FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #21

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So then if he decided to hide Michelle in a place that was familiar to him, (probably not a place he frequents, but knows) would we find that kind of place following his likes and habits? I keep thinking about how close little Caylee Anthony was to her home.

Of the places on my Top Ten list of where Michelle could be...I have been using his FB page, research on past hangouts, FB friend's residences, 501st events, around his condo and finally around Rose Blvd...my impression is that he would not want a place that easily ties back to him but he was VERY familiar with. For example an ideal place he recalled from an outdoor 501st event or a place along the way to a friend's house or a place where a friend may have hidden things. My list is getting smaller and smaller as I eliminate places that aren't feasible, have already been searched, etc.

I believe there will be evidence when Michelle is found and part of the reason he IMO is so concerned about the status of the case. I mean if he hid Michelle in a place that could NEVER be found he'd be a lot more confident than he appears. To me he seems VERY desperate like he is operating on "borrowed" time so that gives me hope that we will get answers soon. I believe there are a lot of clues on the episode of PC and in his FB page that when combed thru will help lead us to Michelle. This is all JMO
Been following some of Dale's Makaze Squad events

Noticed there was an event in Sanford (near where Michelle worked) a few days before Michelle went missing.

Where: At Seminole Town Center Mall 177 Towne Center Circle Sanford, FL 32771*

What: Coliseum of Comics Anniversary Event - Comics, figures, posters, little anime thingies you can't live without!!!!111. Are you not entertained? -- is this not why you are here (...err, going there)?
When: 11/12/11 10:00am - 9:00pm

Could Michelle be close to work?
Been following some of Dale's Makaze Squad events

Noticed there was an event in Sanford (near where Michelle worked) a few days before Michelle went missing.

Where: At Seminole Town Center Mall 177 Towne Center Circle Sanford, FL 32771*

What: Coliseum of Comics Anniversary Event - Comics, figures, posters, little anime thingies you can't live without!!!!111. Are you not entertained? -- is this not why you are here (...err, going there)?
When: 11/12/11 10:00am - 9:00pm

Could Michelle be close to work?

As much enjoyment as I may get out of unmasking grown men in Star Wars costumes, can you tell me which squad member is Dale, so I don't have to look at all of them?
As much enjoyment as I may get out of unmasking grown men in Star Wars costumes, can you tell me which squad member is Dale, so I don't have to look at all of them?

jediscout aka cowboy is TS 2871 which BTW is a variation of his aol email address which BTW was linked to Buck Fuddy...
jediscout aka cowboy is TS 2871 which BTW is a variation of his aol email address which BTW was linked to Buck Fuddy...

Wouldn't presumably the police already had checked the premises assuming they had probable cause?
Been following some of Dale's Makaze Squad events

Noticed there was an event in Sanford (near where Michelle worked) a few days before Michelle went missing.

Where: At Seminole Town Center Mall 177 Towne Center Circle Sanford, FL 32771*

What: Coliseum of Comics Anniversary Event - Comics, figures, posters, little anime thingies you can't live without!!!!111. Are you not entertained? -- is this not why you are here (...err, going there)?
When: 11/12/11 10:00am - 9:00pm

Could Michelle be close to work?


Profile updated: November 22, 2011
Of the places on my Top Ten list of where Michelle could be...I have been using his FB page, research on past hangouts, FB friend's residences, 501st events, around his condo and finally around Rose Blvd...my impression is that he would not want a place that easily ties back to him but he was VERY familiar with. For example an ideal place he recalled from an outdoor 501st event or a place along the way to a friend's house or a place where a friend may have hidden things. My list is getting smaller and smaller as I eliminate places that aren't feasible, have already been searched, etc.

I believe there will be evidence when Michelle is found and part of the reason he IMO is so concerned about the status of the case. I mean if he hid Michelle in a place that could NEVER be found he'd be a lot more confident than he appears. To me he seems VERY desperate like he is operating on "borrowed" time so that gives me hope that we will get answers soon. I believe there are a lot of clues on the episode of PC and in his FB page that when combed thru will help lead us to Michelle. This is all JMO

From the timeline of events, if he acted alone or was the "brainchild" of MP's disappearance I would have to guess that she is very close.

However, I think that if he was involved, then his parents would have to be involved. In that case, perhaps his father hid the body? He may not even know where she is, and therefore may be worried every time they do a search because maybe that is where she is. In this case, which IMO would be more probable, it may be best to look at what was familiar to his father more so than junior. For all we know, his parents may have been the ringleaders here.
From the timeline of events, if he acted alone or was the "brainchild" of MP's disappearance I would have to guess that she is very close.

However, I think that if he was involved, then his parents would have to be involved. In that case, perhaps his father hid the body? He may not even know where she is, and therefore may be worried every time they do a search because maybe that is where she is. In this case, which IMO would be more probable, it may be best to look at what was familiar to his father more so than junior. For all we know, his parents may have been the ringleaders here.

That is a great point! See that's what I love about this site....the collaborative effort. I had just assumed Dale hid Michelle. Maybe he really doesn't know where she is because his dad or someone else...was responsible for hiding Michelle? :what: I have always believed that day there were three main tasks:

1. Hide Michelle
2. Hide her vehicle
3. Hide other convicting evidence (phone, clothes, etc)

Now maybe you are right....Dale handled 2 and 3 and someone else handled the job of hiding Michelle and to this day it has never been revealed to Dale where she is....That would allow Dale to honestly say he doesn't know where she is but still unable to truthfully answer he doesn't know what happened! Good thinking MissingM!

Now if this isn't correct and instead Dale handled the job of hiding Michelle....I think she is either VERY close to the condo (hidden in those first 30-40 minutes Dale tried to erase) placing Michelle most likely within 5-10 miles of the condo. Or if she was hidden AFTER he arrived at his parents and BEFORE Michelle was reported missing...that was about a 3 hr time block...she could be as far as 60-90 miles away from Rose Blvd or Carter Glen. I doubt he'd travel the maximum amount of time so I still believe she is close by....in a spot well thought out.
Now why would he make things private if there was nothing to hide?

My profile on fb is private and I have nothing to hide. My myspace is private as well and I don't even go on there anymore. Also a lot people have their profiles on different sites private { I believe Michelle's fb was private as well } does that make us all hiding something? No. I don't blame him for it really. Since that day he has had many many strangers looking into his life and if he can keep something private more power to him.
My profile on fb is private and I have nothing to hide. My myspace is private as well and I don't even go on there anymore. Also a lot people have their profiles on different sites private { I believe Michelle's fb was private as well } does that make us all hiding something? No. I don't blame him for it really. Since that day he has had many many strangers looking into his life and if he can keep something private more power to him.

So Hon3yb33 isn't your real life name? LOL, I thought some we all had some funny names on here. Just kidding Honey! See, we all post with screen names and I don't think we are hiding on here. I get your point.
That is a great point! See that's what I love about this site....the collaborative effort. I had just assumed Dale hid Michelle. Maybe he really doesn't know where she is because his dad or someone else...was responsible for hiding Michelle? :what: I have always believed that day there were three main tasks:

1. Hide Michelle
2. Hide her vehicle
3. Hide other convicting evidence (phone, clothes, etc)

Now maybe you are right....Dale handled 2 and 3 and someone else handled the job of hiding Michelle and to this day it has never been revealed to Dale where she is....That would allow Dale to honestly say he doesn't know where she is but still unable to truthfully answer he doesn't know what happened! Good thinking MissingM!

Now if this isn't correct and instead Dale handled the job of hiding Michelle....I think she is either VERY close to the condo (hidden in those first 30-40 minutes Dale tried to erase) placing Michelle most likely within 5-10 miles of the condo. Or if she was hidden AFTER he arrived at his parents and BEFORE Michelle was reported missing...that was about a 3 hr time block...she could be as far as 60-90 miles away from Rose Blvd or Carter Glen. I doubt he'd travel the maximum amount of time so I still believe she is close by....in a spot well thought out.

What? Now we continue on involving Dale's parents too? We call them "ringleaders? And this is based on what? an FB account? May be I am missing something here, but some posts here are outright censored because deemed not appropriate but this makes sense? Wasn't there a policy by the moderator about "wild speculations"? Can somebody please explain under what evidence ... no scrap that, under what hearsay, gossip and even the most remote of speculation of facts one arrives to these conclusions?.
What? Now we continue on involving Dale's parents too? And this is based on what? an FB account? May be I am missing something here, but some posts here are outright censored because deemed not appropriate but this makes sense? Wasn't there a policy by the moderator about "wild speculations"? Can somebody please explain under what evidence ... no scrap that, under what hearsay, gossip and even the most remote of speculation of facts one arrives to these conclusions?.

There are plenty of factual reasons to sleuth Dale, Sr. His home was raided, FGS. The proximity, the fact that Dale, Jr. sought refuge and went to his parents home during the days immediately following Michelle's disappearance. There have been very few people permitted to be sleuthed here. The only ones to date: Michelle, Dale, Jr. AND Dale, Sr.

We permitted the sleuthing of Dale, Sr. the day his home was raided.

Let this go now. Stop the back & forth.

There is an Ignore Feature here. Most of you posting on this thread are long time members and should know how to use it. If you need instructions, let me know because from here on out, I am going to TO folks that continue this back & forth bickering.
My profile on fb is private and I have nothing to hide. My myspace is private as well and I don't even go on there anymore. Also a lot people have their profiles on different sites private { I believe Michelle's fb was private as well } does that make us all hiding something? No. I don't blame him for it really. Since that day he has had many many strangers looking into his life and if he can keep something private more power to him.

I would agree with you if his social media pages were private to begin with...if it was set to public prior to Michelle going missing and then became private after there COULD very well be things he's hiding. IMO Dale seemed to like all the attention right up until the moment people started putting 2 and 2 together to realize Dale most likely WAS involved in the disappearance...and then he goes all PRIVATE?... MOO he was hiding his history and deleting stuff like crazy...
I would agree with you if his social media pages were private to begin with...if it was set to public prior to Michelle going missing and then became private after there COULD very well be things he's hiding. IMO Dale seemed to like all the attention right up until the moment people started putting 2 and 2 together to realize Dale most likely WAS involved in the disappearance...and then he goes all PRIVATE?... MOO he was hiding his history and deleting stuff like crazy...

IMO Dale did not want to fuel the speculations that his every word, either on FB or elsewhere would certainly do and correctly so if you are thought to be responsible of a crime, also it is crucial from a defense point of view not to make statements of any kind anywhere that may be alleged by a theoretical prosecution as indication of guilt, and that it's true regardless of actual innocence or guilt, although clearly even his choosing "privacy" on his FB account is assumed suspect. For Dale this is a "no win" scenario here, just a matter of what is least damaging in protecting his rights. IMO
IMO Dale did not want to fuel the speculations that his every word, either on FB or elsewhere would certainly do and correctly so if you are thought to be responsible of a crime, also it is crucial from a defense point of view not to make statements of any kind anywhere that may be alleged by a theoretical prosecution as indication of guilt, and that it's true regardless of actual innocence or guilt, although clearly even his choosing "privacy" on his FB account is assumed suspect. For Dale this is a "no win" scenario here, just a matter of what is least damaging in protecting his rights. IMO

I agree just look at what happened with Dale Sr. there was a comment or something like that on his facebook (correct me if I'm wrong I just don't have the time to look up the EXACT post and my memory is fuzzy) about the Powell case and all of a sudden he's researching. Words get twisted which is why I don't like to post too much on here. Sometimes things are blown out of proportion. IMO MOO
IMO Dale did not want to feed the speculations that his every word, either on FB or elsewhere would certainly fuel and correctly so if you are thought to be responsible of a crime, also it is crucial from a defense point of view not to make statements of any kind anywhere that may be used by a theoretical prosecution as indication of guilt, and that it's true regardless of actual innocence or guilt, although clearly even his choosing "privacy" on his FB account is assumed suspect. For Dale this is a "no win" scenario here, just a matter of what is least damaging in protecting his rights. IMO

DSJr went into "private lockdown mode" long before he was named a suspect in this crime. He started doing it within days when you would think he'd have a lot more to think about than his internet profiles, such as spending his time with his children and worrying about how this was going to affect them. He and his family members refused any and all attempts at media interviews from day one, did absolutely nothing to assist in the search (I don't believe any of them even got in touch with Michelle's family to offer their sympathy) and started hiding and deleting internet profiles.

It just doesn't seem like the actions of average everyday people who know someone who has gone missing. Someone who was part of their lives for the past five years and bore the children who are currently in their care. Usually you would see these people using their social media to help spread the word about the disappearance.

Couple questions...

Anybody know off the top of their head when Michelle initially filed separation papers, as well as divorce papers?

Does anyone know the exact date Michelle started her mobile tanning business? It's part of a chain, kind of like Mary Kay used to be (sorry for the comparison), or even McDonald's for that matter.

Did Michelle have to pay any kind of fee for coming into a "chain" business (sorry, forget the correct term) besides the cost of her tanning equipment?

Did Michelle have to be certified for this business?
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