FL - Sade Dixon, 24, & Sgt. Debra Clayton, 42, slain, Orlando, Dec 2016 & Jan 2017 *Guilty of Dixon*

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IF he had guns on his person (& I've read that he had two underneath him) , and was laying down-- he could've shot more than one cop even lying down. Then (if more le were shot and injured/killed) we'd be talking about why they didn't attempt to kick or knock his arms where they could see them.

Maybe while ML's sitting in prison -- if he receives life without parole or death row -- he can think about his life choices that led him there. He has no one to blame except himself.
Loyd -- who reportedly had a fractured eye socket -- entered the courtroom with a bandaged head. Guards held onto him as he spoke out.
"They done took my eye. They done broke my nose, broke my jaw," he claimed, saying he crawled from an abandoned home to the road so officers could arrest him Tuesday night.

^ bbm sbm
Can a person w a broken jaw move it and speak as much as he did?
Does med treatment for a broken jaw vary depending on severity? Sometimes visibly bandaged, cast, or set, or what-ev? Or is med treatment virtually never visible?

Thx in adv.
^ bbm sbm
Can a person w a broken jaw move it and speak as much as he did?
Does med treatment for a broken jaw vary depending on severity? Sometimes visibly bandaged, cast, or set, or what-ev? Or is med treatment virtually never visible?

Thx in adv.

My brother broke his jaw in two places and was still able to speak. However, once it was treated his teeth were wired shut and . . . just try talking without separating your teeth. It's pretty obvious. I watched the video of him in court and don't think he has a broken jaw. His swelling is higher up in his cheek.

I also watched the arrest video and, although I thought the camera timing was odd, I also thought it looked like the cops were kicking his hands apart and further away from his head/body, which is a common arrest tactic. The arrest report originally said he had attempted to escape through the back of the house before coming out the front door. He could have sustained those injuries all on his own. Based on his attitude towards cops, which he himself wasn't shy about making public, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if his injuries were his own fault and he's trying to blame the police. He's trying to blame everyone else for what he's charged with, even the people he shot up execution style and killed. Nothing is his fault.

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Well, my bet is on someone connected to Loyd since they can't seem to wait for it to be their turn to help him in his life of crime. JMO

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the girlfriend looked like a beautiful woman from a good family, what was she doing with a bafoon like him I wonder ?
If he had a justifiable reason for kicking him---good---I hope he kicked him as hard as he could. But if he did it out of anger, that was wrong. I agree that the helicopter video is troubling.

It is clearly the blue shield or wall or whatever it is called

they will hold on to release of the body cams for as long as they can but IMO citizens are done with this stuff -

if you were on video kicking a person on their stomach you would be arrested and charged with assualt.

In the pictures of the guns they are on mulch - he was clearly in grass -------------we have a problem

"Who are you?" - Markeith Loyd questions the judge at his jail appearance on charges of killing Lt. Debra Clayton. Read more: http://at.wftv.com/2jGZwAS

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guys he is a bad guy

but anyone who looks at the video can clearly see that he was not a threat - he was crawling face down- his arms clearly in front of him -

come on guys...............................not OK IMO mulch is typically near a door - he was on grass when his eye was knocked out ..................

I still stand by what I said.
Video shows officer kicking Loyd.

With ya

the old

two wrongs.........................

bbm Yes and I finally found the link, I knew I read that but wanted a link.

Mina told HLN's Ashleigh Banfield that Loyd hit Clayton once and she fell to the ground. It was a non-life threatening injury.

Then, instead of running to his car to get away, Loyd went over to her, stood over her as she bled and shot her multiple times "execution style," Mina said.


And he cried for getting kicked.

he is a criminal LE are trained and supposedly pros - you do not go around kicking citizens in the face

that is assualt IMOit will turn into a big deal rightly so IMO
Orlando Police just released a new video of his capture. In this video he is clearly seen crawling across the grass to the officers. It was said earlier by Orlando PD that he was wearing a bullet proof vest, had guns and a bag of ammo under him.

Here's the latest video:


Suspected Orlando Cop Killer Appeared to Be Kicked in Head as He Was Captured: Video

You can clearly see he has nothing in his hands. At 930 you can clearly seeing him being kicked in his skull

The camera pull away is for 4 seconds which clearly indicates IMO the camera guy knew not to get a closeup of police violence.

but the technology is so neat! I thought that was a really good idea when the one cop drove up on the lawn they all should have done that and put on their high beams !!

And you can see the little doggie being a good doggie and protecting his daddy or mommy!! So cute!


But I am glad ABC headlined the video that way
I wouldn't be able to show restraint knowing he killed a defenseless woman and her unborn child. He's a real catch.

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............Pros follow the law

When I first saw it I thought that was probably my ex-neighbor -- that dude was mentally so unstable to be riding around with a gun and a car with blue lights on it was mortifying- and I was far from alone!

On two occasions if he was not a cop I would have called the cops from the stuff I heard as far as his wife was concerned!

Scary stuff.
You know, I almost could find it humorous if it wasn't such a terrible situation. He protests the charges against him for murdering his pregnant gf, saying a gun was pulled on him first....which possibly could have been true, but it's hard to care about that point when he is on film executing an officer.

And his nerve to complain about his treatment from cops, you reap what you sow bud, you made your bed, now lie in it. I couldn't hold it against the officers if they did go overboard, give them a months desk duty and let bygones be bygones. He killed one of theirs in cold blood. He could have drove off after the first shot. Instead, he stood over her and executed her. Can you blame them for being PEOPLE and having some anger towards this man?

Yes I can and do. Just saw the video a few minutes ago its an assault charge pure easy simple --if the cop could not maintain control he should have called in sick

there is a reason the camera panned away

they do wear body cams Pulse had many -- we want to see them - the officer who is kicking people in the face should be charged and suspended
............Pros follow the law

When I first saw it I thought that was probably my ex-neighbor -- that dude was mentally so unstable to be riding around with a gun and a car with blue lights on it was mortifying- and I was far from alone!

On two occasions if he was not a cop I would have called the cops from the stuff I heard as far as his wife was concerned!

Scary stuff.

Yes I can and do. Just saw the video a few minutes ago its an assault charge pure easy simple --if the cop could not maintain control he should have called in sick

there is a reason the camera panned away

they do wear body cams Pulse had many -- we want to see them - the officer who is kicking people in the face should be charged and suspended

I should have clarified. I know I wouldn't have been able to show restraint and, as a pro, would not have involved myself in his apprehension. The problem with LE, IMO, is the cops that don't maintain a certain level
of professionalism aren't being outed by their colleagues like they should. Letting these bad seeds to continue working gives them all a bad reputation, IMO.

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I should have clarified. I know I wouldn't have been able to show restraint and, as a pro, would not have involved myself in his apprehension. The problem with LE, IMO, is the cops that don't maintain a certain level
of professionalism aren't being outed by their colleagues like they should. Letting these bad seeds to continue working gives them all a bad reputation, IMO.

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I watched this part a couple of times - it was just instinct-scary watch the helicopter camera cop

one millisecond he pulls away when they start kicking him then 2.5 seconds later (let the kicking stop) goes right back in closer

To be frank, after I saw it I was amazed that they released it (which is sad that I even feel that way)

Someone is gonna enhance it you can see he was surrendering.........................................

In terms of human behavior, it floors me that we keep getting video of cops doing bad stuff - it does not seem like it has slowed down

Lets say one is a cashier and had been stealing some money out of the drawer. Then the boss comes in one day and puts a camera over the cash register!!!

One would stop!!

Its not happening
Law Enforcement kick Markeith Loyd in the face. Necessary force or unlawful force?

A psychological view of criminal cops -
Inside the Criminal Mind
Criminals Who Become Cops
Police work is a "criminal equivalent" for people with a criminal personality
Posted Feb 20, 2013

Should have kicked him harder
LE are not robots.I try to put myself in their shoes, everyday wondering if you will be shot,having your co workers shot and killed and all the while the media critics how you respond to the violence you encounter everyday.The stress must be unbearable and they are human.
I have no doubt Loyd was mouthing off at the time,pushing buttons.
So I know I'll probably get some flack for this, but here it goes. I respect LE. Some good friends of mine are in LE. However, people are people and police officers (and every other profession) are humans first. We can't give everyone in LE a free pass and say no one in LE would ever over react or react with more force than the situation calls for just because they're officers. We have a bad habit of doing that in this country - not just with law enforcement, but doctors, pharmacists, journalists, etc. I have personally heard friends of mine in LE, guys that I think are good guys, complain that after a foot chase to apprehend a suspect they couldn't beat the s**t out of him because COPS was in town and were out filming with them at the time. They were actually mad they couldn't beat this guy up for making them chase him.

I spent many years in a very abusive relationship. I was strangled, thrown against the wall, had a guns pulled on me, was threatened, was hit (both fist and open hand), and endured psychological and emotional abuse as well. I've never had any specialized training on how to handle a violent situation except for minoring in psychology in college - but that teaches how the mind works not how to diffuse a situation like the training LE is supposed to get. Yet I never once hit my ex-husband and I certainly never shot him. I know there are women in situations like that who resort to doing that, but most are in REALLY extreme abuse situations (I've personally known quite a few), but even most of those women never resort to violence themselves in response to what's happening to them. Most people do what I always did, do what you can to defend yourself without harming the other person if at all possible because God knows if a battered woman even scratches her husband she'll be the one in jail. I just don't understand why our LE can't be better trained for certain situations or if they are trained and the problem is bad seeds in their ranks why don't the rest of the officers kick out the bad ones?

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