FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - # 5

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Any time there is a body found within a state or two of a missing person, some of the shows run with the story thinking it is the missing person. We had quite a few of these with regards to Susan Powell. :(

It is always better to wait to see what the outcome is for everyone sake, IMO.
I think this means they have a "Draft" ready to go so that if an identification is made, they can publish it first. :banghead:

They did that in Kyron's case and accidentally published it... he wasn't found anyway.

They might be assuming a bit much in this case anyway...
I think Shanna Peoples might be a possibility too... that would be about a 4 hour drive too.
Even if the body hasn't been there more than a couple of weeks... it still could be, if Shanna was kept alive... :sick:


If this is Shanna, she is nearly 6 feet tall (5'11) so the height may rule Michelle in or out rather quickly.


According to them they've already spoken to investigators and it is not her. Posted about 15 minutes ago.
(In the comments under the post about t-shirts, hopefully they will make a separate post soon.)

I'm not surprised. I strongly suspect Dale and don't think he'd have time to pull that off. If this had been Michelle, I was going to have to really rethink this.

Prayers for the family of this poor woman. I cannot imagine knowing the body of someone I care about was dumped on the side of the road like that. :(
Wow, good catch. If someone screwed up, I hope they are in big trouble for that one. Totally unprofessional, they really need to be more careful.

I remember several years ago when they did the Obit for Bob Hope, way before he died! Somehow it leaked out too.
I remember several years ago when they did the Obit for Bob Hope, way before he died! Somehow it leaked out too.

Dude, when I was 3 years old and really had to pee... I went running into a motel and literally ran right into Bob Hope. :giggle:

I have a "Bob Hope" sweater I was wearing at the time that my mother kept to remember the event. :innocent:

Okay... now back to Michelle.
If it's true that body isn't her, are they going back out to search tomorrow?? Or do we know?
There's a tweet from a Utah reporter saying it apparently is Michelle but he has to check with his source in Colorado...I'm not posting his tweet..gah!
There's a tweet from a Utah reporter saying it apparently is Michelle but he has to check with his source in Colorado...I'm not posting his tweet..gah!

I tweeted a "reporter" after I read their tweet about the person found in Georgia and told them it wasn't Michelle based on family Facebook.

Three minutes later Breaking: sources close to the investigation tells us that it is not Michelle. :crazy:
There's a tweet from a Utah reporter saying it apparently is Michelle but he has to check with his source in Colorado...I'm not posting his tweet..gah!

Oh yes... because a Utah reporter would have the scoop on a body found in Georgia...
and the best source to verify that with would be in Colorado??? WTF? :waitasec:
I was reading the wesh twitter and then went to their website. They "seem" like they "believe" it might be Michelle. Who else tweets in Florida (Orlando) besides Belich and Pipitone? I cannot find anything more.
This is a prime example how the media can totally mislead the public when they should be checking their FACTS first. Heck, they call the Parker family a lot, because they tweet they know this and that.

This stuff drive me crazy, however, I am still laughing about Utah needing clarification from Colorado, etc.
---2 short fuses.

---like father like son.

However, DCF argued that the children are at risk with Smith because of his violent criminal history.

"He is who he is. His behavior defines him in this case," said DCF attorney Joe Iuzzolino.

Smith knocked an ABC photographer to the ground on Wednesday. Court records show that kind of behavior is not new for Smith.

Smith's father shoved WFTV's photographer as he was being questioned about his son's alibi.


Nice! And the judge thought the twins would be safe in their environment? :banghead:
I remember several years ago when they did the Obit for Bob Hope, way before he died! Somehow it leaked out too.

I believe most newsrooms have obits already written up for a lot of aging or known to be ill celebrities. They've done that for many years. I bet they wrote one for Charlie Sheen during his "winning" rampage. :floorlaugh:

Glad to read that it wasn't Michelle that was found but as has been said, someone else's loved one was disrespectfully dumped on the side of the road. That is sad and tragic. :(
If this has already been asked/ answered, I apologize, but am I correct in hearing that Michelle has no tattoos?
WoW beach.. Thanks for this additional info about the GAL.. That left my mouth hanging open actually as I, too find it extremely strange/odd for a GAL to have given the courts her findings and opinion on the present situation and that she found not only for it to be in the children's "best interest" to be away from dad and in Yvonne's custody, but more importantly that in the GAL's opinion she felt there was an actual danger to the children in their being returned to the father, Dale.. And that the judge seemingly went 180* opposite of what the GAL testified to as her professionAl findings and opinion in this emergency hearing.. WoW is all I can even respond to that with...

The only reason that quickly popped into my head was this..(but I must say it quickly faded from my mind as well).. But just as gitana had kindly explained to me in her post that the parental rights are a constitutional right and that in order to remove custody, especially in an emergency hearing, that the evidence had to be pretty damning against/on the father. And I took it to mean that it needed to also be evidence directly relating to the children specifically.. Meaning that tho Dale has got the violent/volatile and even criminal violence of his history.. That still however is completely unrelated to his care of his children.. I think gitana said that it being an "emergency" hearing actually put the burden of proof against Dale had to be just that much stronger/damning.. So in knowing that it led me to believe that maybe, just maybe with the judge knowing that Dale was lawyered up to the hilt with Attys that wouldn't stand for a second even something that was the teeniest bit questionable about this judges ruling against Dale.. And I wonder is it possible that the judge even spoke directly with investigators of Michelle's case and that they somehow know that they are going to be able to arrest Dale within the next 24-72hrs??.. And somehow were able to assure this judge that in that small window of time that they had Dale surveilled the full 60seconds of every minute of those hours up until that arrest???

The reason why that possibility seemed to so quickly fade from my mind was I just cannot imagine LE being able to truly guarantee these children's well being to a degree that IMO would have to be sufficient in their without a doubt certain they can guarantee their protecting the two children during that small window of time.. I just truly believe when dealing with desperate ppl period.. But add in extremely volatile and long history of some extremely violent behaviors.. I just do not see how for a second LE could even attempt to offer that type of a guarantee of the children's safety.. They can surveill him 24/7 but no matter that still has Dale perfectly able to cause harm if when things became really desperate and immediatley prior to his being taken into custody.. LE can be outside of that home with Dale and the twins inside and they truly cannot guarantee that the children could not be harmed in those desperate and highly charged moments where sadly we have seen parents feel they've got nothing to lose in murder/suicide..

I just cannot get past what a very real threat I fear could be a very real issue in the upcoming immediate future and I'm sorry but I personally do not trust Dale's thought processes and stability.. Again especially in dire straits.. And with the kids in his custody, with him freely parenting them unsupervised I just cannot wrap my head around how a judge could believe this to be the route in which he ruled.. Gitana, would you not believe that with this additionL info that beach shared in now knowing that the actual GAL for the children testified at the hearing that they believed the children to be in danger in continued custody with Dale and that they recommended custody of both to Michelle's family.. Would that in your opinion be substantial enough to make the ruling to give Yvonne custody??.. To me it certainly seems like just the key ingredient needed at that hearing in order for the judge to grant Yvonne the custody, no??

I'm really anxious to hear what you alls(gitana and beach both) opinion is on the judge doing absolute opposite of what GAL recommended and even went as far to state that it wasn't just in the kids best interest but that it posed a danger to the children to stay in Dale's custody.. That's seems really significant to me.. And do you all believe this judge met with investigators about what was the likely immediate or upcoming future for Dale as far as possible charges(or is that something that just would not have occurred in a custody situation like this..ie. Involving investigators)???.. Lastly am I just being overly concerned in my very real fears of LE having no way to truly guarantee these children's safety from harm if/when IMO the inevitable quickly progresses into a very desperate situation regarding Dale being charged and arrested???

Because for me that's what is the entire crux of the custody issue.. In that if that safety from danger/harm cannot be guaranteed in the children being in the sole custody of Dale.. Well for me it's just only logical that you freaking err on the side of caution with these babies lives and remove them from his custody?!??! Aarrghh!! But I know! I know!! It that's ol' thing called constitutional rights that Dale has as a parent.. .. So much at stake tho, I cant help but feel his rights IMO should pale in comparison to the rights of two, tiny, innocent, helpless, and defenseless children.. But I do realize it's just not as cut and dry as I just worded it to be..

I'm so fearful for these babies.. And I just cannot comprehend what this family is feeling and having to deal with in all of this involving those babies ON TOP OF THEIR FIGHTING FOR AND DESPERATELY SEARCHING FOR THEIR PRECIOUS MICHELLE.. unimaginable is the only word I have to describe it.. Unimaginable..

ETA: my apologies for this being one of my more rather extremely long winded posts :blush:

Unless it can be shown that the children have been put in harm's way (evidence that they have been exposed to past violence, or criminal activity, were abused or neglected) or that there is evidence of imminent harm (suicidal ideation, threats to harm the kids, no means of support), then the court can go against a GAL's recommendation with justification.

wasnt there also recently something about a couple losing custody of their child because they named it after the hitler or something?

They did not lose their kids for that, although that is what they want everyone to believe. They lost custody because they have exposed their kids to domestic violence, the mom stated he has threatened to harm her and the kids, the parents have been diagnosed with mental problems that have not been treated, there was evidence that the father beat another child, from another relationship, in the face with a vacuum, and there was evidence that the kids were forced to remain in only a small portion of the home, or strapped in the car seats for long periods.

I think that makes the decision even worst, imo. I understand the biological dad thing ...blah blah blah but taking the kids from a home they've lived in for a year and half is sad.

They were only 1 1/2 when they moved there. That is a big difference in child development.

I don't know how Michelle's family can hold it together with the suspect. I admire them for that but I did get the sense Michelle's sister isn't convinced of his innocence. She walked out of the court room at one point. She said it was because the topic was Michelle not coming back and she couldn't handle the fact that she may never see her sister again. :(

When Michelle went missing, mom called Dale but his mom answered. Later Dale called Yvonne back to ask what was going on. Yvonne told him Michelle was missing and he replied 'oh ok'. Not a normal reaction regardless of the severed relationship.

Since the kids did live with the grandparents, if there are grandparent visitation rights in their state, they should be allowed visitation. But they need a forum for that. If temporary custody to the state has been denied, there is no jurisidiction at present, to grant them visitation rights. They would likely have to file for such rights in family court.

they gave the twins to the father, did g-mom get visitation per the court?

I don't think so. But it appears from reported court comments that the two families were working that out between themselves in a friendly manner. Possibly that is another reason for the hug: "Thanks for working this out and giving me access so I don't have to go fight for rights to see the kids."

In many states, grandparents absolutely can seek visitation from the court when the parent on that side of the family isn't in the picture.

It looks like the state supreme court in Florida severly limits grandparent rights. However, it appears that unless Dale remarries, they may have a shot: http://grandparents.about.com/od/grandparentsrights/qt/Grandparent_Rights_in_Florida.htm
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