Resolved FL - Port St Joe, 2 Children 96UMFL & 66UFFL, bound & gagged in photo, Jun'89

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June 15, 1989 was when the first picture was found.
Three other letters were sent to the Star St Joe in 2009:
One letter contained a photo, printed on copy paper, of a young boy with sandy brown hair. Someone had drawn a black band in ink on the photo, over the boy's mouth, as if it were covered in tape like the 1989 picture. The second letter contained an original image of the boy.

On Aug. 12, The Star newspaper in Port St. Joe received a third letter, also postmarked in Albuquerque on Aug. 10 and depicting the same image, of a boy with black marker drawn over his mouth.
Respectfully, these are my conclusions:

I believe that this photo is of Tara Calico. That's not only my belief, it's the belief of many thousands of others, including her own mother. I don't know who the boy is as he is further back in the photo and can't be as clearly seen. I am the mother of 5 daughters, so I can say with clear experience that 16 year olds can look 19 and vice versa. In the known photos of Tara, she looks young to me. Three years difference in a girls life is hardly a reason for the FBI to discount that this is her. It looks exactly like her and if I was her mother, I would be able to know positively that this was my daughter. The boy, on the other hand, is not as easy to identify.

Respectfully snipped by me. ITA, I have always thought this to be Tara Calico. Everything just matches up. And the book- I find it interesting that this article, edited in April 2010, added details, such as "V.C. Andrews also happens to be Calico's favorite author."
Respectfully, these are my conclusions:

1. Few people actually KNOW what a person would look like if they were in such a situation. Therefore, I think that we can't really say how one would "look" if they were in this position, especially children and young adults. And, if these children had been abused or threatened previously to these photos, they might well be restrained just through pure fear. Remember that Richard Speck was able to "restrain", rape, torture and kill 8 nurses back in 1966. There are numerous cases of killers being able to control and restrain people just by their fear. Maybe the girls hands were tied or maybe they weren't tied at all and he told her to put them behind her back while he took the photo? I don't think that we can infer anything by the expressions on their face. Everyone will see something different. You see boredom and acting, I see defiance and terror.

2. Again, the gags may also be part of the killer staging this photo for impact to the public. What better way to say to the world that these children are gone and he has them? He may have them somewhere that he is not concerned about them yelling and anyone hearing them. We can't see their feet. Perhaps the feet are tied or chained and he knows they can't go anywhere.

3. There appears to be bedding thrown down for the kids to lay on. Some think that it is in the back of a van, but I wonder about this because of the lamp up in the left hand corner that appears to be sitting on something. Maybe a camper that has a table? I don't think from this scene that one can infer that there appears to not have had a struggle. It doesn't necessarily look like there was, but in such a small space, what would a struggle look like? The girls hair is messed up. Again, the book laying there does not necessarily mean that she was reading it before or after the photo. If the killer abducted these kids and wanted to play a horrible game by leaving pictures around, he might have left the book there as a prominent clue as to who the girl was. I think the book was placed there as a clue just like the photo was placed in the parking lot.

4. Completely conjecture in the theory that this was set up. This is all subjective. To you, the scene looks like the girl had been reading the book. That would be the obvious thought. And, you have said that you believe this scene was staged by the middle brother. How do you get to that conclusion?

5. Just because you don't know of a case where 2 people were kidnapped separately does not mean that it has never happened. Sex isn't the only motivation for kidnapping. There is human trafficking as well. Perhaps the person had one longer than the other. Perhaps he thought he wanted a girl but decided that he wanted a little boy too. Perhaps he was working with a group and was taking them back to the group for whatever reason and decided to take this photo to either terrorize the community or maybe someone made him do it and he was trying to leave a clue? There are dozens of scenarios and most of us can't get our head inside of it because we are normal, sane individuals. I personally will never be able to think in the way a person like this would think, and I'm grateful for that.

6. Pure conjecture and you are trying to make the scene fit your beliefs. It is jumping to a lot of conclusions about the photo. Remember that this photo was taken with a film camera. It would have had to been developed and printed (unless the supposed middle brother had a dark room). It just doesn't seem to me to be something that a kid could/would do. And, what of the places that developed the film? Wouldn't this photo draw attention? Wouldn't the person who left it worry that they would be caught?

I believe that this photo is of Tara Calico. That's not only my belief, it's the belief of many thousands of others, including her own mother. I don't know who the boy is as he is further back in the photo and can't be as clearly seen. I am the mother of 5 daughters, so I can say with clear experience that 16 year olds can look 19 and vice versa. In the known photos of Tara, she looks young to me. Three years difference in a girls life is hardly a reason for the FBI to discount that this is her. It looks exactly like her and if I was her mother, I would be able to know positively that this was my daughter. The boy, on the other hand, is not as easy to identify.

As I said before, I respect your opinion, but I just wanted to point out the other side.


On the contrary, not only am I not offended in the slightest by your attempted rebuttal, I appreciate your time in having written such a thoughtful response! Thank you.

Of course my exact scenario is pure conjecture. I don’t know for a fact, for example, that the photo was taken by a middle child, a brother of the two subjects. It just seems a reasonable thought. Boys are generally more mischievous than girls, and looking at the photo of the two kids it seems that there is plenty of room for one (or possibly even more than one) sibling in-between their ages. What I am reasonably certain about is that the photo was taken by another kid while adults had been absent. If so, for all I know it could have been an older brother to the girl, the twin brother of the boy in the photo, a cousin of the kids, the son of family friends brought along, or even a sister or another girl. Exactly who the kid was is not at all critical to my analysis.

I shall try to address some other points you made at a later time. For now, however, I would like to point out that you made a critical factual error about the photograph. Please go back and read the first post on this thread and see if you can pick up on it. (Hint: It involves the name of a company that no longer makes its once most salient product.) Had your assertion been correct, then my entire theory would have been seriously compromised, and I doubt I would have even formulated it.

Thanks again!
Chasing.halos, thank you for finding that information. Much appreciated!!
Respectfully snipped by me. ITA, I have always thought this to be Tara Calico. Everything just matches up. And the book- I find it interesting that this article, edited in April 2010, added details, such as "V.C. Andrews also happens to be Calico's favorite author."

Valencia County Sheriff Deputy Rene Rivera, who is in charge of Tara Calico's case, says that he has evidence, including statements from witnesses, that two local boys were following Tara in a pickup truck and harassing her while she was riding her bicycle. The witnesses say that they accidentally bumped into her, knocking her over, and when she threatened to report them to the police, they panicked and killed her and buried her in a remote location.

He says that he knows who two perps are, but has not prosecuted them due to the lack of a body, clothing, or her bicycle.

Here are the details at the following link.

I suppose that Rivera could be entirely mistaken, but if this scenario is correct, it would seem to be entirely inconsistent with the theory that Tara is the girl in the photo.
Respectfully, these are my conclusions:

1. Few people actually KNOW what a person would look like if they were in such a situation. Therefore, I think that we can't really say how one would "look" if they were in this position, especially children and young adults. And, if these children had been abused or threatened previously to these photos, they might well be restrained just through pure fear. Remember that Richard Speck was able to "restrain", rape, torture and kill 8 nurses back in 1966. There are numerous cases of killers being able to control and restrain people just by their fear. Maybe the girls hands were tied or maybe they weren't tied at all and he told her to put them behind her back while he took the photo? I don't think that we can infer anything by the expressions on their face. Everyone will see something different. You see boredom and acting, I see defiance and terror.

2. Again, the gags may also be part of the killer staging this photo for impact to the public. What better way to say to the world that these children are gone and he has them? He may have them somewhere that he is not concerned about them yelling and anyone hearing them. We can't see their feet. Perhaps the feet are tied or chained and he knows they can't go anywhere.

3. There appears to be bedding thrown down for the kids to lay on. Some think that it is in the back of a van, but I wonder about this because of the lamp up in the left hand corner that appears to be sitting on something. Maybe a camper that has a table? I don't think from this scene that one can infer that there appears to not have had a struggle. It doesn't necessarily look like there was, but in such a small space, what would a struggle look like? The girls hair is messed up. Again, the book laying there does not necessarily mean that she was reading it before or after the photo. If the killer abducted these kids and wanted to play a horrible game by leaving pictures around, he might have left the book there as a prominent clue as to who the girl was. I think the book was placed there as a clue just like the photo was placed in the parking lot.

4. Completely conjecture in the theory that this was set up. This is all subjective. To you, the scene looks like the girl had been reading the book. That would be the obvious thought. And, you have said that you believe this scene was staged by the middle brother. How do you get to that conclusion?

5. Just because you don't know of a case where 2 people were kidnapped separately does not mean that it has never happened. Sex isn't the only motivation for kidnapping. There is human trafficking as well. Perhaps the person had one longer than the other. Perhaps he thought he wanted a girl but decided that he wanted a little boy too. Perhaps he was working with a group and was taking them back to the group for whatever reason and decided to take this photo to either terrorize the community or maybe someone made him do it and he was trying to leave a clue? There are dozens of scenarios and most of us can't get our head inside of it because we are normal, sane individuals. I personally will never be able to think in the way a person like this would think, and I'm grateful for that.

6. Pure conjecture and you are trying to make the scene fit your beliefs. It is jumping to a lot of conclusions about the photo. Remember that this photo was taken with a film camera. It would have had to been developed and printed (unless the supposed middle brother had a dark room). It just doesn't seem to me to be something that a kid could/would do. And, what of the places that developed the film? Wouldn't this photo draw attention? Wouldn't the person who left it worry that they would be caught?

I believe that this photo is of Tara Calico. That's not only my belief, it's the belief of many thousands of others, including her own mother. I don't know who the boy is as he is further back in the photo and can't be as clearly seen. I am the mother of 5 daughters, so I can say with clear experience that 16 year olds can look 19 and vice versa. In the known photos of Tara, she looks young to me. Three years difference in a girls life is hardly a reason for the FBI to discount that this is her. It looks exactly like her and if I was her mother, I would be able to know positively that this was my daughter. The boy, on the other hand, is not as easy to identify.

As I said before, I respect your opinion, but I just wanted to point out the other side.


The mistake that you made that I referred to is in regard to your point #6. The photo is a Polaroid, which only manufactured self-developing cameras during this time period. (They now make digital cameras and have discontinued their once flagship line.) As you imply, I would have been very surprised if a photo of this nature from that era had not been from a Polaroid. Most of these sorts of photos have been for obvious reasons. So this negates your point that it is unlikely that the photo had been taken by a kid.

I do agree that the young woman in the photo does look very much like Tara Calico, and I’m not sure I agree with the FBI’s assessment of the ages of either subject. The girl looks older to me than what they suggest and the boy younger. Nevertheless, many people resemble others and for awhile many were convinced the boy had been Michel Henley, including, I believe, his own mother. Michael had disappeared while hunting in New Mexico (where his family is from) and his remains have now, unfortunately, been recovered. The article I read concerning this does not state what the boy had died from, only that there had been no signs of foul play. I would guess he had become separated from his dad, became lost and eventually succumbed to the elements. Tragic.

On Mrs. Gosch’s website, she has numerous photos of boys (most bound), many of whom she claims are of her missing son Johnny, taken not long after his presumed abduction. I personally don’t think any of the boys are Johnny and there are two series (two apiece) of photos of boys in (different) pajamas bottoms that she maintains are both Johnny. This is difficult for me to understand because to my eyes they are clearly not even the same boy. (They are, however, also clearly taken in the same room and on the same bed.)

You are quite right that it is not always possible to put one’s self into the frame of mind of degenerates and try to understand their thought processes. If this is an abduction photo, it remains a mystery to me as to the reason why the abductor(s) would have taken the shot at all under the circumstances that seem to be implied by the logistics of the scene, let alone intentionally leave it in a public place or to have been so careless with it if they had lost it unintentionally.

However, in science there is an overriding principle known as “Occam’s Razor” that states that the simplest explanation for any phenomenon is usually the correct one. The photo looks staged, is very amateurish, seems to have been taken on the spur of the moment, and all that was needed for it was a camera and a little bit of tape: nothing more, and it did not take much time to plan and execute. Therefore, the simplest explanation seems to have been kids messing around; a joke shot that later got out of hand.

The girl in the photo, probably the oldest kid involved, might not even have known that the kid who took the photo (probably her brother) had any intention of leaving it in a public place. If at any time subsequently they became aware that the photo had become an object of public and law enforcement focus, they were probably scared.., er, very much. Thus, they have kept silent to this day. As I said, given all the facts this seems the most likely and simplest explanation.

Finally, it is true that I very much want to be right. The implications of my being wrong are not good after all these years. Admittedly, that could have influenced my thought processes. Truth is no respecter of what one desires.
I'm just thinking out loud here...

A few years ago, our family went to a huge church with a huge number of children. My daughter went to camp and I looked for her picture every day on the church website. There was a picture of a girl who looked JUST LIKE HER. My son thought it was her. I knew it wasn't her because she was with a group of girls that I didn't know (I knew the girls she actually hung around with) and she was not wearing my daughter's bathing suit. IF my daughter had been missing and I'd seen the girl who looked so much like her, I could easily have believed it was a picture of her. So, the fact that Tara's mom thought it was her could have been wishful thinking.

Also, Polaroid pictures were quite expensive, compared to traditional pictures. My parents had a Polaroid camera when my daughter was a baby (15 or so years ago) and the film was so expensive that the pictures cost a dollar each. I can see some parents being beyond ticked if their kids took a picture that cost a dollar, just being silly. Maybe if that was the only one they took it wouldn't be a big deal. But if the parents only had one roll of film and they planned on taking pictures of the Gulf of Mexico and their kids wasted the pictures... it seems like most kids wouldn't do that. Unless they had their own camera, maybe..?...It could be because my parents are older and grew up during the Depression, but they would have noticed and I would have been in serious trouble for "wasting" a picture. Yeah, I know, they grew up in the Depression but still had a Polaroid camera which took blurry pictures which cost a dollar apiece. I can't figure out that one, either. :crazy:
Polaroids in the '80's were relatively less expensive, compared to other forms of photography. The film itself was a little pricey, but you didn't have very pricey developing costs. It was common (though nowhere near universal) for teenagers to have their own camera.

I don't find the VC Andrews book a very compelling argument for the girl being TC; the series was extremely popular. I won't go so far as to say that every teenage girl in America had a copy of at least one of the books -- but lots of them did. I think the photo is trying to suggest something about incest and rape, etc.

There's something about it that makes me think it's more than a prank.
Armchair - I did recognize the mistake and remembered then that I had heard once that it was a Polaroid, but two articles I read most recently said "film"...and, being a professional photographer myself, I assumed film. Even with this equation taken out, I still don't believe this is a prank. I wish it was a prank...I wish so much it was.

I guess that in cases like these, there are arguments that are very sound, for both sides. I think that as long as we keep discussing it in a productive manner, that we could possibly stumble on something that would help. Probably not likely, but one can always hope.

I do see your points and do agree with one thing that is a very strong point in your reasoning. I believe as well that this photo was staged. I just believe it was staged by a kidnapper/rapist/pedophile/murderer while you believe it was staged by another child. All of us see things in a different way.

The bottom line for me is that I think the girl is Tara Calico. I don't know who the boy is because he is not as clearly seen as the girl.

A couple of points that I wanted to mention: Michael Henley's mother was never sure that it was her son. I read an article that said she believed it was and many others who said she never was sure. I guess with numerous articles, you have to go with what the majority is. Tara's mother was always sure it was Tara.

The Sheriff that insists he knows what happened to Tara just sounds too sketchy to me and if he knew, where is her body? Why does he continue to stay silent as to the boys involved in her murder? This doesn't make sense to me even slightly.

Such a sad and confusing case....
Polaroids in the '80's were relatively less expensive, compared to other forms of photography. The film itself was a little pricey, but you didn't have very pricey developing costs. It was common (though nowhere near universal) for teenagers to have their own camera.

I don't find the VC Andrews book a very compelling argument for the girl being TC; the series was extremely popular. I won't go so far as to say that every teenage girl in America had a copy of at least one of the books -- but lots of them did. I think the photo is trying to suggest something about incest and rape, etc.

There's something about it that makes me think it's more than a prank.


I find your remark concerning an attempt to suggest incest (apparently) due to the V. C. Andrews book to be somewhat ironic in that (at least according to Wikipedia) this was the only one of her books that did not deal with that subject!

I wasn’t going to beat a dead horse, but once again I will just say that this is how I envision the situation:

The family is finishing up their vacation (probably a week or so) in Port St. Joe and the parents decide to go out for a nice romantic dinner with just the two of them. The girl in the shot is clearly old enough to watch the younger kids. She’s reading the book while lying on the bed and her middle brother comes over with the roll of tape and announces his brainstorm for a funny family picture. She listens patiently and sighs, “Oh, all right. What do I have to do, dork?”

She then lies the book down next to her and the now empty plastic glass that she had been sipping from which eventually rolls beneath her legs when she elevates them while halfheartedly putting her hands behind her back.

The unseen brother then applies the tape and enlists little Bobby (or whoever) into the joke as well, or the boy even insists on being included, not wanting to be left out. The little kid thinks it’s cool and therefore is a more attentive and willing participant. Unlike his sister, he fully crosses his hands behind his back and puts on the terrified “I’ve been kidnapped” expression.

The entire process takes but five minutes. It was probably just intended as a funny picture at first, but then the devilish middle brother (or whoever) leaves the photo underneath a van in a convenience store parking lot which is then a prank he privately savors but had no idea what the ultimate repercussions would be. The parents probably never saw the photo or knew that it existed. (Or if they did see it, just laughed and then handed it back to their son thinking nothing more of it.)

Of course, as I said before, the exact details are speculation and not critical to the conclusion that it was three kids originally just messing around.
When I look at the photos of Tara compared to the mystery girl photo, the one thing I keep coming back to that makes me doubt that the girl is Tara is the eyebrows.


If you look at all five photos of Tara on her Charley Project page, her right eyebrow wraps in a sharp arc around her eye. The mystery girl's eyebrow tails more straight out toward her temple, and the point at which it doglegs is further toward the temple. Tara's eyebrow doesn't have a sharp dogleg, but curves smoothly. And the lower edge of Tara's eyebrow has much more curvature.

Also, the mystery girl's eyebrows are thinner in density toward the temples. Granted, this is not definitive because women pluck their eyebrows, but it is less likely that a woman is plucking her eyebrows while in captivity and not plucking them while she is free.
I agree that they eyebrows don't match. And I don't think the bridge of the nose quite matches either; in your magnification, it looks like Tara's arches just a wee bit more.

The girl in the photos is well groomed. Shaved legs, neat eyebrows, clean though casual clothes. If she's been kidnapped, the kidnapper is letting her take care of herself. Maybe she needs it for the job he has her doing, I don't know, but it seems a bit out of line.
When I look at the photos of Tara compared to the mystery girl photo, the one thing I keep coming back to that makes me doubt that the girl is Tara is the eyebrows.


If you look at all five photos of Tara on her Charley Project page, her right eyebrow wraps in a sharp arc around her eye. The mystery girl's eyebrow tails more straight out toward her temple, and the point at which it doglegs is further toward the temple. Tara's eyebrow doesn't have a sharp dogleg, but curves smoothly. And the lower edge of Tara's eyebrow has much more curvature.

Also, the mystery girl's eyebrows are thinner in density toward the temples. Granted, this is not definitive because women pluck their eyebrows, but it is less likely that a woman is plucking her eyebrows while in captivity and not plucking them while she is free.


Great work and thank you! Your technical analysis, combined with the observational and psychological input of people such as me and others, convinces me more than ever that there was nothing to this photograph other than vacationing kids clowning around; kids who in their youthful immaturity never intended to cause so much trouble and anguish to others. To them (or maybe, just one of them who left the photo in a public place on his own volition), it was nothing more than a harmless prank.

Assuming my analysis is correct, we can never be a hundred percent certain until and unless one of those involved comes forward. I don’t deny that.
Armchair - I did recognize the mistake and remembered then that I had heard once that it was a Polaroid, but two articles I read most recently said "film"...and, being a professional photographer myself, I assumed film. Even with this equation taken out, I still don't believe this is a prank. I wish it was a prank...I wish so much it was.

I guess that in cases like these, there are arguments that are very sound, for both sides. I think that as long as we keep discussing it in a productive manner, that we could possibly stumble on something that would help. Probably not likely, but one can always hope.

I do see your points and do agree with one thing that is a very strong point in your reasoning. I believe as well that this photo was staged. I just believe it was staged by a kidnapper/rapist/pedophile/murderer while you believe it was staged by another child. All of us see things in a different way.

The bottom line for me is that I think the girl is Tara Calico. I don't know who the boy is because he is not as clearly seen as the girl.

A couple of points that I wanted to mention: Michael Henley's mother was never sure that it was her son. I read an article that said she believed it was and many others who said she never was sure. I guess with numerous articles, you have to go with what the majority is. Tara's mother was always sure it was Tara.

The Sheriff that insists he knows what happened to Tara just sounds too sketchy to me and if he knew, where is her body? Why does he continue to stay silent as to the boys involved in her murder? This doesn't make sense to me even slightly.

Such a sad and confusing case....


I do not know of any case where a photo like this (showing kids who might or might not have been actually in distress) that has publicly surfaced that has been definitely resolved one way or the other, including the many on Mrs. Gosch’s website.

(I personally believe that most of the ones on her website were indeed taken by perverts, but that the youngsters shown had not been abducted; that they had been either paid (if not with money, then with other treats) or simply talked into posing as such as a “funny picture” not having had a clue as to the photographers' real motivation. It is no puzzlement why such (then) kids would not come forward now to own up to having been the subjects of such photos. Had it been me then, I’d die of embarrassment. Some of these kids might now be doctors, lawyers, CEOs or even clergymen. How many of us would want some of the stupid and foolish things we did as kids made public?)

For every person who posts on forums like this, there are probably a hundred more who lurk. In the case of this particular photo, if my analysis is correct then I think the odds are very good that the kids involved have long since been aware that the photo has been made public and probably lurk on websites that have had comments made about it. These kids would now be in their thirties and are almost certainly all still alive.

For the sake of Tara Calico's family, and other families of missing kids from that era, if any of you are reading this thread and this post, please come forward and resolve their doubts. You broke no law that I am aware of, and even if there is some obscure statute that I am not aware of that might apply, it is certainly long since past the statute of limitations.

You were kids when you took this photo, probably simply as a family joke shot. Maybe one of you inadvertently lost the photo outside, and even if one or more of you intentionally left the photo about as a prank, you were young and didn’t realize the repercussions. Youth explains and excuses much.

I appeal to you, especially to the young woman in the photo who had probably been the most mature of these kids, to now do the decent thing. Either contact the authorities in Port St. Joe to explain matters, or publicly come forward on the internet by explaining the situation. Scan photos you took of your family during your stay in the town by way of verification.

Apologize for a situation that you inadvertently caused and has since gotten out of hand. Then the matter would be laid to rest. Such would seem the decent thing to do and people will understand and commend your forthrightness. One or more of you might well have kids yourself now. Think how you would feel had one of yours been missing.
Crowe Agency Sex Offender Photographs Unconscious Teens - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

About a guy who drugged teens and raped and photographed them while they were unconscious.

The kids in our photo aren't unconscious, but they could be drugged. They could have been groomed and abused for years, or beaten into submission, or bribed with money, drugs, who knows what else. Maybe they were on a much anticipated trip to Disney World with their beloved uncle, who turned and did this to them all week long, and they were afraid to tell.

I just can't get from "staged" to "harmless." I just can't.
I think the name for the boy that you're remembering is Michael Henley. He disappeared from the southwest, I believe, and his parents thought it was him. However, Michael Henley's remains were found not far from where he disappeared. I don't think the boy in the photo is Michael Henley.

I think the photo boy resembles David Michael Borer, but the Borer boy is younger that the age estimated for the boy in the photo.

Mr. E,

What is the date the photo that the photo was found, and the date that Michael Henley's remains were found?

If the remains were found after the photo, then it still could have been Michael in the photo, right?

Also, the date the photo was taken could have been well before the photo was found.
Mr. E,

What is the date the photo that the photo was found, and the date that Michael Henley's remains were found?

If the remains were found after the photo, then it still could have been Michael in the photo, right?

Also, the date the photo was taken could have been well before the photo was found.

Please see the second paragraph of my reply #146 on page 6. There seems little question concerning the fate of this unfortunate child, and it did not involve an abduction. The missing child never left the New Mexico mountains where he went missing.
1. Just because its prudent to assume the worst, I believe the picture of the bound boy and girl is not a hoax.

2. I believe the girl to be older and taller than the available information indicates. The way girls develop at that age, I think she could easily be in her late teens.

3. That being said, I don't believe the girl in the picture to be Tara Calico. Overall, the girl's face just seems to have a harder edge quality that Tara's lacks. Just seems more angular.

4. From the first time I saw that picture and read about its supposed context, I have always gone with the scenario that:

  • The girl and the boy spend a great deal in the van/truck (whatever it is), which explains the book and the bedding,
  • When the van is on the move, the boy and girl are secured to a degree,
  • After being on the move, the person holding the boy and girl, opened up the back doors and got a quick picture to share with others,
  • The picture, being of little importance to the person holding the boy and girl or his customer, was carelessly lost or discarded.
I skimmed the thread, so forgive me if they are there and I didn't see, but are the other pictures available? Out of curiosity and comparison, I'd like to see them. I don't think the girl looks like Tara, personally, which is why I'd like to see the rest. I don't see terror on the faces of these kids. They just look very...casual to me. You can't even see if they're really bound, or just hiding their hands to make it look that way.
1. Just because its prudent to assume the worst, I believe the picture of the bound boy and girl is not a hoax.

2. I believe the girl to be older and taller than the available information indicates. The way girls develop at that age, I think she could easily be in her late teens.

3. That being said, I don't believe the girl in the picture to be Tara Calico. Overall, the girl's face just seems to have a harder edge quality that Tara's lacks. Just seems more angular.

4. From the first time I saw that picture and read about its supposed context, I have always gone with the scenario that:

  • The girl and the boy spend a great deal in the van/truck (whatever it is), which explains the book and the bedding,
  • When the van is on the move, the boy and girl are secured to a degree,
  • After being on the move, the person holding the boy and girl, opened up the back doors and got a quick picture to share with others,
  • The picture, being of little importance to the person holding the boy and girl or his customer, was carelessly lost or discarded.

Just as the word “assassination” is generally reserved for the murders of politicians, statesmen and great men or women like Dr. King, I believe the word “hoax” overstates the case in this context. This was simply kids (probably siblings) taking a joke shot suggesting (in their minds) a kidnapping for ransom.

After the fact, one of them (probably the kid who took the photo) left it lying around in a parking lot (probably while the family was leaving town after a week’s vacation in a popular vacation spot) as his idea of “funny.” He never intended to set off a search by LE and was probably scared if and when he (and his siblings) became aware of the result. Thus, they have kept their mouths shut to this day.

As for your van idea, there is nothing whatsoever that I can see from the photo that indicates it was taken in a van or any other vehicle. I believe it was a motel room. The entire suggestion of a van comes from the testimony of the person who found the photo and turned it over to LE that he or she had seen a van pulling away from a parking spot (at a convenience store) where the photo was found. The witness said he or she did not know if the photo came from the person or people inside the van. Convenience stores have vehicles pull in and out constantly and the photo might have been there for any length of time before it was discovered, while numerous vehicles were parked over it or while it blew around in the wind.

Again, despite all the hype about “human trafficking,” there has never been a credible shred of evidence of human trafficking in the United States.

Almost all youngsters abducted by strangers are victims of lone pedophiles. Only in very rare instances has one been known to kidnap and hold two unrelated youngsters simultaneously; and in both of the only cases I am aware of (Steven Stayner and Shawn Hornbeck), they were under very unusual circumstances and took place years apart (after the original victims outgrew their desirability for the perp.). In both cases, the second victims were the same type as the original ones, young boys. It seems highly unlikely that a pedophile would be interested in two youngsters of the disparate ages and opposite sexes as are the young people in this photo.
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