FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #23

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Good morning :)
  • Thank you for clarifying which wife was which--yes, I was referring to Shannon, his second wife, but mistakenly referred to her as his first wife.
  • For whatever reason, it seems very important to constantly refer to Dale's interests in a disparaging manner. Whatever floats your boat, I guess, but what I was trying to get at without having to be so blunt, is that the repeated Star Wars and dress-up references aren't only unnecessary, but come across as incredibly petty and indicate that immaturity isn't a quality reserved only for Dale. Honestly, that and all the bickering on this thread are distracting and off-putting and I've found myself avoiding this thread, which is unfortunate, IMO. There are enough more weighty issues to criticize Dale about than his interests, IMO, and that gets lost in the snarky Jedi jokes. My hope was that the earnest, sincere concern for Michelle that clearly exists would outweigh the need to potentially alienate anyone who has ever owned an action figure, or attended an event with Dale. :sigh:
  • It is incredibly frustrating that Dale hasn't shared more information, because it is quite obvious he has it. However, polygraphs aren't even admissible as court evidence. And really, we should make people start having to "prove their innocence" in the US? If those suggesting that truly understand the implications, fair enough, but it kinda flies in the face of our entire judicial system.
  • Look, I want Michelle put to rest. I wish she were alive and well, and as we learned from Jaycee Dugard and the three brave ladies in Cleveland, stranger things have happened, but honestly, I just don't see that here. I would love for Michelle's loved ones to be able to have some closure. However, I'm not willing to overturn the entire US legal system in the hopes of getting that closure.
  • I definitely support Michelle's family in their ongoing struggle to gain some visitation or custody agreement with the twins.
I understand your frustration but I am not willing to give up one more personal right I have in this country. We lost lots of freedom due to 9/11 and other terrorist acts and I am fighting to keep the few I have left. Keep in mind polygraphs are only 60 to 80% correct. Innocent people fail polygraphs too, so it is a tool, but not a reliable one. That's why they don't allow them in a court of law. We are still innocent until proven guilty and I like it that way.

Sure innocent peeps fail polys but it does give LE something to go on.
They are not used in court but I feel there is something terribly wrong when someone wont take one. Or when someone lawyers up.

Polys ARE AN investigative tool!

Id bet my last dollar every one of you would want your daughters husband or BF to take a polygraph if you daughter turned up missing!

More times then not the guilty are getting away with these crimes and are laughing.... they just walk away scott free.
IMO clearly there are many people who mistake an adversarial position, say being represented by a lawyer and follow legal advises, as an indication of guilt. However, an adversarial system is key to a fair a balanced system where is the state's burden to prove guilt behind a reasonable doubt and the defendant's right to deny the prosecution that very same ability. Without that you would have a police state where everyone would possibly be better protected but where personal freedoms would be severely undermined.

In the words of Benjamin Franklyn "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety"

When it comes to polygraphs, I think Skully's point is well taken, not by simply pointing out the lack or complete reliably of such tests, but also because of it's obvious unconstitutional nature, since defendants have fundamental rights against self incrimination and that is not on a whim, it's to protect any of us from unduly coercion.

In the case of Dale, I don't think that passing a polygraph would have eliminated him from being a suspect and there you have the classic dammed if you do and dammed if you don't. Dale's compulsion here is not to prove his innocence or to do anything else other then defend himself from legal jeopardy when one is clearly defined, namely being named a suspect in a possible and very likely criminal investigation, and that would be the position of most of us should we find ourselves in the same predicament, right or wrong, guilty or innocent, by deed or bad luck.

Now there's only one way that this case is going to break, and that is not by personal opinions, hunches, feelings of sorts and various beliefs du jour, after two years I think that ought to be clear to anyone but by finding direct evidence that show a credible, tangible and evidential nexus between Michelle's disappearance and Dale, on that day, that hour and under those specific circumstances, anything else simply won't do, anything else that does not represent a "direct" physical link in way of evidence will not do because if Michelle's got to Dale's condo and then disappear without tangible evidence of what happened as it relates to Dale, then no amount of character condemnation, past transgressions real or imaginary, accurate or exaggerated will ever be enough to prosecute him, not by a long shot.

Lastly, the role of an investigator or sleuth, web based or otherwise, is not to collect opinions but evidence, is not to be part of circles of like minded individuals while singing cumbaya, it's not to arrive to a verdict of guilt or not guilty, we have juries for that, but to find those clues and those evidence that will lead to an inescapable conclusion, not in terms of absolutely true but in terms of absolutely convincing, and that is the challenge,especially here.

So where are the clues and evidence that "directly" associate Dale to Michelle at the time or her disappearance and in the minutes and hours that followed? What happened on November 17th, 2011 in terms of direct, demonstrable physical evidence that is of relevance to Dale's guilt for this event, for this instance, for this specific person, namely Michelle Parker?

You must answer that riddle, must find that evidence or Dale will walk free, innocent or guilty, anything else is air blowing in the wind, good enough to amuse but not to solve and to answer and to prove, in other words all that is crucial and necessary to solve a criminal case.

Good morning :)
  • Thank you for clarifying which wife was which--yes, I was referring to Shannon, his second wife, but mistakenly referred to her as his first wife.
  • For whatever reason, it seems very important to constantly refer to Dale's interests in a disparaging manner. Whatever floats your boat, I guess, but what I was trying to get at without having to be so blunt, is that the repeated Star Wars and dress-up references aren't only unnecessary, but come across as incredibly petty and indicate that immaturity isn't a quality reserved only for Dale. Honestly, that and all the bickering on this thread are distracting and off-putting and I've found myself avoiding this thread, which is unfortunate, IMO. There are enough more weighty issues to criticize Dale about than his interests, IMO, and that gets lost in the snarky Jedi jokes. My hope was that the earnest, sincere concern for Michelle that clearly exists would outweigh the need to potentially alienate anyone who has ever owned an action figure, or attended an event with Dale. :sigh:
  • It is incredibly frustrating that Dale hasn't shared more information, because it is quite obvious he has it. However, polygraphs aren't even admissible as court evidence. And really, we should make people start having to "prove their innocence" in the US? If those suggesting that truly understand the implications, fair enough, but it kinda flies in the face of our entire judicial system.
  • Look, I want Michelle put to rest. I wish she were alive and well, and as we learned from Jaycee Dugard and the three brave ladies in Cleveland, stranger things have happened, but honestly, I just don't see that here. I would love for Michelle's loved ones to be able to have some closure. However, I'm not willing to overturn the entire US legal system in the hopes of getting that closure.
  • I definitely support Michelle's family in their ongoing struggle to gain some visitation or custody agreement with the twins.

I think others...myself included...find it rather odd, immature behavior when a 40 year old guy calls himself "Jedi Scout", plays with action figures, and puts ads on Craig's list to attract men and women...it all reeks immaturity. These were some of reasons michelle dumped him... He refuses to grow up or get the help he needs.

Not to mention, he runs around half naked and fully cocked at these Star Wars parties and dresses like a 12 year old on Halloween. Sorry you can call me old fashioned but I call a spade a spade.... It is unfortunate that the court system won't put this guy where he belongs...in the slammer! In my day men were men and not boys. All JMO
Sure innocent peeps fail polys but it does give LE something to go on.
They are not used in court but I feel there is something terribly wrong when someone wont take one. Or when someone lawyers up.

Polys ARE AN investigative tool!

Id bet my last dollar every one of you would want your daughters husband or BF to take a polygraph if you daughter turned up missing!

More times then not the guilty are getting away with these crimes and are laughing.... they just walk away scott free.

I couldn't agree you more. If you have nothing to hide then take the darn poly. Speaking of polys IMO MN made Dale take a private poly and he failed. Tough to lie your way out of the truth when you are hooked to a machine.
IMO clearly there are many people who mistake an adversarial position, say being represented by a lawyer and follow legal advises, as an indication of guilt. However, an adversarial system is key to a fair a balanced system where is the state's burden to prove guilt behind a reasonable doubt and the defendant's right to deny the prosecution that very same ability. Without that you would have a police state where everyone would possibly be better protected but where personal freedoms would be severely undermined.

In the words of Benjamin Franklyn "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety"

When it comes to polygraphs, I think Skully's point is well taken, not by simply pointing out the lack or complete reliably of such tests, but also because of it's obvious unconstitutional nature, since defendants have fundamental rights against self incrimination and that is not on a whim, it's to protect any of us from unduly coercion.

In the case of Dale, I don't think that passing a polygraph would have eliminated him from being a suspect and there you have the classic dammed if you do and dammed if you don't. Dale's compulsion here is not to prove his innocence or to do anything else other then defend himself from legal jeopardy when one is clearly defined, namely being named a suspect in a possible and very likely criminal investigation, and that would be the position of most of us should we find ourselves in the same predicament, right or wrong, guilty or innocent, by deed or bad luck.

Now there's only one way that this case is going to break, and that is not by personal opinions, hunches, feelings of sorts and various beliefs du jour, after two years I think that ought to be clear to anyone but by finding direct evidence that show a credible, tangible and evidential nexus between Michelle's disappearance and Dale, on that day, that hour and under those specific circumstances, anything else simply won't do, anything else that does not represent a "direct" physical link in way of evidence will not do because if Michelle's got to Dale's condo and then disappear without tangible evidence of what happened as it relates to Dale, then no amount of character condemnation, past transgressions real or imaginary, accurate or exaggerated will ever be enough to prosecute him, not by a long shot.

Lastly, the role of an investigator or sleuth, web based or otherwise, is not to collect opinions but evidence, is not to be part of circles of like minded individuals while singing cumbaya, it's not to arrive to a verdict of guilt or not guilty, we have juries for that, but to find those clues and those evidence that will lead to an inescapable conclusion, not in terms of absolutely true but in terms of absolutely convincing, and that is the challenge,especially here.

So where are the clues and evidence that "directly" associate Dale to Michelle at the time or her disappearance and in the minutes and hours that followed? What happened on November 17th, 2011 in terms of direct, demonstrable physical evidence that is of relevance to Dale's guilt for this event, for this instance, for this specific person, namely Michelle Parker?

You must answer that riddle, must find that evidence or Dale will walk free, innocent or guilty, anything else is air blowing in the wind, good enough to amuse but not to solve and to answer and to prove, in other words all that is crucial and necessary to solve a criminal case.


Cases are tried and won on circumstantial evidence alone every day. What they need in this case is direct evidence that Michelle Parker is deceased and has been since November 17, 2011 IMO.

The Scott Peterson case is the best example of that I can think of. While there was only circumstantial evidence that suggested that he was responsible for the disappearance/death of his wife and unborn child, he was not arrested until their remains were discovered on the shores of SF Bay. Yes it is possible for skeletal remains to eventually wash ashore in a large body of water.

He now sits on death row in San Quentin prison.

Cases are tried and won on circumstantial evidence alone every day. What they need in this case is direct evidence that Michelle Parker is deceased and has been since November 17, 2011 IMO.

The Scott Peterson case is the best example of that I can think of. While there was only circumstantial evidence that suggested that he was responsible for the disappearance/death of his wife and unborn child, he was not arrested until their remains were discovered on the shores of SF Bay. Yes it is possible for skeletal remains to eventually wash ashore in a large body of water.

He now sits on death row in San Quentin prison.


Yes you're right of course but it's an uphill battle surely. The Paterson case, although I'm not real that familiar with, seems quite different then this one, and to be sure LE must have a great deal of circumstantial evidence to convict, and the right kind as well. For example if a shot is fired and John Doe is seen running away from the very scene of the crime that is a circumstantial evidence, if a shot is fired and John Doe was seen in the neighborhood where the shot was fired is another circumstantial evidence, both are circumstantial evidence but substantially different from one another in terms of evidentiary significance, yes?

In this case in particular, when you have Michelle arriving at Dale's and then seemingly vanish into thin air, there is no way you're going to be able to prosecute Dale, let alone convict him, unless one can find some physical evidence that puts Dale and Michelle in the same place on that day, that hour, and anytime within the hours immediately following the disappearance, or at the very least some extremely significant circumstantial evidence, such an audio/video recording, all types of communication evidence, first hand admission of facts and circumstances directly related to the case, all kinds of behavior consistent with the need to hide a body and so on, in other words one must have physical evidence that puts Dale and Michelle at the same place during her disappearance, or otherwise show that it is an inescapable conclusion that it must have been the case, and that is what the police clearly doesn't have, at least not to any degree that can secure a conviction, and there lies clearly the problem to be solved assuming that Dale is factually guilty, which is something I take no position on since as far as I'm concerned I see a significant difference between what I might suspect and may be theoretically possible and what is of evidence as reflected on the public record which has a direct relationship to this case. Simply put what I don't know ... well ... I don't know, and therefore void of prosecutorial significance to me albeit not without investigative value.

In sum one must create a compelling argument supported by pretty clear evidence that directly relate to the events that unfolded on November 17th, 2011, and do it so that it's of little doubt that Dale and Michelle came to be on a collision course at one particular time and anytime immediately following her disappearance. Anything shorter then that is not going to be enough to convict and Dale, if guilty, will continue to walk as a free man and everything else will remain demonstrably stuff blowing in the wind.

Ultimately finding the body of Michelle is of paramount importance here, there's very little doubt to me that no case will be brought to trial against Dale or anyone else unless the skeletal remains provide evidence of the identity of the assailant. I don't know that Dale is guilty or not, but clearly somebody is and no matter our possible difference of opinions, we all share the same goal and wish, which is to find Michelle.

So, where is Michelle Parker? Call 800-423-TIPS if you have any information that can help solve this crime, it'd be such a kind and wonderful thing to do and no matter how little you think you know you can potentially make a world of difference in helping the investigators.

Yes you're right of course but it's an uphill battle surely. The Paterson case, although I'm not real that familiar with, seems quite different then this one, and to be sure LE must have a great deal of circumstantial evidence to convict, and the right kind as well. For example if a shot is fired and John Doe is seen running away from the very scene of the crime that is a circumstantial evidence, if a shot is fired and John Doe was seen in the neighborhood where the shot was fired is another circumstantial evidence, both are circumstantial evidence but substantially different from one another in terms of evidentiary significance, yes?

In this case in particular, when you have Michelle arriving at Dale's and then seemingly vanish into thin air, there is no way you're going to be able to prosecute Dale, let alone convict him, unless one can find some physical evidence that puts Dale and Michelle in the same place on that day, that hour, and anytime within the hours immediately following the disappearance, or at the very least some extremely significant circumstantial evidence, such an audio/video recording, all types of communication evidence, first hand admission of facts and circumstances directly related to the case, all kinds of behavior consistent with the need to hide a body and so on, in other words one must have physical evidence that puts Dale and Michelle at the same place during her disappearance, or otherwise show that it is an inescapable conclusion that it must have been the case, and that is what the police clearly doesn't have, at least not to any degree that can secure a conviction, and there lies clearly the problem to be solved assuming that Dale is factually guilty, which is something I take no position on since as far as I'm concerned I see a significant difference between what I might suspect and may be theoretically possible and what is of evidence as reflected on the public record which has a direct relationship to this case. Simply put what I don't know ... well ... I don't know, and therefore void of prosecutorial significance to me albeit not without investigative value.

In sum one must create a compelling argument supported by pretty clear evidence that directly relate to the events that unfolded on November 17th, 2011, and do it so that it's of little doubt that Dale and Michelle came to be on a collision course at one particular time and anytime immediately following her disappearance. Anything shorter then that is not going to be enough to convict and Dale, if guilty, will continue to walk as a free man and everything else will remain demonstrably stuff blowing in the wind.

Ultimately finding the body of Michelle is of paramount importance here, there's very little doubt to me that no case will be brought to trial against Dale or anyone else unless the skeletal remains provide evidence of the identity of the assailant. I don't know that Dale is guilty or not, but clearly somebody is and no matter our possible difference of opinions, we all share the same goal and wish, which is to find Michelle.

So, where is Michelle Parker? Call 800-423-TIPS if you have any information that can help solve this crime, it'd be such a kind and wonderful thing to do and no matter how little you think you know you can potentially make a world of difference in helping the investigators.


IMO this is an open and shut case. Phone activity for Michelle was active and ongoing throughout the day on Nov 17 2011. Michelle arrives at Dale's condo and all activity/sightings of her cease and she is never heard from again. The suspect lies to LE about Michelle's arrival and departure time though she is captured on film arriving but never leaving. Suspect cannot be accounted for during key initial times when Michelle disappeared. Hmmm that sounds pretty straightforward to me. Eventually this will all come crashing down for Dale. I have faith he will get what he has coming...all jmo
Hopefully a lot more info will come out during the civil case against Dale. :)
Hopefully a lot more info will come out during the civil case against Dale. :)

From what I hear there are additional texts, pings, and info that is pretty revealing. I hope the info is as good as we are expecting. Though Dale hasn't been arrested as of yet...that doesn't mean he is innocent. Being good at hiding key evidence doesn't mean one is innocent just that they have a BETTER chance of getting away with murder. Dale has gotten away with it long enough but NOW it's come time to pay the pied piper! Jmo of course :)
I think others...myself included...find it rather odd, immature behavior when a 40 year old guy calls himself "Jedi Scout", plays with action figures, and puts ads on Craig's list to attract men and women...it all reeks immaturity. These were some of reasons michelle dumped him... He refuses to grow up or get the help he needs.

Not to mention, he runs around half naked and fully cocked at these Star Wars parties and dresses like a 12 year old on Halloween. Sorry you can call me old fashioned but I call a spade a spade.... It is unfortunate that the court system won't put this guy where he belongs...in the slammer! In my day men were men and not boys. All JMO

Again, that's your prerogative, and it is apparently important for you to demean him through his hobby. I feel that strategy is petty, distracting, and generally gratuitous, as were the repeated postings of unflattering photos of Dale that finally stopped.

You insist your hobby is "healthy," and while Dale's level of involvement certainly seems excessive, you can't tell me there's never been knitters who obsessively buy yarn and patterns--any benign hobby can be taken to unhealthy proportions. If it's Dale's excess in this area which concerns you, and, you claim, concerned Michelle, then that's one thing. However, the remarks I've read seem to indicate a general negative judgement and lots of generalizations towards adults who are into sci-fi, or go to sci-fi events, etc., and I that is counter-productive and close-minded, IMO, not to mention placing an unfair stereo-type onto an entire group of people.

Are you saying it is relevant because you think Dale would kill her due to arguing about Star Wars? I would guess it would have more to do with control over her and the children, his humiliation and bruised ego, perhaps money, etc. I had the impression Michelle was more upset about his leaving her stranded far from home on at least one occasion, and his putting his hands on her in anger, than she was about Captain America costumes and sci-fi conventions.

"Odd" doesn't make someone a murderer or an unfit parent. Being immature doesn't make someone a murderer or an unfit parent. I was hoping we could try to move beyond what level of Jedi he pretends to be and discuss the things that might actually be useful towards finding Michelle or obtaining more evidence.

I'm not going to bicker further about this. I've said my piece. We can agree to disagree that Dale's sci-fi interests aren't relevant enough to the case to warrant constant mention.

As for whether today's or yesterday's men were manlier than the other...well, that is just more generalizing and is highly likely to be inaccurate. A visit to the cold case threads or older missing person threads show plenty of examples of poor behavior--it's not all reserved for only a choice few generations, or genders for that matter.

Jazzmaster, I absolutely appreciate your dedication to Michelle, her family, and to this thread.
Hopefully a lot more info will come out during the civil case against Dale. :)

Hi, What'sThatClue! :seeya:
I agree! Now, I apologize for being behind on this, but what exactly is burden of proof for civil trials in Florida? More likely than not?

I assume this is Michelle's family who filed the suit-- wrongful death? Okay, I'll go read back :) That would be wonderful if details at the civil trial led to finding Michelle!
Hi, What'sThatClue! :seeya:
I agree! Now, I apologize for being behind on this, but what exactly is burden of proof for civil trials in Florida? More likely than not?

I assume this is Michelle's family who filed the suit-- wrongful death? Okay, I'll go read back :) That would be wonderful if details at the civil trial led to finding Michelle!

I believe the burden of proof in a civil case is much lower than in a criminal case where the case must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. In a civil case the plaintiff must only prove that evidence proves it more likely than not that the defendant is responsible and beyond a reasonable doubt doesn't apply.

More info: http://www.justia.com/injury/wrongful-death/

Again, that's your prerogative, and it is apparently important for you to demean him through his hobby. I feel that strategy is petty, distracting, and generally gratuitous, as were the repeated postings of unflattering photos of Dale that finally stopped.

You insist your hobby is "healthy," and while Dale's level of involvement certainly seems excessive, you can't tell me there's never been knitters who obsessively buy yarn and patterns--any benign hobby can be taken to unhealthy proportions. If it's Dale's excess in this area which concerns you, and, you claim, concerned Michelle, then that's one thing. However, the remarks I've read seem to indicate a general negative judgement and lots of generalizations towards adults who are into sci-fi, or go to sci-fi events, etc., and I that is counter-productive and close-minded, IMO, not to mention placing an unfair stereo-type onto an entire group of people.

Are you saying it is relevant because you think Dale would kill her due to arguing about Star Wars? I would guess it would have more to do with control over her and the children, his humiliation and bruised ego, perhaps money, etc. I had the impression Michelle was more upset about his leaving her stranded far from home on at least one occasion, and his putting his hands on her in anger, than she was about Captain America costumes and sci-fi conventions.

"Odd" doesn't make someone a murderer or an unfit parent. Being immature doesn't make someone a murderer or an unfit parent. I was hoping we could try to move beyond what level of Jedi he pretends to be and discuss the things that might actually be useful towards finding Michelle or obtaining more evidence.

I'm not going to bicker further about this. I've said my piece. We can agree to disagree that Dale's sci-fi interests aren't relevant enough to the case to warrant constant mention.

As for whether today's or yesterday's men were manlier than the other...well, that is just more generalizing and is highly likely to be inaccurate. A visit to the cold case threads or older missing person threads show plenty of examples of poor behavior--it's not all reserved for only a choice few generations, or genders for that matter.

Jazzmaster, I absolutely appreciate your dedication to Michelle, her family, and to this thread.

I guess we agree to disagree on the hobby of dressing like a Jedi scout. I have never seen people get obsessed with knitting but even so it is much more healthy IMO than pretending to be an action hero when you are 40 years old. To each his own... I am not here to judge just present facts as I see them. But I stand on my belief it was a sore subject with Michelle. At least that's the impression I get.

As for being an unfit parent, my point was he is a murderer or at least a suspected one and that should preclude him from having custody of a child let alone the two twinners. I also stand by my belief that in my day <modsnip>.

Though we may agree to disagree on some of these important subtopics I respect your opinions and see where you are coming from...I appreciate your willingness to keep helping us find Michelle.

Where is she and what did Dale do with her?
I'm still looking at the Buck Lake/bridge area. Been there several times this past year and it's a possibility but perhaps a minor possibility. Still worth keeping an eye on tho.
I'm still looking at the Buck Lake/bridge area. Been there several times this past year and it's a possibility but perhaps a minor possibility. Still worth keeping an eye on tho.

Hmmm maybe that's where Dale got the Buck Fuddy fake persona from? Subliminal message as to where he hid Michelle? Though based on Dale's lack of intelligence I doubt he'd be THAT clever...
That persona was what led me to be interested in the area and a reason I keep visiting it.

There's more info on Buck Fuddy back in thread 19.

Yes that episode always stuck out in my mind and only confirmed to me how bad of a character Dale is...what kind of guy would rub salt in the wounds of Michelle's step mom who loved Michelle dearly and had a wonderful relationship with? Calling Michelle an escort... No innocent guy would do that IMO!
Yes that episode always stuck out in my mind and only confirmed to me how bad of a character Dale is...what kind of guy would rub salt in the wounds of Michelle's step mom who loved Michelle dearly and had a wonderful relationship with? Calling Michelle an escort... No innocent guy would do that IMO!

What kind indeed.
Who can, has and will do more damage to those kids by way of his own actions? Certainly it isn't the comments here in the archives of WS which will cut the deepest. No. That was signed, sealed, and delivered by their own father against their own mother. Even if Dale Wayne Smith Jr is never found guilty of murdering Michelle Loree Parker, that steely knife is here to stay and there is no one to credit for that but Dale Jr himself. How will he answer for that which he cannot deny? There will be a day when it will come to pass. What will he do then?
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