FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #23

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Houston Mom good god! I can't believe it; another blue barrel. Wonder if DP took any long trips we were unaware of. Trenton Duckett hasn't been found yet either.
So, I've been following the Yessenia Suarez case because I live in the area. Her just-charged husband claims to have skills in martial arts and says he killed her with a single blow to the neck.


Though he initially denied involvement, in later interviews with investigators Toledo "admitted that while arguing with Suarez" Tuesday night, "she became aggressive and so he struck her in the throat with an open hand and she subsequently died from the blow."

And here the Prime Suspect in Michelle's case is an ex-marine most likely trained in martial arts. That's what immediately occurred to me...just how easily a blow to the neck could kill a person.

In the recent case of the missing mother and children in Deltona, the husband, who is trained in martial arts, claims that he killed his wife with one blow to the throat in a heated argument. I suppose an ex Marine would have the same capability?


ETA: I see we had the same idea What's That Clue.
Houston Mom good god! I can't believe it; another blue barrel. Wonder if DP took any long trips we were unaware of. Trenton Duckett hasn't been found yet either.

Who is DP? Did you mean Dale Smith, the Prime Suspect in this case? Tho DSjr is the father of the twins, Michelle wasn't married to him so..well, I'm easily confused and assume you thought he was Dale Parker?

Who is DP? Did you mean Dale Smith, the Prime Suspect in this case? Tho DSjr is the father of the twins, Michelle wasn't married to him so..well, I'm easily confused and assume you thought he was Dale Parker?


DP is Drew Peterson, and the blue container comment is in reference to the fact that there were several different witness accounts of Drew moving a large blue barrel type container from his home in the days following his 4th wife's (Stacy Peterson) disappearance.

HTH :)
DP is Drew Peterson, and the blue container comment is in reference to the fact that there were several different witness accounts of Drew moving a large blue barrel type container from his home in the days following his 4th wife's (Stacy Peterson) disappearance.

HTH :)

Thanks! I wasn't as familiar with that case and, as I said, I am easily confused. :) Plus, it had happened before that someone thought the Prime Suspect was Dale Parker because that's Michelle's last name and they had twins together.
Oh yeah, the blue container thing is quite a coincidence! Thank you!
Who is DP? Did you mean Dale Smith, the Prime Suspect in this case? Tho DSjr is the father of the twins, Michelle wasn't married to him so..well, I'm easily confused and assume you thought he was Dale Parker?


Lol sorry I am an abbrv freak of nature...Drew Peterson. Blue Barrel, StacyP.
Still missing; as is her mother. Sorry 'bout that!:banghead:
They found a body near the intersection of OBT and Oak Ridge Road. There are no details yet.


I'm a clueless wonder too~ CW and when I read the headline I thought "oh did someone off Casey Anthony?" I've seen several crimes; just random crimes in FL and I always think the same thing: Did someone off her...then I feel disappointed that it wasn't her. I know, that's awful but hey. Aquittal does not Equal Innocense! OT sorry but wanted to share that; does anyone else think this when they read FL crime or news? Or is it just me; still wishing for some type of justice for little Caylee.
DP is Drew Peterson, and the blue container comment is in reference to the fact that there were several different witness accounts of Drew moving a large blue barrel type container from his home in the days following his 4th wife's (Stacy Peterson) disappearance.

HTH :)

Hey Thanks Sarah; I hadn't came back in to read until this morning :) :loveyou:
The body is male. Apparently, a man was shot and killed. That's less than a mile from Dale Smith's house. Odd coincidence, I guess.

Well, that's unfortunate for the male. :( But see how we never lose hope in finding Michelle and will never stop looking! NGU!
I'm a clueless wonder too~ CW and when I read the headline I thought "oh did someone off Casey Anthony?" I've seen several crimes; just random crimes in FL and I always think the same thing: Did someone off her...then I feel disappointed that it wasn't her. I know, that's awful but hey. Aquittal does not Equal Innocense! OT sorry but wanted to share that; does anyone else think this when they read FL crime or news? Or is it just me; still wishing for some type of justice for little Caylee.

" ... Aquittal does not Equal Innocense! ...."

If acquittal does not equal innocence what does? Perhaps some universal meeting of all minds agreeing on the single question of innocent or not innocent? Acquittal or conviction is society's way to lay to rest the issue of guilty vs. not guilty in all that is practical, it doesn't mean innocence in the exact sense of the word, but it's functionally equal to it, and the two are a distinction without a difference based on semantics and in favor of an argument for it's own sake as an alternative to the idea of proving culpability or not based on evidence not merely opinions through a process we can all (or almost all) agree with and support and that we all are nevertheless bound to legally and morally, for when it comes simply to opinions, people will always disagree on just about anything under the sun as long as we have the breath, available time and the inclination to do so.

Where Michelle is the real issue in this particular thread, I still lament that if DS is culpable then he still hasn't been made accountable for his crime, if somebody else is culpable he/she/they haven't been found, that Michelle herself hasn't been found, and by now I particularly and primarily lament that I don't see anywhere I look any practical efforts to make the police accountable for their work, be that past, present or future, that there seem to be no practical strategy to change the trajectory of this case above and beyond that which might occur by mere chance and general wishful thinking, and where to this date this case remains a failure upon a failure on top of yet more failures, I can scarcely imagine the horror that must be to those that have been touched by this tragedy up-close and personal. JMO
" ... Aquittal does not Equal Innocense! ...."

If acquittal does not equal innocence what does? Perhaps some universal meeting of all minds agreeing on the single question of innocent or not innocent? Acquittal or conviction is society's way to lay to rest the issue of guilty vs. not guilty in all that is practical, it doesn't mean innocence in the exact sense of the word, but it's functionally equal to it, and the two are a distinction without a difference based on semantics and in favor of an argument for it's own sake as an alternative to the idea of proving culpability or not based on evidence not merely opinions through a process we can all (or almost all) agree with and support and that we all are nevertheless bound to legally and morally, for when it comes simply to opinions, people will always disagree on just about anything under the sun as long as we have the breath, available time and the inclination to do so.

Where Michelle is the real issue in this particular thread, I still lament that if DS is culpable then he still hasn't been made accountable for his crime, if somebody else is culpable he/she/they haven't been found, that Michelle herself hasn't been found, and by now I particularly and primarily lament that I don't see anywhere I look any practical efforts to make the police accountable for their work, be that past, present or future, that there seem to be no practical strategy to change the trajectory of this case above and beyond that which might occur by mere chance and general wishful thinking, and where to this date this case remains a failure upon a failure on top of yet more failures, I can scarcely imagine the horror that must be to those that have been touched by this tragedy up-close and personal. JMO

Well the one thing that remains the same is Michelle is STILL missing and Dale STILL has not told LE what he did with Michelle. Even though he is a killer, he is still free. He hasn't been arrested but is GUILTY in the court of public opinion. I like you Thor...wish our state of FL would hold Dale accountable for his actions but I take it they do not feel comfortable with the odds of a conviction. There is ENOUGH evidence to keep him as the PRIME SUSPECT but not enough for an arrest exactly where Dale wants to be.

He gets to keep the twinners and go on Craigslist with his IMO kinky habits and go to his make believe Jedi Parties without any consequences. I pray each day we find that hidden evidence and bring Michelle home so we can start the proper prosecution of Dale and those who helped make our beloved Michelle disappear! NGU! All JMO
Now Thor, you continue to comment that LE has not done enough on Michelle's case. From what I gather, MM has been in contact with the family regularly and LE continues to investigate....The trouble IMO is they botched the case in the early hours of the case and missed the opportunity to find the valuable evidence was needed. Despite what Dale wants us to believe, LE did not thoroughly search Dale's home or vehicles and missed a window of opportunity IMO.

They had Dale on the ropes as he continued lie after lie. The media released some things that IMO jeopardized the case and then Dale like the coward he is hid behind an attorney because IMO he knew his side of the story wasn't holding up.

Now LE is STUCK between a rock and a hard place....they cannot gather any new evidence from the person who made her disappear and that person had hours to destroy and hide evidence....so at this point what else can they do? That evidence is probably buried somewhere. The one person who can tell what happened that day and what he did with Michelle refuses to cooperate in the investigation. Only he and whoever else knows can shed new light on the case and they refuse to come forward.

Without a break in the case, we are left waiting for someone to stumble onto Michelle. LE and most of us know who did this but they cannot gather the necessary evidence to arrest him. Where Dale hid Michelle remains a mystery because he will not tell us what he did and where he hid Michelle. How can LE gather new info without the help of those responsible?

This heartless SOB just continues to inflict more pain on a family dealing with the loss of a wonderful woman....Dale Smith, is a selfish ex-marine who has a violent past, was dishonorably discharged from the marines, and has custody of Michelle's children even though he was and continues to be an unfit father IMO. This guy needs to brought to justice! This is all JMO.
Not to mention that LE will not put any evidence into pubic record until a trial. So we have no idea what they have or are working on.
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