FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #16

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I know I'm probably beating a dead horse with this but what about the attempted abduction 10 days before Somer. Where and when was it said officially that it was some undercover cop or something?? I just can't get past that. Does anyone if that was an article or a video or who said that? It makes no sense to me and completely contradicts what the witness said happened. Is there some internal investigation being done and is that why there is so little information being released??

From my experience, the first thing that came to my mind about this is that the people in that car were undercover officers and completely makes sense to me that they are not talking about it. It takes a considerable amount of time, expense and trouble to set up things for someone to operate in an undercover capacity. I think it was one of those being in the wrong place at the wrong time if they were officers. They didn't want to blow cover so they left the area as quickly as they could.

IIRC, the girl had a bike wreck and people in the car were talking to her afterwards? I could so see the officers in that car checking on the kid and then hightailing it once they knew she was ok. It is also possible that there was a perp or target in that car with the officers that was not aware they were undercover. That is the point of being undercover. Another reason to not call attention to themselves and want to get out of the area.

If that is the case and with all the media about this incident, if they were undercover, I feel for them....I'm sure their cover is now blown. :crazy:
I think the biggest piece of evidence would be the DNA (if any) found under her fingernails. And with that there are so many questions. The samples might have been compromised because of her body being found in a dump, not exactly a pristine crime scene. Does anyone know if the squabble with the classmate at school that day a physical one or was it words only? Little girls scratch when they are mad. She could have the classmates skin under her fingernails. IIRC it was released at some point that Somer may have scratched someone. That leads me to think they do have a sample. But is it a sample from the perp or maybe from the classmate?

I think LE would have seen scratches on Somer's little friend though.

But something you said about the skin under her fingernails made me think about it all over again. If it was a RSO that did this, I would think he would be worried about that. Even thinking the possibility of finding her body in the dump would be next to nothing, it would still be a concern to have his DNA under her fingernails because a lot of the RSOs or all of them have their DNA on file. This leads me to think that's it's somebody that's not an RSO.
I don't think it could be blood in the sink trap. I think it would be pretty hard to kill her like that out in the open.

As for her brother, I doubt if she had a clue of the time.

It makes sense that she might have gone to the park. But I can't believe that there wouldn't be anyone around to see her. We need local input, please.

I read that there is a skateboard park south of Gano. Is that anywhere near where she was?

The high school kids get out a lot earlier. Kids who love to skaeboard do it for hours.
Thank all of you for the correction on the satchel and the lunch round thingy. :)
I have gone back and edited my post stating it was Hello Kitty. My hubby was watching it with me, and that's what we both thought, though.
I am so glad to know what it really was.
Also-didn't someone say LE took a purse out of the park restroom? Purse, lunch bag, bunch of people like me who wouldn't know Hello Kitty if it bit 'em?
Alexandra, I'm not sure who posted it ... maybe NotMyKids ... but not as many RSOs have had DNA taken as one might think. (that is paraphrased)

Was going to post something I heard on news but was not sure of statistics. Did a search and found this (not what I wanted which was about the number of states who routinely take DNA upon arrest) ... which will not make anyone happy.

An estimated 50,000 felons have been released from Illinois prisons or county probation without submitting DNA samples as required by law, leaving a gaping hole in the 7-year-old program designed to link known criminals to unsolved crimes.

From my experience, the first thing that came to my mind about this is that the people in that car were undercover officers and completely makes sense to me that they are not talking about it. It takes a considerable amount of time, expense and trouble to set up things for someone to operate in an undercover capacity. I think it was one of those being in the wrong place at the wrong time if they were officers. They didn't want to blow cover so they left the area as quickly as they could.

IIRC, the girl had a bike wreck and people in the car were talking to her afterwards? I could so see the officers in that car checking on the kid and then hightailing it once they knew she was ok. It is also possible that there was a perp or target in that car with the officers that was not aware they were undercover. That is the point of being undercover. Another reason to not call attention to themselves and want to get out of the area.

If that is the case and with all the media about this incident, if they were undercover, I feel for them....I'm sure their cover is now blown. :crazy:

But according to the witness the little girl did not wreck her bike at all. The little girl was riding her bike and the car pulled up diagonally almost running into her. The occupant(s) of the car spoke to the little girl and the little girl stepped back as if scared. The witness stepped out of her car because she felt something wasn't right. The witness asked the little girl what they said and the girl told her they said something like "your mom sent us to pick you up". Sometime during the exchange with the little girl and the witness the car pulled away. There's a video that gives the witness's full account of the incident.

That was my point. The stories didn't match up at all. The witness was right there when it happened and questioned the little girl. But then, evidently days later, police said it was an undercover operation and the undercover officer said she wrecked her bike and he asked her if she was ok. Two totally different stories. Makes no sense.
The jr. high school lets out at 3:42, so Somer's brother wouldn't have been out of last period yet. The high school lets out around 1:30, so there could have been high school kids at the skate park.
If it was a backpack, why didn't anyone notice it the night of the search?

And I still don't understand what they could take out of that bathroom because of all of the people searching that night. But then again, they weren't looking in the garbage, I imagine.
I think LE would have seen scratches on Somer's little friend though.

But something you said about the skin under her fingernails made me think about it all over again. If it was a RSO that did this, I would think he would be worried about that. Even thinking the possibility of finding her body in the dump would be next to nothing, it would still be a concern to have his DNA under her fingernails because a lot of the RSOs or all of them have their DNA on file. This leads me to think that's it's somebody that's not an RSO.

ITA. If they were able to get a sample that was not degraded by the trash, I would think they would be all over this by now. I know it takes time for the sample to come back, but with the FBI forensics team working this case I would have thought they would have had some results back by now by rushing the case through the lab. Is there a national database for RSO DNA?

I have a feeling though is this is someone that hasn't been caught yet, a first time offender, or as some others have talked about on here, someone coming out of retirement. RSO's from way back when didn't have to submit to DNA sampling before DNA testing became common.
I hear that too. and he said white truck.

I can't believe they don't have the pictures of the school bags out in the public.

Sorry for the late reply but that is one big clue they have and they never ever told the public about it. I guess they didn't want that to be released because if they are looking at RSO and they spot the school bag and lunch box on their presence that could be the missing link...
Alexandra, I'm not sure who posted it ... maybe NotMyKids ... but not as many RSOs have had DNA taken as one might think. (that is paraphrased)

Was going to post something I heard on news but was not sure of statistics. Did a search and found this (not what I wanted which was about the number of states who routinely take DNA upon arrest) ... which will not make anyone happy.

An estimated 50,000 felons have been released from Illinois prisons or county probation without submitting DNA samples as required by law, leaving a gaping hole in the 7-year-old program designed to link known criminals to unsolved crimes.


Well then, it could have easily been an RSO with no DNA on file.
But according to the witness the little girl did not wreck her bike at all. The little girl was riding her bike and the car pulled up diagonally almost running into her. The occupant(s) of the car spoke to the little girl and the little girl stepped back as if scared. The witness stepped out of her car because she felt something wasn't right. The witness asked the little girl what they said and the girl told her they said something like "your mom sent us to pick you up". Sometime during the exchange with the little girl and the witness the car pulled away. There's a video that gives the witness's full account of the incident.

That was my point. The stories didn't match up at all. The witness was right there when it happened and questioned the little girl. But then, evidently days later, police said it was an undercover operation and the undercover officer said she wrecked her bike and he asked her if she was ok. Two totally different stories. Makes no sense.

Thank you for that, alexandra. I was not aware of the second story. And that does make it strange if that is the way that it happened. It would be nice to know which is the real story. :banghead:
In the media portion of AMW are these statements. Pictures would not copy (for me).

Somer wore her hair in pigtails with pink ribbons the day she disappeared.

Cops say Somer was carrying this pink and black book bag when she disappeared.

The lunchbox Somer carried has a picture of a pig's face on the top.

Somer's pink lunchbox has not been located.

Somer was spotted at a vacant house that was being remodeled along her route home.

Somer wore her hair in pigtails with pink ribbons the day she disappeared.

Somer has a twin brother and 10-year-old sister.

Somer disappeared while walking home from school with her siblings.

Somer's mother said she was creative, full of energy and loved to talk.

Somer was in 2nd grade at Grove Park Elementary School.
That's all that's there.
I know you're sick of Hello Kitty's but since I can't watch the video (except for the pig one) ... is it round like this?


ETA: Comes in blue too.

Are you not able to see the pics that momtective posted on page 8? The pictures reminded me of a lunch box my daughter had a few years ago. It was "soft-sided". Kind of like it would be collapsable almost when not packed. Or like an old hat box. One that was round but the top lid zipped around the in a circle and flipping up with the handle on top.
I know you're sick of Hello Kitty's but since I can't watch the video (except for the pig one) ... is it round like this?


ETA: Comes in blue too.
Yes, Noway. It reminded me of an old-fashioned hat box. That's exactly how it was shaped. The handle was different, but it was definitely round.
LE has never said soot was found on Somer. Her father is the one who claims LE told him that. Until I hear someone directly involved with investigating the case say that soot was found on her, I'll take it with a grain of salt. LE has been extremely tight-lipped regarding any and all evidence, including condition of the body, cause of death, etc. So it would surprise me if they actually told her father that she had soot on her.
IF a kid found the backpack somewhere near the school they might turn it into the lost and found. And there are several elementary schools in the area (since we're not really sure where she was taken and where she was taken to).

Personally, I think the perp would get ride of it. Throw it in a trash can somewhere ... more than one. Fill it with rocks and chuck it in the water somewhere. I just don't think he/she would keep it.
Thank you for that, alexandra. I was not aware of the second story. And that does make it strange if that is the way that it happened. It would be nice to know which is the real story. :banghead:

Thanks Tainted Angel. Here is the video that contains coverage of the witness of the incident. The title of the video is News Conference Held on Missing Girl. The coverage of the incident starts at 3:15 on the video.

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