FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #23

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Doesn't happen to be a drawbridge on that river there by any chance?

Hi Bern,
I found a drawbridge ...its south of where the skull was found... quessing this bridge is less than 10 miles from where skull was found

Here is a utube video of the bridge
Mathers Bridge - Low Swing Span Drawbridge in Operation, HD, Merritt Island, Florida - YouTube

Also something interesting I noted that going into the cruise terminal there was a big drawbridge and also something that looked like a lock and dam..also this canal entered into the Atlantic Ocean.

Hi Bern,
I found a drawbridge ...its south of where the skull was found... quessing this bridge is less than 10 miles from where skull was found

Here is a utube video of the bridge
Mathers Bridge - Low Swing Span Drawbridge in Operation, HD, Merritt Island, Florida - YouTube

Also something interesting I noted that going into the cruise terminal there was a big drawbridge and also something that looked like a lock and dam..also this canal entered into the Atlantic Ocean.


Thank you for finding this. Days after Michelle went missing I had 2 dreams of her, and in both dreams she had 2 woman with her. The second dream she was above a bridge with the each woman on each side of her, she was in the middle. She lifted the top of the bridge and then the dream was over. I told Sparky about it and we could only find one draw bridge, and it was by the space center. So that is why I asked. I thought maybe she was telling me that there was no "connection" to something. Because bridges connect stuff. But in the beginning I thought it was about a drawbridge. I have a drawing in my pictures here and it is the underside of the bridge I got, but figured it was about the cell phone. So I truely hope that it is not Michelle, but if it is, there maybe more woman in that river. FL is full of people gone missing and there are so many homeless that die and no one even knows they are gone, but if Michelle is dead I pray she is found for her family. Time will tell.
Thank you for sharing Bern, that is very interesting.

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thanks bern, very interesting for sure....

i had a dream that michelle was buried alive. She was partially coherant like she was waking up out of a sleep and was realizing what was happening as someone was throwing a shovel full of dirt on her, but i never saw the face of the person shoveling.

i have had alot of dreams that have came true. this is the first dream i ever had concerning a missing person

I just hope michelle comes home to her family and gets justice she so deserves!

Bumping for Michelle.

Does anyone know how long it might take to identify the skull that was found? If the jaw was missing could they just use the upper teeth for identification? TIA

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Bumping for Michelle.

Does anyone know how long it might take to identify the skull that was found? If the jaw was missing could they just use the upper teeth for identification? TIA

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Possibly. I guess it depends on what she may have had done to her upper teeth or bone structure.

"Patients that underwent antemortem dental treatments of special difficulty are often thoroughly registered, aiming at a better treatment planning and outcome. That means that dental x-rays (Figure 1) made for the diagnosis and treatment planning or study casts for the analysis of the articulation or a more or less complex prosthetic treatment plan provide information that can be compared with the cadaver’s dental status 1 . During this procedure the features that are compared are: presence or absence of teeth, the shape, size and bone peculiarities"

I was reading the comments on the FB page about the search, and if the people who say they will be "attending" on the 4th actually show up, it looks like it will be a good turn out.
I was watching a show I taped "Homicide Hunter - Joe Kenda" and there was a part in it that sort of rang a bell for me. They were looking for video to see if they could get a picture of a man who shot 5 people. In a store, a Quik Pik, the camera was hidden inside a speaker.

The first dream of Michelle, she was sitting at a table with those same women, one on each side and she said " If you want to hide something, put it in a speaker" So I have been trying for nearly a yr to figure out what that meant, along with the bridge dream. I have to wonder if there is a store or a bar or some place that keeps there video camera hidden inside a fake speaker some where between that condo and where the hummer was found. Huge long shot, but you never know. I felt I had to put this out there, just in case there is footage and it just wasn't thought about.
I'm still wondering since LE knows when and where the bogus text was sent....that they also might have retrieved video also from that area.

But then again Dale was going that way to this parent home also...(if they do have him on video)

For under $600 online I can get 6 wireless cameras with 60 days recording capacity and access to my Iphone....

How cool would that be to watch your home while your away...
this article has nothing to do with michelle, but i found it interesting the equipment the used in the search which was extremely successful according to the article.

I wonder why they dont use this technique in missing persons cases, namely michelles, and wish they would!


Using ground-penetrating radar, Kimmerle's team has located what she says appear to be 18 more remains than previously thought to have been buried there. After clearing the area, her team has determined that a total of 49 graves exist. All are unidentified

Read more: http://www.kcci.com/news/national/M...6976644/-/12oa2alz/-/index.html#ixzz29idSsuGg

Well i just got an awesome explaination concerning my post above from GrainneDhu on the Elizabeth and Lyric missing thread (post 916 thread 20 page 37) & thought i would share it..........

As to why they don't use ground penetrating radar in every case, I've learned from the Keith Bennett search forum (not on WS; run by his brother Alan). Over the years, they've used all sorts of cutting edge (at the time) technology to find Keith's body to no avail.

From that forum, I learned that ground penetrating radar equipment is rather heavy, unwieldy and delicate. Kinda looks like a super souped up lawnmower. They tried it on Saddleworth Moor and found it totally useless since the Moor is basically a huge sponge of semi-decayed vegetative matter up to 300 feet in places.

GPR works better the harder the surface it is tried on. Solid ice works great and so does pavement (used in finding the possible tomb of Richard III which was under a parking lot). Heavy clay soils and ground that is mostly rock (desert) is really good.

Where it does not do well is over ground that is moist. On the moors, they figured out that it was only penetrating about 3 inches into the ground, which was not useful (if Keith's body was 3 inches down, the ground probes would find it, no need for GPR).

GPR is also slow. When they tried it in Keith's case, they would mark out an area of about 30 feet long x 10 feet wide to check in one day.

So GPR is most useful when you have a general idea of where the body may be located and the area is as close to solid as possible.

Neither of those things apply in Elizabeth and Lyric's cases. Nor, sadly, in Keith's case (and his family has been looking for him for over 48 years now and they have not given up).

Still holding out hope for Michelle. Can't believe it has been almost a year. I hope they find her soon and she gets the justice she so deserves. I wonder about that skull. Looks like a lot of people are researching every aspect of this case. That is wonderful!
This is OT people.....but very, very chilling......frightening......it makes you wonder who else, where else, are people abusing their power & positions unknowingly.......WARNING THIS IS GRAPHIC NEWS.......... this is yahoo news and may not be accepted here, if not i appologize.......main stream media to me is probably different than here at WS and i dont know for sure what is acceptable....

A city police officer dreamed up plots to kidnap, torture, cook and eat at least 100 women whose photos, names and addresses he pulled from a confidential law enforcement database, authorities said Thursday.

Gilberto Valle's fantasies about cannibalizing women — in one, he said he hoped to "cook her over low heat, keep her alive as long as possible" — were retrieved in a trail of emails, computer files and instant messages in online fetish chat rooms, and authorities said he was arrested because he was taking steps to carry them out.

Valle had created a computer catalogue with records of at least 100 women with their names, addresses and photos, the complaint says. Some of the information came from his unauthorized use of a restricted law enforcement database, authorities said. He claimed, according to the complaint, that he knew many of them.

The complaint alleges that in February, Valle negotiated to kidnap another woman — Victim 2 — for someone else, writing, "$5,000 and she's all yours."

He told the buyer he was aspiring to be a professional kidnapper, authorities said.

"I think I would rather not get involved in the rape," the complaint said. "You paid for her. She is all yours, and I don't want to be tempted the next time I abduct a girl."

It says he added: "I will really get off on knocking her out, tying up her hands and bare feet and gagging her. Then she will be stuffed into a large piece of luggage and wheeled out to my van."

Valle's estranged wife tipped authorities off to his chilling online activity, leading to his arrest, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press, speaking on condition of anonymity because the official wasn't authorized to speak publicly about an ongoing case

I am literally sick to my stomach that we have to live amongst evil so unknowingly! Praise God that his estranged wife turned him in before he had actually done anything, well, as far as they know!

I saw this one on the news. What is going on? Kids kill kids over nothing. Policeman wants to cook his victims. People disappear without a trace, people can just keep their mouths shut about where the bodies are. Attempted lurings everyday where I live....is everybody just going.crazy? Is it the moon? The water?
I saw this one on the news. What is going on? Kids kill kids over nothing. Policeman wants to cook his victims. People disappear without a trace, people can just keep their mouths shut about where the bodies are. Attempted lurings everyday where I live....is everybody just going.crazy? Is it the moon? The water?

Some people say the "world" has always been this way, crazy, but the internet just makes it seem like its a newer thing because now we hear about everything, everywhere, in an instant.

Everyday i loose more and more trust in the human race and our future. I no longer live with rose colored glasses on thats for sure.

Hoping the upcoming search for Michelle is a success. Something inside my gut says the universe is ready to give up alot of secrets over the next months and im in great hopes that includes where Michelle is and who is responsible for her disappearance!

i have not been on here in a while, so i am not sure if this has been posted already (or if i am allowed to post, if not please delete) but michelles mother has started a petition for grandparents visitation rights in the state of florida and they need signatures. the link is below


(above quote by klh2502) sorry i had to cut and paste your quote,....

(somethings still not working right for me when i come to WS, many times the page wont load past the advertisement at the top, and i have to take many or different routes to get back to where i was & get the page to load completely, maybe i have some settings that are not right)

I hope she can accomplish her aims. I used to believe that grandparents should have some type of visitation rights in every state of the US. The powell family changed that belief for me. Now im not against it, i just dont know how the bad side of doing this would be worked out of the rules should this become a law.

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