FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - # 8

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My mind keeps wondering if she possibly took off. I'm sure this is not a popular statement, but I can't stop thinking that it is a possibility.

Funny you should post that. I saw today where a missing woman of 13 yrs turned up. She had problems with the hubby and left her car in a parking lot and seen no more! LE put her photo and story on those playing cards for inmates and she saw her face and story. She contacted the family to say she was okay and started a new family and had 3 kids and all was good. Can you imagine that!!!!

I wish so badly that this will be the case with Michelle, that she just ran off, too much going on and will call home. It would be so nice for one of these woman to turn up alive and well, a bit embarrassed but alive. Hey, it's Christmas almost and we can wish and dream for a Christmas miracle.
The family should be very careful saying that trust fund is for the children. I don't think it would take much for DS2 & his lawyer to file a suit to claim that money since he is their guardian & only parent presently. JMO. Oh, how I hope that doesn't happen. I would rather see them say it is for search efforts & for helping them w/ living expenses while they aren't working.
The 16-year-old friend of Smith's who actually stabbed Bryan Tileston was sentenced to 22 years in prison for second-degree murder.

:seeya: Hi, I know that it was the 16 year old who actually did it & was sentenced (he only spent 9 years of the 22). A friend of mine since elementary school is married to the victim's (BT) brother, DSJr was involved in the whole thing, was convicted of assault himself for his involvement, etc... Was just letting those who wanted to hear the victim's brother's account of it, that he would be on NG tonight. Sadly, the producers from the show just called & said that the interview was being postponed until later on in the week. :banghead:
Did any of you watch Vinnie Politan tonight? Shannon's SIL was on and said they didn't know her neck was broken till they saw the autopsy photos. Also want LE to take another look at her case....there was more...
Updated Question List!

(Reposted because I needed to make some corrections and eliminate a duplicate question on the list I posted earlier).



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What also came to my mind, is that Michelle's family will need to be financially secure should the twins be taken away from Dale, Jr and placed in the custody of Michelle's mother, sister, brother, father etc., Right now, they are not financially secure and needed to have this trust fund set up so people can donate "so the children don't suffer."

DCF is watching everything with regards to the care of the 11 year old, where he is living, how he is being cared for, etc., and now aware of the trust fund.

Also, DCF is carefully watching Dale, Jr. and his children and their care, etc., etc.

It is assumed that should Dale Jr. get arrested, the twins would go back to Michelle's mother and/or sister or both. However, there is another set of grandparents to consider, of which, is Dale Jr., parents who just might fight Michelle's family.
The family should be very careful saying that trust fund is for the children. I don't think it would take much for DS2 & his lawyer to file a suit to claim that money since he is their guardian & only parent presently. JMO. Oh, how I hope that doesn't happen. I would rather see them say it is for search efforts & for helping them w/ living expenses while they aren't working.

If the trust fund is setup for the children (meaning twins and 11 yr old), then Dale would be entitled to a portion of the funds for his two children.

Let's say there is $1,500.00 in donations for the children (not searches), legally, Dale would be entitled to two-thirds of that money. $1,000.00 for the twins, and $500.00 for the 11 year old.

FWIW - Mark is probably looking at this trust fund to make sure his client's children get their fair share of the donations coming into the trust fund that is being placed aside solely for the children, as well as any proceeds from truck pulls, auctions, etc., that will be placed in trust for the children.
Just some random thoughts. I wonder what kind of good news Michelle's brother is reffering to. No offense meant, but the only good news that I would call good is finding her alive. I just find it kind of curious as to the wording. Also, I have no problem with a trust fund, but isn't that something that you would do either when someone is found dead or at least assumed dead after a period of time?
Just some random thoughts. I wonder what kind of good news Michelle's brother is reffering to. No offense meant, but the only good news that I would call good is finding her alive. I just find it kind of curious as to the wording. Also, I have no problem with a trust fund, but isn't that something that you would do either when someone is found dead or at least assumed dead after a period of time?

I think the good news is the trust fund.
I think the good news is the trust fund.

He sounded cryptic with his comment that he wasn't going to give any details until he knew for sure but that it was the hard work of everyone that was what had helped bring about this news, whatever it is.

I can't see how that would relate to a trust fund. I recall seeing something about the trust fund a few days ago so I don't think Dustin would be secretive about whatever news he has about the fund.

I think it might have something to do with the situation with the twins.

I don't think so. Why would she scrape off the decals from her windows if she just wanted to leave??

The hummer wasn't hers. It belonged to her ex fiancé. If someone decided they had enough of their current situation and needed to get away, I can see how the person would want to rid of everything and start over.

Not saying that's what happened here but we don't know what her state of mind was at the time of her disappearance. Her mom said she was humiliated by the PC show. DS admitted Michelle wanted to get together again. Was she still in love with him? Did she have hopes of perhaps reconciling with him but the PC show made her realize that it was not to be? Did it bring back some of the anger? We don't know much about the new man in her life. Was she in love with him or just dating? I wonder how he felt about suddenly getting serious and having to be a step daddy to 3 children if it ever came to that? We know Michelle had a temper. Throwing an engagement ring signifies anger and wanting closure. Did she do the same with the stickers on the hummer?

Unfortunately, these are all questions that only she could answer, if she's still alive.

On the other hand, I could see how it could have been the other way around and DS wanted to reconcile and she wanted nothing to do with him. She had a new BF, perhaps finally meeting a decent guy, her job at the salon and her Glow business, etc and perhaps the ex is the one who went into a jealous rage and snapped. I think this is probably the most likely scenario.

I'm just hoping they're wrong and she's ok somewhere but then again I keep hoping the same thing with so many of the other missing women. Karen Swift, Stacy Peterson, Susan Powell and so many other moms who just disappeared without a trace.

My new iphone has text recognition. It knows what words I type the most so simply typing in WATER could pull up the word WATERFORD.( a word she has text a time or two) Lots of texts get sent with auto correct mistakes that way. Maybe she was spelling water?
My new iphone has text recognition. It knows what words I type the most so simply typing in WATER could pull up the word WATERFORD.( a word she has text a time or two) Lots of texts get sent with auto correct mistakes that way. Maybe she was spelling water?

Good point.
Regarding her taking off~ I spoke w/ a good friend of hers & that scenario is completely off the table. She said MP would never leave her kids. So many times she invited her to go out w/ the girls, go out of town, etc & MP always declined if she had the kids. Very hard working & did so for her kids. Would never dump them on a sitter to go out. I knew my friend knew her very well but was unable to chat w/ her until today. Very sad situation.
Not saying that's what happened here but we don't know what her state of mind was at the time of her disappearance. Her mom said she was humiliated by the PC show. DS admitted Michelle wanted to get together again. Was she still in love with him? Did she have hopes of perhaps reconciling with him but the PC show made her realize that it was not to be? Did it bring back some of the anger? We don't know much about the new man in her life. Was she in love with him or just dating? I wonder how he felt about suddenly getting serious and having to be a step daddy to 3 children if it ever came to that? We know Michelle had a temper. Throwing an engagement ring signifies anger and wanting closure. Did she do the same with the stickers on the hummer?

I haven't heard anything about Michelle wanting to be back together with DS.
On PC DS said "she sent me this text message last night saying she still cares, she's just so confused." So that would have been back in July or whenever the episode was taped. Is there another time that DS said she wanted to get back together?
Regarding her taking off~ I spoke w/ a good friend of hers & that scenario is completely off the table. She said MP would never leave her kids. So many times she invited her to go out w/ the girls, go out of town, etc & MP always declined if she had the kids. Very hard working & did so for her kids. Would never dump them on a sitter to go out. I knew my friend knew her very well but was unable to chat w/ her until today. Very sad situation.

I totally 100% agree too, but it has happened that people have left their spouse and children. This whole thing is really getting odd. I mean the longer it goes on it's just weird that no one saw or heard anything in the day time like this. Not one clue as to what happened to her!! No sign of struggle no odd behavior from the children as to what they may have saw.
Respectfully I write this and it is not to be cold-hearted in any manner, however, I do NOT understand why a trust fund is set up to fund the rescue as well as for providing for the children.

I can understand the rescue, but normally funds are set up for children when both parents are gone or in situations of that manner.

All three of Michelle's children were living either with her mother and/or sister and all of the children have father's.

I highly doubt that Dale, Jr. has asked for money to support his two children.

Like I said, I don't mean to be disrespectful or cold-hearted.

I have wondered the same thing. These children have been living with their mother AND their grandmother and Aunt for their entire lives. So now they still have their grandparents on both sides, their aunt and uncle, all of whom have careers and are young and healthy. So it seems weird that there is any kind of trust for them at this point. Raising money for the search makes sense, but not for the kids themselves, imo.
Does anyone know the name of the place that the Hummer was found? Just wondered if there was an aerial view of it and also if there was maybe any cameras that would have recorded the entrance way to it?
I haven't heard anything about Michelle wanting to be back together with DS.
On PC DS said "she sent me this text message last night saying she still cares, she's just so confused." So that would have been back in July or whenever the episode was taped. Is there another time that DS said she wanted to get back together?

Didn't they reconcile at some point after the taping of the show? DS also said Michelle is bi polar. I'd like to know if this is true or did he just throw that out there to humiliate her?
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