FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #20

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im not following the thread atm so excuse my just butting in... a few things... dumpster at 1080 gano is big long construction type.. still full...wlks last addy on gano looks like moving in or out... trash at the road.. carpets rolled up for pick up... just info
Just sent an email to the amusement company requesting information on pricing and what they require of their employees (back ground check, felony convictions allowed, etc)
Also asked if thier staff stays for set up and operation of equipment.
Will keep everyone posted on if/ what they reply.

Thanks so much for doing this!

I was wondering just how much set up would take place that first day and what time they arrived in OP. LOL But I don't think you could ask those questions without getting hung up on. Or a "Who exactly are you?"
There are just so many little “oddities” or red flags that you can’t help but be a little suspicious of the adults in Somer‘s life.

One of the last, if not the actual last, conversations Somer had with ST’s side of the family, according to sadnpod, was a request to “pick her up/get her out of there” or something like that (sorry couldn‘t find the exact quote). Why would she make this request? Was she upset at something trivial that day or was it something else? After that, all contact with that side of the family was cut off? Why?

What kind of person is PC? What is his background? He hasn’t gotten a very good rap on here (controlling, “not nice” etc.) but what do we really know about him? I would think that after what happened, PC would have even more control over DT if he was controlling her before. She’s probably leaning pretty heavily on him now I would imagine. Why would he encourage the spite and bad behaviour towards ST? You’d think he would have tried to mend that rift for the sake of the kids at the funeral not add to it. He should have been the voice of reason for DT during this time. Was he?

What is the relationship between SP and PC considering their odd very small hometown connection? And what is the relationship between SP and DT? Were SP and PC friends and that’s how DT met SP? Isn’t there a rather large age gap between them? Are they related? How exactly was that lunch set up? Whose idea was it? What was the purpose? Why did SP decide to stay on until the kids got home? Was it his idea?

Someone (Sorrell Skye?) mentioned that this could have been an inexperienced killer and things may have been staged to try to throw off LE. What kind of staging is possible here?

Placing SP at the house, PC and DT at work gives them all alibis. SP, who supposedly had never been at the house to greet the children after school before, delayed the actual “search” for Somer by sending AT out not once but twice and not contacting DT right away to ask what he should do. But he still had an alibi with ST there with him at the house. Why didn’t he send both kids out to look? He did not place himself alone either in the house or the neighbourhood searching. I would think that he would have called DT immediately when Somer did not come home with the others. Why didn’t he? He didn’t contact her at all, she supposedly contacted him first. How much longer might he have waited if she didn’t call? Not knowing the after school routine, wouldn’t he have panicked right away when one of the youngest children didn’t come home? His inaction gave the killer an extra hour before anyone was really looking for Somer. And it eliminated the neglect of not having an adult home for the young children that day when LE was eventually called. Made DT look like a better parent in the eyes of the public when the donations started rolling in too. Could all this be considered staging?

I would hope that LE has checked all of the cell phone records and contacts of all three of the adults in this situation for at least the last 2 months but especially the phone contact between SP and PC and a possible third party.

If someone wanted Somer to “disappear”, would they contract a third party? For money? What might the reason be? Did either PC or SP have any “sinister” contacts? Again I’d be combing through those phone records.

Who conveniently threw out a RSO’s name to LE before the body was found? Why him? There are hundreds in the area. And apparently he wasn’t. But whoever gave his name perhaps didn’t know that? When the report was taken wasn’t it still just a missing child who might have just gone to a friend’s house? Why throw in a RSO angle right away? If the body wasn’t found, would LE still be concentrating on all the RSO’s in the area? How were they able to rule them out so quickly once the body was found? Or is it possible they have just one in mind? Is he connected to PC or SP in any way?

In this scenario, I see DT as totally unaware and set up too. Who is encouraging her to do these interviews? Whose idea was it to hire an entertainment lawyer and set up a website for donations? How would a mother in shock think to do these things so quickly? Is she getting paid for the TV interviews in which she has nothing new to add to the case? Is the lawyer setting up and getting a cut of the interviews or how is he being paid? Who is behind all the fundraising? Why are there still fundraisers going on? Wouldn’t all of the people in the OP and Jacksonville area be fully aware by now of Somer’s fate? What are the fundraisers and donation requests for? Just to support the family financially? Why is the public now responsible to support this family? Is PC still working? Why can’t he support them? Why didn’t he help out before? Doesn’t DT still get child support for the three remaining children? Where does PC’s money go if he’s living in his girlfriend’s parent’s house, she had a full time job and he isn’t able or is unwilling to support the family financially? I’d be checking into his financial transactions too.

Oh and coincidentally, the person who set up the website with the big DONATE button on it has the first name of Chris. Not sure if this is the mysterious Chris that sadnpod is trying to figure out. Another “friend” in Jacksonville who conveniently does web design?

Can anyone answer any of these questions?

Please correct me if I have mistaken any of these points. 19 threads is a lot to go through and remember.
Maybe this has already been asked and answered..Does AC live at house with DT? If so, has he always lived with her? Maybe SP was asked to stay that day because there have been problems between AC and the other kids. Maybe DT was concerned about something....Maybe thats why when she heard Somer was missing she immediately went to find AC? I don't know...just a thought. I still think it might be a juvenile....
Just my opinion......

ETA: I do not know that CCSO uses this exact document, but guess they use something close to it for missing children.

This is interesting to read through. More at link but a few points of interest:

Interview other family members, friends/associates of the child, and friends of the family to determine
[ ] When each last saw the child.
[ ] What they think happened to the child.
[ ] Review sex-offender registries to determine if individuals designated as sexual predators live, work, or might otherwise be associated with the area of the child’s disappearance.
I suppose if I was stopped by LE and asked about a missing child, and I'd seen an SO who I knew (or thought I'd seen him) in that area, then I would bring up his name and give LE whatever information I had ...
There are just so many little “oddities” or red flags that you can’t help but be a little suspicious of the adults in Somer‘s life.

One of the last, if not the actual last, conversations Somer had with ST’s side of the family, according to sadnpod, was a request to “pick her up/get her out of there” or something like that (sorry couldn‘t find the exact quote). Why would she make this request? Was she upset at something trivial that day or was it something else? After that, all contact with that side of the family was cut off? Why?

What kind of person is PC? What is his background? He hasn’t gotten a very good rap on here (controlling, “not nice” etc.) but what do we really know about him? I would think that after what happened, PC would have even more control over DT if he was controlling her before. She’s probably leaning pretty heavily on him now I would imagine. Why would he encourage the spite and bad behaviour towards ST? You’d think he would have tried to mend that rift for the sake of the kids at the funeral not add to it. He should have been the voice of reason for DT during this time. Was he?

What is the relationship between SP and PC considering their odd very small hometown connection? And what is the relationship between SP and DT? Were SP and PC friends and that’s how DT met SP? Isn’t there a rather large age gap between them? Are they related? How exactly was that lunch set up? Whose idea was it? What was the purpose? Why did SP decide to stay on until the kids got home? Was it his idea?

Someone (Sorrell Skye?) mentioned that this could have been an inexperienced killer and things may have been staged to try to throw off LE. What kind of staging is possible here?

Placing SP at the house, PC and DT at work gives them all alibis. SP, who supposedly had never been at the house to greet the children after school before, delayed the actual “search” for Somer by sending AT out not once but twice and not contacting DT right away to ask what he should do. But he still had an alibi with ST there with him at the house. Why didn’t he send both kids out to look? He did not place himself alone either in the house or the neighbourhood searching. I would think that he would have called DT immediately when Somer did not come home with the others. Why didn’t he? He didn’t contact her at all, she supposedly contacted him first. How much longer might he have waited if she didn’t call? Not knowing the after school routine, wouldn’t he have panicked right away when one of the youngest children didn’t come home? His inaction gave the killer an extra hour before anyone was really looking for Somer. And it eliminated the neglect of not having an adult home for the young children that day when LE was eventually called. Made DT look like a better parent in the eyes of the public when the donations started rolling in too. Could all this be considered staging?

I would hope that LE has checked all of the cell phone records and contacts of all three of the adults in this situation for at least the last 2 months but especially the phone contact between SP and PC and a possible third party.

If someone wanted Somer to “disappear”, would they contract a third party? For money? What might the reason be? Did either PC or SP have any “sinister” contacts? Again I’d be combing through those phone records.

Who conveniently threw out a RSO’s name to LE before the body was found? Why him? There are hundreds in the area. And apparently he wasn’t. But whoever gave his name perhaps didn’t know that? When the report was taken wasn’t it still just a missing child who might have just gone to a friend’s house? Why throw in a RSO angle right away? If the body wasn’t found, would LE still be concentrating on all the RSO’s in the area? How were they able to rule them out so quickly once the body was found? Or is it possible they have just one in mind? Is he connected to PC or SP in any way?

In this scenario, I see DT as totally unaware and set up too. Who is encouraging her to do these interviews? Whose idea was it to hire an entertainment lawyer and set up a website for donations? How would a mother in shock think to do these things so quickly? Is she getting paid for the TV interviews in which she has nothing new to add to the case? Is the lawyer setting up and getting a cut of the interviews or how is he being paid? Who is behind all the fundraising? Why are there still fundraisers going on? Wouldn’t all of the people in the OP and Jacksonville area be fully aware by now of Somer’s fate? What are the fundraisers and donation requests for? Just to support the family financially? Why is the public now responsible to support this family? Is PC still working? Why can’t he support them? Why didn’t he help out before? Doesn’t DT still get child support for the three remaining children? Where does PC’s money go if he’s living in his girlfriend’s parent’s house, she had a full time job and he isn’t able or is unwilling to support the family financially? I’d be checking into his financial transactions too.

Oh and coincidentally, the person who set up the website with the big DONATE button on it has the first name of Chris. Not sure if this is the mysterious Chris that sadnpod is trying to figure out. Another “friend” in Jacksonville who conveniently does web design?

Can anyone answer any of these questions?

Please correct me if I have mistaken any of these points. 19 threads is a lot to go through and remember.

In light of what happened to poor Shaniya, I am beginning to think this could have been a prostitution attempt of poor Somer gone wrong. Maybe SP was paying for poor Somer's services or sold her out to someone in the area. For that matter even PC could have given her to a friend of his. Anything is possible at this point.
Well. Kamille. You said a mouthful, girl!
About the only thing I really differ with you on is that SP didn't panic right away. When he asked, "Where's Somer?" and the others said, "Oh, she got mad and ran ahead", I'm sure the next thing out of their mouths was, "She does this all the time. She'll come home when she feels like it".
Or, it could be that if SP is such a very VERY close friend as DT says, he would already know this. I think it's to his credit that he told AT to go back and "look good". How would he know where to even start?
And one more thing is this:I totally, 100%. absolutely agree with you about the cell records. I know I sound like a broken answering machine tape, but here goes one more time:Who knows where PC was when DT called him? He coulda been next door! Cell phones are that way-and one more reason to check them closely, IMO. Especially since he was all over the area in his truck.
The last thing is puzzling to me. LE has already said they will not be holding any press conferences this week. Why would DT's atty drop the suspect bomb on national TV?
OK-that's all for now, folks. Thanks for listening, and thank all of you for all you do.
Well. Kamille. You said a mouthful, girl!
About the only thing I really differ with you on is that SP didn't panic right away. When he asked, "Where's Somer?" and the others said, "Oh, she got mad and ran ahead", I'm sure the next thing out of their mouths was, "She does this all the time. She'll come home when she feels like it".
Or, it could be that if SP is such a very VERY close friend as DT says, he would already know this. I think it's to his credit that he told AT to go back and "look good". How would he know where to even start?
And one more thing is this:I totally, 100%. absolutely agree with you about the cell records. I know I sound like a broken answering machine tape, but here goes one more time:Who knows where PC was when DT called him? He coulda been next door! Cell phones are that way-and one more reason to check them closely, IMO. Especially since he was all over the area in his truck.
The last thing is puzzling to me. LE has already said they will not be holding any press conferences this week. Why would DT's atty drop the suspect bomb on national TV?
OK-that's all for now, folks. Thanks for listening, and thank all of you for all you do.

Doggies, this has always bothered me ... if Sp was worried, then why send out a 10 yr old. why didn't he take his cell (if he had one, sure he did) and little st and at and go look with her?? even if the child does this lag behind thing .. this day and age you just can't be to careful.... I would of went and searched with the children .. I always went out to check on my children when little never had another child do it.. that is not being an adult .. its NOT a Childs place to do adult job.. jmo
This is just my opinion because, fortunately, I have never had to deal with my child being murdered , but I imagine its a very lonely place to be and talking to someone experiencing the same thing would be comforting.

I am just not picking up the same vibes from DT that others seem to be. Do I think she was the perfect mother? No. Do I think she is somehow involved or covering something up? No.

I think she's keeping her face out there because she doesn't want Somer to be forgotten. She doesn't want this case to become cold.

I think you are exactly right! Some people are better than others in keeping their children's name, and the case, in the news. Some people learn how to 'use' the media to their advantage and nowadays, it's all about keeping the victim (child) on TV, in the newspapers, magazines, and in the talk shows. Keeping the public interested is a real talent and is a great way to solicit help in solving the crime. mho
Well. Kamille. You said a mouthful, girl!
About the only thing I really differ with you on is that SP didn't panic right away. When he asked, "Where's Somer?" and the others said, "Oh, she got mad and ran ahead", I'm sure the next thing out of their mouths was, "She does this all the time. She'll come home when she feels like it".
Or, it could be that if SP is such a very VERY close friend as DT says, he would already know this. I think it's to his credit that he told AT to go back and "look good". How would he know where to even start?
And one more thing is this:I totally, 100%. absolutely agree with you about the cell records. I know I sound like a broken answering machine tape, but here goes one more time:Who knows where PC was when DT called him? He coulda been next door! Cell phones are that way-and one more reason to check them closely, IMO. Especially since he was all over the area in his truck.
The last thing is puzzling to me. LE has already said they will not be holding any press conferences this week. Why would DT's atty drop the suspect bomb on national TV?
OK-that's all for now, folks. Thanks for listening, and thank all of you for all you do.

It is possible that SP didn't panic because of something the children said or perhaps he knew that Somer had a habit of doing this. Again we just don't know the answer to this. Frustrating. Although I would think he would have been inclined to go look himself or at least call her mother to ask where to look. I don't recall reading what he did after PC picked up ST from the house to go look. Did he go look too at this point?

I also find it odd that DT's lawyer is putting out info and LE isn't. :waitasec:
I know quite a few fundraisers are advertising as doing a split. half of the $ to the family and half to the reward $. Funny thing is I have not seen the reward fund raised recently. There were two events that I know of last weekend (concerts on Friday night and all day Sunday) and another one this Sunday (Rollerderby event)...
I agree with the question of timing in this whole thing. There has been so much conflicting information on who said and did what and when text messages were sent and if she flagged down a cop or went into the sub station on the way home.
Since Somer had done this before ... going to friends' houses, I wonder whether AT directed him to the list or told him that there were certain people to check with first.

The babysitter they had for about a month said she would be on the phone calling the parents on the list and Somer would walk in.

I'm not sure whether Sean started with the phone calls ... but why send AT out searching when a phone call would have been so much faster?

Of course, some/all of this could have taken place.

As a parent of one of Somer's friends, if she was at my house and I hadn't talked with Diena to set up the playtime, I'd be calling her house just to tell them she was there and I was sending her home.
It is possible that SP didn't panic because of something the children said or perhaps he knew that Somer had a habit of doing this. Again we just don't know the answer to this. Frustrating. Although I would think he would have been inclined to go look himself or at least call her mother to ask where to look. I don't recall reading what he did after PC picked up ST from the house to go look. Did he go look too at this point?

I also find it odd that DT's lawyer is putting out info and LE isn't. :waitasec:

Somer could have arrived home at that point.SP could raped and killed her, and then put her in his car. All it takes is 5 minutes to do that. Then he would go look for her as he claims and throw her in the dumpster.
Somer could have arrived home at that point.SP could raped and killed her, and then put her in his car. All it takes is 5 minutes to do that. Then he would go look for her as he claims and throw her in the dumpster.

Misunderstood time frame, but deleted part about ST being in house.

But IIRC, law enforcement was at the house at this point, weren't they? (at point when PC arrived at house and took ST with him)
What bothers me also, is the searching area's LE have done .. that we know of anyway.. the general area was searched by LE sending volunteer searches told them what to do and look for. ok .. fine .. but the burned house on gano and the park bathroom are the only 2 places we know of that was searched my LE and evidence collected.. the spokesperson for LE said could not tell media it was a murder scene but it was a crime scene.... since collected evidence ..... and the landfill and following trucks to it.. ....
So what I am asking is WAS this the murder scene and the trail lead else where??

Just makes no sense why all that work on the burned house and sending evidence to labs for no reason and now dt lawyer stating they are watching the person believed to have done this to Somer...
I know quite a few fundraisers are advertising as doing a split. half of the $ to the family and half to the reward $. Funny thing is I have not seen the reward fund raised recently. There were two events that I know of last weekend (concerts on Friday night and all day Sunday) and another one this Sunday (Rollerderby event)...
I agree with the question of timing in this whole thing. There has been so much conflicting information on who said and did what and when text messages were sent and if she flagged down a cop or went into the sub station on the way home.

I haven't watched her interviews. Is the reward money being emphasized during them? Why wouldn't the amount have risen?
I'm not sure what you mean, but why don't you check with a mod on the specifics.

There were posts deleted sometime between when I left last night and came back this morning but I don't know what was being said ... just that there was discussion about members who were not online at that moment maybe and talking about them while they were not here was 'rude' (I think this is what was used).

Best of luck with whatever you decide.
I haven't watched her interviews. Is the reward money being emphasized during them? Why wouldn't the amount have risen?

This is what burns my biscuits... some say it goes to reward then at last minute says the family . others say 50 50 family and reward... but haven't seen the reward go up.. Reward is more important in my book. I gave to reward.. the reward should always be first.. well, unless tm is there and I give to them first.. jmo
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