FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #27

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I personally like "mr scratch guy" and Mr Tight jeans, as names for these too since its possible that they are both more "C"'s. A break from initals is nice. That CW is not mr tight jeans, but he is still hinky and since he worked at crazy horse in jax, there is a connection, at least iwannano said she/he and DT have been there. I think probably quite a lot more than occasionally since mr tight jeans got all worked up enough to do what he did. So I agree that this CW should also be looked at. HInky and I wonder when he left jax for the keys? KWIM?
Interesting point about the tote.

I'm not sure how tall Somer was since I've seen her height listed as 3'5", 3'7" and 4'5" but for my daughter who is 3'4" ... it is hard for her to carry a tote because it hits her leg as she walks.

While I don't think Somer would have much homework in first grade, there would be papers and papers to bring home (just my personal experience which may not apply in FL) ... and I agree, unless the straps are just right for the person, totes can be a pain in the behind.

I've thought that all along since it was called "a tote". The whole idea of one is it being an oversized bag. If made for an adult and not a kid, it would be awkward. A backpack is usually chosen because they are just easier for travel, cause the weight isn't hanging off one shoulder. It would be completely impractical. As a side note of other inconsistancies, how come she is said to be a first grader and second grader depending on the news source. Can nothing AT ALL be reported in this story without a contradiction somewhere?? Thanks. Sorry for the rant. It isn't pointed at you guys.
I got a sense of hope from the statement on the news last week stating the LE is expecting results from the lab to be in by the end of the month. Possibly these results are what is needed to seal the deal. In regards to searching this electrician's old white Merita truck & the LE calling HIM - how would they know his phone number? Wouldn't they just go to his place of residence and search his truck? Why call and give him a heads up you want to talk with him? KWIM? Acting on a tip you say? I think the FBI & the LE have the technology available to search a phone number for a name & address.
I personally like "mr scratch guy" and Mr Tight jeans, as names for these too since its possible that they are both more "C"'s. A break from initals is nice. That CW is not mr tight jeans, but he is still hinky and since he worked at crazy horse in jax, there is a connection, at least iwannano said she/he and DT have been there. I think probably quite a lot more than occasionally since mr tight jeans got all worked up enough to do what he did. So I agree that this CW should also be looked at. HInky and I wonder when he left jax for the keys? KWIM?

The comments left on his SPACE say they were there from at least early summer.

ETA: Meaning him and his super model girlfriend
The comments left on his SPACE say they were there from at least early summer.

ETA: Meaning him and his super model girlfriend

Did you read the comments from his cell or Twitter or whatever they were? I think his super model girlfriend was only Cyber and he had some really nasty things to say about her.

And then there was the blog about the other girlfriend. Really, he's thirty, not 15. Does it seem right that a 30 year old would have or leave that on their site?

He also doesn't really have a lot of friends on his MS. Because he's a bar tender, I would imagine him to have tons of superficial friends on his MS. IMO.

MS is passe now, according to my kids. Everyone is into Facebook. I have more friends on my Facebook than he has on his MS . I see on Facebook that most people have at least a hundred "friends". I don't see that he has a Facebook that I can find.

He did work at the OP Crazy Horse. Seems like his work history changes around October as he has it listed.

Am I right in the new Crazy Horse is on Wells and that is close to Somer?

Mr. Tight Jeans seems to fit a lot with his crazy antics. And seriously, hot guys don't wear Wranglers, unless they are considered cool at the Crazy Horse. Western and all. Mr. Tight Jeans is not the guy I'm talking about in my above comments. We have no clue of his name at this point.
I have no earthly clue why we are talking about this Chris guy. Not to be confused with the other Chris guy, not to be confused with Scratch Guy?!!!
Several of my cats have suddenly come up missing within the past 3 weeks. I have cried every day for the past week because I know they are not coming back. Either a neighbor hauled them off, poisoned them or shot them. These cats have been living outside for 3 years & always stay around my home. They are spayed & neutered & never leave - not even for a day. I look at all of my neighbors knowing one of them is probably responsible for the demise of my furry friends. I cry, get mad, get excited to know there are laws protecting animals & justice can be served if I find who did it. I look at all neighbors as the guilty party. I know most people think & say I should have kept the cats indoors if I loved them & didn't want anything happening to them. I shouldn't have let them roam outside because they could walk on the neighbors' property, etc... but I didn't. Doesn't mean I was a bad caregiver - I fed them twice a day & gave them shelter from the weather. They are feral cats that I have paid to spay, neuter, get rabies vaccine & worm. I can't imagine what poor Diena must be going through... God Bless her; for the loss she has suffered and for the way she is judged.
Chee that is so sad. I have one cat now, too. Cause I lost one of my favorite furry buddies the same way last year. I can so relate. But, cats need their space. Their life is built around being who they are which is little private investigators, inside and out. You did a wonderful, and good thing for them. Somebody else is just a rotton soul.
Lots and lots of them, here and there and everywhere, it seems.
Good idea to not quote the photo part of someone's post ... and you only have 24 hours to edit those posts so that makes it hard sometimes.

Quote the text and note that you omitted the photo. We'll get it ... and if anyone doesn't we can explain why.

Gotta dash now. BBL I hope.
I have no earthly clue why we are talking about this Chris guy. Not to be confused with the other Chris guy, not to be confused with Scratch Guy?!!!

He was a bartender at the Crazy Horse in OP. This latest one was found to be working there by a sleuther here. It appears he may be in the Keys now. He has ties to the area of OP and he lists Jacksonville as his home. Seriously, people don't want it to be the family, they don't want it to be CWG, they don't want it to be the workers at Gano, they don't want it to be the garbage man. It has to be somebody, so I have to look at people who could fit the profile of possibilities.

Mr. Tight Jeans had totally inappropriate behavior at the funeral. He also is a bartender at the Crazy Horse, apparently presently. IF his name is Chris, no one has found Tight Jeans name as working at Crazy Horse.
Several of my cats have suddenly come up missing within the past 3 weeks. I have cried every day for the past week because I know they are not coming back. Either a neighbor hauled them off, poisoned them or shot them. These cats have been living outside for 3 years & always stay around my home. They are spayed & neutered & never leave - not even for a day. I look at all of my neighbors knowing one of them is probably responsible for the demise of my furry friends. I cry, get mad, get excited to know there are laws protecting animals & justice can be served if I find who did it. I look at all neighbors as the guilty party. I know most people think & say I should have kept the cats indoors if I loved them & didn't want anything happening to them. I shouldn't have let them roam outside because they could walk on the neighbors' property, etc... but I didn't. Doesn't mean I was a bad caregiver - I fed them twice a day & gave them shelter from the weather. They are feral cats that I have paid to spay, neuter, get rabies vaccine & worm. I can't imagine what poor Diena must be going through... God Bless her; for the loss she has suffered and for the way she is judged.

So sorry about your cats. I hope you find out who did this and I hope your prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. I had a stray dog come up to my house and I just couldn't bear not to feed her. Since I had 2 other dogs, I couldn't afford another one so we were going to take her to the Humane Society, but some of our low-life neighbors poisoned her before we got around to taking her to the pound. I am an animal lover and I wish I knew which neighbor did that and I could prove it --they would be in jail if I could possibly put them there.
He was a bartender at the Crazy Horse in OP. This latest one was found to be working there by a sleuther here. It appears he may be in the Keys now. He has ties to the area of OP and he lists Jacksonville as his home. Seriously, people don't want it to be the family, they don't want it to be CWG, they don't want it to be the workers at Gano, they don't want it to be the garbage man. It has to be somebody, so I have to look at people who could fit the profile of possibilities.

Mr. Tight Jeans had totally inappropriate behavior at the funeral. He also is a bartender at the Crazy Horse, apparently presently. IF his name is Chris, no one has found Tight Jeans name as working at Crazy Horse.

Please Human, don't misundertake me. Why are we looking at people who work(ed) at the Crazy Horse? Because a poster interjected that. I didn't talk to a detective, you didn't talk to a detective. Why pray tell me, would LE be telling this person anything about an ongoing investigation about polys and so forth?
I doubt it. So hate always being the party pooper here but, I have to go on more than that before I go off talking about this person for the next 7 pages.
That's all.

Chee - my heart is breaking for you! I have 4 rescued ones, and I share your pain. Please let us know if they come back -
So sorry about your cats. I hope you find out who did this and I hope your prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. I had a stray dog come up to my house and I just couldn't bear not to feed her. Since I had 2 other dogs, I couldn't afford another one so we were going to take her to the Humane Society, but some of our low-life neighbors poisoned her before we got around to taking her to the pound. I am an animal lover and I wish I knew which neighbor did that and I could prove it --they would be in jail if I could possibly put them there.

Good luck with that. (I'm being very sarcastic ) My neighbor across the street poisoned our dog, who died. They actually meant to poison my daughter's dog, we figured out, who is the sweetest dog ever. Her dog went in their yard one time when she was visiting.

We haven't talked to them in years. I don't think they are serial killers, but they have their own dog who gets to do it's business in our yard. Sometimes they don't know I'm home, and they don't know I see it.

They are just so self centered on their own needs and very low functioning, IMO.

I still haven't recovered from it when I think about it and it's been several years.

Another neighbor who lives about a mile away hit another dog we had on purpose. He was laying in the street. We live on a very unmaintained dirt road that you have to drive slow on because of the potholes. We didn't know where our dog was. Another neighbor told us what happened so we found him when we looked. Our kids were little then so it was really devastating.

I don't have pets anymore. Too heartbreaking.
Hey, everyone! Here is the WS Tip of the Day:

To capture the link to a single post, click on the white post number in the upper right hand corner of the post. Doing that will open a new window with only that post in it. Then you can cut and paste the link. Try it. This comes in handy more times than you can imagine.

Please Human, don't misundertake me. Why are we looking at people who work(ed) at the Crazy Horse? Because a poster interjected that. I didn't talk to a detective, you didn't talk to a detective. Why pray tell me, would LE be telling this person anything about an ongoing investigation about polys and so forth?
I doubt it. So hate always being the party pooper here but, I have to go on more than that before I go off talking about this person for the next 7 pages.
That's all.

Actually, the bar tender was brought up by iwanno who claims to be a friend of DT's. iwanno stated that Tight Jeans was a bar tender and had a thing for DT. iwanno claims that Tight Jeans was the crasher at the funeral,IIRC.

iwanno claims that the bartenders name is Chis and so that's where the other latest Chris comes from. But no one knows if Chris is the name of Tight Jeans.
My heart goes out to both of you; I feel firsthand your grief and pain.:praying:
Actually, the bar tender was brought up by iwanno who claims to be a friend of DT's. iwanno stated that Tight Jeans was a bar tender and had a thing for DT. iwanno claims that Tight Jeans was the crasher at the funeral,IIRC.

iwanno claims that the bartenders name is Chis and so that's where the other latest Chris comes from. But no one knows if Chris is the name of Tight Jeans.

You may be referring to posts that I did not see. I do remember another who said it came from a random detective over the phone. (??)

I might add that the guy was enabled to crash because he rode with the other poster and her group which I thought was weird to do considering it was with the father of S. So, turns out he knows the mother and has a fixation because they met at the bar a few times. Even weirder.

And you suspect that this guy is the same guy now in the Keys or this bar only hires guys named Chris to tend it? Ya'll post, I'll read.

With all of these different people that are being sleuthed here, I would imagine, or at least hope, that LE has their own short list of suspects right now. If all they are waiting on is DNA results and one of the people on their short list is a match that would be a very good day.

What I’m wondering is what is taking them so long? I’m not familiar with the science of DNA and thought maybe someone here could shed some light. If this was a sexual assault and murder, would they not have been able to have the perpetrators DNA profile pretty quickly? And if there was no sexual assault, would they have to extract all DNA that they could find on Somer and then would they be able to come up with individual profiles of people who had been in close contact with Somer that day? Is that why it's taking so long? I would imagine that Somer was in contact with a lot of people that day so how would they be able to narrow down a perpetrator?
To all animal lovers out there:your pain is my pain when it comes to losing one of our 'fur-ever' babies.
But please give your love to another one. You know the difference it can make.
Mother of 10 rescues. some our idea, some theirs.
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