FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #23

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OK If Michelle did stop at Walden to meet someone it would make sense she could have followed the same path or direction as Dale....

We know then the "perp" knew what Michelles car looked like.
Was concerned enough to remove the decals, had the keys but not go inside...hmmm

That to means the perp only wanted a small window of time to flee...this doesnt seem like a random in nature.

Whoever removed the decals knew the vechile well enough to know whoses it was, and where it was parked and still didnt care if it would be found at that location...and it would be logical to also look at the residents of walden right? So to me If I had a connection to Walden...I'd want it gone.

So if it was soddi he was just looking for a few hours to escape..and maybe was just visiting Walden.....not a resident.

this reasoning would also fit if Dale parked it there..

someone who needed a little time...who didnt care if the car was found there.

The other problem is the text message that was sent from her phone on the way to walden..... then Michelle would have lied to her brother about where she was at that moment or where she was headed.

Where was her bother actually at? in reference to the area of Walden?.... Does walden put her closer to him if she had texted.... Hey Im gonna go to Walden Apts...would she have been able to pick him up or closer to him?

again...removing of the decals... still bugs the heck out of me ....its seems so personal and if the perp took her from walden ....and did not drive the hummer....it seems to me that a" walden killer " had more problems than a decal or two......some random serial killer removing decals? IDK. Wouldn't he be worrying about disposal to think decals...

I have two questions now?
how easy could the decals be removed if they were on the outside....would it taking some scaping or cleaning....would they need some type of adhesive removal

Where was her brother when he called her? Was she known to not want to help her bother sometimes and would not tell the truth?

Was it more likely the perp was driving the Hummer and therefore wanted decals removed to not be identified or just removed them after Michelle visits the complex to buy a little time.

Whoever took Michelle knew a place.... that people don't go to often.

I just read this last night.

RORY O`NEILL, REPORTER, METRO NETWORKS, COVERING STORY: Well, that`s -- the inventory list from the car has not been released. But one interesting detail, there was an advertising slogan on the back window of that big Hummer. And that had been scraped away and her current boyfriend said it almost looked like it had been removed professionally in some ways.

So very sad :(. Michelle is what brought me to Websleuths to start commenting. I thought for sure this would be a solvable case and she would be found and the rest would be history. Not so. Perps are smarter at hiding bodies and know just as much about DNA as anyone else does. Watching her on PC, the case really stuck with me; so much so I told a family member about it before knowing she was missing. While I was watching, Michelle was still around :(. Here it is shown early in the morning. Prayers for Michelle's family!
I just read this last night.

RORY O`NEILL, REPORTER, METRO NETWORKS, COVERING STORY: Well, that`s -- the inventory list from the car has not been released. But one interesting detail, there was an advertising slogan on the back window of that big Hummer. And that had been scraped away and her current boyfriend said it almost looked like it had been removed professionally in some ways.


Now that is interesting. It makes me think that residue from the slogan was left on the window & the fact they said scraped tells me they have evidence of it being scraped off as opposed to just peeled off. The mere use of the words removed professionally used w/ the word scrape suggests to me the detectives have an idea what the tool was to scrape it off. Chances are it wasn't just a straight edge used. Maybe they have evidence of a professional solvent? I was thinking GooGone, but the word "professional" suggests something maybe not over the counter? Idk, just brainstorming...

Last year I remember researching who it was that did her advertising window slogans. I remember backing away from it but now I'm curious again. Anybody have that info off the top of your head? If not, no biggie...
Thor, I think her purse was left in the truck bc trace evidence would have very likely been found in or on it if the perp touched it. If the perp isn't Dale, then the purse being left w/ the Hummer suggests to me that it was a crime sexual in nature as opposed to a theft.

Either a crime of passion bc of fueled hatred or else a heinous crime done to Michelle's person bc the perp saw her & wanted her. It's all I can think of.

I don't think she jetted.
Do we have an actual list of all of Michelle's last known addresses?

I know we have Geneva & the one w/ Dale. What about the others?
Thor, I think her purse was left in the truck bc trace evidence would have very likely been found in or on it if the perp touched it. If the perp isn't Dale, then the purse being left w/ the Hummer suggests to me that it was a crime sexual in nature as opposed to a theft.

Either a crime of passion bc of fueled hatred or else a heinous crime done to Michelle's person bc the perp saw her & wanted her. It's all I can think of.

I don't think she jetted.

Not if he wore gloves, but then again, never mind taking valuables, why not take the purse? Consider ... he's taken the keys, the cellphone, and the decals, and what is the reason for not taking the purse? There is obviously a reason for everything, and I don't mean just within a crime scene, but in life as a whole, so the question must be asked: why not take the purse? If it was DS, then taking the purse makes sense ... a robbery turned tragic may be? Surely the absence of the purse might conceivable indicate just that possibility, no way one could exclude it absent evidence to the contrary no matter what one's own hunches might be, so why not the purse? And why take the keys? If you're DS why not leave the doors unlocked and the keys in the ignition? wouldn't you prefer the Hummer stolen? The purse and its valuable missing may be traced by the police somewhere totally disconnected from himself? So again, he takes the keys and the cellphone, removes the decals but leaves the purse inside ... the purse of all things??? The only item that if missing might indicate a robbery, even in some remote possibility? Why? Where is the logic in there? Where is the logic that accounts for a perp well adept in cover his tracks but then, for no apparent reasons leaves a purse, untouched inside the Hummer as to proclaim to the entire world that whatever this is it's definitely NOT a robbery gone bad of a person in a very expensive vehicle, NOT a crime of greed but one of targeting a lone woman for kidnapping and possibly rape and murder ... or if DS ... a crime of passion where he's the perp? Why would he do that? No, I think he never enters the Hummer, he doesn't need to, doesn't want to, doesn't have the time to "clean" the Hummer, that is why the vehicle is found clean, that is why, where the issue is of possibilities, then the most likely one must be IMO that Michelle herself parked the Hummer at Walden's Circle.

This perp is methodical, all indications based on facts are that he plans and he executes, he manipulates specific events and objects relevant to those events, he's not careless, he doesn't act in vacuum, he's adept in concealing and therefore he seems to have a clear idea about what to do .... I think the most of us more of less have the same hypothesis about the value for him in manipulating the decals, the cellphone, the Hummer and its keys but why if he was inside the Hummer at any time did he do the following:

1) Leave the purse untouched inside the Hummer 2) Lock the H3 after ditching it.

As per this post and two others above IMO those two points above are inconsistent with the perp ever being inside the Hummer for more then one reason as indicated ...

Now, let's go back to DS ... if he's involved the following must be true IMO

1. DS kills Michelle in a fit of rage at his condo, on and around 4pm, in broad daylight, when people are reasonably likely to be coming and going right outside, with his own kids on and about of what would be the initial crime scene, when he would be guaranteed to be the number 1 suspect having been the last known person to have seen Michelle alive ...

therefore one must conclude that he's reckless, highly emotional, impulsive, and not particularly bright ... and that is to name a few.

however ....

2. DS manages, to remove his kids from the scene, hide the body where it's not found for more then year as of today, all by himself manages two vehicles with one of them being Michelle's hummer, or successfully manipulates others to be accessories to murder "on the fly", gets rid of the Hummer leaving no evidence behind, manipulates objects to achieve objectives, manipulates all potential crime scenes, again systematically getting rid of any potential evidence.

therefore IMO one must conclude that he's calm, calculating, purposeful, cunning and of course ... particularly bright, and that is to name a few.

So let's review some adjectives that one IMO must ascribe to DS if he's responsible:

Reckless, highly emotional, impulsive, not particularly bright, calm, calculating, purposeful, cunning, particularly bright ... and he must be all of those within a span of a few hours.

But what does any of it say about where Michelle actually is whether the perp is or is not DS? Dunno really, unless local people go and actually search for her and don't give up. As per my most recent posts I have become more and more interested in the area surrounding Walden's Circle, I know the police have searched it, but I don't know to what extent and for how long ... I'd be looking for small objects on the ground that might be conceivably missed ... a set of keys perhaps, anything .... anything that could help bring Michelle home I suppose.
I just read this last night.

RORY O`NEILL, REPORTER, METRO NETWORKS, COVERING STORY: Well, that`s -- the inventory list from the car has not been released. But one interesting detail, there was an advertising slogan on the back window of that big Hummer. And that had been scraped away and her current boyfriend said it almost looked like it had been removed professionally in some ways.


Thank you.. I thought I remember that.
This makes it even more difficult for the theory that Michelle....lied to her brother and met someone at Walden... the Perp takes her while at the apt....doesn't drive the car but removes the decals ...either by scaping and adhesive removal.... guessing it might takes both.....(professionally)

I would think the risk would be too great to take that chance and the amount of time it needed so a "walden perp " is out for me.

This most likely was done in private...either in a garage or outside somewhere in private..... wonder if they checked DS sr and Ds jr garages and home for this types of solvent.

Again going back to removing the decals.....WHY?
I get the impression also to prevent making the vechile unique and buy some time. But then when you think of whats involved and time....to get the products and then remove the decals....hmmmmmm

Why kill Michelle and need to spent another hour to remove and scape off the decals....
The hummer was owned by Dale right?
One motive maybe DS wanted it back and Anger ....played a part. Just couldnt let go of the ring thing either same with the hummer
Thor, I think her purse was left in the truck bc trace evidence would have very likely been found in or on it if the perp touched it. If the perp isn't Dale, then the purse being left w/ the Hummer suggests to me that it was a crime sexual in nature as opposed to a theft.

Either a crime of passion bc of fueled hatred or else a heinous crime done to Michelle's person bc the perp saw her & wanted her. It's all I can think of.

I don't think she jetted.

I don't either but I keep going over all in my head and each time I disprove the thought.

For me ...back to the purse....a random perp would take it...

Someone who know what the person owns....wouldn't need to PEEK

I think it was left in the hummer to make sure nothing was found at the location of the crime. (if at someones home or garage)

Then the decision was made by the perp when dropping off the hummer...he did not want to been seen walking around carrying a purse.

Again JMO
Not if he wore gloves, but then again, never mind taking valuables, why not take the purse? Consider ... he's taken the keys, the cellphone, and the decals, and what is the reason for not taking the purse? There is obviously a reason for everything, and I don't mean just within a crime scene, but in life as a whole, so the question must be asked: why not take the purse? If it was DS, then taking the purse makes sense ... a robbery turned tragic may be? Surely the absence of the purse might conceivable indicate just that possibility, no way one could exclude it absent evidence to the contrary no matter what one's own hunches might be, so why not the purse? And why take the keys? If you're DS why not leave the doors unlocked and the keys in the ignition? wouldn't you prefer the Hummer stolen? The purse and its valuable missing may be traced by the police somewhere totally disconnected from himself? So again, he takes the keys and the cellphone, removes the decals but leaves the purse inside ... the purse of all things??? The only item that if missing might indicate a robbery, even in some remote possibility? Why? Where is the logic in there? Where is the logic that accounts for a perp well adept in cover his tracks but then, for no apparent reasons leaves a purse, untouched inside the Hummer as to proclaim to the entire world that whatever this is it's definitely NOT a robbery gone bad of a person in a very expensive vehicle, NOT a crime of greed but one of targeting a lone woman for kidnapping and possibly rape and murder ... or if DS ... a crime of passion where he's the perp? Why would he do that? No, I think he never enters the Hummer, he doesn't need to, doesn't want to, doesn't have the time to "clean" the Hummer, that is why the vehicle is found clean, that is why, where the issue is of possibilities, then the most likely one must be IMO that Michelle herself parked the Hummer at Walden's Circle.

This perp is methodical, all indications based on facts are that he plans and he executes, he manipulates specific events and objects relevant to those events, he's not careless, he doesn't act in vacuum, he's adept in concealing and therefore he seems to have a clear idea about what to do .... I think the most of us more of less have the same hypothesis about the value for him in manipulating the decals, the cellphone, the Hummer and its keys but why if he was inside the Hummer at any time did he do the following:

1) Leave the purse untouched inside the Hummer 2) Lock the H3 after ditching it.

As per this post and two others above IMO those two points above are inconsistent with the perp ever being inside the Hummer for more then one reason as indicated ...

Now, let's go back to DS ... if he's involved the following must be true IMO

1. DS kills Michelle in a fit of rage at his condo, on and around 4pm, in broad daylight, when people are reasonably likely to be coming and going right outside, with his own kids on and about of what would be the initial crime scene, when he would be guaranteed to be the number 1 suspect having been the last known person to have seen Michelle alive ...

therefore one must conclude that he's reckless, highly emotional, impulsive, and not particularly bright ... and that is to name a few.

however ....

2. DS manages, to remove his kids from the scene, hide the body where it's not found for more then year as of today, all by himself manages two vehicles with one of them being Michelle's hummer, or successfully manipulates others to be accessories to murder "on the fly", gets rid of the Hummer leaving no evidence behind, manipulates objects to achieve objectives, manipulates all potential crime scenes, again systematically getting rid of any potential evidence.

therefore IMO one must conclude that he's calm, calculating, purposeful, cunning and of course ... particularly bright, and that is to name a few.

So let's review some adjectives that one IMO must ascribe to DS if he's responsible:

Reckless, highly emotional, impulsive, not particularly bright, calm, calculating, purposeful, cunning, particularly bright ... and he must be all of those within a span of a few hours.

But what does any of it say about where Michelle actually is whether the perp is or is not DS? Dunno really, unless local people go and actually search for her and don't give up. As per my most recent posts I have become more and more interested in the area surrounding Walden's Circle, I know the police have searched it, but I don't know to what extent and for how long ... I'd be looking for small objects on the ground that might be conceivably missed ... a set of keys perhaps, anything .... anything that could help bring Michelle home I suppose.

when i read it like 4 out of 10 or about 50/50 chance of being caught.....I dont think all are really thinking ahead as they got lucky....

I guess you can profile who is most likely in the 50% group that never got caught.

I guess Im thinking that 50% of the people didn't plan the "perfect murder" they just reacted and they just got lucky and wasnt seen for whatever reason ....and hide body well.

IDK...maybe a dumpster the best spot to dump someone...what are the chances of being found in a garbage heap....maybe its under water...or the woods...maybe there are so many places that is why the unsolves are high.

Dales seems complex but " if " he did do it ..I think he could function with some reasoning skills and some critical thinking to best the outcome of not being caught... but again I think luck had a part if he did it as much a luck plays a part in the other approx 50% that get away with murder.

I thought it would be a smaller number that didnt get caught.

Guess I watch too much csi... LOL

Again JMO.
Now that is interesting. It makes me think that residue from the slogan was left on the window & the fact they said scraped tells me they have evidence of it being scraped off as opposed to just peeled off. The mere use of the words removed professionally used w/ the word scrape suggests to me the detectives have an idea what the tool was to scrape it off. Chances are it wasn't just a straight edge used. Maybe they have evidence of a professional solvent? I was thinking GooGone, but the word "professional" suggests something maybe not over the counter? Idk, just brainstorming...

Last year I remember researching who it was that did her advertising window slogans. I remember backing away from it but now I'm curious again. Anybody have that info off the top of your head? If not, no biggie...

Jersey*Girl, I looked around to find out what's involved in removing decals and there are loads of information on this issue. Talking in generalities, the task of removing decals it's proportional to the type of decal, the chemical components and materials used to make it stick and the amount of time the decal has been in place thus some can be peeled off relatively easy while other may take a while depending also of what tools are used and if any. I would add personally that as far as adhesives go, the degree of bonding to a particular surface is also effected by various external factors ranging from pollutants in the air all the way to temperature and other such weather related conditions with many others in between. In the case of the H3, you've said that there are indications that the decals had been "scraped" or "removed professionally". Clearly scraped is not necessarily equal to "removed professionally", especially within the confinement of this particular case and the conditions in which everything unfolds here, thus the amount of time may be dramatically different between the two.

It would be helpful if you were to be specific as to who made these particular statements on the issue of the decals and the relationship between what may be factual and what may be subjective judgements since I can't recall at this moment, so that one can put the whole thing in its proper context before attempting a particular narrative. Thanx, you're always a source of valuable and tangible information not to mention relevant insights .
Jersey*Girl, I looked around to find out what's involved in removing decals and there are loads of information on this issue. Talking in generalities, the task of removing decals it's proportional to the type of decal, the chemical components and materials used to make it stick and the amount of time the decal has been in place thus some can be peeled off relatively easy while other may take a while depending also of what tools are used and if any. I would add personally that as far as adhesives go, the degree of bonding to a particular surface is also effected by various external factors ranging from pollutants in the air all the way to temperature and other such weather related conditions with many others in between. In the case of the H3, you've said that there are indications that the decals had been "scraped" or "removed professionally". Clearly scraped is not necessarily equal to "removed professionally", especially within the confinement of this particular case and the conditions in which everything unfolds here, thus the amount of time may be dramatically different between the two.

It would be helpful if you were to be specific as to who made these particular statements on the issue of the decals and the relationship between what may be factual and what may be subjective judgements since I can't recall at this moment, so that one can put the whole thing in its proper context before attempting a particular narrative. Thanx, you're always a source of valuable and tangible information.

Hi Thor. No, I'm not actually referring to the scraping off of the flimsy part of the advertising GLOW decal. What I'm interested in is how the perp got the rhinestones off. I work w/ E6000 when I decorate my Havaianas flip flops w/ Swarovski crystals. It saves me almost $150 to adhere these crystals myself. I've been doing it for 3 years & haven't lost a crystal yet (from falling off a flip flop). This is just E6000, not even a professional glue as I simply buy it at Walmart. What I'm saying is that its hard as heck to pull 1 of these crystals off, or even scrape off. So imo superglue wasn't used to adhere these crystals to her rear window bc a window will go through various climate changes & a glue used on such has to hold up to those elements. Were the crystals embedded into the decal? Or glued ontop of the decal? If they were embedded into the decal then would that decal have to be thicker in depth than just your average decal pasted onto a window? I mean, rhinestones/crystals have weight. I'm thinking the decal would have to be a bit sturdier than your average decal bc of the use of the crystals, & considering there were multiple crystals used it had to have weight to it. At least I'd think so. ;) That's why I was focused on the use of "professionally removed". Who said this in the interview? Was it her boyfriend? Idk as I didn't remember this.
I just read this last night.

RORY O`NEILL, REPORTER, METRO NETWORKS, COVERING STORY: Well, that`s -- the inventory list from the car has not been released. But one interesting detail, there was an advertising slogan on the back window of that big Hummer. And that had been scraped away and her current boyfriend said it almost looked like it had been removed professionally in some ways.


Hat tip Sparky...

Thor, this is what I was referring to. I didn't remember this interview. Sparky found it. I don't know who was speaking in the interview but it was said her current boyfriend mentioned this bit of info.
I mean, Rory is obviously speaking... I used the wrong choice of words. What I'm asking is I wonder where Rory got this info. Was it something Nathan said himself in an interview? Was it something somebody else told Rory that Nathan said? The context & format is what I'm looking for. I'm trying to find it on the net, maybe I'll get lucky...
psst, was the current boyfriend cleared? I honestly can't recall, just curious...

yes or no, will suffice.
Hat tip Sparky...

Thor, this is what I was referring to. I didn't remember this interview. Sparky found it. I don't know who was speaking in the interview but it was said her current boyfriend mentioned this bit of info.

I never read or heard this one either. Maybe the way the sticker was removed it didn't damage the window and that is what they or Nathan means by it looking like it was professionaly removed? IDK So it was scraped off, hmmm. So how much time did that take? Minutes, or half hour? I still think that the taking of the Glow sticker was for more than one reason. JMO.
thanks Sparky...I didn't want to go where I didn't need to go , ya know...I did wonder.

this may sound dumb, but is there anyway someone could have climbed in the back of her Hummer with out her knowing? And been hidden there?
thanks Sparky...I didn't want to go where I didn't need to go , ya know...I did wonder.

this may sound dumb, but is there anyway someone could have climbed in the back of her Hummer with out her knowing? And been hidden there?

Sure it's possible, but the car seats , I'm sure were in the backseat, so maybe thru the back window? But then it was probably locked. All JMO of course.

There's just no news, except I saw her sister is planning her wedding. And you know how sad that's gonna be without Michelle. I wish something would give. :(
this is old news, but im wondering if any other info came out in reguards to these snippets.....

Sources told WFTV there was little or no evidence found in the SUV. Also, a bloodhound was brought in but never discovered a viable scent to follow, investigators said

"I went in a crack house today, first time in my life, looking for my daughter," said Stewart.



Any insight to the Crackhouse comment by Michelle's mother? Did Michelle have a drug problem along with Dale Jr?

I also read there was 72 minutes from the time of michelle's arrival to the time DS Jr arrived at his parents house. Hmm....is the 72 Mins according to dales 4pm time or the truth time in the video showing michelle's arrival?

Idk what my post is about......just going back over old ground and finding a few things that i didnt before and now my head is swimming, sigh.

Interesting About the decal
Before now I didn't think about scraping and all the pieces.....and the stones.......

I guess none was recovered from the walden parking lot....
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