GUILTY FL - Shannon Dedrick, 7 mo., Chipley, 31 Oct 2009 #5

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I don't see a lot of love around that baby...I fear that you are too kind hearted, and too quick to see the best in people

sorry I don't buy it
Sorry, no way to tread lightly around that

When I suggested you tread lightly, it is because a mod will shut you down for being disrespectful of another member, that's all.

Yes, Tina screwed up horribly, she allowed a monster, who was related to her husband to care for her child.

"as far as the grandmother...since she was not prepared to sacrifice or put herself out in any way to take charge of this baby before, why would she be given custody now??"

Do you know the family personally? Do you know something we don't that would make Shannon's Gma out to be a selfish, uncaring person? I don't see that, then I don't know them. All I know is what they've said to us. From that I see a mom who raised her 4 daughters including one with special needs the best she could, by herself. A mom trying to do the best for her daughter and grand daughter. Why shouldn't she be given custody? She did the best she could with what she had to work with. IIRC Her trying to get Tina to move Rusty and Shannon to TX caused problems between herself and Tina.

"IMHO she has proven she can't care for a child...this whole situation is proof positive

The family isn't arguing this point, matter of fact they agree ...

The family told the state Tina could not care for a baby!
They are not
arguing this point, they never have. They were the first to bring it up!! If they had wanted to, they could have been quiet about Tina and her needs; then moved in for themselves and manipulated her into handing over Shannon. They tried to do it the right way, with the help of the state, but the state refused to help them.

The family has said "We were told if Tina can brush her teeth and tie her shoes, she can be a mother."

How does one respond to that statement? Aside from being a put down to good parents everywhere. It shows us their criteria sets the bar at a level many 5 year olds could meet.

What else were they supposed to do? They had as many safe guards in place as they could. If they had taken the baby, they would be the ones in trouble right now.

"the mother is strange....they reported that she was calmly smoking cigarettes after reporting her baby missing"

10/31- Why would Tina be upset upset?
She knew Shannon was with Susan. She thought Shannon was safe there.

What was Tina told, that made her hand her baby over?
We have only heard what Sue Baker said; Tina handed custody of the baby to her, not a single word as to why.

Since we can't believe a word out of Sue Baker's mouth, we still know nothing about why things happened the way they did.
We still have no idea what was going on between Susan and Tina. What happened for Tina to hand Shannon over, yet call 911 the next morning and "Why did it seem like a good idea at the time"?

"Thanks to Tina Shannon remained in the box under the bed"

So many people (adults) in the family spoke out in defense of Sue, if she fooled them; I think Tina deserves the benefit of the doubt, that Sue manipulated her too.

If Tina just wanted to get rid of Shannon she knew there were family members who would take care of her. So I'm not buying what Sue Baker is putting out there.

❝Don't you think that the detectives used every trick, every emotion, tried to scare her, and still she didn't tell them where Shannon was?? Thanks to Tina, Shannon remained in the box under the bed...❞

Yes, I think LE did try every trick and every threat, they could think of; I think it worked too well. I think Tina became afraid of what would happen if she told, where Shannon really was. She had no idea Shannon was in a box. Who in hell puts a baby in a box under a bed??? Why would she think her baby was in harms way? She was with her husbands "Aunt Susan".

"she apparently smokes marijuana too...."

Twice letters were sent to CPS
, both times the allegations were disproved or Tina and Rusty acted in compliance, to fix their mistakes. According to the CPS report, Tina was barely positive for pot, but she went along to rehab, with Rusty. She even went when Rusty didn't go.

if this baby has any chance it will be when she is placed with a new loving family

This type of comment is so inappropriate IMO; has a stranger ever showed up at your door and said "IMO you shouldn't be a parent?" or "The only chance your kid has, is if someone you aren't related to raises it..."

When was the last time you saw a document of eternal happiness handed out with an adoption certificate???

The trailer is filthy....the baby seems to have no emotions

CPS documents say otherwise. Reports were that the home was "messy" or "cluttered" never did CPS say it was filthy or had roaches.

One report stated Shannon smiled at her family members appropriately in response to them, another said Shannon smiled independent of someone trying to get her to smile.

When Shannon was at her press conference, she had been locked in a box for 12 hours and then rushed to the hospital. Mommy and Daddy were no where in sight, but she was being carried around by a bunch of big strange, crying men. And it was 1 AM! She didn't have much to smile about that night, from a little baby POV...

has the intelligence and emotions of a 13 year old....what love was shown to the baby??

One neighbor, Tanya Wilt, who said Mercer approached her Saturday morning to ask if she had seen her baby, described a happy child who did not seem to be abused as Susan Baker claimed.“A mistreated child is not content,” Wilt said.“That was a content child.”

No one is saying Shannon's life has been a piece of cake, so far. Yes, Shannon will probably do better with more experienced and mature adults around. But I've never seen anything about a 13 year old not being just as able to give and express love, as anyone else.

"I see nothing but an unfit mother who while manipulated allowed the manipulation....also her own family has said she is bi polar along with being mentally challenged...not a good candidate for motherhood IMHO"
"Court documents released Wednesday showed that child welfare workers in Florida began looking into allegations Shannon was being abused less than two weeks after she was born."

"But investigators reported that Shannon seemed to be cared for and repeatedly noted that the risk to the baby was “intermediate.” In September, an investigator said a physician determined that the child was healthy and expressed “no concerns regarding the baby."

"yes, Susan Baker is the monster here...but Tina sat there all the while knowing where her baby was."

IMO: Aside from Sue Baker
the other people at fault here:

(1) James Baker: We know SB was found guilty in the abuse of Nina, the story she told last week was horrendous, yet he is still married to her.

Two people know what happened in that SC house in March 1987. LE found out enough about the child abuse to charge them both with the abuse of Paul, for leaving welts on the little 3 year old. One, possibly both, are responsible for Paul's death and disappearance.

Circuit Court Judge Luke Brown; after SB was found guilty of assault and battery/high and aggravated nature of Nina; she was sentenced to (10) ten years. Brown suspended the sentence to time served plus 5 years probation.

S. Baker served 2 mos, 2 weeks, 5 days; for beating a six year old with a stick, which left her scars she can't recall getting and broken bones. Brown claimed "People want to see her punished for the Paul Baker case and I can't do that."

Judge had you just applied common sense about the harm done to Nina Baker and the slap you gave her when you set her abuser free, that would have worked for me...

(3)The state: For not putting Shannon into protective custody at birth.
There were family members who would have taken Shannon and Tina since the beginning. They tried getting custody but were denied.

The State: for leaving Shannon in Bakers care from 10/31-11/4
, if we figured it out, they should have too.

The State: Sent a deputy to the Baker's on 10/31;
the deputy did a cursory look and fell for Sue Baker's crocodile tears, telling him how much she "loved" that child... Great big red flag, from day one.
Has LE verified who "the children" were in the background while Sue gave her interview on 11/2? Or could they hear Shannon?I'll bet that gave Sue a real kick, first she got away with the murder of Paul and now she thought she was getting away with Shannon.

Similarities between the disappearance of Paul and Shannon.

8/2009: A letter went to Gov Crist claiming Shannon was abused and needed help. Was this her alibi?

1987: James Baker said he went to the exchange to buy some things and to get a haircut, when he returned there was a message from family services; "tell James Baker, his wife Linda Mott called and she has Paul."

1987: James Baker regarding his son, says the last time he saw Paul was 3/3 at supper. He was not reported missing until 3/5. Was Paul in the house on 3/5 when Sue says she took a nap?

J Baker says he had no idea baby Shannon was inside the house the entire time. (How about part of that time, Jim?)

2009: Susan Baker insisted she was at home Saturday morning, 10/31 looking at the computer with her husband, and some type of log-in time stamp could prove this.

James Baker's daughter Nina was asked if her father could be involved, she said, “Either she’s that good at lying and covering things up, or he’s that blind.” (S Baker served 80 days out of 10 years, for beating Nina in '87.)

2009: Tina said; in the 911 call; "I know for a fact my doors were locked last night, I locked them myself, just before going to bed.." Then she claimed the front door was open and looked jimmied when she got up.

1987: SB claims she told Paul and Nina to lay down for a nap, took 2 pills, locked the doors and went to bed. When she got up to look for Paul, the front door was unlocked and open.

2009: Per SB the family’s door remained latch-bolted shut everyday and “there was no way in this world that anybody could get in that trailer."

2009: 911 call: Tina claimed when she got up Shannon, who sleeps in a crib next to her bed, was gone. "Maybe my sisters in law came by and got her," she wondered out loud to 911.

1987: SB says Linda Mott called Family Services saying she had taken Paul.

2009: SB claimed she has heard Tina say she hates Shannon and wishes shewas dead, because Rusty isn't her dad (a claim she also made to Mr Gov. Crist)

SB claimed: James hated Paul because he isn't his bio~child, & felt tricked into custody.

2009: SB closed Shannon in a 2x3ft box, under her bed; for at least 12 hours.

1987: SB tells her cell mate; she and James, buried Paul alive in the yard of a friend living nearby.

2009: “They need to pin Tina again st the wall … until she tells them what she did with that baby,” Baker said. “Instead of chasing ghosts into the bushes and stuff,” she said, “they need to focus on that.”

1987: SB states, "Linda Mott has Paul; she or a family member is hiding him." When asked why Linda would do that Baker replied, "out of spite, because she hates my guts."

Statistically speaking this should not have ever happened, that we found this child alive, especially after so many days. Time was against us” Sheriff Haddock said. “And my response is, ’We saved the child, Ms. Baker.”

CHIPLEY — Circuit Judge Allen Register has ruled that further hearings about the custody of Shannon Dedrick, the baby allegedly given away by her mother to her step-aunt and then kept in a box, will be closed to the public, court officials confirmed Wednesday.

more here

Thank you! As much as I care about what happens to this sweetie, this is fair. She has had enough of her life put on display for the world to see.

THis is standard procedure for minors in most states, I wonder how it works in FL where almost everything is up for view.....
Thank you! As much as I care about what happens to this sweetie, this is fair. She has had enough of her life put on display for the world to see.

THis is standard procedure for minors in most states, I wonder how it works in FL where almost everything is up for view.....

the story has been updated with more updates to come (per what I've heard from an editor), MMB

seems baby Shannon touched many people!!

Jennifer Colton, a case worker in the Guardian Ad Litem program, said that a search for Shannon’s name on Google returns 7 million hits and that there are 35 videos about her on YouTube. (A Google search for Shannon’s name produced about 1.7 million hits when conducted by The News Herald on Wednesday afternoon.)
In Florida all child dependency hearings are confidential. I am a Guardian Ad Litem here.
Well I am the first to say that the child care laws/agencies are really screwy

especially in Florida it seems

The family has said "We were told if Tina can brush her teeth and tie her shoes, she can be a mother."

Wow...that is unreal....I just hope that they use the same criteria in prosecuting the mother however....she should stand trial for her part in this. I hope they don't try to play the "disabled" card to get her out of serving time

as for Susan Baker?? I hope they throw away the key after they lock her up
There is'nt a disabled card here to be played by shannons mother! It is a defence, she is disabled and has been all her life. She has been receiving SSI since she was a child and has been taking Bi-polar medication since befor shannon was born with the exception of pregnancy and we have proof that she missed many doses of her meds many months before shannons disappearance. I do not condone what my dayghter has done but I will stand behind her til the day I am laid to rest and I will do whatever I can do to help her. God has never turned his back on me or tina and I will never turn my back on any of my 4 daughters. She too is a victim here who was physically and mentally abused by shannons elleged father. I believe that tina was manipulated by susan baker, tina professed that she did not and would not hurt her daughter and she did'nt. Tina was not aware of this womans evil past. Please dont judge this child, god is her judge and her father and he will stand behind her as well. I believe this was gods way of removing tina and shannon from the hell they were living in because I dont think that tina was ever going to leave florida and the control of rusty dedrick.
tina is disabled has been all her life and is a victim here as well who was physically and mentally abused by shannons alleged father, dont judge her, god will do that,I will stand behind her always as god has always done me and tina. I think she was manipulated by susan baker
I think that you will find many of us are in complete agreement, if sb has been able to keep her family and her conspirator/husband's family convinced all these years, that she was innocent and a victim of the N.C. police; I feel with all my heart, Tina stood no chance at all.

The things that were done to poor little Nina and what the SD and NCIS believe were done to Paul, prove to me that sb is a monster. Whatever her mind-set was, whatever she was going through in 1986-87, tells me she should never, ever have been allowed near any child for the rest of her life. If she could harm those two, she could harm any child.

Whether her intent was to harm Shannon or not, locking her in a wooden box; for at least 12 hours (or 1-2 seconds), once again proves she was not competent to care for a child. Precious Shannon must have had a powerful Guardian Angel with her for the time she was in sb's care. Thank GOD you have her back, away from pure, heartless, evil.

My prayers continue to be with you, Tina, Shannon and your family; for strength, that Shannon thrives and Tina heals and is able to help in her own defense while also helping to put sb away forever.
Well I am the first to say that the child care laws/agencies are really screwy

especially in Florida it seems

The family has said "We were told if Tina can brush her teeth and tie her shoes, she can be a mother."

Wow...that is unreal....I just hope that they use the same criteria in prosecuting the mother however....she should stand trial for her part in this. I hope they don't try to play the "disabled" card to get her out of serving time

as for Susan Baker?? I hope they throw away the key after they lock her up

Before we decide what Tina is guilty of could we at least get a statement from her or her atty? From what we have seen Tina has never harmed Shannon. How can we hold her guilty of allowing sb to care for her child, sb cared for the children of the rest of the family too.

The rest of the "adults" in the family have come out and claimed they did not believe sb would ever harm a child. Yet she has been convicted of child abuse and what she did to Nina deserved much more time than 80 days behind bars, she should never been allowed near any child, and I am including Tina in this.

We still don't know what sb told Tina, or if Tina handed Shannon over with the intent of never seeing her baby again; why she then called 911?? I think there is a lot to this story we still don't know. But from what we have seen, I would have a hard time faulting Tina with anything except falling for the wrong guy. A guy who's aunt susan is the prime suspect in the disappearance of a three year old and a convicted child abuser.
Huh?? Tina knew where her baby was. Does she know the difference between a lie and the truth??
the story has been updated with more updates to come (per what I've heard from an editor), MMB

seems baby Shannon touched many people!!

Jennifer Colton, a case worker in the Guardian Ad Litem program, said that a search for Shannon&#8217;s name on Google returns 7 million hits and that there are 35 videos about her on YouTube. (A Google search for Shannon&#8217;s name produced about 1.7 million hits when conducted by The News Herald on Wednesday afternoon.)

I Googled "baby Shannon" for fun: 6,370,000 for baby Shannon. I guess The Herald spelled something wrong!! Twenty years from now, people will remember Shannon, the baby locked in a box by a monster. Just like baby Jessica, the 18 mo old baby who was rescued from a well in TX.

Meanwhile Wednesday, Baker was under close watch in the Bay County Jail, where she had been moved from Washington County. Rumors that she had been beaten in a jailhouse scuffle were false, said Warden Rick Anglin. &#8220;There haven&#8217;t been any incidents with her other than she suffered an anxiety attack the other day,&#8221; Anglin said. Baker was being isolated in a protective custody unit with an officer posted there 24 hours a day.

The 50-year-old convicted child abuser, who spoke multiple times with The News Herald before she was revealed to be a suspect in the case, declined a Wednesday interview request. She remains a suspect in the decades-old disappearance of her stepson, Paul Baker, who was 3 when he vanished in 1987 in South Carolina.

She must be considered a high profile inmate, for them to be doing so much over an anxiety attack...

I kinda liked the idea that a couple of the other ladies who are guests of the state, had an opportunity to visit with her!
Bad, bad mmb)

readers45 at
felt the same way: :croc:
"Well maybe they can beat her Bay County style.
You know finish what Washington County inmates could not?"
There is'nt a disabled card here to be played by shannons mother! It is a defence, she is disabled and has been all her life. She has been receiving SSI since she was a child and has been taking Bi-polar medication since befor shannon was born with the exception of pregnancy and we have proof that she missed many doses of her meds many months before shannons disappearance. I do not condone what my dayghter has done but I will stand behind her til the day I am laid to rest and I will do whatever I can do to help her. God has never turned his back on me or tina and I will never turn my back on any of my 4 daughters. She too is a victim here who was physically and mentally abused by shannons elleged father. I believe that tina was manipulated by susan baker, tina professed that she did not and would not hurt her daughter and she did'nt. Tina was not aware of this womans evil past. Please dont judge this child, god is her judge and her father and he will stand behind her as well. I believe this was gods way of removing tina and shannon from the hell they were living in because I dont think that tina was ever going to leave florida and the control of rusty dedrick.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Who knows ,Susan Baker or/and RD could have manipulated Tina to not take her meds, bi-polar is a very complicated disorder.
Ive really come to believe that Tina is also a victim in this.
I dont think she gave Shannon to Susan Baker to keep for good, she was maybe distraught over caring for her at the time and called Susan to take care of her for a while, I can almost hear SB saying" any time you need me,just call me Ill take her" with some "sweet""EVIL" convincing voice. The woman(SB) is a beast,no doubt! Tina is not "normal" she probably did the best she "knew" how under the circumstances and under the spell of the beast.
I hope Shannon and Tina can reunite under the care of Shannons amma :o)
???? Helloo......she filed false reports....she knew where her child was..she allowed this whole farce to play out

I am sure they had people trying to talk to her and interview her but she kept up this lie

what if Shannon had died in this box??
There is'nt a disabled card here to be played by shannons mother! It is a defence, she is disabled and has been all her life. She has been receiving SSI since she was a child and has been taking Bi-polar medication since befor shannon was born with the exception of pregnancy and we have proof that she missed many doses of her meds many months before shannons disappearance. I do not condone what my dayghter has done but I will stand behind her til the day I am laid to rest and I will do whatever I can do to help her. God has never turned his back on me or tina and I will never turn my back on any of my 4 daughters. She too is a victim here who was physically and mentally abused by shannons elleged father. I believe that tina was manipulated by susan baker, tina professed that she did not and would not hurt her daughter and she did'nt. Tina was not aware of this womans evil past. Please dont judge this child, god is her judge and her father and he will stand behind her as well. I believe this was gods way of removing tina and shannon from the hell they were living in because I dont think that tina was ever going to leave florida and the control of rusty dedrick.

But the state felt her fit to be a mother??

Little late to say "please don't judge this child" after we all saw this play out on our tv's. If she is that incompetant, then why wasn't she living in a group home or with her family>?

sorry...Tina had many people telling her to tell the truth...I am sure she was interviewed by experts who tried every psychological trick and help to get her to tell the truth

when she reported her baby missing she was sitting out there calmly smoking a cigarette

she had many chances to say what happened....I am sure they would have cut deals with her...fact is she personally never confessed or tried to save her daughter

play the "disablility defense"?? so that she goes do what?? have another baby?? I sure hope not.

what about the money and manpower wasted here on a false report??? at any time Tina could have stopped this insanity but she didn't
Happy Thanksgiving!

Who knows ,Susan Baker or/and RD could have manipulated Tina to not take her meds, bi-polar is a very complicated disorder.
Ive really come to believe that Tina is also a victim in this.
I dont think she gave Shannon to Susan Baker to keep for good, she was maybe distraught over caring for her at the time and called Susan to take care of her for a while, I can almost hear SB saying" any time you need me,just call me Ill take her" with some "sweet""EVIL" convincing voice. The woman(SB) is a beast,no doubt! Tina is not "normal" she probably did the best she "knew" how under the circumstances and under the spell of the beast.
I hope Shannon and Tina can reunite under the care of Shannons amma :o)

Total speculation.....feels good but means zip to me

I could say I thought Purple Cows told Susan Baker to do this...pure speculation

I can almost hear them...mooooo mooooo

Before we decide what Tina is guilty of could we at least get a statement from her or her atty? From what we have seen Tina has never harmed Shannon. How can we hold her guilty of allowing sb to care for her child, sb cared for the children of the rest of the family too.

respectfully snipped..

oh....never harmed her...but called her in missing, allowed a huge, expensive manhunt to go on, the whole nation worried ....she was just "allowing" SB to "care" for her in a box under a bed??

sorry...I think LOGICALLY...not based on emotions
Welcome to WS, Shannons Amma! Please know that Shannon has captured the hearts of the world and certainly WS.

If you are family, you need to contact the owner of WS before continuing to post so that she can verify your ID. You can reach Tricia here:

Take care and enjoy what must be a bitter sweet Thanksgiving this year for you.
respectfully snipped..

oh....never harmed her...but called her in missing, allowed a huge, expensive manhunt to go on, the whole nation worried ....she was just "allowing" SB to "care" for her in a box under a bed??

sorry...I think LOGICALLY...not based on emotions

Logic does tell us when we are dealing with mental illness not to let emotions get in the way,I think very logically myself ,thank-you :o)
Im sure it is well documented,Tinas illness.
I commend her mother for loving her unconditionaly, Im sure she had many sleepless nights since shes been so far from Tina and Shannon.
If it was hearsay or rumor that Tina had mental problems,then I could see putting the blame on her, but ,thats not case.
And believe me I know what its like to have a child like that,been there,done that for 33 years.
It is not easy for anyone to recieve SSI,if Tina has been getting SSI since years,and a diagnosis of bipolar it should be a no brainer.
More people should start educating themselves about mental illness/mental retardation, it can strike anyone,anytime,anywhere!

Oh,and by the way I dont condone what part Tina had in this,it is horrible,BUT, Tina needs habilitation,not locked up.Even if it is in a group home or a womens hab center,besides,I would be fighting for her to be put somewhere like that now. The State is once again failing in taking care of a vunerable person, like I said you dont get SSI for no good reason.
People who are bi-polar often have problems with substance abuse,recklessness (speeding) and overspending...they are apt to write bad checks, go on a spree etc
and their mental illness is NO defense for that, sorry

MOST people in prison have some mental problems...should we just excuse them all??? I don't think so

Plus it is hard to play it both ways...those who are so anxious to have Shannon go to her grandmother WITH Tina don't think...will they watch her 24/7?
If not, what is to say that Tina might not be "swayed" to give her baby away again or do something else equally dangerous or foolish??

Should Tina be treated as harshly as Susan?? No...I am not saying that
but I don't think she should skate away
She can get her meds in prison....or in a mental institution. Sorry as far as I am concerned this was a crime, and apparently the prosecution is thinking that way.

as for Susan Baker, like most here I hope they throw the book at her.
But oh...what if she is bi-polar, or depressed or schizoid, or ??

what then?

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