FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - # 5

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hey yall... been lurking for a while and finally got the guts to post :blushing: does anyone else find it weird that they cut away to get gas as soon as the body board was being pulled into the lake? and it seems like an awfully long time for them to be gone... any way that the LE is keeping them away? not wanting us to see anything

And, yes....I agree...100% weird.
Don't be sorry! I do think that helicopter footage was from earlier though.

Is the live news a little behind? I thought the hearing about the kids was over, they are saying it is still going on.
So we don't have live feed right now? Anyone on scanners at the moment? And does anyone have a link in case the feed comes back up? That last one I saw posted didn't seem to have a live feed.
I'm positive she is doing that in order to keep contact with her grand kids and also possibly to inspire remorse or truth in Dale. She was saying something to him. And watch closely, he initiates the second hug, but at the end, you can see her take his hands off her waist and push them gently back at him.

She is one tough, smart lady. :twocents:

^above^ BBM.. Yes she is, gitana! This woman is the pillar for this family but most of all being a pillar, unwavering for her Michelle and those 2 precious babies.. Where as most would not be able to pull themselves together in order to do what it is Yvonne is doing(especially in her ensuring to keep that open line of communication with Dale).. She knows what's in those babies best interest and that's not for her to lose her cool and let her emotions overtake her amd do what I'm certain are her mama bear instincts(and that's to attack at Dale not just physically but lashing out in anger and frustration at him).. This woman's a smart cookie and she has got an inner strength that many do not have.. She knows exactly what she's doing and the only thing that Yvonne has got her eye on is the prize.. And that's finding and bringing Michelle home and ensuring those babies are raised with love and stability surrounded by their momma's family..

It brings me to tears.. I think a helluva alot of this woman and I'm praying for her Continued strength to see this thing thru to the very bitter end..

btw- I missed this morning would u give me your opinion on why the judge ruled for the children to be returned to JR's custody?.. tIA:)
I am starting to wonder if that helicopter is even going back to the site....

is there really only 1 live feed of the search (and not even that right now?)
Is the live news a little behind? I thought the hearing about the kids was over, they are saying it is still going on.

I think the guy at the news desk when I called was right. They were almost done refueling and would be back in 20 mins or so. The pilots probably needed to refuel also!
I think the guy at the news desk when I called was right. They were almost done refueling and would be back in 20 mins or so. The pilots probably needed to refuel also!

How dare they when we're all waiting. :innocent:
This is her life, her daughter, her grandkids. She knows Dale. Only she knows what she needs to do to protect her grandchildren and bring her daughter home.

I doubt she is happy with the judge's decision today.

Right....only she knows...I still wonder what the 11 yr. thinks of her actions.
^above^ BBM.. Yes she is, gitana! This woman is the pillar for this family but most of all being a pillar, unwavering for her Michelle and those 2 precious babies.. Where as most would not be able to pull themselves together in order to do what it is Yvonne is doing(especially in her ensuring to keep that open line of communication with Dale).. She knows what's in those babies best interest and that's not for her to lose her cool and let her emotions overtake her amd do what I'm certain are her mama bear instincts(and that's to attack at Dale not just physically but lashing out in anger and frustration at him).. This woman's a smart cookie and she has got an inner strength that many do not have.. She knows exactly what she's doing and the only thing that Yvonne has got her eye on is the prize.. And that's finding and bringing Michelle home and ensuring those babies are raised with love and stability surrounded by their momma's family..

It brings me to tears.. I think a helluva alot of this woman and I'm praying for her Continued strength to see this thing thru to the very bitter end..

btw- I missed this morning would u give me your opinion on why the judge ruled for the children to be returned to JR's custody?.. tIA:)

I missed it too. But parental rights are constitutional rights in our country and the courts have to tread very lightly when dealing with them. Suspicion that someone may have committed a serious crime is not always/usually enough unless the crime has to do with the abuse of children.

If they can't provide evidence that he is neglecting or putting the kids in harm's way, the judge's hands are somewhat tied. It's scary because he or she knows that if true, he could kill the kids or use them as hostages. But until there is concrete proof of his involvement, the judge is wary of issuing an appealable order.

Comparing it to the Susan Powell case, child *advertiser censored*, essentially, was found in the house where the kids were. The grandfather they were living with was arrested for child *advertiser censored* and voyeurism. The father has no job, no means of support and has not been cooperative with police at all. Also, the story he gave about where he was with the kids when Susan went missing is one that shows he puts the children's welfare second.

We need those facts here. What we do have, Dale's criminal record, for example, was not used to bar him from visitation in Michelle's case against him so it is hard to suddenly claim that it makes a difference now (although I would certainly argue that it does). But that past, coupled with suspicion now, needs to be anchored to more concrete evidence of his involvement and/or evidence that the children are in immediate harm's way.

If there was evidence that he had ever been suicidal in the past, that would help, for example. I think his battery arrests and the one restraining order from Michelle, though, along with the current situation, could be massaged by a creative judge but it is a fine line and a real stretch. I have no doubt that the judge was very nervous making his or her decision but in emergency hearings, the standard of proof is higher than in regular custody proceedings. So, the judge is not looking at merely the best interests of the children, but at whether there is a current and definable emergency justifying their removal.

We see what's going on as that emergency. Courts usually do not.
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