FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #21

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182. Has anyone else related to this case (family, friends, etc.) taken a polygraph, or been asked to take one?

As per his lawyer, Dale Smith Jr has refused to take a polygraph
Police have given no specifics about why Smith is the main suspect, NeJame said. ”To our knowledge, there is no evidence other than conjecture and speculation,” NeJame said. “You have this basic reason because he refuses to take a polygraph, which most people should not take polygraphs. They’re not even reliable, not one court in the country accepts them as reliable.”

NeJame provided a theory about why polygraphs have gained stature in the culture.

“We’ve watched so much trash TV thinking that polygraphs are the end-all and be-all of whether somebody is telling the truth or not,” NeJame said.

Fellow attorney Rajan Joshi said Smith had cooperated with authorities in the beginning but not now. “It seems his cooperation actually is working against him,” Joshi said.
Ok may be I'm wrong, can anyone post any real answers to the questions?

I doubt it. There are always a helluva lot more questions than there are answers, so until they can come up with the answers, they aren't going to solve the case.
I am pretty confident that LE has thought of every question on that list and then some, that's what they're trained to do. The answers are just not known to us, and won't be until somebody is charged.
I agree, many people who came in contact with MP might also have had the opportunity to kill her. Unfortunately one does not need a motive to kill, senseless killings happen all the time, and one might have a motive to kill that nobody is aware of it. One can envision so many scenarios.

You are correct...but why the need to make up a villain we do not know exists? However when we have a violent felon, who has had problems with drugs and alcohol in the past, threaten to kill Michelle and kidnap her kids...who physially and mentally abused her and has created false identities online to take the heat off of himself? Who lied to LE about her arrival and departure time and IMO made up the she went shopping non-sense. That's far too easy to figure out with this PRIME suspect. No not Dale he couldn't have been involved...instead I guess the one armed bandit took Michelle....JMO
You are correct...but why the need to make up a villain we do not know exists? However when we have a violent felon, who has had problems with drugs and alcohol in the past, threaten to kill Michelle and kidnap her kids...who physially and mentally abused her and has created false identities online to take the heat off of himself? Who lied to LE about her arrival and departure time and IMO made up the she went shopping non-sense. That's far too easy to figure out with this PRIME suspect. No not Dale he couldn't have been involved...instead I guess the one armed bandit took Michelle....JMO

It is clear that you think Dale did it because he had a motive and because of his history and notwithstanding that all so called "evidence" available in the public domain are in essence, second-hand accounts, gossip, hearsay and innuendos of all shapes and colors. But why, even after 6 months of exhaustive speculations of Dale involvement here and when after all this time Dale is still not charged with any crime, why then there is no need to explore other possibilities (and there are quite a few) I'm having a hard time understanding.
I actually thought it possible that after this last news conference that LE had something on Dale to make an arrest.
I actually thought it possible that after this last news conference that LE had something on Dale to make an arrest.

I think we would have seen an arrest first and and then a news conference to detail the charges. IMO it is clear that, in this instance, the news conference was more for their own benefit then to provided the public with anything of substance regarding their investigation.
I don’t think the ring has anything to do with it. He most likely killed her because he didn’t want to pay child support.

Where else would he get the chance to attack her, if not at his place in a controlled environment, where he could take care of both her and her vehicle? She didn’t live alone and always seemed to be around people.

Because raising twins full time would be a lot cheaper than child support?
I agree, I don't think he had time if planned or unplanned. Why do this on the day of the PC hearing if planned? You know LE will think it is him.

Day Light, with a camera is another thing that a planned hit would be crazy.
Doing at your own place, again crazy.
Doing this with the kids there to make it even more difficult to carry out.
Having to get rid of her hummer at your condo in the daylight, at the time people are coming home; again crazy.
The cell phone is another thing, it powered down at 8:08. Why not get rid of it right away? If he wasn't going to answer A's call, no reason to answer anyone's call, just get rid of it.
No DNA or evidence in hummer or his condo and I bet they checked his van and truck, again how did he do this in less than 45 minutes?

He had months to kill her over this ring, he could have done that instead of going to court. He could have done it the next day she toss it over the balcony. He got $2,500 for it from PC. He had plenty of time in this relationship to pick a better killing spot than his condo. The time frame for me doesn't add up and you can't get past the Hoffner ping and him being at Sr at the same time. They need to look at someone else IMO.

So true and reasonable, the logic here is unassailable IMO
Because raising twins full time would be a lot cheaper than child support?

I mentioned in the last thread that IMO it's not about the anount of child support but WHO he was paying it to. He didn't want to pay Michelle AND let her have custody JMO...He had to be brought to court and needed to have his wages garnished in order to pay...that speaks volumes on how horrible of a father he is IMO. Don't you agree?
Because raising twins full time would be a lot cheaper than child support?

Many fathers would prefer being with their kids, rather than paying for them and not having full access.

I think his anger was more about the future possible loss of custody, than just the cost of child support. Michelle was getting serious with her new boyfriend. I think Dale saw that as a threat to his relationship with the twins. What if Michelle got married and moved further away?

I don't think Dale wanted someone else to be 'fathering' his kids. JMO
I agree, I don't think he had time if planned or unplanned. Why do this on the day of the PC hearing if planned? You know LE will think it is him.

Day Light, with a camera is another thing that a planned hit would be crazy.
Doing at your own place, again crazy.
Doing this with the kids there to make it even more difficult to carry out.
Having to get rid of her hummer at your condo in the daylight, at the time people are coming home; again crazy.
The cell phone is another thing, it powered down at 8:08. Why not get rid of it right away? If he wasn't going to answer A's call, no reason to answer anyone's call, just get rid of it.
No DNA or evidence in hummer or his condo and I bet they checked his van and truck, again how did he do this in less than 45 minutes?

He had months to kill her over this ring, he could have done that instead of going to court. He could have done it the next day she toss it over the balcony. He got $2,500 for it from PC. He had plenty of time in this relationship to pick a better killing spot than his condo. The time frame for me doesn't add up and you can't get past the Hoffner ping and him being at Sr at the same time. They need to look at someone else IMO.

Dale was known to have a hair trigger temper. He may have lost his volatile temper and may have gone too far to walk it back. So he had to wing it from there.

And how did he do 'what' in less than 45 minutes? He had plenty of time to carry out this process. All he had to do was immobilize her and place her in the Hummer, hidden away in his garage. Or maybe even hide her under his truck bed cover, foir the ride to his parents home. He drops of the twins and then goes on his way to dispose of her and clean up all of the forensics.
I mentioned in the last thread that IMO it's not about the anount of child support but WHO he was paying it to. He didn't want to pay Michelle AND let her have custody JMO...He had to be brought to court and needed to have his wages garnished in order to pay...that speaks volumes on how horrible of a father he is IMO. Don't you agree?

Jazzmaster, I'd be interested in your opinion of the Bern post below.

Day Light, with a camera is another thing that a planned hit would be crazy.
Doing at your own place, again crazy.
Doing this with the kids there to make it even more difficult to carry out.
Having to get rid of her hummer at your condo in the daylight, at the time people are coming home; again crazy.
The cell phone is another thing, it powered down at 8:08. Why not get rid of it right away? If he wasn't going to answer A's call, no reason to answer anyone's call, just get rid of it.
No DNA or evidence in hummer or his condo and I bet they checked his van and truck, again how did he do this in less than 45 minutes?

He had months to kill her over this ring, he could have done that instead of going to court. He could have done it the next day she toss it over the balcony. He got $2,500 for it from PC. He had plenty of time in this relationship to pick a better killing spot than his condo. The time frame for me doesn't add up and you can't get past the Hoffner ping and him being at Sr at the same time. They need to look at someone else IMO.
Dale was known to have a hair trigger temper. He may have lost his volatile temper and may have gone too far to walk it back. So he had to wing it from there.

And how did he do 'what' in less than 45 minutes? He had plenty of time to carry out this process. All he had to do was immobilize her and place her in the Hummer, hidden away in his garage. Or maybe even hide her under his truck bed cover, foir the ride to his parents home. He drops of the twins and then goes on his way to dispose of her and clean up all of the forensics.


I know what you are saying, but walk yourself through this. With a stop watch if you can. If he killed Michelle, and then he has to do something with her, yes, but he still has the hummer to get to Hoffner with the cell phone pinging that came from the Waterford text. That ping is at 4:26, look at where it is at on the map compaired to where Sr home is and Dale being seen there at 4:30. If he left the body in the hummer more than an hour, forensics would have evidence of a body decomposing in it. One hour and the dogs can pick it up, even if wrapped in plastic. If he drove the truck back to Sr house with Michelle in it and took the kids, then again we have decomp in the truck past one hour, and who has the phone on Hoffner for the Wateford ping at 4:26?
It is clear that you think Dale did it because he had a motive and because of his history and notwithstanding that all so called "evidence" available in the public domain are in essence, second-hand accounts, gossip, hearsay and innuendos of all shapes and colors. But why, even after 6 months of exhaustive speculations of Dale involvement here and when after all this time Dale is still not charged with any crime, why then there is no need to explore other possibilities (and there are quite a few) I'm having a hard time understanding.

I guess if you discard that Dale was the last to see Michelle, his prior beating of Michelle and other women, his violent violent criminal past, his lying to LE, his threats to kill Michelle, his countless cheating on her, and all the other evidence LE has collected. Then and only then could we see someone else involved IMO...

I know what you are saying, but walk yourself through this. With a stop watch if you can. If he killed Michelle, and then he has to do something with her, yes, but he still has the hummer to get to Hoffner with the cell phone pinging that came from the Waterford text. That ping is at 4:26, look at where it is at on the map compaired to where Sr home is and Dale being seen there at 4:30. If he left the body in the hummer more than an hour, forensics would have evidence of a body decomposing in it. One hour and the dogs can pick it up, even if wrapped in plastic. If he drove the truck back to Sr house with Michelle in it and took the kids, then again we have decomp in the truck past one hour, and who has the phone on Hoffner for the Wateford ping at 4:26?

NOPe, he did not have to leave a DEAD body in the hummer. All he had to do is tie her up and gag her. Thjat would not leave any tell tale evidence.

No dead body until it was time to dispose of her, imo.
I guess if you discard that Dale was the last to see Michelle, his prior beating of Michelle and other women, his violent violent criminal past, his lying to LE, his threats to kill Michelle, his countless cheating on her, and all the other evidence LE has collected.

Jazzmaster, these are character issues and evidence not on public records. Again I'd be interested in your opinion of the Bern post below.

Day Light, with a camera is another thing that a planned hit would be crazy.
Doing at your own place, again crazy.
Doing this with the kids there to make it even more difficult to carry out.
Having to get rid of her hummer at your condo in the daylight, at the time people are coming home; again crazy.
The cell phone is another thing, it powered down at 8:08. Why not get rid of it right away? If he wasn't going to answer A's call, no reason to answer anyone's call, just get rid of it.
No DNA or evidence in hummer or his condo and I bet they checked his van and truck, again how did he do this in less than 45 minutes?

He had months to kill her over this ring, he could have done that instead of going to court. He could have done it the next day she toss it over the balcony. He got $2,500 for it from PC. He had plenty of time in this relationship to pick a better killing spot than his condo. The time frame for me doesn't add up and you can't get past the Hoffner ping and him being at Sr at the same time. They need to look at someone else IMO.
NOPe, he did not have to leave a DEAD body in the hummer. All he had to do is tie her up and gag her. Thjat would not leave any tell tale evidence.

No dead body until it was time to dispose of her, imo.

I am trying in my mind to picture this. So he is really mad, he was so mad at having to pay child support, or sharing his kids with another man or mad about a ring or how he looked on TV, something of this sort. She comes in with the kids, it is 3:18 and they run to daddy, greetings all around and then bam! He knocks her down and she can't get up, and then he drags her to the bedroom and gags her and ties her up and then by now the kids are screaming and he takes them out to his truck, and gets them into car seats and then runs to get her keys and hids the hummer and then goes back and grabs Michelle, still alive and puts her in the hummer in the garage, runs out and heads over to his Dad's via Hoffner, he remembered to grab her cell phone as he put Michelle in the hummer and now it is ringing, it is Dustin and he texts back "Waterford" and then continues over to Sr. Now he has to leave in his truck back to his condo to kill Michelle who is still in the garage and then he takes her and the hummer, leaving the truck outside I guess and drive back to the Mall area and....no he has to get rid of Michelle because she is dead and then go to the Mall and drop off the hummer and then get a ride back from dad.

I am not seeing it.....
I am trying in my mind to picture this. So he is really mad, he was so mad at having to pay child support, or sharing his kids with another man or mad about a ring or how he looked on TV, something of this sort. She comes in with the kids, it is 3:18 and they run to daddy, greetings all around and then bam! He knocks her down and she can't get up, and then he drags her to the bedroom and gags her and ties her up and then by now the kids are screaming and he takes them out to his truck, and gets them into car seats and then runs to get her keys and hids the hummer and then goes back and grabs Michelle, still alive and puts her in the hummer in the garage, runs out and heads over to his Dad's via Hoffner, he remembered to grab her cell phone as he put Michelle in the hummer and now it is ringing, it is Dustin and he texts back "Waterford" and then continues over to Sr. Now he has to leave in his truck back to his condo to kill Michelle who is still in the garage and then he takes her and the hummer, leaving the truck outside I guess and drive back to the Mall area and....no he has to get rid of Michelle because she is dead and then go to the Mall and drop off the hummer and then get a ride back from dad.

I am not seeing it.....

Neither would just about anyone else under these circumstances IMO
I am trying in my mind to picture this. So he is really mad, he was so mad at having to pay child support, or sharing his kids with another man or mad about a ring or how he looked on TV, something of this sort. She comes in with the kids, it is 3:18 and they run to daddy, greetings all around and then bam! He knocks her down and she can't get up, and then he drags her to the bedroom and gags her and ties her up and then by now the kids are screaming and he takes them out to his truck, and gets them into car seats and then runs to get her keys and hids the hummer and then goes back and grabs Michelle, still alive and puts her in the hummer in the garage, runs out and heads over to his Dad's via Hoffner, he remembered to grab her cell phone as he put Michelle in the hummer and now it is ringing, it is Dustin and he texts back "Waterford" and then continues over to Sr. Now he has to leave in his truck back to his condo to kill Michelle who is still in the garage and then he takes her and the hummer, leaving the truck outside I guess and drive back to the Mall area and....no he has to get rid of Michelle because she is dead and then go to the Mall and drop off the hummer and then get a ride back from dad.

I am not seeing it.....

No,your description is not how I see it going down.

She picks her toddlers up at daycare around 2;30ish. If they are anything like mine were, they probably fell asleep in the car on the way to Dale's.

So she drives up and he comes out and sees they are both asleep. Perfect timing for Dale, as he was considering getting rid of her, if things worked out correctly. So he is able to suggest she pull the Hummer into the garage, so they can take the sleeping kids out without waking them.

They each take one child up to their room, and tuck them in safely. He closes their door, and they are out of his way for the rest of the time.

He follows Michelle back out to the garage, making small talk, but being a silent predator. His marine training kicks in when necessary. As she turns to climb into her Hummer, he wraps a rope around her neck and begins to choke her out, knocking her unconscious. Then he duct tapes her, gags her, or handcuffs her, hog ties her, whatever is his preference, and throws her in the back seat of her Hummer. He takes her cell phone from the car, because he needs to keep track of her family's communication, so he knows how long until the alarm bells go out.

He runs upstairs, puts the sleeping kids in his truck, and heads out to his folks. On the way there, he hears the text coming in, with the brother saying ' where are you/?. Dale does not want them to start worrying yet, so he says 'Waterford' just so he can buy himself some time.

He drives to his folks, smiles and waves at the neighbor, to help establish his alibi, and takes the kids inside to grandma. Now he tells Dale Sr that he messed up, and needs help. There are any number of ways they carried out the next tasks. But it is very doable. Many scenarios have been set forth, and I am not sure which one he followed. But it is easy to wait until after dark, and drive her Hummer to the dump site. They could have transferred her to his work truck, and alive, she would not leave any residue behind. Especially if they transferred her to a large container first.
Neither would just about anyone else under these circumstances IMO

That is because he described the circumstances in such a way that they were undoable. But there are a number of scenarios in which it was quite doable. imo
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