FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #23

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Well IMO....we will all be shocked when the wrongful death trial goes forward. JMO but I BET there is more than ENOUGH circumstantial evidence held by the family to prove BEYOND a reasonable doubt that Dale was the REASON and CAUSE for Michelle's disappearance and death....Shelly deserves MUCH better and the twinners deserve MUCH better. If the would just tell us where he hid her....we could give the family the closure they need.

What a coward! I guess when you live a criminal life and get away with stuff some choose to keep going down the wrong path rather than turning it around. Eventually it will catch up with ya. Just ask OJ, Aaron Hernandez, and Josh Powell. Dale is cut from that same cloth...a murderer and coward! All JMO and all that Jazz...

Hi Jazz, I honestly don't know what u're talking about, practically speaking that is, and I'm not talking about ur personal opinions about DS which r yours and that's that, but some of us here have been waiting for a real break in this case for a long time and there is no public information about what's going on and that was the point of my post which u replied to. Specifically on the civil case, whether it goes forward or not it's a matter of a court ruling and we have no information about that either.

Now, my original point was not what DS deserves or not deserve, whether he's guilty or not guilty, whether is a coward or not, who the twiners should live with or not, all topics we have discussed over and over and over again, and notwithstanding that you're aware that I don't like to participate in discussions where people are called names, and if u need to take the occasion of my post to reassert ur feelings in this matters I can understand it in an emotional sense but practically speaking it's a monumental waste of time in the context of my original post which was specifically about the role of the police and when would it be reasonable for them to inform the public about what's going on in the investigation which as far far as we know seems to have gotten cold, and that can't be a good thing no matter what anyone thinks about DS and whatever. If you care to comment about the point of my post I'd like to hear your thoughts on that.
The one single fact that has bothered me for a long time now here is the role of the police. Yes I know that as far as investigations are concerned, it's often the case that details of an active investigation are best kept out of the public sphere for obvious reasons .. fair enough, however in this case it has always struck me as quite odd that the police have never released one single solitary piece of evidence that directly implicates anyone in this case. Surely there's a group of people here and I guess elsewhere who believe that DS did it, and for what I know that might very well happen to be correct, but none of it amounts to anything of significance one way or the other without concrete evidence from which to build a case and to achieve the most important outcome here which is to find Michelle.

Now, my question would be how long is long enough until continuing on doing the same thing or possibly doing nothing of further significance is a reasonable position from which to expect a different result? Somebody most likely saw something, somebody possibly has seen something of significance but it's not consciously able to put together the proverbial 2 + 2 ... and yet nothing is known publicly outside of the broad outline of Michelle disappearance, nothing is known outside the million and one ways DS might/should/could have done it minus all the evidence necessary to prove it ... and after 2 years we haven't taken one measurable, concrete, definable step further along then we were at the beginning.

Thus, to pick up on my original point, this whole thing to me begs on fundamental question: how long (if ever) the police should release the "evidence" they have (if any)? When are they going to answer the question of what they have done, are doing or plan to do? Assuming this case doesn't break, is it after 3 years? Four? Five? Ten? At what point are they going to try to enlist the help of potential eyewitness by releasing possibly consequential information? Or are we going to be satisfied to occasionally lament Michelle not having been found or to simply make broad statements of guilt by a specific party and beliefs of sure resolutions notwithstanding one single solitary direct evidence to that effect?
Unfortunately there is no set amount of time that must pass in order for LE agencies involved in a missing person/homicide investigation to begin to publicly release more evidence(be it a tiny morsel or evidence or a heaping mound of evidence) in hopes to progress the case..

It is varying up and down the entire spectrum as to the when(appropriate time passed) and what(actual info/details re:the case) a LE agency chooses to go at the investigation differently in involving the public when they've seen the route taken thus far is getting them nowhere.. Some agencies are much more apt to involve the public and have seen where the public can be of great importance in assisting them in especially a case that's grown cold..but then more often than not you have investigators that just do not at all have a realistic gauge on how the public can be used to assist their investigation.. Sadly, so many times we see it where essentially the investigators see the public/media much more as a nuisance and there for a negative, rather than having an understanding of how they can actually use the public/media to their great advantage and be a major positive..:sigh:

Again the spectrum is vast and widely ranging as to how LE agencies go about handling missing person/homicide cases that have increasingly grown cold.. Some are just flat out unwilling to go about their investigating techniques differently..there for sadly continue stuck in that rut, spinning tires, and the victim's family having the light at the end of the tunnel appear to be dimming rather than growing brighter..again :sigh:

I certainly hope for Michelle's so very many loved ones that this LE agency is open to trying different avenues wrt their solving this case..the public/media being used in a way that could eventually bring about resolve and there for closure.. IMO its at that proverbial fork in the road point in regards to Michelle's case.. Will this LE be willing to work a different angle in choosing to actually use the public/media to help??... Or will they be as so many are, stubborn, stuck in their ways, and continuing to see the public/media as a negative hindrance and there for unwilling to open up even the tiniest bit in releasing specific information in hopes of progressing the case??

Only time will tell..

God bless all of those who love and miss Shelly, my continued prayers for her to be found, laid to rest, and justice served firmly and swiftly upon those responsible for extinguishing the bright and vibrant light of Michelle's life here on this earth..
I Always thought that LE named him POI because he fit the profile of someone who would most likely harm Michelle. He was also the last person known to have been with her. I have racked my brains over the time frame or lack of it I should say, in which he could have killed, disposed of her and still got home in the time stated. Not to mention he had babies, and two cars, a body, clean up and god knows what else to contend with. But with help, reliable help it is conceivable that he managed to pull this off. But the question remains, where is Michelle? I see so many stories lately of bodies being found, and they are found anywhere from months to a couple of yrs later. I don't think he had a lot of planning with this, If he did this, and there fore; she will be found if she is dead. My only concern is that when and if she is found dead, what will be left to convict someone of this crime? What evidence will remain? People get away with murder, they do, and it is hard to accept it, but you can't drive yourself crazy, you have to know that there is something bigger than us, some one bigger to answer too. Some times they don't see justice until they die.
Unfortunately there is no set amount of time that must pass in order for LE agencies involved in a missing person/homicide investigation to begin to publicly release more evidence(be it a tiny morsel or evidence or a heaping mound of evidence) in hopes to progress the case..

It is varying up and down the entire spectrum as to the when(appropriate time passed) and what(actual info/details re:the case) a LE agency chooses to go at the investigation differently in involving the public when they've seen the route taken thus far is getting them nowhere.. Some agencies are much more apt to involve the public and have seen where the public can be of great importance in assisting them in especially a case that's grown cold..but then more often than not you have investigators that just do not at all have a realistic gauge on how the public can be used to assist their investigation.. Sadly, so many times we see it where essentially the investigators see the public/media much more as a nuisance and there for a negative, rather than having an understanding of how they can actually use the public/media to their great advantage and be a major positive..:sigh:

Again the spectrum is vast and widely ranging as to how LE agencies go about handling missing person/homicide cases that have increasingly grown cold.. Some are just flat out unwilling to go about their investigating techniques differently..there for sadly continue stuck in that rut, spinning tires, and the victim's family having the light at the end of the tunnel appear to be dimming rather than growing brighter..again :sigh:

I certainly hope for Michelle's so very many loved ones that this LE agency is open to trying different avenues wrt their solving this case..the public/media being used in a way that could eventually bring about resolve and there for closure.. IMO its at that proverbial fork in the road point in regards to Michelle's case.. Will this LE be willing to work a different angle in choosing to actually use the public/media to help??... Or will they be as so many are, stubborn, stuck in their ways, and continuing to see the public/media as a negative hindrance and there for unwilling to open up even the tiniest bit in releasing specific information in hopes of progressing the case??

Only time will tell..

God bless all of those who love and miss Shelly, my continued prayers for her to be found, laid to rest, and justice served firmly and swiftly upon those responsible for extinguishing the bright and vibrant light of Michelle's life here on this earth..

"Only time will tell.."

But it's precisely time I fear we are running out of. There's got to be a measure of accountability for everyone at least at some point. This is not to criticize the investigators who I need to believe are decent people trying to to do their job, nor is it an attempt to second guess their professionalism and competency for it's own sake, but every position I ever held has always come with a necessary degree of scrutiny and I don't believe that a job, any job, should come without scrutiny and challenges, especially those involving public held ones and particularly those involving public safety.

To go from the highly philosophical and broad to the more specific and practical, it is IMO improbable that Michelle simply vanished into thin air without someone, anyone, having noticed something that might or might not be of crucial importance in finding her. Consider an huge vehicle such as the H3, being moved from point A to point B and may be C and D ... a young and attractive woman abducted in broad daylight, almost surely within a relatively short period of time from her last known location, an undetermined crime scene filled with people and vehicles coming and going, and no one seemingly noticing anything? What are the chances of that? IMO Most likely someone knows something and does not realize it or worse, someone is not talking. To then even after two years of achieving nothing of investigative consequence, at least as far as we know, to be content to continue on believing that tomorrow ... the next day ... soon surely .... this case will be solved, is IMO hard to comprehend, and a strategic blunder of serious consequences. One cannot substitute facts with hopes, evidence with beliefs, hunches with tangible discoveries, Michelle is missing and has not been found, the perp(s) are free and have not been prosecuted, that is the reality, 2 years have passed since the event, and those are the only facts that count, the only reality that is tangible, provable and significant, and if those very facts are not a wake up call to those in charge to change their strategy, then I fear that all the talk on this board and all this trust in the police, all these finger pointing toward a single suspect is not nearly going to be enough to bring Michelle home and to give this poor family the justice and closure they surely deserve.
"Only time will tell.."

But it's precisely time I fear we are running out of. There's got to be a measure of accountability for everyone at least at some point. This is not to criticize the investigators who I need to believe are decent people trying to to do their job, nor is it an attempt to second guess their professionalism and competency for it's own sake, but every position I ever held has always come with a necessary degree of scrutiny and I don't believe that a job, any job, should come without scrutiny and challenges, especially those involving public held ones and particularly those involving public safety.

To go from the highly philosophical and broad to the more specific and practical, it is IMO improbable that Michelle simply vanished into thin air without someone, anyone, having noticed something that might or might not be of crucial importance in finding her. Consider an huge vehicle such as the H3, being moved from point A to point B and may be C and D ... a young and attractive woman abducted in broad daylight, almost surely within a relatively short period of time from her last known location, an undetermined crime scene filled with people and vehicles coming and going, and no one seemingly noticing anything? What are the chances of that? IMO Most likely someone knows something and does not realize it or worse, someone is not talking. To then even after two years of achieving nothing of investigative consequence, at least as far as we know, to be content to continue on believing that tomorrow ... the next day ... soon surely .... this case will be solved, is IMO hard to comprehend, and a strategic blunder of serious consequences. One cannot substitute facts with hopes, evidence with beliefs, hunches with tangible discoveries, Michelle is missing and has not been found, the perp(s) are free and have not been prosecuted, that is the reality, 2 years have passed since the event, and those are the only facts that count, the only reality that is tangible, provable and significant, and if those very facts are not a wake up call to those in charge to change their strategy, then I fear that all the talk on this board and all this trust in the police, all these finger pointing toward a single suspect is not nearly going to be enough to bring Michelle home and to give this poor family the justice and closure they surely deserve.

When you have a violent dishonorably discharged ex-marine who had DEATH training and plenty of time to kill and dispose of our beloved Michelle while covering his tracks it is little surprise he has gotten away with it THUS far...it will catch up with him...that was my point.

He has such a violent past with his relationships!!!!!! From his physical abuse of his ex-wife to the beating he and his GANG did on a lifeguard from Wet N Wild and then he had his little buddy stab and kill the guy. He mentally and physically abused Michelle and his children...YES WE KNOW WHO KILLED MICHELLE!!!!! It is a CLEAR as day. DALE SMITH JR is a KILLER and he covered his tracks....LE has been bent over backwards to solve this and you are right someone did see Dale do this...some helped him!!! He is a NARCISSISTIC killer who likes dressing up as a STORM TROOPER. WHO will be his next VICTIM????? This must end soon so the family can get some closure! All JMO
Hi Jazz, I honestly don't know what u're talking about, practically speaking that is, and I'm not talking about ur personal opinions about DS which r yours and that's that, but some of us here have been waiting for a real break in this case for a long time and there is no public information about what's going on and that was the point of my post which u replied to. Specifically on the civil case, whether it goes forward or not it's a matter of a court ruling and we have no information about that either.

Now, my original point was not what DS deserves or not deserve, whether he's guilty or not guilty, whether is a coward or not, who the twiners should live with or not, all topics we have discussed over and over and over again, and notwithstanding that you're aware that I don't like to participate in discussions where people are called names, and if u need to take the occasion of my post to reassert ur feelings in this matters I can understand it in an emotional sense but practically speaking it's a monumental waste of time in the context of my original post which was specifically about the role of the police and when would it be reasonable for them to inform the public about what's going on in the investigation which as far far as we know seems to have gotten cold, and that can't be a good thing no matter what anyone thinks about DS and whatever. If you care to comment about the point of my post I'd like to hear your thoughts on that.
IMO LE have done a fine and outstanding job keeping the family abreast of what's going on. MM is a fine detective and knows how to work a case. There are a lot of things being left out intentionally and if Dale knew exactly what has been collected it may make him do something stupid which NONE of us want. LE releases info to the public strategically. They obviously do not owe the public any explanations as long as they are keeping the most important people...family...up to speed. Dale is obsessive and compulsive and can fly off the handle without a moment's notice. This guy has a history of drugs and beating women...we don't want another Josh Powell situation as I believe Dale is VERY capable of repeating. I DOUBT he has any concern for the well being of his children or he'd let the grandparents see the kids. Michelle's mother, father, sisters, brothers, and the twins older brother have not seen those kids!!!!! True colors are being SHOWN here! All JMO
IMO LE have done a fine and outstanding job keeping the family abreast of what's going on. MM is a fine detective and knows how to work a case. There are a lot of things being left out intentionally and if Dale knew exactly what has been collected it may make him do something stupid which NONE of us want. LE releases info to the public strategically. They obviously do not owe the public any explanations as long as they are keeping the most important people...family...up to speed. Dale is obsessive and compulsive and can fly off the handle without a moment's notice. This guy has a history of drugs and beating women...we don't want another Josh Powell situation as I believe Dale is VERY capable of repeating. I DOUBT he has any concern for the well being of his children or he'd let the grandparents see the kids. Michelle's mother, father, sisters, brothers, and the twins older brother have not seen those kids!!!!! True colors are being SHOWN here! All JMO

"... MM is a fine detective and knows how to work a case ..."

I have no way to evaluate any investigator's job performance given that I have little insight on how this investigation has been conducted, not to mention that I haven't been asked to do so by anyone. However if the issue you raise here is one of competency, as a general rule, I would need real and verifiable information, facts and independent insights before making a judgement and no information is available on the public record that I'm aware of, that directly addresses those factors.

"... They obviously do not owe the public any explanations as long as they are keeping the most important people...family...up to speed..."

IMO that is true but only to a point and then cease to be true or even altogether reasonable. While there might be legitimate investigative and strategic reasons to not disclose facts and evidence, in whole or in part, about a particular case, unavoidably it does come a time where such information should be released IMO. Especially where the issue is one of public safety, which policing is all about, then public scrutiny is not only warranted but to be demanded, because Michelle's case could be very similar tomorrow to that of our child, our mother, father, sister, brother, friend and anyone else we deeply care about, therefore I and you and everybody here has a very direct and legitimate reason to want to know how effective is our police department, their methodology, their investigative successes and failures, the people that work in that organization, the adequacy of funding to do the job and so on and on. and that would not be any different say ... to want to know what's going on in your school and the teachers that educate our children, in this case would be called teacher evaluation, a process which every educator and the public at large is familiar with ... educators are not particularly less professional then police officers and if anything it usually takes a lot more educational achievements ... a Master Degree to get a simple appointment in an HS and a full PhD plus the requirement to at least periodically publish an extensive article somewhere or even a book depending of the caliber of the institution one aspires for tenure, and yet they need to answer for their teaching methods and achievements to the governing boards, their respective head of the department, the parents ... the public, ultimately everyone is required to prove their worth, not with personal opinions but with demonstrable facts ... facts ... opinions ... facts ... opinions ... facts ... opinions ... two different concepts often interrelated but two different standards not to be confused with one another.

To go from the academic to the practical, and to return to the specifics of our issue here, IMO after 2 years there ought to be no measure of credibility left to the idea that this case is going to break at any point save for a specific and lucky twist of fate and assuming that no game changer is introduced, if this was an issue of a failing sport team and one was its biggest fan with the power to make changes, one would need to change the cheerleaders, then some of the players, then the coach, then the owners, and not necessarily in that order, but surely one would not insist on doing that which has been tried before while expecting different results, or at the very least one ought to entertain the possibility of being wrong about this or that and try to figure out which ... because change implies something different and not a doubling down on that which has failed by simply reiterating that which has not materialized factually or has not come to pass when predicted, which leads me to my original question for anyone else here who cares to answer it: assuming there's no break in the case when is it time for a reevaluation of long held beliefs and strategy about this case by the police? When is it time for the public to demand that the police concretely and specifically account for their work in this case? Is it ever? Is it now, after 2 years? 3 years? 4 Years? When?
It was 20 years before LE and MSM released a name (not a POI) but a name of someone they talked to after Jennifer Odom's death. That was a few months back. I think the only reason they did, was because they were searching the property for a missing blue truck that was seen when she disappeared. He was questioned 4 months after her murder, but they keep it close to the vest for 20 yrs. He has since moved to Alaska, but they know where he is, and can call on him at any time. So I think this is the same for Michelle's case. Without PROOF, real Proof connecting him to her murder, they can't just drag him in. Jennifer's body was found, but no DNA because it rained for the 6 days she lay outside in a ditch. :(
Did we ever find out about Dale's sketchy activities on Craig's list where he was contacting men and women about dating???? Did we ever find out if he was placing ads or just contacting people who already placed them? IMO He seems to be into crossdressers and a buncha KINKY stuff based on FB and other pictures out there. His sexual activities caused strife in he and Shelly's relationship....so it makes you wonder how deep this goes... ALL JMO
Did we ever find out about Dale's sketchy activities on Craig's list where he was contacting men and women about dating???? Did we ever find out if he was placing ads or just contacting people who already placed them? IMO He seems to be into crossdressers and a buncha KINKY stuff based on FB and other pictures out there. His sexual activities caused strife in he and Shelly's relationship....so it makes you wonder how deep this goes... ALL JMO

Wow. I was so surprised and hopeful when I read an entire post upthread and it didn't include petty snark about Dale's interests and hobbies. Sigh. Spoke too soon.

So what if Dale does or doesn't have bisexual interests?? How in the world would that make him more or less likely a murderer? IT DOESN'T.

So what if Dale does or doesn't like to dress in feminine clothing as well as Stormtrooper armor? How does that make him more or less likely a murderer?? IT DOESN'T.

This talk reminds me of people who think gay folks are sexually deviant pedophiles. It's fear-based immature behavior based on ignorant close-minded stereotypes.

There's also this presumption about what the issues were in their relationship. Is there some sort of something you can link to or is that your opinion?

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Wow. I was so surprised and hopeful when I read an entire post upthread and it didn't include petty snark about Dale's interests and hobbies. Sigh. Spoke too soon.

So what if Dale does or doesn't have bisexual interests?? How in the world would that make him more or less likely a murderer? IT DOESN'T.

So what if Dale does or doesn't like to dress in feminine clothing as well as Stormtrooper armor? How does that make him more or less likely a murderer?? IT DOESN'T.

This talk reminds me of people who think gay folks are sexually deviant pedophiles. It's fear-based immature behavior based on ignorant close-minded stereotypes.

There's also this presumption about what the issues were in their relationship. Is there some sort of something you can link to or is that your opinion?

I concur. It doesn't. Not now. Not without evidence. It's mere gossip and irrelevant to finding Michelle which is, I reckon, the purpose of this thread.

One of the reasons I stop following Missing Person cases is because so much is dealt within the realm of speculation. Me? Give me evidence --- even if circumstancial, but evidence. Not a hunch, a maybe maybe, a but but, etc. Evidence makes a case. Suspicion makes people crazy.

I concur. It doesn't. Not now. Not without evidence. It's mere gossip and irrelevant to finding Michelle which is, I reckon, the purpose of this thread.

One of the reasons I stop following Missing Person cases is because so much is dealt within the realm of speculation. Me? Give me evidence --- even if circumstancial, but evidence. Not a hunch, a maybe maybe, a but but, etc. Evidence makes a case. Suspicion makes people crazy.


I concur, I'm also afraid that to keep on turning any attempt to express any thoughts on this tragedy into a Dale Smith issue is the reason why many people have stopped participating in this thread and that must be diametrically opposed to the intent of those who are very adamant in believing that Dale is responsible for this crime. Ultimately no amount of name calling and invectives against a particular suspect is going to change the fact that only evidence is going to bring a resolution of this case, as you have correctly suggested in not so many words, and to appear to be fair and mature about your opinions is usually the best way to attract people to your ideas, insofar as one comes across as wanting to drive a point for it's own sake and when people fall prey of their own emotions and turn a conversation into intransigent camps talking past each other punctuated by insults and recriminations, the whole exercise becomes unproductive and serves only the individual needs of the participants.

Having said all of that, stay tuned for more name calling :eek: ... it's just the way it is for better or worse as your own individual beliefs might suggest.

I concur, I'm also afraid that to keep on turning any attempt to express any thoughts on this tragedy into a Dale Smith issue is the reason why many people have stopped participating in this thread and that must be diametrically opposed to the intent of those who are very adamant in believing that Dale is responsible for this crime. Ultimately no amount of name calling and invectives against a particular suspect is going to change the fact that only evidence is going to bring a resolution of this case, as you have correctly suggested in not so many words, and to appear to be fair and mature about your opinions is usually the best way to attract people to your ideas, insofar as one comes across as wanting to drive a point for it's own sake and when people fall prey of their own emotions and turn a conversation into intransigent camps talking past each other punctuated by insults and recriminations, the whole exercise becomes unproductive and serves only the individual needs of the participants.

Having said all of that, stay tuned for more name calling :eek: ... it's just the way it is for better or worse as your own individual beliefs might suggest.


Well I for one enjoy reading here along with the various OPINIONS. Unfortunately without more from LE we are left to speculate, extrapolate, analyze, overanalyze, and all that in search of the answers...

No one can CLEAR Dale Smith Jr, except Dale....but he is too cowardly to do that. He hides behind his high powered attorneys and has moved on like Michelle never existed. It's a shame. If we had another suspect we could turn our attention elsewhere but we can't because there is ONLY ONE and has only been ONE suspect since the case first broke...

I have been saying it since day one: figure out what Dale did to Michelle and we can find her. If we take Dale out of the picture, it is near impossible to find her unless someone just stumbles over her...

Now based on online pictures and MSM reports of his Craig's List activities, along with other things we have discussed here and stuff I have found out, IMO his sexuality very well played into Michelle's death. It is not because of the sexuality he is a murderer but his activities (role play, violence, past murders, past mental and physical abuse he lashed out, past drug abuse, and his entire dysfunctional history) all played a role in why and how he killed Michelle Parker. He may be a free man in terms of the law but he will never be free from this horrible killing he committed...he will carry this burden until he meets G-d. MAY HE FOREVER BE TORMENTED until he confesses his sins. ALL JMO
Well I for one enjoy reading here along with the various OPINIONS. Unfortunately without more from LE we are left to speculate, extrapolate, analyze, overanalyze, and all that in search of the answers...

No one can CLEAR Dale Smith Jr, except Dale....but he is too cowardly to do that. He hides behind his high powered attorneys and has moved on like Michelle never existed. It's a shame. If we had another suspect we could turn our attention elsewhere but we can't because there is ONLY ONE and has only been ONE suspect since the case first broke...

I have been saying it since day one: figure out what Dale did to Michelle and we can find her. If we take Dale out of the picture, it is near impossible to find her unless someone just stumbles over her...

Now based on online pictures and MSM reports of his Craig's List activities, along with other things we have discussed here and stuff I have found out, IMO his sexuality very well played into Michelle's death. It is not because of the sexuality he is a murderer but his activities (role play, violence, past murders, past mental and physical abuse he lashed out, past drug abuse, and his entire dysfunctional history) all played a role in why and how he killed Michelle Parker. He may be a free man in terms of the law but he will never be free from this horrible killing he committed...he will carry this burden until he meets G-d. MAY HE FOREVER BE TORMENTED until he confesses his sins. ALL JMO

How is Dale supposed to "clear himself?"

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How is Dale supposed to "clear himself?"

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Dale could start by being honest and telling exactly what happened that day...take a LDT and cooperate with LE...that would be a GOOD start. He is hiding the TRUTH and knows he can't tell the truth or he will go to jail....so i get why is a liar and coward. It makes sense. I just wish he'd anonymously tell someone where she is so the family could get closure... ALL JMO
Maybe Dale could dress in one of his bizarre costumes and go into "character"... and describe what happened that day..maybe he could spill his guts that way. Maybe break back into his "Buck Fuddy" persona... Buck, are you still there?
Dale could start by being honest and telling exactly what happened that day...take a LDT and cooperate with LE...that would be a GOOD start. He is hiding the TRUTH and knows he can't tell the truth or he will go to jail....so i get why is a liar and coward. It makes sense. I just wish he'd anonymously tell someone where she is so the family could get closure... ALL JMO

That sure would be nice, we can certainly agree on that :) I wonder what would happen if he took a ldt and passed?

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That sure would be nice, we can certainly agree on that :) I wonder what would happen if he took a ldt and passed?

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IF he did that and passed IMO it would go a LONG way in clearing his name. I pray for the twinners sake he had NOTHING to do with this....but based on all I have seen, I find it nearly impossible that he played NO ROLE in her disappearance and death...
Ya know what I find odd, the fact that the show aired and no one was there watching it with Dale. I get why Michelle didn't want to see it, but Dale is a guy and he has friends and family and if I was on T.V. even that show, I would have been watching it with someone. Like a buddy or a family member. Not that it means anything either way, just say'n.
IF he did that and passed IMO it would go a LONG way in clearing his name. I pray for the twinners sake he had NOTHING to do with this....but based on all I have seen, I find it nearly impossible that he played NO ROLE in her disappearance and death...

Are you sure it wouldn't just become, "it doesn't matter that he passed--as an ex-marine, he knows how to control bodily functions" and/or "it doesn't matter that he passed, ldt aren't admissible in court for good reason and that's because they are unreliable."

I can't blame him for not taking a ldt...he's likely damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. JMO

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