FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #3

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I can only magine how horrible it would be to be suspected of such a terrible act when you lived with and cared for the child AND were completely innocent. If that is the case, prayers for Mr. Patton to be strong and endure.

Yes, it would be an awful thing to be accused of the murder of a beautiful little child if you indeed did not do it. Surely he has already taken a polygraph by now. If not, he needs to request one immediately.

I don't think the mom is being taken to ID the body. The report was LE was questioning her....they need dental records, any recent injuries, etc. Now that it has changed from a missing child to a deceased child, they need different info. Sad, sad, sad.
Yesterday I saw a grandmother who was in deep agonizing pain. This morning I saw a mother who was in deep agonizing pain. Her twin brother will feel as if half of himself is gone. The older sister will forever agonize over the fact that she could have prevented this by running after Somer. We have a Dad who is suffering as well.

I truly hope this boyfriend has taken a polygraphby now. I suspect he has. It is either him, an RSO, or an RSO that hasn't been caught yet. LE cannot slow down. The murder and evidence is fresh now, and this murderer will be known and prosecuted.

I declare open season on all RSO's, RO's, and murderers of babies and children. We mothers and grandmothers have to do something. The laws are not strong enough snd the judges are not tough enough.

I honestly do not think LE will let Somers' mother identify her. That is just not done. I would not think that Diena or the grandmother will be able to see Somer until after the autopsy and she is cleaned up. I do not blame her if she wanted to go to the scene, but she is more likely going to the LE station with her pastor.

Where is this boyfriend? I saw his website yesterday. Did he attend the vigil with Diena last night? If no one has seen him and he did not come out with Diena for a moment last night, then he is at the top of my list.

Sorry for such a long post. I do not post a lot lately.

May God Bless and keep this mother, Dad, grandmother, and Somers' brother and sister. May HE hold them in the palm of His hand and give them the strength they need to get through. :rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose:

I am with you on this...sorry if this has been asked, does anyone know how long he has been with the mother? or when he moved in.?
LE would be crazy not to look at the live in bf. All to often, these cases DO end up with the bf involved. Too, too many..
I'm sorry, I don't think the family should be scrutinized here. This is a case in my opinion where a SO is responsible.

The family is truly suffering and I for one will not speculate the family is involved in this one.

Is there anyone that can post pics from the mom's myspace page? Or is that allowed? Also, what was it about her page and something odd about children?
It's the landfill that recieves trash from where she was last seen. The looks on LE's faces says it all. While they cannot make a positive ID yet, they are pretty sure it is her. Poor little girl.
So very, very tragic...so many little ones losing their precious little lives to evil monsters. Evil has been around forever & only seems to be getting worse. How do we fight it? What is the solution? We know for a fact you can't reform these sick monsters - execute them once they've been convicted of child molestation. One strike - you're out! PERIOD!!! Maybe those who haven't been caught yet will stop and think before they act on their sick, disgusting impulses. Absolutely disgusting!!!!!!!!
My heart goes out to her family. I am so so sorry someone has done this to another of our children.
I am with you on this...sorry if this has been asked, does anyone know how long he has been with the mother? or when he moved in.?

Not a clue, but the pics of the two of them at what is obviously a Halloween party we know have to be at least a year old now.

I don't think they can clean her up for viewing until after her autopsy. There's too much risk for destrying or altering evidence. I want to say I hope she doesn't go to the landfill, but if it was my child, I'm not sure I could stay away- no matter what condition they were in. I would just want to be there with them from the place of discovery to the coroner.

I follow recent MP cases, but don't usually post, but I just want to say I'm so sad for little Somer, so sad for her loved ones, and sad that Winston Churchill was right.

I saw the website change today, but was it confirmed this SP is the same SP that is with Somer's mother.

The Sean Patton that is a friend of the mom's on FB is also a friend of this woman Adele: http://www.lightworkerspath.com/Lightworkers_Path_Seminars.html

Search for SP's name on that webpage and you'll see the info about a Quantum Touch Healing Seminar that he is teaching.

From his indigo website:

This led me to search for other ways to heal my body. So I asked for help, and it came. This is how I was led to Quantum Touch , Reiki, and other healing modalities to heal the body, mind, and spirit.

Also, if you compared the photo of SP on the indigo website (poofed today) to the pictures of the mom and him on one of her friends' MS photo pages, they look very much the same.
Is there anyone that can post pics from the mom's myspace page? Or is that allowed? Also, what was it about her page and something odd about children?

Nobody wants them on here.
Let's start looking at RSO's in the area who match Tuba's description.
Back to HLN....

Positive ID expected tonight or tomorrow AM.

Tiffany (reporter) says this changes the search effort into a criminal investigation. They are looking for a suspect. Nothing LE can release at this time.

TM says this is confusing for parents in today's world. There is a fine line between cautious and paranoid. Unfortunately, when one of these predators wants one of our children, they get them.

i think this is a very good point...there is a fine line and it's very hard to differentiate between the two. i know it is for me. i catch myself sometimes talking to my daughter like she understands these things as i do, but she doesn't. it's sad to have to explain these kinds of things, you want them to be aware because you know the dangers and hope that explaining them will help.

but what it boils down to is he's right...if they want them, they get them.
Ohhhhh Nooooo! MY heart is broken. I prayed that she would be found alive but it sounds like this discovery is Somer. My sincerest prayers for her family. What a tragic loss.
I don't think that the bf would have had time to do anything, unless, he sent the other kids out to look for Somer as a rouse to buy time. I just think his behavor is strange with the website (adding adult, taking his pic off) and I am not saying that indigo children are pediophiles at all and I hope I didnt offend, but my family used to be friends with a man for many many years and he ended up being a pediophile. Well he had websites and other interests like plays and video production that was a way to lure young children to take pics of them. He could be using the indigo children thing for this purpose.

I'm just saying that his website could have been a rouse to attract children and animals to make him look friendly and harmless to children and parents.

I too hope that they give him a poly that's all. because no one should be ruled out.
Did the children walk home everyday by themselves? Is Sean Patton in a wheel chair or is he infirm? He made the other children go look for her, so I assume he must be bedridden. Maybe he has a broken leg or a sprained ankle?

Some reports state he & the children went looking for her, though it makes perfect sense to me that someone should stay near the home incase she returned.
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