FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #27

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DNA Solves
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You're going to hate me but I found a friend of JE's has both JE and CE as friends (and yes, his first name is that C-word) ... but CE is in CA.

And this is why I hate MS and FB! ;) There should be a law about those black backgrounds.

He's not a bouncer anymore at Crazy Horse. Left January 2008 according to the MS page. But he joined Navy for 3 months (is that equivalent of boot camp?) and then nothing so maybe he is back at CH?

But in that irritating MS page, I chose View/Style and instead of User Style, I picked No Style and the icky black goes away. Some formatting does but the page as whole is easier to read. JMO
IDK Chee.. I wondered the same thing. And yes, it was my son, but heresay is heresay and each person tells it different. I just passed it on, because I heard it. Did you hear back from LE about your tip? Every time I have called, I have heard back, maybe not right away, but eventually.

Nope - I never heard a word. That's what I find so unusual... I even sent them an email to follow up on. You must have some kind of special connections or something. My husband works in Orange Park and knows a couple of police officers - they told him the Dept. was so overwhelmed with calls & emails, that they didn't have the manpower to speak to every one. He told my husband the information was given to the investigators & detectives. He said the tip would be looked into, but not to expect a phone call back because it is an ongoing investigation & they would call only if they needed any follow up information.
I wonder if they ever questioned the crossing gaurd to ask if they remember seeing any sheriffs / police cars in the vacinity prior to somer reaching the area? or any other person just kinda milling around? I feel that the person most likely could have been wearing a very reconizable uniform someone somer would have gone with anytime.

Everytime I have been in the neighborhood at that time of day, there is always a police car parked in the OPAA parking lot, directly across from the 1080 Gano house. I think they sit there to watch for speeders. From the start of this case, I've wanted to know if there was an officer there that day.
Nope - I never heard a word. That's what I find so unusual... I even sent them an email to follow up on. You must have some kind of special connections or something. My husband works in Orange Park and knows a couple of police officers - they told him the Dept. was so overwhelmed with calls & emails, that they didn't have the manpower to speak to every one. He told my husband the information was given to the investigators & detectives. He said the tip would be looked into, but not to expect a phone call back because it is an ongoing investigation & they would call only if they needed any follow up information.

I dont have any connections that I know of! He asked how I knew of CWG. IDK. Maybe he was investigating me and I didnt know it! I do move around alot. I colored my hair (i am over 30:) ). I have scratches on my arms (my dog). I sold a car recently. I am overly obsessed with this case. IDK Chee.. i guess your guess is as good as mine.
Everytime I have been in the neighborhood at that time of day, there is always a police car parked in the OPAA parking lot, directly across from the 1080 Gano house. I think they sit there to watch for speeders. From the start of this case, I've wanted to know if there was an officer there that day.

Thank you for asking this. It seems to me that someone local had said there are police officers on Gano during time school is released.

In the stuff I'd read about crossing guards they refer to the police as something but I can't remember what kind of officers they call them.

I'll go look but I'm on a different computer and don't have the resources at hand that I usually do.

ETA: Maybe it is good that I'm on different computer. I don't think I'd ever seen the site from which I quoted.

Police car in background (maybe just for photo op)

b. Residence
Crossing guards should live nearby, and be familiar with the general neighborhood and the conditions children deal with on a daily basis.
I didn't see the Gano house thing here or the landfill. Am I doing someting wrong? It's 15:28 long.

yep I see they are are coming up with the same link.. I will go get them
I would LOVE to, but I cannot get another dog now because I am disabled and cannot take care of one. I just lost two beautiful loving bulldogs in April and my heart longs for another one so bad. I have so much love to give a dog, but I don't have the energy nor the mobility it takes to take care of one the way it should be taken care of, and that is not fair to the dog. It also isn't fair to the dog to get one which I probably won't outlive. My previous dogs kept me fighting through cancer so I wouldn't leave them without me to care for them and for that I am grateful. Don't know if I have the cancer beaten yet or not - it hasn't been 5 years yet, but at last checkup was still gone.

Have you ever thought of a cat? There's so many of them that always need homes. A cat doesn't have to be kept indoors all the time even though they usually have a longer lifespan if they are. They'll go to the door and meow to go out and potty, don't eat much, and don't have to be bathed. They can be neutered so they won't have kittens. They can stay all night indoors without having an accident and are lots of company. I love cats and had a big old male cat who spend lots of time outdoors for eight years, but now my husband has health trouble and won't let us get another cat due to breathing problems.
New1, have you considered getting an older dog from the pound? One that was turned in because the owner couldn't care for it anymore? They are the most loving & loyal dogs - it's as if they know you gave them a second chance at life & they are forever grateful! A dog would give you the will power to keep on keepin' on - KWIM? There are hundreds of dogs on death row, just waiting for someone to rescue them and give them a second chance. I wish I could take every single one of them. And I wish I could take your cancer away... I will keep you in my prayers for a clean bill of health. :praying:

Thank you. I too would rescue every dog if I could. It is not only the cancer, it is the disability that I've had for most of my life even before the cancer, so I would not even be physically able to take a dog to the vet if I had one and that would be neglect on my part....just can't do it. I am thankful that I had my two wonderful bulldogs during the worst part of my sickness so far; I was away from them for 9 days, but I hired a sitter for them (I was working then), and when I got back home from the hospital after my surgery one or both of them lay by my beside faithfully. Two months after they died, I had a heart attack and have been weaker since then...that's why I spend so much time on this darn computer...LOL. God is good to me though, and I channel some of my love to my "granddogs". Ha ha. Thanks for caring.
here is the correct link


In this press conf on the 2nd questioned (4:55 into the video ) asked about the vacant house it sounds like mary justino was going to say proximity of the crime scene.. but only the cr ... then changed it[/QUOTE]
sometimes I wonder if they did find the body way bofore we knew ? I seems they had already checked all the dumpsters and most of the neigborhood garbage in the first few days. I think Justino spoke on thrusday? If they found the body wednesday how did they get done so fast without the public knowing they were even doing it. I think news crews or someone would have seen them checking. They where checking the trashes on tuesday I thought.... someone help me out here
IMO, they found the body when they said they did. I don't think they would have continued to devote the vast amount of resources to searching the neighborhood if they had found the body earlier. We also don't know if her body was found in trash from the neighborhood or not. I personally don't think she was in a dumpster in the immediate neighborhood or the dogs would have picked up her scent. JMO.
I haven't posted very much in the past few days. Mainly because I've been busy with my own life, but also because I have been trying to make sense of the so-called "information" that has been brought this way by what seems to be an "amused" bird of some sort. Parrots come to mind - as they are birds that are easily "amused" and eager to mimic the sounds they hear, in return for a special treat. I have been happy to have had a parrot in my household in recent years, and can attest to their endearing behavior. Nevertheless, no matter how adorable the parrot, they are only capable of repeating what they hear & what they are told.

I always extend a heartfelt welcome to any & all birds (especially the wild ones) that alight upon my windowsill. I love birds, and all winged creatures. They have the ability to transcend beyond the gravity that holds me earth-bound, and I am in awe of them.

But I have learned that gravity is not necessarily a bad thing, if it keeps one grounded and steady on one's feet.
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