GUILTY FL - Shannon Dedrick, 7 mo., Chipley, 31 Oct 2009 #5

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Please don't take this as a criticism directed at you, I keep reading this same comment and just want to be sure we don't give the impression that Tina doesn't love Shannon.

From everything we read from DCF, pediatrician and neighbors; I have seen nothing that makes me think Shannon was not well loved in her home. Moreover I saw signs that she was very loved, by the notes saying the parents continued to follow thru on what was asked of them.

The pediatrician who had nothing bad to say about the care and follow up from Tina. His front desk staff, who I have found in the past at other offices have a tendency to be extremely critical of parents who don't meet the criteria they personally establish, only said Shannon wasn't always the cleanest baby in the office but that Tina was very good about following thru on Shannon's office visits.

I think Tina was in way over her head, Sue Baker found this as an opportunity to move in and take advantage. We have no idea what thoughts and idea's she was feeding Tina. But it is very obvious that while Tina was in an impossible situation, Sue Baker was doing nothing to help and she eventually wore her down.

Many, many parents who love their baby more than themselves, give their child up for adoption, so the child can have a better life. Since we weren't on this ride from day one, we have no idea what went on in Tina's mind for the last seven months, possibly making her think this was the right thing to do.

Possibly even realizing her mistake in the light of day, yet fearing she would be in trouble for giving Shannon away, she may have even asked Sue to give the baby back and being denied, she did the only thing that made sense to her at the time, by reporting her missing. Then spending 4 days not telling LE the truth, out of fear she was going to get in trouble. All the while wanting LE to figure it out and reclaim Shannon for her.

Hopefully this all comes out and Sue, now a 3 time loser if they tie her to lil Paul, will never see the light of day.

I was in a home for unwed mothers. At 16 I didnt know what to do but Holy Family adoption agency was affiliated with the home. They sneak in and assign themselves to the young girls who have no clue as to what to do with their babies. Let me tell you that for the 5 months that I was in there, my caseworker visited me once, sometimes twice a week. She belittled me, made me feel like I was the scum of the earth. She told me I couldnt care for a baby, kept telling me how I made stupid mistakes and would probably continue making them if I didnt surrender my baby for adoption once she was born. Here was a bright, educated woman telling this to a scared 16 year old girl who wasnt stupid, just impressionable. So Yes, maybe TM made the wrong decision, and yes maybe she didnt know how to be a mother but she didnt have the best example now did she? She had SB an evil, evil woman!
Dolly, that was a long time ago. open adoption is now standard. The girls even go to school pregnant. (I still get a little shocked when I see that)

From all indications, Tina was doing her best to meet the requirements of DCS.
Now it is too late for changes, shes going to prison. Baby will be adopted some time after that. I dont know the legal stuff, but they wont need Rusty or Tina permission.

Tina is every bit as guilty as Susan. The only difference I can see is that this will be Tinas first offense. So she will prob get a lesser sentence.

JMO, While Chipley kept their head in the sand the whole time this baby was missing, has now got gossip stories you would not believe. I have heard two of them. One was so mixed up I wasnt even sure we were talking about the same thing.

The sheriff said tina had nothing to do with Shannon being in the box and have not talked to each other??? How do they know that? Is the Box a family heirloom? might have been used alot before. No contact? no one else has a phone that either one of them could use? give me a break!!!! Sheriff must be getting tired, or is saying this to shut the public up for now.

Dec 14 they will hear the official charges. Some where along the line, they are given the choice to wave a speedy trial. Does everyone have to be given a plea deal?
Back to the bumpers in the box (I know, old news) I just thought of something. They tell you not to use bumpers in cribs because of the risk of SIDS and/or suffocation. It makes me wonder if putting Shannon into a tiny box like that with bumpers, if SB was hoping that the baby would smother herself on the bumpers, especially with having so little room to move.

Also both my kids were bald as can be at 7 months. I think that's the age when they actually had the least amount of hair. Shannon looks a lot like her mom IMO, just much cuter.

I don't get the no-bumpers thing. I used bumpers, and if you look at the latest celebrity births (from J-lo to Ms. Prinze) they all have baby bumpers in their cribs. Would we rather have our babies hit their heads on the wood? If you watch the TLC show about baby births, most, if not all, have baby bumpers.

Who's "they" who say not to use baby bumpers. What else are parents to use?

All the best,


ps: Baby bumpers are all the rage on internet sites. If so dangerous, wouldn't sales go down?
I don't get the no-bumpers thing. I used bumpers, and if you look at the latest celebrity births (from J-lo to Ms. Prinze) they all have baby bumpers in their cribs. Would we rather have our babies hit their heads on the wood? If you watch the TLC show about baby births, most, if not all, have baby bumpers.

Who's "they" who say not to use baby bumpers. What else are parents to use?

All the best,


ps: Baby bumpers are all the rage on internet sites. If so dangerous, wouldn't sales go down?

Its actually recommended on the packaging somewhere, but applies to once babies can move around, like roll over several times and crawl around...and then once they are standing, for the getting a height boost and going over the side reason...the part about never having pillows and stuff in there is true from the beginning i think though
chaniilove and Family in Texas,

I am SO very happy that little Shannon is safe and being cared for. I hope that soon she will be back with her family and no longer in the care of a foster family.

I had such an uneasy feeling when EastCoast came on WS and was talking about Susan Baker's past. I couldn't just sit here and not do anything. I am so glad now that I picked up the phone that night and called the Sheriff's office to tell them what we had found out about Susan.

When I heard that the Sheriff's office was surrounding the Baker home that morning, I prayed SO hard that little Shannon would be found safe inside. When I heard the news that she was found alive and was safe, I cried--not for just a few minutes--for hours.

I have no doubts that Susan was manipulating Tina. I can see how that could happen--especially if Tina was being subliminally threatened by Susan. I fully believe that Susan was behind every complaint ever filed with DCF. Unfortunately, because of Tina's diminished mental capabilities, she is likely very trusting--even of those in whom she should have NO trust. As you said, there were many people who trusted Susan with their children--even people who had no mental deficiencies.

I saw something similar to this happen to acquaintances of mine many years ago--the baby was taken away from the mother based on the eventually proven false allegations by a "concerned" relative and then placed with the relative. It took several months to get things straightened out, but not until after the baby suffered abuse at the hands of the supposed concerned relative. The baby was finally returned to its mother and the mother was cleared of all wrongdoing. The supposed concerned relative served a long stint in prison for child abuse. All of this makes me wonder just exactly what Susan's TRUE motives were in this fiasco.

Shannon, and Tina as well, are very fortunate to have such a loving and supportive family surrounding them now. It is obvious from your postings that you are deeply concerned about their well-being, on all levels. The next several months are going to be difficult, as I am sure you are aware, but I feel certain that the truth will come out as to Tina's culpability. I am almost certain that it is going to be minimal--hopefully, the courts will see that, as well. Finding good doctors to examine her and present his/her findings to the court is going to be key in seeing this situation to its best possible resolution.

I hope that you will give little Shannon a hug from me, when you are afforded the opportunity to hold her. She has touched a part of my heart that I will always hold dear and precious.

Warmest regards,
I don't get the no-bumpers thing. I used bumpers, and if you look at the latest celebrity births (from J-lo to Ms. Prinze) they all have baby bumpers in their cribs. Would we rather have our babies hit their heads on the wood? If you watch the TLC show about baby births, most, if not all, have baby bumpers.

Who's "they" who say not to use baby bumpers. What else are parents to use?

All the best,


ps: Baby bumpers are all the rage on internet sites. If so dangerous, wouldn't sales go down?

They don't recommend them, I haven't used them since my daughter got her face caught in one and almost died. The CPSC and every child safety watchdog group recommends against them...they really are unsafe and the parents that are not educated about them keep buying them and they keep killing children. Instead of one particular website, have the whole list of Google results.
crib bumpers unsafe - Google Search
BTW, those waiting on a response from me or for anything else right now, might be waiting a couple days still.
I'm sick, the computer's sick, and this is likely to be my last post of the day. I am going to hit the TheraFlu and wait for my doctor to call back.
I'll be back around later or tomorrow, or in a couple of days. God Bless all of you, and most of all Shannon.
Baby bed bumpers are up for debate. I had never heard of them when I had my kids so IDK. I was also told to lay my babies on their tummies so if they spit up it would run out of their mouth. That was '77 and '80 though. Things have changed.

Here's one article about bumpers.

In the early '90s we were still being told to lay babies on their bellies to avoid choking. Knowing how babies like to rub their faces in things, this made me nervous. I would roll up a receiving blanket, stuff it behind their back, and lean them a bit on the blanket to avoid rolling on their stomach. I'm sure there is something wrong with that too, these days.
Thank you for sharing this insight Carrie and *hugs* to you. I don't think anyone who hasn't dealt with a person like this personally can understand, I just wish they would stop judging before knowing the extent of the situation.

I agree, Chanii. You also can't judge one person based on the next.

I have only had a chance to peek through the weekend posts, but want to thank Chanii and Family in Texas for the updates and better understanding of Tina. I hope this whole situation gets resolved quickly for you all, and that Susan Baker finally gets what she deserves before she has a chance to hurt another child. I also hope Tina will accept the help she needs now from her family.

I really hope for answers on what happened to Paul.
I just had to pop back in to say that I LOVE seeing this amongst all the missing/located forum posts.

Found Alive FL-Shannon Dedrick

BTW, those waiting on a response from me or for anything else right now, might be waiting a couple days still.
I'm sick, the computer's sick, and this is likely to be my last post of the day. I am going to hit the TheraFlu and wait for my doctor to call back.
I'll be back around later or tomorrow, or in a couple of days. God Bless all of you, and most of all Shannon.
Hope you feel better soon NMK!
chaniilove and Family in Texas,

I am SO very happy that little Shannon is safe and being cared for. I hope that soon she will be back with her family and no longer in the care of a foster family.

I had such an uneasy feeling when EastCoast came on WS and was talking about Susan Baker's past. I couldn't just sit here and not do anything. I am so glad now that I picked up the phone that night and called the Sheriff's office to tell them what we had found out about Susan.

When I heard that the Sheriff's office was surrounding the Baker home that morning, I prayed SO hard that little Shannon would be found safe inside. When I heard the news that she was found alive and was safe, I cried--not for just a few minutes--for hours.

I have no doubts that Susan was manipulating Tina. I can see how that could happen--especially if Tina was being subliminally threatened by Susan. I fully believe that Susan was behind every complaint ever filed with DCF. Unfortunately, because of Tina's diminished mental capabilities, she is likely very trusting--even of those in whom she should have NO trust. As you said, there were many people who trusted Susan with their children--even people who had no mental deficiencies.

I saw something similar to this happen to acquaintances of mine many years ago--the baby was taken away from the mother based on the eventually proven false allegations by a "concerned" relative and then placed with the relative. It took several months to get things straightened out, but not until after the baby suffered abuse at the hands of the supposed concerned relative. The baby was finally returned to its mother and the mother was cleared of all wrongdoing. The supposed concerned relative served a long stint in prison for child abuse. All of this makes me wonder just exactly what Susan's TRUE motives were in this fiasco.

Shannon, and Tina as well, are very fortunate to have such a loving and supportive family surrounding them now. It is obvious from your postings that you are deeply concerned about their well-being, on all levels. The next several months are going to be difficult, as I am sure you are aware, but I feel certain that the truth will come out as to Tina's culpability. I am almost certain that it is going to be minimal--hopefully, the courts will see that, as well. Finding good doctors to examine her and present his/her findings to the court is going to be key in seeing this situation to its best possible resolution.

I hope that you will give little Shannon a hug from me, when you are afforded the opportunity to hold her. She has touched a part of my heart that I will always hold dear and precious.

Warmest regards,

~Thank you~~Thank you~~Thank you~Cleo ~Thank you~ ~Thank you~ ~Thank you~

~For being Shannon's~ ~Guardian Angel~

Law Enforcement may have found her under that bed, but you put them in that house. We all go thru our lives hoping that at some point we have made a difference. Not too many of us can go to bed at night knowing we have saved the life of a child!
I was in a home for unwed mothers. At 16 I didnt know what to do but Holy Family adoption agency was affiliated with the home. They sneak in and assign themselves to the young girls who have no clue as to what to do with their babies. Let me tell you that for the 5 months that I was in there, my caseworker visited me once, sometimes twice a week. She belittled me, made me feel like I was the scum of the earth. She told me I couldnt care for a baby, kept telling me how I made stupid mistakes and would probably continue making them if I didnt surrender my baby for adoption once she was born. Here was a bright, educated woman telling this to a scared 16 year old girl who wasnt stupid, just impressionable. So Yes, maybe TM made the wrong decision, and yes maybe she didnt know how to be a mother but she didnt have the best example now did she? She had SB an evil, evil woman!

Dolly, You sure hit that on the head, Tina could not have had a worse example of how to be a mother than a woman who was convicted of the abuse of her step daughter. I'll withhold judgement on lil' Paul, although it's hard, we all want to assume she is guilty of that one too, in my heart, I feel that she is.

I wish we knew what Sue Bakers true intent was, by her treatment of Shannon we can tell it wasn't love. I think she must be a very twisted woman. As I told you earlier, at this point I think Tina is her victim too.

I would argue the description of your case worker, she may have been educated but she doesn't sound bright to me. She sounds cruel and mean. Her job should have been to help you with whatever decision you made, to make sure it worked for you and your baby. Not to make it for you thru intimidation. Talk about the wrong person for a job...
Hi, guys, I am trying now to catch up on what I've missed over the past couple days. I don't know what i have, but it's not nice. But, I have Theraflu (the cherry flavored stuff is a wonder drug) and my doctor gave me antibiotics, and some Benadryl to knock me out, so I can get better. It isn't H1N1, so I feel better about that. I hate being pages behind, so try to not get too far ahead.
Can't read all the posts, but amI right? Did Shannon's mother leave her wtih a babysitter and the babysitter put Shannon in a box under her bed and then wouldn't tell the mother where the baby was?

Didn't she cry while she was in the box?

She is such a pretty baby girl. I hope someone steps in and takes her from mom if mom is really as mentally handicapped as some suggest. I guess I should have written challenged". I think the baby needs some interaction with humans. She seemed to not respond at all. So sweet, what a little angel.
I don't get the no-bumpers thing. I used bumpers, and if you look at the latest celebrity births (from J-lo to Ms. Prinze) they all have baby bumpers in their cribs. Would we rather have our babies hit their heads on the wood? If you watch the TLC show about baby births, most, if not all, have baby bumpers.

Who's "they" who say not to use baby bumpers. What else are parents to use?

All the best,


ps: Baby bumpers are all the rage on internet sites. If so dangerous, wouldn't sales go down?

I don't disagree with you, both of my kids used bumpers in their cribs. I'm just saying that bumpers are now being frowned upon because of the SIDS factor. They do make breathable bumpers now which are becoming more and more popular.

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