FL FL - Sabrina Aisenberg, 5 months, Valrico, 24 Nov 1997

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"There is an active, ongoing and substantive criminal investigation being currently pursued by the HCSO into the disappearance of the minor child, Sabrina Aisenberg," Levens wrote.

Numerous tips or leads received in the years since the girl disappeared are being pursued by investigators, the judge wrote.

Therefore, any material related to the continuing sheriff's investigation must be protected and blocked from the civil case, Levens wrote.

I really don't know what to think about Sabrina's disappearance. It's like us here at Websleuths. Someone writes something that makes a case look a certain way, and someone else comes back with additional evidence, and you say, "That makes sense". So I'm on the fence.
Steven Aisenberg flew into town from his new home in Maryland to deliver a message: He thinks his daughter is alive and he wants proof that the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office is still investigating her 1997 disappearance.
His comments came a day after a judge determined that the investigation is ongoing and that releasing detectives' records that detail the disappearance of Sabrina Aisenberg could compromise that investigation.

Steven Aisenberg said he doesn't believe that. He said he wishes the investigation was still under way.

Aisenberg asked any member of the public who has provided information to the sheriff's office and thinks that information was ignored to call Cohen's office.

Cohen would not let Aisenberg answer questions about steps the family has taken to look for their daughter outside of relying on law enforcement.

Sabrina Aisenberg's parents say the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office is bluffing.

A day after a Hillsborough circuit judge ruled that the Sheriff's Office is still investigating Sabrina's 1997 disappearance and that it can keep blocking her parents' access to investigation files, Steve and Marlene Aisenberg filed a legal motion asking the judge to reconsider his decision.

"Stop using the ongoing criminal investigation as a pretext for not giving us the truth," said Barry Cohen, the Aisenbergs' attorney, in a news conference Wednesday that attracted every local television station but added almost no new information.

Sabrina's case is featured on CBS 48 hrs tonight. (rerun from Jan.)
There is more evidence against the Ramseys than there ever was against these people. IF LE had planted the bugs correctly maybe they would have heard something, but it didn't pan out. I feel, like her parents, that Sabrina is alive somewhere.
When Susan Smith claimed her kids were taken when she was car jacked, I knew immediately that she was guilty. With the Ramsey case, I just didn't feel they were the type to hide a crime, if one were committed but LE and the media did such a job on them I didn't know what to think for many months. This Sabrina case looked highly suspicious because you just don't believe that people walked into other people's homes and snatch their kids until you realize just how often it happens. Let's see there were Polly Klaas, Elizabeth Smart, Danielle van Damm, Jessica Lundsford and another FL child who name escapes me, as a few examples. Yes the parents should be thoroughly investigated but, not to the exclusion of all other possibilities. We as a public should be supportive of both LE and the families and cut the lynch mob mentality.
railbird said:
When Susan Smith claimed her kids were taken when she was car jacked, I knew immediately that she was guilty. With the Ramsey case, I just didn't feel they were the type to hide a crime, if one were committed but LE and the media did such a job on them I didn't know what to think for many months. This Sabrina case looked highly suspicious because you just don't believe that people walked into other people's homes and snatch their kids until you realize just how often it happens. Let's see there were Polly Klaas, Elizabeth Smart, Danielle van Damm, Jessica Lundsford and another FL child who name escapes me, as a few examples. Yes the parents should be thoroughly investigated but, not to the exclusion of all other possibilities. We as a public should be supportive of both LE and the families and cut the lynch mob mentality.
Well said, railbird!
This case has really intrigued me. I have heard a lot of talk about the garbled tapes, does anyone know where I can listen to them, or maybe download them?
You know, if Couey was in their area, I would swear this was one of his little stunts.
Did LE ever release info about a particular suspect. I think the person who took Sabrina wanted to have a child and thought the Aisenberg's were not good parents, or felt they would not miss her since they already had 2 kids. The abductor had to be somewhat familier with them. I am thinking it was someone who visited a neighbor and maybe even spoke with them. I do not think it was totally random.
Usher737 said:
Did LE ever release info about a particular suspect. I think the person who took Sabrina wanted to have a child and thought the Aisenberg's were not good parents, or felt they would not miss her since they already had 2 kids. The abductor had to be somewhat familier with them. I am thinking it was someone who visited a neighbor and maybe even spoke with them. I do not think it was totally random.

I think that LE pretty much limited their suspect list to the parents in this case. They have never found Sabrina, but LE tried very hard to prove her parents were involved. Aiesenburgs have sued to get access to the investigative reports, but the judge said no. LE claims that this is still an active investigation and they are still investigating leads. But they decline to give any info regarding the leads.
I have always been fascinated by the Aisenbergs case. I am a fence-sitter too on if they are guilty or innocence. I lean more toward innocence and that was my first thought.
I think various people have are assumptions due to the media, and their first instincts about people involved in such cases. IMO this is unfair.
Parents who lose children should be comforted, and believed.

Yes, many are proved wrong, have killed, molested or abused they’re own children. But, I do not think we should be judge or jury on cases without every fact. I read a thread by someone here who explains that better than I can. We should extend every comfort to those that have lost a loved one.
I think of the Smart Family, who were suspects and whos child was recovered. I think of the Lunsfords. This is a perfect example of a monster who entered a home, the dog did not bark, he left no fingerprints, and took a child (who was not even an infant). If Couey could enter a house, (all drugged out without being noticed, who is to say, a person not in that shape could enter without being heard in a larger home!

We must account for the fact that this does happen. And years ago, (most likely not today) many parents have forgotten to set the house alarm, or were prone to leave a garage door open in a safe established neighborhood. I do know a family member- their alarm constantly went off, so before it was fixed, on various occasions they left it off till it was repaired.

I found one thing on the 48 hour special hinky: the x-Tampa detective.
He provided no factual data, IMO. I found his whole speech to be jaded and worthless. I think it must have been done to sway viewers but I was curious if anyone else felt he said anything of value?

1. He stated, "Steve A. came to my house and said, "the baby was missing?"
(so what, Steve either knew he was a cop, or to those skeptics, Steve figured if a cop got involved, it made him look innocent)
What beef did this former cop have?
I answer this as being that LE had /has a beef now with this family as the evidence of the tapes were doctored by LE.

2. He stated, "my wife came out and Mrs. A waved to her!"
(Ok, what does this prove in regard to guilt?).

Also, after hearing other 911 tapes of kidnappings, I found hers to be
credible in comparison to others I have heard, espically (IMO) Darlie’s.

One questions remains on the tape ( I could not find it online)
-I heard it on TV.
When the dispatcher asks her about her children she asks (S) to check on her other daughter;
Why not her son, unless she was in her sons room? I may have missed something here too.

What does disturb me about the case is this:
According to the transcripts the parents provided pictures of wrong baby. They were giving to the authorites.
(the family claims it was a mistake)
That is strange and makes no sense. I asked a friend, (a male) and he said,"SO WHAT- it was a mistake!"
Well, I do not know a mother who would make that mistake. :(
Over the last few days I did a fair share of research on this case. I have found some facts worth noting, and formed opinions.

There seems to be many unanswered questions at this time. It does not look like they uncovered anything on Steve or M. that shows either had a drug problem or financial problems.

It leads to me the conclusion of WHY? What did they have to gain killing their daughter and where is the body? If it was an accident, why not report it? They seemed like the type of people who would report an accident. This leads me to lean more toward innocent.

In the case of finding a high powered attorney to defend them, well, IMO, why not? The police were aiming for them, it appears that when LE have you in their crosshairs maybe it is best instead of letting them hang you, one needs to protect themselves! That is their right. I have recently changed my opinion on this. I know many believe in taking polygraphs, etc, but sometimes the LE, the DA just might have it in for you.

I think it is likely that someone would want to kidnap a child so they could raise the child on their own. It did not appear there was any life insurance on baby Sabrina (at least to my knowledge). Also, their did not appear to be any sign of abuse in the house.

I am interested in seeing more of this case discussed. This case is one that still needs to be investigated. Sorry for the long thread.

Hopes and Prayers for the safe return of Sabrina


My problem with the 48 hrs, LE kept making the statement that the Aisenburgs did not show emotion. On the 911 tape, the mother sounded franic! Others made the comment about how upset the parents were.
So my problems are:
1) LE making that statement that does not appear to be factual.
2) In an emergency, (and this is proven by experience) I may act hysterically at the beginning- but then I shut down emotionally and tend to concentrate only on the immediate facts- answering questions, dealing with the emergency, etc. It is a way to push horror away, till you have time to deal with it by concentrating on the immediate. Usually privately after an emergency I am a basket case. Also, I don't like to show many emotions publically.
3) LE tend to congregate around other LE. And I thought that the neighbor was the first to say he didn't see much emotion from the parents. He of course would have made his opinion known to the other LE. With his LE history, his opinion would have carried weight and possibly swayed the other LE. I wonder if there was any history between the neighbors, what he was doing in the previous 8 hours, if he was ever questioned as a suspect?
QUOTE3) LE tend to congregate around other LE. And I thought that the neighbor was the first to say he didn't see much emotion from the parents. He of course would have made his opinion known to the other LE. With his LE history, his opinion would have carried weight and possibly swayed the other LE. I wonder if there was any history between the neighbors, what he was doing in the previous 8 hours, if he was ever questioned as a suspect?[/QUOTE] Mysterviews quote

Please excuse this post. I did not do your quote correctly.

Mysterview: That is a valid point. That is exactly what my friend said. He found the x-Tampa cop a suspect and wondered why/if he was questioned. (If I am understanding what you are stating.) I questioned this when he stated this, since he never watches crime or states his opinions. I just found this man- the x-cop rather hinky and just figured he was Pro-LE and felt he had nothing to add to the story.

My opinion was: If my child went missing and a cop lived in our area, I mean right on the block, I would go to him first. It seems like a good move. Also the point you also bring up about, "She seemed franic!" It did not seem like an act to me. It seemed like she was at her wits end. Good job of acting, if I must say so myself. Look, I understand people react madly at first and as you stated, may then become private, or shut down. Some even giggle out of nerves. Mrs. A. did not seem out of line to me at all. Steve A. appeared very staunch, yet men sometimes do appear in control and do not show emotions- either to protect the family or are brought up this way.

I do not assume to know the answers but one thing:

If LE had the goods on these folks, why did they doctor the tapes?

This needs to be explored further. I really am very curious. I hope this little girl is returned. I pray she is alive. I read also some suspected that they "SOLD" her but I don't see any money problems that were present.

Thanks for your opinion too. I read some facts on this. It is hard to really know.

Good evening mysterview.

From what I read about the case, I believe the Aisenbergs are innocet. I honestly think Sabina was taken by a woman or couple who wanted to raise a child.

Also, they have little chance on finding her unless someone spots her photo and calls in a tip.

I wonder if the Aisenbergs remember anyone unusual coming by the house or calling in the days or weeks before the abduction.
I have never read that LE centered on any other suspect or even interviewed one. I could be wrong.

It seems the only information they have let out was information that pointed toward the FAMILY. It was stated they had an investigation but I didn't see any suspects emerge from this.

Usher, I do agree. Unless someone sees an updated photo of Sabrina, or calls in a tip, this child may never be found. Yet, strange things do happen.

Of course a repairman, or any type of rouse would have gave someone entrance to their home. LE may have investigated this too, but chose to ignore it. I'm still fence sitting, but heavily leaning on the side of innocent.

Even though the Aisenbergs have been formerly cleared, the public stills seems to hold them guilty. This seems to be the way of our society.

My hopes are for the return of Sabrina;) - we have seen this before.

The questions I have about this case are as follows.
1) If it was a stranger abduction how can they come into the house through the garage, walk to the bedroom without walking into one of the other bedrooms and disturbing whomever is in that one, walk to the crib in the dark (lights would have woken someone up. Pick up the baby without it making a sound and walk out of a house that by everyones accounts was messy because the mother was not a good housekeeper, without tripping over something. Unless they knew the layout of the house and knew the mother was not a good housekeeper well.

2) The dog did not bark. Neighbors have said that the dog barked at everything. I cant recall where but I read somewhere that neighbors had even called and asked them to try to quieten the dog down sometime. My Chocolate Lab is one of the quietest and friendliest dogs you could ever meet but if startled at night by a noise or a shadow she will raise all kinds of heck.

3) If my child was taken from me in a certain area there is no way on Gods Green earth I would EVER move away from that area until I found out what happened and got some kind of answers

4) Why wait until you have a lawsuit filed against LE to really press for information on what is going on in the investigation. I would be up there every single day. They would have to put me in jail for obstruction because I would not get out of their way.

Wont be Popular but those are my views.
RockyMountains said:
The questions I have about this case are as follows.
1) If it was a stranger abduction how can they come into the house through the garage, walk to the bedroom without walking into one of the other bedrooms and disturbing whomever is in that one, walk to the crib in the dark (lights would have woken someone up. Pick up the baby without it making a sound and walk out of a house that by everyones accounts was messy because the mother was not a good housekeeper, without tripping over something. Unless they knew the layout of the house and knew the mother was not a good housekeeper well.

2) The dog did not bark. Neighbors have said that the dog barked at everything. I cant recall where but I read somewhere that neighbors had even called and asked them to try to quieten the dog down sometime. My Chocolate Lab is one of the quietest and friendliest dogs you could ever meet but if startled at night by a noise or a shadow she will raise all kinds of heck.

3) If my child was taken from me in a certain area there is no way on Gods Green earth I would EVER move away from that area until I found out what happened and got some kind of answers

4) Why wait until you have a lawsuit filed against LE to really press for information on what is going on in the investigation. I would be up there every single day. They would have to put me in jail for obstruction because I would not get out of their way.

Wont be Popular but those are my views.

1) I don't know. But try asking John Couey, I think he knows.

2) Again, ask John Couey.

3) I probably wouldn't but I know of others who would say there were too many memories there, and too many neighbors who gossipped.

4) I recall reading about this case in a magazine a couple of years ago. Not sure what magazine, but I remember reading it, because it was the first time I read about this case. They were pressing for answers at that time also, as I recall.
RockyMountains said:
The questions I have about this case are as follows.
1) If it was a stranger abduction how can they come into the house through the garage, walk to the bedroom without walking into one of the other bedrooms and disturbing whomever is in that one, walk to the crib in the dark (lights would have woken someone up. Pick up the baby without it making a sound and walk out of a house that by everyones accounts was messy because the mother was not a good housekeeper, without tripping over something. Unless they knew the layout of the house and knew the mother was not a good housekeeper well.

2) The dog did not bark. Neighbors have said that the dog barked at everything. I cant recall where but I read somewhere that neighbors had even called and asked them to try to quieten the dog down sometime. My Chocolate Lab is one of the quietest and friendliest dogs you could ever meet but if startled at night by a noise or a shadow she will raise all kinds of heck.

3) If my child was taken from me in a certain area there is no way on Gods Green earth I would EVER move away from that area until I found out what happened and got some kind of answers

4) Why wait until you have a lawsuit filed against LE to really press for information on what is going on in the investigation. I would be up there every single day. They would have to put me in jail for obstruction because I would not get out of their way.

Wont be Popular but those are my views.

1. Someone could be quite and navigate the house easily if he/she had been it before. The individual could have been in as a guest or broke in.

2. Bring a treat for the dog. Give it food and it will most likely shut up or not even bark.

3. I agree with Misteriew and it's not like Sabrina would remember where she lived like older abducted kids would.

4. That is hard to answer. But they are asking now and that is what matters.

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