FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #28

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List of FACTS in Somer's case: Version VIII

Credit for compiling goes to: SharetheLight, Cajun Girl, CCane, Dee10, Doggies, Isabella, MammaD and Many Other Fabulous WSers.

I'm trying to remember to add names here as people give information. If you know that I've updated this because of something you've provided, let me know, and I'll add your name. I still don't have a good system for updating this, even after 8 versions.

These are facts as reported by media and/or from the MPR. Tried to put links to source where available.

Somer Thompson was 7 years old when she disappeared on October 19, 2009.
Somer was wearing a cranberry jump suit (sweat suit) with a matching top to the bottom and pink satin stripes down the sides of arms and legs, and a black shirt underneath.
Somer's birthday is April 5, 2002.
Somer was not in the habit of wandering off, according to her mom in video (on left, scroll down in video list) Diena Thompson Addresses The Media.
Somer routinelyhttp://jacksonville.com/news/metro/2...girl_somer_ren wandered around and nobody knew where she was, according to a babysitter.
Somer wore a red ribbon in her ponytail on October 19.
AB (neighbor) drove Somer to school on October 19 and said it was a normal morning and Somer was her usual self.
Somer went to school (GPE) and left school at regular time (2:32 p.m.).
Somer was walking home with a group of kids that included sister AT and brother AT.
Something happened on the walk home and Somer ran ahead to walk alone.
An AMBER Alert was issued on Tuesday morning. It does not mention the book bag or lunchbox, but mentions her possibly wearing white hat and scarf. JPG of AMBER Alert
Somer lived with her mom Diena Thompson, her twin brother ST, her older sister AT. (Unsure whether half-brother AC lived with them)
Somer's body was found at Chesser Island Landfill in Folkston, GA. She was tentatively identified by her clothing and a birthmark.
Somer's lunchbox and book bag (see sketches as released by LE and shown on AMW) have not been found. Details first reported on AMW November 7. (Previous reports had not mentioned description of lunchbox; backpack/book bag was described several ways, now believed to be in error, including but not limited to "black book bag," "pink black and white backpack with skulls, hearts, and crossbones" and "Hannah Montana backpack.")

Diena and Samuel Thompson are estranged and in the process of divorcing.
Diena has a live-in boyfriend (CPC, who goes by P).
Diena said she had lunch at her home on October 19 with SAP, a family friend.
Diena asked SAP to wait until the kids got home from school. (from narrative MPR, but what was he to do after that?)
Dena texts SAP around 4 p.m., asking how the kids were; SAP replied that Somer had not come home with the other kids.
Diena leaves work early to search for Somer.
Diena felt something was wrong this time, and this is why she responded quickly to news of Somer not making it home that day.
Diena calls her boyfriend, CPC aka P, at about 4:20 p.m., tells him Somer didn’t come home, and asks him to leave work to help search for her.
Diena stops at OPAA to pick up oldest son AC.
Diena flags down D/S A. Coan at the corner of Floyd Circle West and Gano, and reports Somer missing.

Samuel lives in North Carolina and has not seen Somer in 2 years.
Samuel came to FL on the Sunday after Somer's disappearance.
Samuel says soot was found on Somer’s body in NG interview). (Later, he recants that statement through relative on WS because the source of this information, his sister LH, is thought to be unreliable.)

SAP is a close family friend of family.
SAP is said to have had lunch with Diena at her house on October 19 (in the MPR, he does not state this himself but Diena does).
SAP is asked to wait at house until kids come home from school. (from MPR narrative; not sure what he was to do after they came home)..
SAP had not been asked to do this before. This was his first time.
SAP asks where Somer is when AT and ST arrived around 3:10 p.m.
SAP sent AT to look for Somer. When she returned about 15 minutes later without her, SAP told her to look again real good before he called Diena.
SAP gets text from Diena around 4 p.m. asking how the kids were doing; he texts back that Somer did not come home with the other kids and AT is out looking for her.Diena says she will leave work and come look for Somer.
SAP changed details on his indigo healing website (e.g., specializing in helping indigo adults and children, removed his photo) sometime between October 19 and October 21, 2009. As noted by Cajun Girl and her sleuthing.
SAP opened bank account for donations to Somer’s family, and the account is in his name.

CPC is Diena's live-in boyfriend.
CPC gets call about 4:20 p.m. from Diena who tells him Somer didn’t come home; Diena asks him to leave work to help search for her.
CPC leaves work and drives to the Horton Drive home; arrives at about 5 p.m.
CPC picks up ST (twin) at the house about 5 p.m. and goes to search for Somer.

This house caught fire months ago and is being restored.
Work crews have been at that house.
[VD&B is the contractor working on the house.
Kyle, who works with the contractor, was there on October 19, and said that Somer came in the yard, told him that he/they were doing a good job on the house, and went back the way she came. (Thanks, MammaD!)
Kyle is the last person known to see Somer alive.
There are propane tanks surrounded by a fence about a block the house (toward school).
J., a minor, was riding his bike home when he saw Somer running around near the tanks and that she he thought she was excited but had a frown on her face.
OPAA is a park and sporting fields across the street from the house.
LE searched the house extensively on Thursday and Friday.
The Gano House was proclaimed a crime scene, as was the search area.

LE searched the Gano Avenue house extensively and the men's room at OPAA briefly and came out with a bag.
An autopsy was performed, and LE knows the cause of death, but that have not released that information.
Sheriff reports only one person cleared in the investigation into Somer’s death and that is him.

Investigators made the request / recommendation that Somer's casket be closed.

AB drove Somer to school on October 19.
AB appeared on TVwith Sheriff Beseler. Don't want video to appear in this post: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/33427923#33427923"]msnbc.com.

A female neighbor who asked that her name not be reported, upon hearing of Somer’s disappearance, tells LE to check the vacant house on Gano Avenue and its dumpster. After Somer is found in the landfill, she said she wishes she would have checked it herself.

A (different?) female neighbor, when questioned about the trash pick-up day, made a comment that the trash had already been collected that day so to take that however you want to. A WSer posted that it was the woman who drove Somer to school; that would have been AB. I wasn't sure which video it is at the link provided in the post.

Houses in the vicinity of the Gano house were searched on Tuesday, October 20. The search literally hit home for schools Superintendent Ben Wortham, who lives about 100 yards from the Gano Drive spot where Somer was last seen. About 2 a.m. Tuesday, his house and many others in the vicinity were “searched from top to bottom,” Wortham said.

Bruce Owens, an officer suggests to the sheriff that all trash trucks should be followed and searched so they can isolate the trash coming out of this area, the trash trucks are then followed. (Later reported that Joe Jett gets credit for this.)
Somer was found dead on October 21 in the Chesser Island Landfill in Fokston, Georgia.
LE followed the trucks to the Chesser Island Landfill.

There is at least one video of an interview with Diena that is blacked out-significant portion of interview is missing at the point where DT is recalling something from the day. (Could this just be because it was raw video and they edited out camera man movement?)

There are 161 RSOs that live within 5 miles of Somer’s home.
CWG’s name and contact info appears on the initial police report (in error as a case of mistaken identity) detailing her disappearance, along with the names of family, neighbors, and others.
The owner of VD&B has a brother who is an RSO. His name is GCV.
Since Somer disappeared many RSO’s have been arrested for failing to update their addresses.

What was thought to be an attempted abduction 10 days before Somer's disappearance turned out not to be an attempted abduction and was not related to Somer's disappearance according to LE. Even after LE said there was no connection, reports on blue Nissans poured in to the CCSO.

A police report in the Clay County Daily indicated that 4 burglary suspects were arrested at the Thompson home. LE later said that the address was in error and gave this explanation: An officer who was at the Thompson home was called to an unrelated burglary call and made the arrest of 4 individuals but when he filed his report, he forgot to change the address. If you check the Clay County Daily for 11/21, you will find the correct information now.

CWG's name on the MPR was a result of mistaken identity according to LE.


We all know what you meant, but her twin brother was ST instead of AT. Not being nit picky. Good job on this list of facts as we know them.
I have watched video after video, read article after article, and I understand when Justino said they had contacted all the RSO's, including the five that were absconded, and that part of the investigation was over unless more information was brought forward to revisit them. I keep hearing that the RSO's are "cleared". To me, this doesnt mean they are cleared, just that they were investigated initially, their homes were searched, and their families contacted. This was initial search to find somer, right? I keep going back to "false alibis".

Also, an update on merita truck guy. RUMOR: I heard his house and vehicle were part of the initial search in the neighborhood. This would make sense that the phone calls to him were a follow-up and not the initial contact. So there wasnt any "element of surprise" missing.
RSO REA Who lives right where the short cut comes out was cited for tag light on a dump truck.
REA??? I don't see him on Noway's list. I do see an AER. LOL

Do you have a link to this REA guy, maybe from FDLE? TIA
I've often wondered about the 4 armed burglars that were in the neighborhhood that day. Were they gang members? Did Somer see something, or come across them after she left the Gano House? Did they have a car hidden in the neighborhood somewhere, or another person who drove them? Did they take Somer to create chaos, in order to rob people? Could it have been a gang initiation? I noticed the gang tag(s) on the utility box before Fromhart street. I tried to see if any of the 4 arrested had scratches....

JMO about the digging at night in the Gano yard....if I lived in that neighborhood, I would be grateful that my child didn't have to pass by while they were digging.
Remember the RSO last name S*****, sounds like tires..that IIRC was absconded and we never found? I cant find the rest of his name.. was he outside the radius?
Oh yeah HIM :sick:
It doesn't show that he owns a dump truck on FDLE.

I see you added another link. So the info must be in the comment section...going to read them now.

not in comments.. hold a sec

Sorry Chic.. just put that link to show where he lives. Next post shows link.
I've often wondered about the 4 armed burglars that were in the neighborhhood that day. Were they gang members? Did Somer see something, or come across them after she left the Gano House? Did they have a car hidden in the neighborhood somewhere, or another person who drove them? Did they take Somer to create chaos, in order to rob people? Could it have been a gang initiation? I noticed the gang tag(s) on the utility box before Fromhart street. I tried to see if any of the 4 arrested had scratches....

JMO about the digging at night in the Gano yard....if I lived in that neighborhood, I would be grateful that my child didn't have to pass by while they were digging.

Gang tags? Can u elaborate? I will check it out when I go, take a pic.
Ok so this REA guy. It says Date Filed:11/04/2009, but looks like it happened back in 2006. His FDLE file doesn't say he owns a dump truck, but does say he owns a pick up truck and 3 other vehicles. If he works using a dump truck, wouldn't his employer get the ticket, not him? What in the world does this guy do for work???
Unfortunately, the one driving gets the tick-ee. Also unfortunately, I know this from experience. :(
Ok so this REA guy. It says Date Filed:11/04/2009, but looks like it happened back in 2006. His FDLE file doesn't say he owns a dump truck, but does say he owns a pick up truck and 3 other vehicles. If he works using a dump truck, wouldn't his employer get the ticket, not him? What in the world does this guy do for work???

2006? I see 10/28/09. Something about dump truck being exempt is 2006?
I would like to know what he does for work too.
Oops! Sorry, you are right!

316.221(2) No tag light-dump trucks EXEMPT eff. 10/1/06 Citation:0904-RHG Statute: 316.221(2) Level: Infraction Date:10/28/2009
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