Murdered by partner (women only)
00.05% Murdered by carjackers (men and women)

How many of the 27 killed by carjackers had restaining order etc and the stuff Michelle has.

This seems like such a very very slim possibility in comparsions...just using numbers...

then factor in some of Dales questionable actions and then add to that the fact that LE has more iformation on DS2 than we do or know.....:furious:
On local news tonight, dale smith is asking judge to stop having money deducted from his check for child support. Apparently it goes directly into. Ichelles account and he needs that money $800/month

Im guessing he can have that done...since Michelle has been missing and he is the main caregiver now.....

So in his mind he is saving $800.00 a month...if she was gone?

I bet he is spending more than that now?
Paying $100 a week per child... would that even pay daycare?
My questions

Did Dale have anything to do with Michelle's disappearance?
80/20 has been my thought....and thats me giving him some leadway

Has it been confirmed Michelle is dead?
MOO- Only if she ends in part of the above 80% but no not at this point. I pray she is one of the rare cases where the victim is held alive somewhere but as time goes on its really not that likely
But for the family and friends I would Not give up hope unless she is found otherwise.

Why would cadaver dogs be brought in to search since Michelle is classified as missing?

If woods ...then looking for a body sorry? Dogs needed
Or someone's home? maybe not needed as much except for the yard.

Did LE really take dogs to search in Palm Bay?

Did LE get a search warrant to search the Private Property in Palm Bay?

See I just cant see why this family has to go to the trouble of getting a warrant.... I would let them search my property... Id might get them to sign a release but given the circumstances I'd even help them search...

How easy/hard is it to get a search warrant in another county on a weekend day?

Did Dale take Michelle to Palm Bay on a job he was actually working on?

the actual work site wouldn't be a smart thing to do....That would be one of the first things LE would find out from his employer....

all answers are based on opinion...

I know that reading all this has to be difficult...
I am truly sorry that you have lost your friend...:hug:

The van was my thought, too. The Hummer wouldn't have enough room and DS2 wouldn't want his truck or the Hummer to attract the attention of the cadaver dogs. Now, however, I'm thinking that Michelle was upright until Dale had her where he wanted her.

As always MOO MOO MOO.

:eek:hdear: I know I may not want to hear the answer....but why upright?
When you list everything that happen to Michelle and the information about the restaining order....and all

What are the odds that the abuser who has hurt Michelle before..
aganist the odds that a carjacker would hurt the victim.....

Just for comparsion Im going try and look that up

I knew from my research on 27 of every 49000 carjacking end in death
Now how many abused women are killed by their partner the Abuser....
Im going to look that number up....OK it's one third....
33.00% Murdered by partner (women only)
00.05% Murdered by carjackers (men and women)

How many of the 27 killed by carjackers had restaining order etc and the stuff Michelle has.

This seems like such a very very slim possibility in comparsions...just using numbers...

then factor in some of Dales questionable actions and then add to that the fact that LE has more iformation on DS2 than we do or know.....:furious:

Research shows and supports the fact that most women who die violently die by the hands of someone that they know. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women, more than rape, muggings, and car accidents combined. DV is the cause of 30% of all homicides of women (If I recall correctly) And it is very important to note that domestic violence is very much an underreported crime due to blaming the victim, stigma, fear, and a whole host of other reasons. Due to that fact the statistics are skewed and probably higher.

I can't find an exact statistic comparison of DV vs Carjackings but I will keep looking and see if I can find any.
On local news tonight, dale smith is asking judge to stop having money deducted from his check for child support. Apparently it goes directly into. Ichelles account and he needs that money $800/month

Interesting. Does he feel that she is never coming home? Why is he so sure that Michelle wont be returning? I find this as creepy, gross, arrogant, and in bad taste as he has proved to be from the very beginning.
On local news tonight, dale smith is asking judge to stop having money deducted from his check for child support. Apparently it goes directly into. Ichelles account and he needs that money $800/month

Do we know when this judgement for child support was made? I guess this is proof that he was in fact paying child support and he couldn't get out of it because it was being deducted from his paycheck? I wonder if that judgement was recent because I thought we've been discussing that MP was going after him for support. With this information it appears that she did and was successful. I bet he didn't like that one bit. Apparently he still doesn't. :furious:
Interesting. Does he feel that she is never coming home? Why is he so sure that Michelle wont be returning? I find this as creepy, gross, arrogant, and in bad taste as he has proved to be from the very beginning.

Yes this exactly!
I find it interesting that DSjr has it in the court papers that he is willing to start paying MP child support again if she reappears. It's in the paperwork that was shown on the earlier newscast but nobody has brought that up. He has his twins and should have the money that's going into a bank account that nobody but MP should have access to. Why shouldn't he be able to stop paying it right now when he needs it to take care of his kids? I'm more of a reader and not a big poster but wondered if anyone was ever going to post this. Not here to argue with anyone. Like I said, I just thought it was interesting that nobody bothered to post the other information that was shown. MOO
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