FL - Sarah Boone, 42, charged with murdering boyfriend Jorge Torres, 42, by leaving him locked in suitcase, Winter Park, Feb 2020

Welp, nobody need question her intelligence.....she's confirmed her stupidity quite publicly. Someone, somewhere along the line, failed to tell her she's not the Center of the Universe, and no, the world does not revolve around her.
She's crafty but IMO she's sane. But man, does she have an LSD kaleidoscope of unmanaged personality disorders. Cluster B. Cluster A. Cluster C. Cluster F. Imagine having zero self-awareness, zero and 100% at the same time. Full od herself but wouldn't recognize an insight if it knocked her off her arse. At what point would a functioning human being realize that maybe all those lawyers aren't the problem. Hello, Common. Meet Denominator.

She is exhausting, all-consuming, just smart enough to be verbose, but disordered enough to create a swath of chaos. She's a train wreck with legs.

She is exhausting.

She'd in jail for murdering her partner, much of it caught on tape, recorded by her, and SHE'S telling her lawyer how to lawyer? That's rich. Judge, make her be nice to me. Make her listen to me. Make her do what I say.

Judge, make it stop.


Yep, she's also on public funds for this madness, so it's not out of her own pocket.
She's making allegations that could add up to slander / libel because if anyone believed them or took them seriously they could impact on the future career of her lawyers.

Notable that the current lawyer has disproven one of SB's allegations - that she had not be furnished with copies of medical records. Also that SB has walked out of two appointments when the lawyer was attempting to show and discuss material that is part of 'disclosure'.

In her police interviews SB refused to watch the video of JT pleading from the suitcase, she watched a few seconds and then asked for it to stop. There was two minutes on that audiovisual file the detectives said. Maybe she's never ever seen it more than those few seconds?

On YouTube I watch all these Sovereign citizen hearings, and other hearings, and if they don't like their lawyer they just say guess what I don't like my lawyer, and the judge says "guess what unless you are are hiring your own attorney you get what you get."
Why on God's green earth isn't this the same???
On YouTube I watch all these Sovereign citizen hearings, and other hearings, and if they don't like their lawyer they just say guess what I don't like my lawyer, and the judge says "guess what unless you are are hiring your own attorney you get what you get."
Why on God's green earth isn't this the same???

I think in those cases, the client is trying to fire a willing attorney. In Sarah's case, the attorneys keep withdrawing because of her awful behavior toward them.
I think in those cases, the client is trying to fire a willing attorney. In Sarah's case, the attorneys keep withdrawing because of her awful behavior toward them.

Yes this is true, at least the most recent few have petitioned the judge to stand down from the responsibility and given their reasons and set out examples. Likewise, SB has responded to the judge with a litany of complaints that would appear to verify the allegations and put her in a poor light.

She could have been out in her own lifetime if she'd have taken some kind of plea deal based on being a woman battling alcoholism, violence, mental health issues etc. I'll bet every single lawyer has put that suggestion to her.

THIS is why she keeps wanting other representation. She believes she should be found not guilty and won’t plead out. I do believe she blacked out and didn’t intend to kill him. But she wants to be exonerated.
She is a serial lawyer hater.

I do think that she should have to get in a suitcase to feel what it was like.
If she goes to trial, maybe the prosecutor will do that. Not to her, but to a guy. Just to demonstrate something or other. Or else, they’ll do a simulation and bring a photo.

She's utterly bonkers!

Has the most recent 58 page letter been scanned in anywhere we can read it yet?
Someone should write a book about this one day, preferably someone with skills in forensic psychiatry and psychoanalysis
She's utterly bonkers!

Has the most recent 58 page letter been scanned in anywhere we can read it yet?
Someone should write a book about this one day, preferably someone with skills in forensic psychiatry and psychoanalysis

The letter hasn't been posted but Ms. Cashman's petition to withdraw has been. Ms. Cashman wrote "irreconcilable differences" for the reason why she is withdrawing. You can search by SB's name here: Orange County Clerk of Courts Records Search
Is it possible to delay a trial indefinitely by continuously rejecting lawyers? Have there been any notable cases where this has happened previously, and how was it resolved?

This happened in the case of the murderer of a relative of member @LinasK.

The defendant went through at least 8 attorneys before deciding to represent himself, at which point the judge told him that if he tried to make any more changes the trial would go ahead without him IIRC. He ultimately pled guilty to manslaughter.

She's making a mockery of the Justice system and having a laugh. They need to stop this now..

Well, she's the one sitting in a cell while she plays this out, so the joke's kind of on her. I think it would be a real laugh if she dragged this out for longer than the amount of time she could have received as a sentence.

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