FL FL - Sabrina Aisenberg, 5 months, Valrico, 24 Nov 1997

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
strach304 said:
Blueclouds, I don't recall the movie's title but it was either Michele Phieffer (sp) or Susan Blakely I think that played the role of the mother. My daughter was watching it is how I came to see it, so many of those movies on lifetime are based on actual events but I was sure this one had dialogue at the end stating it was and info about the family. I do know the city was Chicago.
P.S. The little boys name was Ben. Do I have the right one?
The movie that you are talking about here is The Deep End of the Ocean.
Sabrina's case has been added to the Doe Network:



3 Left: Aisenberg, circa 1997; Right: Age-progressed to 8 years (circa 2005)

Sabrina Paige Aisenberg
Missing since November 24, 1997 from Valrico, Hillsborough County, Florida.
Classification: Lost, Injured, Missing

Vital Statistics

* Date Of Birth: June 27, 1997
* Age at Time of Disappearance: 5 months old
* Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 2'6" (76 cm); 20 lbs (9 kg)
* Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Brown hair; blue eyes.
* Marks, Scars: Sabrina has several marks in the shape of the letter "Y" below her right shoulder.
* Clothing: Sabrina was wearing a lavender sleeper with a floral pattern at the time she vanished. A handmade blue and yellow blanket with imprinted animal images and yellow piping was also missing from her crib.

Circumstances of Disappearance
Sabrina became missing from her residence sometime during the early morning hours of November 24, 1997.
Her mother, Marlene Aisenberg, told authorities that she checked on Sabrina at approximately 12:00 a.m. and the infant was asleep in her crib. Marlene stated that when she returned to her daughter's room at 6:42 a.m., Sabrina had disappeared.
Authorities say whoever took the girl didn't leave a note, and there was no sign of forced entry.
While her parents were charged in her disappearance, the charges were dropped due to lack of evidence and unethical behavior by the authorities.
I wonder where Couey was during this abduction? I would like to blame alot of things on him. I will never believe Jessica was the first time.
Beyond Belief said:
I wonder where Couey was during this abduction? I would like to blame alot of things on him. I will never believe Jessica was the first time.
i just want to strangle that scrawney little man!!!!!!:furious:
I have to say that the recordings I have heard, so far, were too poor for me to glean any info from. Perhaps the audio could be computer enhanced with the right software but until then I can't fault the judge for tossing out that evidence. Anyone feel like trying to make that stuff audible? Good luck.
Note:I only listened to a couple of the provided recordings from the website so far.
Lots of info


Alleged taped conversations-sort of



I don't have an opinion yet about the case one way or another but I can understand the judge thinking the recording quality being so poor that it damages the prosecution's case, if it was as poor as the samples I have heard so far.
I listened to the first tape...it is completely utterly inaudible! How ridiculous...How could they even think they had a case with these?
smellsarat said:
Does anyone remember the case in Providence, RI where the infant was taken via ladder and later found dead in an alley??? Those parents claimed it was an abduction...later it was discovered the dad was into drugs and thw Mom questionable...the dad ended up in prison ..the baby had been raped I think....and the mom went to Indiana or somewhere out in the midwest and had another baby...I seem to remember the name Richards or Richardson...not sure...but was a bizarre case....not to say this one was the same...but just like Scott Peterson proves the rule on wife killed by husband...you can't blame the cops for thinking this way.........
Rhode Islander here.....the case was in 1984 I believe - Baby Geri Ann Richard or Richards, parents were Ralph & Donna. This was in Pawtucket RI. I've been tyring to find information on this case for a while too. Father was tried & acquitted....mother's case was dropped since the acquittal of the father - LE had more evidence on Father. Truly horrific crime. I'd love to see this re-opened & see if they could get something to stick on the mother. That poor baby. I think she was about 4 months old or so. From my recall - there was no impropriety on the part of LE.
Polly Klaas was also taken from her own home by a stranger.I really think in some cases too many people may be ruled out just by assumption of it has to be a family member or someone they know.
babydust2004 said:
Polly Klaas was also taken from her own home by a stranger.I really think in some cases too many people may be ruled out just by assumption of it has to be a family member or someone they know.
IF I HAD THE TIME and effort to present facts and cases, there are many MANY cases where children have been kidnapped from homes.

Not to mention the 5 other crimes within a 3 week period in the SAME AREA AS THE AISENBERGS THAT ALL HAD babies!!!!!!!!!!!!! attempted break ins.

THere is NO WAY on the face of this earth that these people are guilty. I will stand by my beliefs on this case. They have been dragged through crap all because of illegal activity of zealous stupid LE. which themselves should be in jail. :behindbar
blueclouds said:
IF I HAD THE TIME and effort to present facts and cases, there are many MANY cases where children have been kidnapped from homes.

Not to mention the 5 other crimes within a 3 week period in the SAME AREA AS THE AISENBERGS THAT ALL HAD babies!!!!!!!!!!!!! attempted break ins.

THere is NO WAY on the face of this earth that these people are guilty. I will stand by my beliefs on this case. They have been dragged through crap all because of illegal activity of zealous stupid LE. which themselves should be in jail. :behindbar
AMEN blueclouds,Polly is just the person that popped into my head at the time.I totally agree with you.
There has been some interest and questions concerning statistics about Abductions in this thread. Of course, each source may have slightly different statistics, but here are some for general guidlines and thoughts:

According to the United States Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Juvenile Justice Bulletin, June 2000 -Kidnapping makes up less than 2 percent of all violent crimes against juveniles reported to police.

Based on the identity of the perpetrator, there are three distinct types of kidnapping:

1 Kidnapping by a relative of the victim or "family kidnapping" (49 percent),

2. Kidnapping by an acquaintance of the victim or "acquaintance kidnapping" (27 percent

3. Kidnapping by a stranger to the victim or "stranger kidnapping" (24 percent).
Family kidnapping is committed primarily by parents, involves a larger percentage of female perpetrators (43 percent) than other types of kidnapping offenses, occurs more frequently to children under 6, equally victimizes juveniles of both sexes, and most often originates in the home.

Acquaintance kidnapping has features that suggest it should not be lumped with stranger kidnapping into the single category of non-family kidnapping, as has been done in the past.

Acquaintance kidnapping involves a comparatively high percentage of juvenile perpetrators, has the largest percentage of female and teenage victims, is more often associated with other crimes (especially sexual and physical assault), occurs at homes and residences, and has the highest percentage of injured victims.

Stranger kidnapping victimizes more females than males, occurs primarily at outdoor locations, victimizes both teenagers and school-age children, is associated with sexual assaults in the case of girl victims and robberies in the case of boy victims (although not exclusively so), and is the type of kidnapping most likely to involve the use of a firearm.


These statistics are clearly for those cases which have been RESOLVED and determined to be kidnappings. What is not mentioned in this link is the statistics regarding DISAPPEARANCES or Missing Persons. Those would be very interesting to see as well. For instance, where does Kidnapping fit in that overal picture?

Unfortunately, many cases of kidnapping in the past were allowed to get cold simply because statistics or odds were in favor of the missing person simply being a "run-away" or intentionally missing, or lost, etc. By the time a serious investigation into a real kidnapping got underway, it was too late.

Kidnapping in the US is a rare crime overall, but it is the type of crime that requires an immediate and nationwide response, thus the various recent iniatives such as the Amber Alerts.

An Illinois family is cooperating willingly with an investigation into whether the child they've been raising is a girl who disappeared from Florida years ago, police said Friday.

A DNA sample has been taken from the 6-year-old known as Paloma, and results are expected within two weeks, Pontiac Police Chief Donald Schlosser said.

If the test results match with Steven and Marlene Aisenberg, the Illinois family will surrender the girl, Schlosser said. He declined to identify the family.

Apparently, a woman in Texas was being deported and gave the child to a nurse there, who then gave her to her sister in Pontiac, Illinois. The family wanted to adopt the child, but because there were no papers identifying her nor did she have a birth certificate, the court would not allow it. Instead, the court ordered a search for the girl's parents, and, as part of the search, her photo was posted to a "missing children" website. A woman who saw the picture thought she resembled Sabrina, and contacted the Aisenbergs. The next step will be to do DNA tests to see if the girl is their daughter.

This was dated 05/02/03 so I guess that it wasn't Sabrina. I wonder who the baby was that the couple in Il. had?
blueclouds said:
IF I HAD THE TIME and effort to present facts and cases, there are many MANY cases where children have been kidnapped from homes.

Not to mention the 5 other crimes within a 3 week period in the SAME AREA AS THE AISENBERGS THAT ALL HAD babies!!!!!!!!!!!!! attempted break ins.

THere is NO WAY on the face of this earth that these people are guilty. I will stand by my beliefs on this case. They have been dragged through crap all because of illegal activity of zealous stupid LE. which themselves should be in jail. :behindbar

Hiya blueclouds! I totally agree with you. Like you, I believe the Aisenbergs are totally innocent. They just don't fit the profile of parents who would harm their child, especially while there are other healthy children in the family. It seems that usually if the parents are involved, there is a history of neglect, and one child is just not singled out, leaving other healthy siblings. I'm not buying it.
Pepper said:
Hiya blueclouds! I totally agree with you. Like you, I believe the Aisenbergs are totally innocent. They just don't fit the profile of parents who would harm their child, especially while there are other healthy children in the family. It seems that usually if the parents are involved, there is a history of neglect, and one child is just not singled out, leaving other healthy siblings. I'm not buying it.
Did you ever read the book, I believe it is called, The boy named David?
I just watched MSNBC Investigates the Sabrina Aisenberg case, and I am actually on the fence about this case. A few questions:

If a stranger took the baby, why was there no forensic evidence?

The Aisenbergs failed their polygraphs, and their second polygraph was
inconclusive. (The Mothers, I believe.)
Doesn't this lean towards guilt?

Also, is LE still investigating? This is such a sad case.
CRS61 said:
Did you ever read the book, I believe it is called, The boy named David?

Do you me "A Child called 'It'" By David Pelzer?
Tristan said:
I just watched MSNBC Investigates the Sabrina Aisenberg case, and I am actually on the fence about this case. A few questions:

If a stranger took the baby, why was there no forensic evidence?

The Aisenbergs failed their polygraphs, and their second polygraph was
inconclusive. (The Mothers, I believe.)
Doesn't this lean towards guilt?

Also, is LE still investigating? This is such a sad case.
The first polygraph was inconclusive from the mom because she was on drugs and too distraught. They passed the second tests completely.
gidget641 said:
Do you me "A Child called 'It'" By David Pelzer?
That book was so sad. I read all of them and was horrified!!!
michelle said:
That book was so sad. I read all of them and was horrified!!!
O/T but do you know that many people question the authenticity of those books?
Tristan said:
I just watched MSNBC Investigates the Sabrina Aisenberg case, and I am actually on the fence about this case. A few questions:

If a stranger took the baby, why was there no forensic evidence?

The Aisenbergs failed their polygraphs, and their second polygraph was
inconclusive. (The Mothers, I believe.)
Doesn't this lean towards guilt?

Also, is LE still investigating? This is such a sad case.

There was no forensic evidence in the Westerfield case either. Its not unusual. I have no idea what happened to Baby Sabrina, but agree that there are some much needed answers in this case. Before the Westerfield and Fox cases, I would have thought it impossible for someone to enter a home in the night and walk out with a child. I don't any more.

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